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Mantreswara's Phala Deepika

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:11 pm
by StarLore

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:55 am
by StarLore
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Description of characteristic
Jeatures of signs and houses Parts of the body of Kalapurusha, Abdoes of
signs -- Lords of the signs -- Moolatrtkona signs, exaltation and debilitation points,
own signs of planets- Biped, centiped, watery and quadruped, Shlrshodaya
-Nocturnal and diurnal signs - Moveable, fixed and common signs -- Dwara, Bahis
and Oarbha signs - Dhatu, Mula and Jeeva signs -- Krura, Saumya, odd. even,
male, female signs - Twelve houses and subjects with which they are concerned. 1-

Chapter 2: Characteristic features of the planets and the matters
Jailing under their Jurisdiction Subjects to be determined from the Sun and
other planets-temperament, form, colour, dress, appearance, etc., of the planets,
places belonging to the planets Gunas, Satwa, Rajas and Tamas of planets
-relations signified by them-Grains, gems and substances ruled by the planets-Ages
indicated by the planets. 12-27

Chapter 3: Divisions of a sign
Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Panchamsa, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dasmainsa,
Dwadasauisa, Shodasamsa and Shastyamsa -- Saptavargas consisting of vargas
after omitting Dasmamsa, Shastyamsa and Shodasamsa -- Shadvargas - Matters to
be considered from various vargas and their significance -- meaning and
significance of Vargottama -Parljatamsa, Uttamamsa, Gopuramsa, Slmhasanamsa,
Parvatamsa, Devalokamsa, Alravatamsa and Suralokamsa -- Awasthas of planets -
Pradeepta, Sukhita, Swastha, Mudita, Shanta, Shakta; Vlkala, Nlpldlta, Khala and
Atibhjeeta -- Effects of Planets In various conditions. 28-36

Chapter 4: The strength of planets and houses
Kalaja, Chesta, Uchchaja - Dik -Ayan -Sthana. The method of working out
Chandra krlyas, Chandra Awastha and Chandra Vela -Effects of 60 Chandra krlyas,
12 Chandra Awasthas and 36 Chandravelas -- Tables for guidance. 37-56
Chapter 5: Source of livelihood
The indication of the sources of livelihood or profession by the Sun and
other planets. 56-60

Chapter 6: Yogas
Panchamahapurusha yogas viz., Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hansa, Malavya and
Sasa. — Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara -Kemadruma - Papavasl and Papakartarl
- Amala - Mahabhagya » Kesari - Sakata - Adhama, Satna and Varlshta -- Vasumatl
— Pushkala -- Shubhamala and Ashubhamala -- Lakshml -- Gouri -- Saraswatl --
Srikanta - Srinatha -- Varunchi — Parivartana, Kahala — Raja yoga — Sankhya
yogas viz. Veena, Dama, Pasa, Kedara, Sula, Yoga, and Gola — Adhiyoga --
Chamar, Dhenu, Saurya, Jaladhi. Chhatra, Astra, Kama, Asura, Bhagya, Khyatl,
Partjata and Musala yogas -- Avayoga, Nisswayoga. Mriti yoga, Kuhu yoga, Sarla
yoga, Nlrbhagya yoga, Duryoga, Dartdrayoga and Vimala yoga. 61-89

Chapter 7: Raja yogas
Description of various planetary combinations. 90-100
Chapter 8: Effect of the Sun and other planets In the twelve houses.

Chapter 9: Effect of different Ascendants
Effects of planets posited in exaltation, own, friend's, Inimical and debilitation 117-

Chapter 10: Matters relating to the 7th house
Planetary dispositions for loss of wife,. issuelessness, possessing a chaste,
fortunate and beautiful wife, a crippled wife, liasion with other people's wives,
wlfelessness, having two wives, time of marriage. 123-127

Chapter 11: Female Horoscopy
Peculiarities of female's horoscope -- planetary combination for a good
husband and sons, masculine featured and sons, masculine featured and
uncontrollable woman — planetary combination for widowhood, diseased womb,
lack of chastity, becoming a prostitute, being chaste, happiness - Effects of
Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon at birth-untoward effects of the birth, a female in
certain Nakshatras — Circumstances favourable for conception. 128-134

Chapter 12: Birth of children (the 5th house)
Planetary combinations for acquisition of children issuelessness, loss of
children, limited progeny, having a child late In life, having a son from the second
wife, extinction of family, having a son by adoption, male and female children,
number of Issues and having children with great efforts -- Inauspicious Tithis for
births and their adverse effects and remedial measures for the same -- Method for
finding out the Dasa and Antardasa — Effects of transit of planets on the birth of
children. 135-145

Chapter 13: Determination of longevity Essentials at the time of birth
Early death due to own signs or those of father and mother and remedial
measures Balarishta, yogarishta, Alpayus (short life), Madhyamayus,
circumstances In which father or mother or both will die after the birth of a child --
Evil yogas viz. Dinamrityu, Dinaroga or Vlshaghatlka, death soon after birth --
fateful degrees of the Moon which cause early death. The decanate Rasls of the
Lagna and the Moon, Navamsa Rasls of the lord of the Lagna and lord of the sign
occupied by the Moon and the Dwadasamsa Rasls of the lord of Lagna and the lord
of 8th house -- Planetary combinations of long, medium and short life -- Evil
effects by a strong Jupiter posited In the Lagna, happy long life If Jupiter and lord
of the Lagna are posited In Kendra. 146-156

Chapter 14: Diseases, death and past and future births
Description of diseases by the various planets - Planetary combinations for
occurrence of different kinds of diseases - Manner In which a person meets with
his death -Description of planets and Rasis and the diseases caused by them.
Planetary combinations for happy and troublesome deaths and going to heaven or
hell -- Planets which give information about past and future births. 157-166

Chapter 15: Assessment of houses
Circumstances in which the various houses are strong and when they are
weak -circumstances causing total destruction of a house-Description of planets
causing destruction of the house during their Dasa period -- Good effects of lord of
the Lagna occupying a house even if he be a malefic -- Effect on the house when a
planet owns two houses -- Effect of a planet in Bhava -- Sandhi -- Description of
subjects falling under the Jurisdiction of the various planets -- Karakas -- a method
of judging each house -- Circumstances under which the planets are Interconnected.

Chapter 16: General effects of the twelve houses
The planets effecting the appearance of the native and his body and limbs --
Effects of the good and had disposition of the lords of the Lagna and other houses
-- Effects of the lord of Lagna being stronger than the lord of the 6th house -- Time
when the good and bad effects of a house will be realised. 178-188

Chapter 17: Exit from the world
Destruction of a house during transit of Saturn through certain positions -
Occurence of death during the transit of Saturn through certain positions -
Occurence of death during transit of Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon In certain
positions - The time of death of the native. 189-196

Chapter 18: Effects of conjunction of two planets
General effects of conjunction of two planets - Effects of Moon in different
signs being aspected by different planets - Effects of the Moon being in Navamsa
of different planets and being aspected by them. 197-202

Chapter 19: Dasas (major periods) of planets and their effects
The span of Dasa (Vlmshottari Dasa) of various planets — How to work and
the balance of dasa at birth? – What is a solar year? -- General effects of Dasas of
the various planets. 203-213

Chapter 20: Effects of the Dasas of the lords oj houses
Effects of the Dasa of Vargottamamsa planets -- Unfavourable effects of the
Dasa and Antar Dasa of the two planets occupying the 8th house -- Effects of the
Antar Dasa of a planet owing to the 3rd, 5th, or 7th star from the natal star in the
Dasa of a Malefic - Evil effects If the 4th Dasa is of Saturn, sixth of Jupiter and 5th
of Mars of Rahu -- Favourable effects of the Dasa of Mars if in Urdhvamukha sign
of the exaltation sign - identical with the 10th or 11th house — Unfavourable
effects of a planet if he is Inimical to the lord of the Dasa -- Quantum of effects of
a planet in his Dasa -- Effects of Antardasa of a planet passing in the course of his
transit through his house of depression or Inimical house, house of exaltation, his
own house or a friendly house -- Effects of Dasas of benefics owning kendras and
those of planets in Trtkonas — Effects of Dasas and Antar Dasas of planets
ownlng,kendras and occupying Trikonas and vice-versa -- Evil effects of Jupiter
and Venus owning kendras — Attainment of yogakarka status by Rahu and Ketu If
posited In kendra or Trlkona — Avarohlnl and Arohinl Dasas. 214-231

Chapter 21: Nature of Antar Dasas and Pratyantar Dasas
Method of calculating the spans of Antar Dasas and Pratyantar Dasas --
Effects of the Antar Dasas of the nine planets during the Dasas of the Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. 232-251

Chapter 22: Kalachakra Dasa
Method of preparing a kalachakra - Distinguishing between Apasavya and
savya chakras — Period of the seven planets reckoned from the Sun-Description of
allotment of sub-periods according to four padas of the Nakshatras -- Details of
Parama Ayus in years for the 12 Raslamsas reckoned from Aries In the Apasavya
chakra and those for the 12 Raslamsas reckoned from Scorpio In the savya chakra
-Calculation of cycles of Dasas — Utpanna, Adhana and Mahadasa — Nisarga
Dasa and its details — Amsa Dasa and its details. When the kalachakra Dasa
system has not to be followed? 252-263

Chapter 23: Ashtakavarga
Importance of Ashtakavarga -- Meaning of Ashtakavarga -Reckoning of
auspicious places in the Ashtakavargas of the seven planets and the Lagna --
Effects of nil to 8 benefic Blndus (dots) In the Ashtakavargas -• Method of
preparing prastara or Sarvashtakavarga -- Effects of benefic even in his exaltation
signs white owning a Dusthana. 264-276

Chapter 24 Effects of Ashtakavarga according to Horosara
Sodhyapinda — Method of Trlkona Shodhana -- Method of Ekadhlpatya
Shodhana -- Description of Rasl multipliers and planet multipliers. 277-288

Chapter 25: Gullka and other Upagrahas
The names of Upagrahas viz. Gullka or Mandl, Yamakantaka, Ardhaprahara,
Kala, Dhuma, Vyatipata, Parldhl, Indra Dhanus and Ketu or Upketu - Calculation
of their position and their effects. 289-294

Chapter 26: Effects of transits of various planets and constallatlons
Houses reckoned from the nine planets in which they produce good effects
In the course of transit — Description of Vedha places from the various planets
-transit effects to be reckoned from the sign occupied by the Moon - Effects of
transit of the planets through the twelve houses — Effects of transits of Nakshatras
- Saptasalaka diagram- Effects of Lattas-Preparatlon of Sarvatobhadra chakram
and Its Importance - Information extracted from Hora Ratna about Sarvatobhadra
chakram – Diagram of Samastobhadra chakram. 295-325

Chapter 27: Yogas leading to ascetlsm
Planetary combination leading to ascetlsm -- the order of ascetlsm to be
taken up as a result of the influence of the seven planets. 326-327
Chapter 28: Conclusion 328

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:57 am
by StarLore

Chapter 1

Information and characteristic features
of the Signs (Rasis) and the houses (Bhavas)

1. May the Supreme Divine Light (the Sun) who once above the horizon
remains on end in view for six months (solar) to the pole dwelling Celestials, for
half a month (Lunar) to the Moon dwelling manes and for 12 hours (entire day
time) to the earth dwelling mortals and some times changes his direction to the
north (Uttarayan) and some-times to the south (Dakshinayan), bless us with
unlimited prosperity, good luck, splendor and beatitude.

2. I, the astrologer Mantreswara, first offer my respectful obeisance to
Saraswati, the Goddess of speech and learning, to my family deity, to my
preceptors, to the nine planets (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) to Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva who bestow knowledge
of the past, present and. future, and then give here for the benefit of astrologers a
lucid version in a simple manner of the teachings of sages Atri and Parasara.
3. The first thing is to ascertain the exact time of birth of the native minutely
in Ghatikas, Vighatikas etc., on the basis of tool measurement or by the gnomonic
shadow and other apparatus. Then the positions of the planets (longitude) in Rasi
(sign), amsa (degrees), Kala (minutes), and Vikala should be worked out by actual
observation and mathematical instruments. The assessment of results should be
made thereafter by taking into account the longitudes of the various houses
(Bhavaspast) and the strength of the houses and the planets.

4. Assuming that the horoscope represents the Kalapurusha, then the parts of
the body beginning with the Ascendant (Lagna) will be as under:
First house (Lagna-Ascendant) — the head
Second house — the face
Third house — the breast
Fourth house — the heart
Fifth house — the belly
Sixth house — the waist
Seventh house — the groins
Eighth house — the private parts (Sexual organs)
Ninth house — the two thighs
Tenth house — the two knees
Eleventh house — the two calves
Twelfth house — the two feet
The end portions of the signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are known as Rasi-
Sandhisj. There are other learneds who apply this term to the end portions of all
Notes — The house which is occupied or aspected by benefits or whose lord
is bestowed with strength, the part of the body represented by that house will be
strong and well built. If the lord of a house be weak or be occupied or otherwise
afflicted by a malefic, the corresponding part of the body will be weak or diseased.

5. The dwelling of the twelve signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are — (1) forest
(2) agricultural land with water (3) bedroom (4) chasm with water (5) mountain (6)
land with water and food crops (7) house of a Vaishya (8) cavity or a hole (9)
residence of the king (10) watery forests (11) the spot frequented or used by potters
and (12) water, in that order.
Notes — Generally this information proves useful in queries regarding theft
of articles or missing persons etc.

6. The lords of the twelve signs are as under:
Aries – Mars Libra - Venus
Taurus – Venus Scorpio - Mars
Gemini - Mercury Sagittarius - Jupiter
Cancer - The Moon Capricorn - Saturn
Leo - The Sun Aquarius - Saturn
Virgo - Mercury Pisces - Jupiter
The signs of exaltation and fall of the seven planets from the Sun onwards
are as under —
Planet Sign of exaltation Sign of fall
The Sun Aries Libra
The Moon Taurus Scorpio
Mars Capricorn Cancer
Mercury Virgo Pisces
Jupiter Cancer Capricorn
Venus Pisces Virgo
Saturn Libra Aries
This means that the seventh or the opposite sign from the sign of exaltation
of a planet, is the sign of fall or debilitation.
Notes— There is great difference of opinion amongst the ancient learneds
about the exaltation and debilitation signs of Rahu and Ketu. Mantreswara has
expressed no opinion in that regard. According to Sarvarth Chintamani the
exaltation sign of Rahu is Gemini and his sign of debilitation is Sagittarius.
Reverse is the case with Ketu. According to Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Taurus
and Scorpio are respectively the exaltation signs of Rahu and Ketu and the signs
opposite to them are their signs of debilitation.
The highest points of exaltation and the lowest points of debilitation of the
various planets are as under:
Planet Highest points of exaltation
(Deep exaltation)
Lowest point of debilitation
(Deep fall)
The Sun Aries 10th degree Libra 10th degree
The Moon Taurus 3rd degree Scorpio 3rd degree
Mars Capricorn 28th degree Cancer 28th degree
Mercury Virgo 15th degree Pisces 15th degree
Jupiter Cancer 5th degree Capricorn 5th degree
Venus Pisces 27th degree Virgo 27th degree
Saturn Libra 20th degree Aries 20th degree
Notes — For example Jupiter at the 5th degree of Cancer will be in deep
exaltation. Then he moves downwards from that point and gets into deep debilition
when he reaches 5th degree of Capricorn.

7. The Moolatrikona signs of the planets the Sun onward are Leo, Taurus,
Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius respectively. Below are given the
portions of the own sign and Moolatrikona from the Sun onwards :—
Planet Sign Moola trikona portion Own sign portion
The Sun Leo 0° - 20° 21° - 30°
The Moon Taurus 4° - 30° -
Mars Aries 0° - 2° 13° - 30°
Mercury Virgo 16° - 20° 21° - 30°
Jupiter Sagittarius 0° - 10° 11° - 30°
Venus Libra 0° - 5° 6° - 30°
Saturn Aquarius 0° - 20° 21° - 30°
The various signs have been classified as biped or human signs, reptile or
(Keeta) or centipeds, watery or quadruped (Chatuspada) as detailed below :
Human Quadruped Centiped Watery
Gemini Aries Scorpio Cancer
Virgo Taurus Capricorn
(later half)
Libra Pisces
(first half)
(later half)
Aquarius Capricorn
(first half)

8. The signs which rise with their back (Prishtodaya) are Taurus. Cancer,
Aries and Capricorn. The signs which rise both from their back and front
(Ubhayodaya) are Gemini and Pisces. The rest appear with their heads are called
Sirsodaya signs.
The Prishtodaya signs Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aries and Capricorn and
the Ubhayodaya sign Gemini fall under the jurisdiction of the Moon and are
termed as nocturnal (strong at night). The other signs are governed by the Sun and
are known as diurnal signs (strong during day time).
Count from the sign last passed by the Sun. The first sign is called Urdhawa
(bending upwards) the second sign is known as Adah (beneath), the third sign is
termed Sama (even) and the fourth sign is known as Vakra (Crooked). The same
order applies for the other eight signs.
Notes — For example the Sun has last passed Virgo. Then the signs from
Virgo to Leo will be in this order - Kanya - Urdhava, Adah, Even, Vakra, Urdhava,
Adah, Even, Vakra, Urdhava, Adah, Even.

9. The following are some farther classifications and indications of the
twelve signs —
Aries Moveable Entrance Mineral Fierce Odd East
(Chara) (Dwara) (Dhatu) (Krura) (Vlshama)
Taurus Fixed Outside Vegetable Auspicious Even South
(Sthlra) (Bahih) (Mula) (Saumya) (Sama)
Gemini Dual Inside Animal Fierce Odd West
(Ubhaya) (Garbha) (Jeeva)
Cancer Moveable En trance Mineral Auspicious Even North
Leo Fixed Outside Vegetable Fierce Odd East
Virgo Dual Inside Animal Auspicious Even South
Libra Moveable Entrance Mineral Fierce Odd West
Scorpio Fixed Outside Vegetable Auspicious Even North
Sagittarius Dual Inside Animal Fierce Odd East
Capricorn Moveable Entrance Mineral Auspicious Even South
Aquarius Fixed Outside Vegetable Fierce Odd West
Pisces Dual Inside Animal Auspicious Even North
The six houses from the 7th represent the left side limbs of the Kalapurusha,
while the other six houses i.e. those reckoned from the Ascendant represent right
side limbs.

10. [In a birth chart there are twelve house. Each house has been given
several names indicating the various subjects it deals with.]
The names by which the first house or the Ascendant is known are Lagna,
Hora, Kalya, Deha, Udaya, Rupa, Seersha, Vartmana (present) and Janma.
The second house deals with Vitta (wealth), Vidya (learning). Swa,
Annapana (riches, food and drinks), Bhukti (eating), the right eye, face (Asya),
letter or document (Patrika), Speech (Vak) and Kutumba (family) and thus adopts
these appellations.

11.-12. — The names given (or the subjects allotted) to third house are
Duschikya, Uras (breast), the right ear, army valour, prowess and brother.
The subjects or designations for the fourth house are house, land, maternal
uncle, a sister's son, a relation, a friend, conveyance, mother, kingdom, cow,
buffalo, perfume, clothes, ornaments, the nadir, hibuka, sukha (happiness), water,
bridge and river.
The fifth house deals with (and has designations accordingly) the mark of
the sovereign, taxes, soul, intelligence, knowledge of the future, life, progeny,
belly, Vedic knowledge and other religious scriptures.

13. — The sixth house deals with debts, arms, thieves, wounds, diseases,
enemies, paternal relations, battle, wicked acts, sins, fear and humilialtion.
The subjects dealt with by the seventh house are desire, passion, setting,
sexual desire, a way, people, husband road and wife.

14. — For the eighth house subjects allotted are Mangalya (the living of the
husband during the life time of the wife), Randhra, filthiness, mental pain, defeat
or humiliation, longevity, sorrow, blame, death, impurity impediments and slavery.
The ninth house deals with preceptor (guru), deity (devta), father,
auspiciousness, poorvabhagya (previous luck), worship, penance, virtuous act or
virtue, grand son, and noble family. (Some of the learneds in the North are of the
view that all about father should be examined from the 10th house, because 10th is
7th to the 4th house dealing with the father. The view of Phaladeepika seems to be
based on the logic that the 9th being 5th to 5th house (dealing with progeny)
should be the most appropriate house to be connected with father).

15. The subjects (names) designated for the 10th house are business or trade,
ranker position, honour, occupation, profession, sky or zenith, conduct, quality,
inclination, gait, command and Meshurana (to give orders).
The matters to be considered from the eleventh house are gains, income,
acquisition, receipt of wealth, accomplishment, splendor and prosperity, profits,
veneration, elder brother or sister, left ear, anything juicy, delightful news.

16. The expressions used for the twelfth house are misery, leg, left eye, loss,
spy, last rites, poverty, sins, bad expenditure and imprisonment or confinement.
Described above are the designations of the twelve houses or the subject
matters to be examined from them. The 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and 12th are known as
Leena Sthanas (hidden houses).

17. The 6th, the 8th and 12th houses are also called Dusthanas (evil houses).
The remaining houses are considered good and auspicious. The 1st, 4th, 7th and
the 10th houses are termed as Kendra, Kantaka or Chatushtaya.

18. The 2nd, the 5th, the 8th and 11th houses from the Ascendant are called
Panaphara houses. The 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th are termed as Apoklima
houses. The 4th and the 8th are also known as Chaturasra houses. The 3rd, the 6th,
the 10th and 11th are Upachaya houses. The 5th and 9th are called trines (Trikona
houses). The trines have been considered as very auspicious houses.
Thus ends the first chapter on "Definitions" in Phaladeepika composed by

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 2

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:00 am
by StarLore
Chapter 2

Information and Characteristic features of planets
Before we come to the verses of this chapter it is necessary to explain its
objects. In the previous chapter it has been described what each house stands for. It
is proposed to state in this chapter what purpose and what object each planet

If a house stands for a certain subject matter, the lord of the house will also
be considered to be concerned with it. For example, the 6th house deals with
enemies. Naturally the same subject will have to be examined from the lord of the
6th house. This is so because of his lordship of the 6th house. Here we have to
consider also the natural or inherent characteristics and functions of that planet. Let
us suppose that in ten birth charts, the Sun is lord of the ten different houses. There
is doubt that as lord of the Ascendant Sun will function in that capacity and as lord
of the 2nd. he will be concerned with wealth; but he will also, in course of its
effects, will produce results of his inherent qualities and characteristics. This is
what is intended to be explained in this chapter.

1. The Sun is the singnificator of the person's collection of copper and gold,
and of father, patience, valour, victory in war, one's soul (Atman), auspiciousness,
happiness, prowess, power, light, any work relating to Lord Shiva, travels in
forests and mountains, havans or yajnas, Inclinations for work, temple, acuteness,
enthusiasm. Wise men should act according to these significations.

2. The Moon is the signiflcator of the welfare of the mother, tranquilityof the
mind, bathing in the sea, white chamar, umbrella, good fan, fruits, flowers, tender
objects, farming grains, fame, pearls, silver, bell metal, beauty. In other words all
about the above matters should be ascertained from the Moon.

3. All about one's strength (physical and mental), products produced from
the earth, qualities of the brothers and sisters, cruelty, battle, courage, antagonism,
the fire of the kitchen, gold, kinsmen, weapons, thieves, enemies, enthusiasm,
sexual intercourse with another man's wife, falsehood, prowess, high thinking, sin,
wounds, and acquisition of the position of a commander-in-chief should be
ascertained from Mars.
In other words Mars is the signiflcator of these matters.

4. From Mercury is to be ascertained all about learning, eloquence,
proficiency in arts, praise by learned people, maternal uncle, dexterity in speech,
aptness for acquiring knowledge, expertise in ways of worship, intelligence,
religious acts relating to Lord Shiva, truthfulness, oyster, spots of recreation and
enjoyment, skill in mechanical arts, kinsmen, heir apparent, friends, sister's sons
and daughters etc.

5. Jupiter is concerned with matters relating to knowledge, noble qualities,
sons (progeny), minister, good behavior, imparting knowledge or teaching,
magnanimity, knowledge of shruties, shastras, smrities, progress in every direction,
beautitude, devotion towards gods and Brahmins, sacrifice, penance, religious
faith, treasury, mastering the senses, honour, kindness and happiness of the
Note — In a female's horoscope Jupiter should be taken as the significator of
the husband. In a male's horoscope Jupiter, among other matters, is the significator
for progeny (San tan Karaka).

6. All about one's wealth, conveyances, clothes, ornaments, treasures
(including hidden treasures), amalgam of song, dance and instrumental music,
scents, flowers, co-habitation, bed, house, richness, fondness for poetry,
Indulgence in all kinds of comforts and luxuries, ministership, soft-spokenness,
marriage and other holy deeds, celebrations, etc., should be ascertained through
Note — In a male's horoscope all about the happiness of wife and marital
happiness should be considered through Venus. Venus is the significator for wife in
such a chart.
Significator is of very great importance in assessing a birth chart. For
example on a particular case of Aquarius Ascendant, the native was of about 22
years with the Dasa of Venus in operation. Some astrologers predicted that the
marriage of the native would take place in his 24th years after the commencement
of the Dasa of the Sun lord of the 7th house. The marriage actually took place in
the Dasa of Venus.

7. The significations of Saturn are longevity, death, fear, downfall, disgrace,
sickness, unhappiness and misery, poverty, humiliation, sins, labour, filth, censure,
misfortune, impurity of mind, observance of certain formalities after death in the
family, stability, taking shelter from menials, buffaloe, drowsiness, debts, articles
of iron, service, slavery, confinement, getting arrested, agricultural implements etc.
Notes — In verses 8 to 14 we shall deal with the features and temperament
of the planets and their utility in the judgement of a birth chart. A planet in the
Ascendant of a nativity bestows his qualities and characteristics to the native. If in
a person's chart Mars is in the Ascendant, the native will have an aggressive
temperament. He will be courageous and fond of quarrels and fights. The sign in
which Mars is posited in the Ascendant will also have its influence. If a Mars with
strength is in the Ascendant, the native will fight wars with valour as a commander.
If such Mars is weak, the native is likely to pick up petty and mean type of
quarrels. If there is no planet in the Ascendant the native assumes the appearance
and characteristics of the lord of the Ascendant. The planets who aspect the
Ascendant also inject the Influence of their characteristics and temperament in the
native. If a planet in any chart becomes the cause of any disease, the nature of the
disease will be according to the temperament of that planet. For example, the Sun
will cause bilious troubles and Saturn will give windy troubles.

8. The temperament of the Sun is bilious. He has strong bones in his body.
He has scanty hair. He has a dark red form. His eyes are of reddish-brown color.
He is dressed in red colored clothes. His body is square built. He is brave and
possesses massive arms.

9. The body of the Moon is huge. She is young as well as old. She is lean
and thin and white. Her eyes are attractive and her hair is black and thin. She has
jurisdiction over blood. She is soft-spoken. She is dressed in white colored clothes
and possesses fair complexion. She is mild in temperament and has wind and
phlegm in her composition.

10. Mars has lean waist. His hair is curly and bright. There is cruelty
(fierceness) in his look. He has a cruel nature and is bilious. He is dressed in red
clothes and his body has a red hue. He is wrathful but exceedingly generous. He
looks youthful and has jurisdiction over marrow in the body.
Notes — Mars is said to be youthful in appearance. The implication of this
is if Mars is strong in the Ascendant or as lord of the Ascendant, the native will
have a youthful appearance even if he is older in age.

11. Mercury is green like Durva (a kind of grass). There is mixture of wind,
bile and phlegm in his composition. His body is full of veins. He is soft-spoken by
nature. He has a balanced built (that is, his limbs are in even proportion). He is
fond of fun and frolic. He governs the skin.

12. Jupiter has a body with a yellowish hue. His eyes and hair are brown.
His chest is firm and elevated. He has a huge body. Phlegm is predominant in his
composition. He is very intelligent. His voice is like that of a lion or the sound of a
conch. He is always after wealth (Jupiter has therefore been considered as
signiflcator of wealth).

13. Venus is dressed in clothes of various colors. He possesses curly hair. He
has a huge body with similar limbs. Phlegm and wind are predominant in his
composition. His body is of the color of Durva sprout. He has a very beautiful
appearance. He has broad eyes. He has well maintained his virile power (Venus has
jurisdiction over semen in the body).

14. Saturn is lame. His eyes are deepset. He has a large but lean body full of
veins. He is lazy by nature. The color of his body is black. There is predominance
of wind in his composition. He is hard hearted and backbiter. He is dull-headed.
His teeth and nails are large. His hair and limbs are stiff. He is impure. He has a
fierce appearance and is ill tempered by nature. He is dressed in black clothes. He
looks old.

15. The places governed by the Sun are a Shiva temple, open spaces, places
where there is light, regions where there is no water and the Eastern quarter.
The Moon has jurisdiction over the temple of Goddess Durga, places
inhabited by women, places where water, medicinal herbs, honey and wine are
available and the North-Western quarter.
The places concerned with Mars are the battle field, those where there is
fire, those inhabited by thieves and low people and the Southern quarter.
The governance of Mercury extends to places where there is a temple of
Lord Vishnu, those frequented by men of learning, those of recreation, those where
Mathematics is practiced and the Northern quarter.

16. Jupiter has jurisdiction over treasury, peepal trees, places, inhabited by
gods and Brahmins, and the North-Eastern quarter.
The places coming under the administration of Venus are abodes of
courtesans, the harem, bed rooms, dining halls, and the South-Eastern quarter.
Saturn rules over places inhabited by low class people, temple of Shasta (a
deity), those which are full of filth and the Western quarter.
The places belonging to Rahu and Ketu are the ant-hills, the dark holes of
serpents and the South-Western quarter.

17-20. A worshipper of Lord Shiva, a physician (Vaidya), a king, one who
performs yajna, a minister, tiger, deer and chako (the ruddy goose) are the
significations of the Sun.
The Moon rules over worship of Shasta (a deity) females, a washerman, a
cultivator, an animal living in water, a hare, an antelope crane, birds known as
Bagula and Chakor.
Mars has jurisdiction over a cook (in the kitchen), an armed person, a
goldsmith, a ram, a cock, a jackal, a monkey, a vulture and a thief.
Mercury is concerned with a milkman, a person of learning, an artisan, an
expert accountant, a devotee of Lord Vishnu, Garuda, a Chataka, a parrot and a cat.
An astrologer, a minister, a Brahmin, a preceptor, a sanyasi, and important
personage, a pigeon, a horse and swan belong to Jupiter.
A wealthy man, a songster, a Vaishya (businessman), a sensualist, a dancer, a
weaver, a prostitute, a peacock, a cow, a buffaloe and a parrot are represented by
Saturn has influence over a seller or buyer of oil. servant, a mean person, a
hunter, a blacksmith, an elephant, a crow and a cuckoo.
A Buddhist, a snake catcher, a donkey, a wolf, a camel, a serpent or snake,
mosquitoes, a bug, insects, an owl and a place of darkness are signified by Rahu
and Ketu.

21-22. In these verses has been described the friendship, enmity and
neutrality of the various planets to each other. This is summarized in the table
given below:
Planet Friend Neutral Enemy
Sun Moon,
Mercury Venus
Moon Sun
Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon,
Venus, Saturn Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter
Jupiter Sun, Moon,
Saturn Mercury
Venus Mercury,
Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
Saturn Mercury,
Jupiter Sun, Moon

23. Planets are mutually friendly for the time being when they occupy the
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses from one another. (This means that
planets occupying the 1st, 5th, 6th 7th, 8th, and 9th from one another are mutually
inimical). After taking into account the natural friendship and enmity, it should be
deduced whether they are friendly, very friendly, neutral, inimical and very
inimical to one another.
Note — Apart from the neutral or natural friendship and enmity amongst the
planets, account is taken of the for the time being (Tatkalik) enmity and friendship
amongst the planets as posited in a particular birth chart. The planets posited in the
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th from a particular planet are his friends for the
time being. The 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th from him become his enemies for the
time being. After taking into account the natural relationship, we come to know
what their actual relationship is in a particular birth chart. This is done in the
following manner :
1. Natural friend
(Naisargik mitra)
+ Temporary friend
(Tatkalik Mitra)
= Best friend
2. Natural friend
(Naisargik Mitra)
+ Temporary enemy
(Tatkalik Shatru
= Neutral
3. Natural enemy
+ Temporary enemy
(Tatakalik Shatru)
= Bitter enemy
4. Natural enemy
+ Temporary friend
(Tatkalik Mitra)
= Neutral
5. Natural neutral
(Naisargik Sama)
+ (Temporary Friend
(Tatkalik Mitra)
= Friend (Mitra)
6. Natural neutral
(Naisargik Sama)
+ Temporary enemy
(Tatkalik Shatru)
= Enemy
All planets cast a quarter glance at the 3rd and 10th houses, half a glance at
the 5th and 9th houses, three-quarters of a glance at the 4th and 8th houses and full
glance at the 7th house. However, the aspects of Saturn on the 3rd and 10th houses
from him, of Jupiter on the 5th and 9th houses from him and of Mars on the 4th
and 8th houses are also treated as full aspects.

24. The following table shows the periods, castes, gunas (Satwa, Rajas, and
Tamas) and the seasons governed by the various planets according to this verse.
Planet Period Caste Guna Season
Sun Half a year Kshatriya Satwik Grishma
Moon 2 Ghatikas Vaishya Satwlk Varsha
Mars One day Kshatriya Tamsik Grishma
Mercury 2 months Sudra Rajsik Sharad
Jupiter 1 month Brahmin Satwik Hemanta
Venus 15 days Brahmin Rajsik Vasanta
Saturn One year Outcaste Tamsik Shishir

25. The Sun is signiflcator of father if the birth is during the day time and
uncle if the birth is during night time. He has special influence on the right eye.
The Moon is the indicator of mother if the birth is during night time and of
maternal aunt if the birth is during day time. She has special influence on the left
Mars is the signiflcator of younger brother. Mercury signifies adopted son.
Jupiter represents elder brother.
Venus is the signiflcator of mother if the birth is during day time and of
maternal aunt if the birth takes place at night.
Saturn represents the uncle if the birth takes place during the day and of
father if the birth is during night time.

26. The Sun represents the soul and the Moon the body. Mars and the other
four planets denote the five senses. The Sun and Mars govern Teja and have
influence over eye sight. The Moon and Venus rule over the generative organs
because they govern the watery element. Mercury governs smell (nose). Jupiter
governs sound (the capacity to hear). Saturn, Rahu and Ketu govern the touch.
Rahu, Ketu and Gulik are enemies of the Sun and will cause distress to the
body and the soul.

27. The waning Moon, the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are classified
as malefic planets. Mercury if associated with them becomes malefic.
Notes — The waxing Moon and Mercury not associated with malefics will
be treated as benefic.
Mercury, Ketu and Saturn are eunuchs. The Moon, Rahu and Venus are
females. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are males. The Sun belongs to the fiery
element and his ruling deity is Rudra. The Moon belongs to the watery element and
her ruling deity is Amba (Parvati). The ruling deities of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn Rahu and Ketu are Kartika, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi and Yama.
Serpent Adhishesha and Braham respectively.
Fire, water, fire, earth, ether, water and air are the constituents respectively
of the planets from Sun to Saturn.

28. The grains ruled by various planets are as under :—
Sun - Wheat, Moon – rice, Mars - Dhal, Mercury - Green Gram, Jupiter -
Bengal gram, Venus - Cow gram, Saturn – Sesamum, Rahu - Black gram, and Ketu
- horse gram.
The countries related to the various planets are —
Sun Kalinga
Moon Yavana
Mars Avanti
Mercury Magadha
Jupiter Sindhu
Venus Keekata
Saturn Saurashtra
Rahu Ambara
Ketu Parvata

29. The gems allotted to the various planets are as under - Sun - Ruby, Moon
- Pure spotless pearl. Mars - Coral, Mercury - Emerald shaped like Garuda, Jupiter
- Yellow sapphire, Venus - Diamond, Saturn - stainless Sapphire, Rahu - Gomedha
and Ketu - Cat's eye.
Notes — The purpose of indicating the gems ruled by the various planets is
to use them for alleviating the miseries caused by their malevolence and to
accelerate their good effects. For fuller details in this regard refer to our book
"Gems and Astrology" published by Rajan Publications.

30-32. The substances assigned to the planets from the Sun to Saturn,
articles of their apparel and their tastes are as follows. The clothes will be of the
same color as belongs to the planets.
Planet Substances Colors of apparel Tastes
Sun Copper Saffron colored Pungent
Moon bell-metal White colored Saltish
Mars Copper Red Bitter
Mercury Ore Green Mixed
Jupiter Cold Yellow Sweet
Venus Silver White Sour
Saturn Iron Black (old) Astringent
The clothes of Mars are slightly burnt and those of Saturn are like a rag (old
and worn out).
Planets Side on which the
mark will be found
Sun Right side 50 years
Moon Left side 70 years
Mars Right side 16 years
Mercury Right side 20 years
Jupiter Right side 30 years
Venus Left side 7 years
Saturn Left side 100 years
Rahu is also to represent the age of 100 years.
Notes — The above information is generally useful in queries.

33. Rahu is blue colored. He has a huge body. He is of a low caste. He has
got skin disease. He is irreligious. He suffers from hic-cough.
He speaks falsehood. He is cunning, a leper devoid of Intelligence and
defames others.

34. The eyes of Ketu are reddish with a fierce look. He has a venomous
tongue. His body is elevated. He wears arms and is an outcaste. His body is of
smoky color. He is always inhaling smoke (smoking). He has a body marked with
bruises. He is lean and brutal by nature.

35. The substance assigned to Rahu is lead and his clothes are old and worn
out. An earthen pot and garments of variegated colors belong to Ketu.
Mercury, Saturn and Venus are the friends of Rahu and Ketu. Mars is neutral
to them. The rest are enemies.

36. The planets should be considered adversely disposed, if they are eclipsed
(by the rays of the Sun), debilitated (be in a sign of debilitation or Navamsa), if
they are in any enemy's house or if they occupy the 6th, 8th or the 12th house from
the Ascendant. If they occupy other places, they are said to be well disposed.
If there be a query whether the water in a reservoir (or in an irrigation
project) will increase or decrease, increase in water should be predicted if the
Moon be in the 12th 11th, 1st, 6th. 5th or the 7th house at the time of the query.
Notes — The Moon is said to be eclipsed if she is 12° away from the Sun.
Mars is eclipsed when he is 17° away from the Sun. Mercury in direct motion is
eclipsed when he is 14° away from the Sun. Retrograde Mercury is eclipsed when
he is 12° away form the Sun. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are said to be eclipsed if
they are 11°, 10° and 15° respectively away from the Sun. A retrograde Venus is
eclipsed if he is 8° away from the Sun.

37. The various kinds of trees and plants signified by the different planets
are as follows :—
Sun - Strong and tall, Moon and Venus - Creeping plants, Rahu and Ketu -
Clump of a tree or bush Mars and Saturn - Thorny trees, Jupiter - Fruit bearing
trees. Mercury - Fruitless trees.
The trees which blossom and which supply some kind of juice belong to the
Moon and Venus. The trees which are juiceless or weak come under the
jurisdiction of Saturn. Saal trees are ruled by Rahu.
Thus ends the second chapter on "Planets and their Varieties" In
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 3

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:03 am
by StarLore
Chapter 3

Divisions of a sign

1. The ten-fold division of the Zodiac is known as Dasa vargas (Vargas mean
divisions). Under the scheme of Dasavarga the various divisions are as Under :—
(1) Rasi Each Rasi 30°
(2) Hora 2 parts of a Rasi of 15° each.
(3) Drekkana 3 parts of a Rasi of 10° each.
(4) Trimsamsa 5 parts of 5°, 7° or 8° each. (All parts
are not equal)
(5) Saptamsa 7 parts of 4°-17"-8" each.
(6) Navamsa 9 parts of 3°-20 each.
(7) Dasmamsa 10 parts of 3°each.
(8) Dwadasamsa 12 parts of 2°-30' each.
(9) Shodasamsa 16 parts of l°-16'-52" each.
(10) Shastyamsa 60 parts of 30' each.
Vargottama is the name given to that particular Navamsa in a Rasi which
bears the same sign as that of Rasi itself.

2. If amongst the ten vargas only the Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa,
Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa are taken into consideration, the divisions are known
as Shad vargas. If we add Saptamsa division to them, the 7 kinds of divisions are
known as Sapta vargas.
Some learneds have taken the view that the effect emanating from Navamsa
is equal to that of Rasi and Bhava.
3. In Rasis the effect is full. In the Shodasamsa, Dasmamsa and Shastyamsa
divisions (Vargas) it is one-fourth. In the other vargas it is half. In an odd Rasi, the
planets are said to be in 'infancy, in boyhood, youth, in middle age and in very old
age (near death), according to first, second, third, fourth and last six degree
portions respectively reached by them in a sign. But in an even sign this is in the
reverse order.
Notes — In Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius there is
infancy up to 6 degrees, up to 12° boyhood, from there to 18° it is youth and up to
24° it is middle age and the last 6° comprise the very old age. It is reverse in the
case of even signs viz., Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

4. Hora is half of a Rasi. In an odd sign, the halves belong, to the Sun and
the Moon and to the Moon and the Sun when the sign is an even one.
The Drekkana or third portions of a sign belong to the lords of the sign itself,
of the 5th house and of the 9th house.
The owners of the Dwadasamas or l/12th portion of a sign are counted from
that sign.
In an odd sign the Trimsamsas or degrees, that is, l/30th portions belonging
to Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are respectively 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5. In an
even sign it is reversed. Then Venus. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars have 5, 7,
8, 5 and 5 degrees respectively.
The first Navamsa in the signs from Aries onwards begins respectively with
Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer.

5. In an odd sign in Krura Shastyamsas or inauspicious l/60th portions are
1st. 2nd, 8th, 9th. 10th, 11th. 12th. 15th, 18th, 30th, 31st. 32nd. 33rd. 34th, 35th,
39th. 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 44th. 48th, 51st. 52nd and 59th. The rest are Saumya or
auspicious ones. In the case of an even sign it is necessary, that is, the Shastyamsa
portions stated Krura in the odd signs are the Saumya ones in the even signs and
vice versa.

6. The Saptamsas or the l/7th portion are in the case of an odd sign, counted
regularly from the sign itself. In the case of an even sign, they are counted from 7th
sign onwards.
In the case of an odd sign, the Dasamamsas or 1/10th portions are counted
from the sign itself. In the case of an even sign, they are counted from the 9th
onwards. The lords of the Shodasamsas or the 1/16th portions in the case of an odd
sign are those of the 12th sign counted from that sign Brahma, Vishnu, Hora and
Ravi. In an even sign this is reversed.
If we have to assess the comparative strength of a planet, we should find out
whether he is in a kendra, trikona, in his own sign, in his moolatrikona sign, in his
sign of exaltation or is vargottama. Then we should scrutinize its portion in
Dasavarga or Saptavarga. Some make the assessment only from Dasavarga, others
assess the strength and auspiciousness of a planet from thirteen vargas.

7. The position of a planet has to be considered with reference to 13 vargas
to ascertain whether he is in his friend's house, his own house or in his house of
exaltation. The number of such vargas obtained by the planet will result in the
attainment of the following kinds of vaiseshikamsas. The combination of 2, 3. 4, 5,
6. 7, 8 and 9 vargas are respectively called Parijat, Uttama, Gopura, Simhasana,
Parvata. Devaloka, Suraloka and Airavata.
Shri V. Subrahmanya Sastri in his English Translation and Commentary of
this work has given the following example. Suppose Jupiter's position is 8-l°-25'-l"
or the 2nd Degree of Dhanus. He occupies his (1) Moolatrikona (2) Drekkana (3)
Saptamsa (4) Dasamsa (5) Dwadasamsa and (5) Shodasamsa. Thus Jupiter should
be declared to have attained a Parvatamsa.

8-9. The results of a planet attaining various Vaiseshikamsas are as follows:
Parijat amsa — Respectability, good qualities, wealth, happiness, authority
and dignity.
Uttamamsa — Modest, clever and well-behaved.
Gopuramsa — Intelligence, wealth, acquisition of lands, cows and house.
Simhasanamsa — Makes the native friend of a king or equal to him.
Paravatamsa — Acquisition of good houses, elephants, vehicles and other
princely appendages.
Devalokamsa — Kingship, renown for good qualities.
Suralokamsa — Endowment with good fortune, acquisition of wealth,
grains, and kingship and birth of children.

10. If in a nativity a planet be weak in all the 10 vargas the result will be the
death of the native. If the planets be weak in 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 out of the 10
vargas the results will be as follows: —
9 Vargas — Destruction of the native.
8 Vargas — Grief to the native.
7 Vargas — Calamity.
6 Vargas — Unhappiness.
5 Vargas — Love of kinsmen
4 Vargas — Foremost in the family
3 Vargas — Friend of a king
2 Vargas — Wealthy
1 Varga — Kingship
If a planet be strong in all the 10 Vargas, the native will be a king of kings.
A planet in infancy makes the native progressing. If he is in boyhood the
native achieves happiness. If the planet be adolescent, he endows the native with
kingship. The native suffers from ill health If the planet be in middle age. The
planet in old age causes death of the native.
Notes — This means that a planet from infancy to youth gives progressively
auspicious results and from middle age to old age the results are inauspicious.

11. If the benefic planets be endowed with strength in the Shadvargas, the
native will be wealthy and longlived. If the Ascendant falls in the Krura amsas in
the Shadvargas, the native will be shortlived, poor and of wicked disposition but if
the lord of Amsas in which the Ascendant falls, be strong, the person concerned
will become a king (a person with a high status political or administrative).
If the lord of the Navamsa of the Ascendant be strong, the native will be lull
of happiness. If the lord of the Drekkana of the Ascendant be strong, the person
concerned will achieve the status like that of a king. If the lord of the Ascendant
itself be strong, the native will become the ruler of the Earth and will enjoy good

12. If in any nativity, malefics being in odd signs fall In the Sun's Hora (first
15 degrees), the native will be cruel strong and wealthy. Opposite to this, if the
benefics being In even signs occupy the Moon's Hora (first 15 degrees), the native
will be lustrous, humble, soft-spoken, graceful and fortunate. If it be otherwise, the
results will also be of the same nature. If the dispositions be of mixed nature, the
results may be expected accordingly.
If in any nativity, the Ascendant and the Moon be both strong and the lords
of the Ascendant and the Moon's sign be also equally strong, the native will be
long-lived, happy and renowned.

13. The appearances of the Drekkanas are as under The last Drekkanas or
decanats of Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini, the first decanates of
Sagittarius and Aries and second ones of Virgo and Gemini are called Ayudha
Drekkanas or 'armed' decanates. The second decanate of Scorpio is called 'Pasa'
(noose). The first decanate of Capricorn is called 'Nigala'. The first decanates of
Leo and Aquarius and second one of Libra are vulture faced. The first decanate of
Taurus is like a 'Pakshi' (bird) and the first decanate of Cancer has a face like a pig.

14. The first decanate of Scorpio and third ones of Cancer and Pisces are
called Serpent decanates. The second decanates of Aries and Taurus, the first of
Leo and last of Scorpio are named as quadruped decanates.
The persons born when these decanates are rising will be poor, cruel and
In a dual sign, the three decanates in their order will be Adhama (bad),
Madhyama (moderate) and Uttama (good). In the case of a moveable sign, the
order is reversed, that is, the first will be Uttama and the second madhyama and the
last Adhama. In a fixed sign the order will be Adhama, Uttama and Madhyama.
The effects will be in accordance with the names of the decanates.

15. If the lord of the Lagna Drekkana be in his own varga, be associated
with a benefic or be in his sign of exaltation or friendly house; if the rising
Trimsamsa, Dwadasamsa or Hora endowed with strength be in a similar position,
the native will be gifted with all noble qualities, will be pure, clever, longlived
sympathetic and wealthy, will be blessed with children, will be widely renowned
and will enjoy royal comforts.

16. Note the Rasi of Mandi at birth and also where the lord of that Rasi is
posited. The Ascendant at birth will be in a house 5th or 9th to that of the aforesaid
lord or one triangular to the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Rasi representing
the Navamsa occupied by the Mandi. It may be triangular to the Navamsa Rasi
occupied by Gulika. But if the Moon be strong, the Ascendant should be
ascertained similarly through the Moon and not through Mandi.

17. The person concerned will be gifted with attractive appearance and good
qualities, if the Moon be in his own Drekkana or a friend's decanate. If the Moon
has attained an Uttama varga, the native will be fortunate. If she is posited
elsewhere, the native will be endowed with qualities belonging to the planet who is
the lord of the Moon's sign. Planets that are in their own Trimsamsa will do all that
has ascribed to them as Karakas.
The native will be wealthy like a king if there be at least one planet in his
own exaltation house aspected by or associated with a friendly planet.

18-19. A planet is called Pradeepta (blazing) when he is in his sign of
exaltation. He is Sukhita (happy) when he is in Moolatrikona Rasi. He is called
Swastha (healthy) when he is in his own sign. He is Mudita (delighted) in a
friendly house. He is Shanta (calm) when he has attained the varga of a benefic
planet. He is Shakta (capable) when he shines brightly (not combust by being near
the Sun). A planet is Vikala (distressed) when he is combust. He is Nlpidita
(troubled-tortured) when he is overcome in the planetary war by another planet. He
is Khala (base) when he is in the varga of a malefic. He is Sudukhit (exceedingly
unhappy), he is Atibheeta (very afraid) when he is in his sign of debilitation.

20. The planet in Pradeepta Avastha gives good effects In full. They will be
nil when he is In Vikala Avastha. In the intervening Avasthas the auspicious effects
will be decreasing proportionately and the inauspicious effects will
correspondingly increase. The Avasthas of the planet will determine the effects
according to the names given to them.
The good or bad effects in various Avasthas are approximately as given
below: —
Pradeepta — 100 per cent good. Sukhita — 80 per cent good. Swastha — 75
per cent good. Mudita — 60 per cent good. Shanto — 50 per cent good. Shakta —
40 per cent good. Nipidita—40 per cent bad. Khata—50 per cent bad. Sudukhito—
60 per cent bad. Attbheeta—75 per cent bad. Vikala—100 per cent bad.
The planets in good avasthas yield favourable effects in their Dasas and
Antardasas. The reverse is the case with planets in adverse avasthas.
Thus ends the third chapter on "Divisions of the Zodiac" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 4

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:07 am
by StarLore
Chapter 4

The various kinds of Strengths of Planets and Houses

This Chapter deals with as to how to assess the strength of the planets and
houses (bhavas). In this connection before mentioning the view of Shri
Mantreswara, it will be useful to know the views of other ancients.
Six kinds of strength of planets is an important and very instructive
contribution of Hindu Astrology. According to our sapient learneds the six kinds of
strengths are (1) Sthan Bala, (2) Drik Bala, (3) Kala Bala, (4) Chesta Bala, (5)
Naisargik Bala, and (6) Ayana Bala.
Sthan Bala — This is of the following twelve kinds:—
(1) Uchcha Bala —A planet at his deep exaltation point, is allotted 1 Rupa
(60 Shastayamsa). If he is at his deep debilitation point, his strength is nil. At the
intervening positions the strength has to be worked out by the rule of three. This is
known as Uchcha Bala.
(2) If a planet is in his Moolatrikona Rasi he gets 36 Shastayamsa of
strength. In the Rasi of Adhimitra he gets 22.5 Shastayamsa and 15 Shastayamsa if
he is in the sign of a friend. He gets 7.5 Shastayamsa in a neutral Rasi, 3.75 in the
Rasi of an enemy and 1.875 Shastayamsa in the Rasi of Adhishatru.
(3) He gets 30 Shastayamsa in his own Hora, 22.5 Shastayamsa in the Hora
of Adhimitra, 15 Shastayamsa in the Hora of a friend, 7.5 Shastayamsa in the Hora
of a neutral, 3.75 Shastayamsa in the Hora of an enemy and 1.875 Shastayamsa
only in the Hora of a Adhishatru.
(4) He gets 30 Shastayamsa strength in his own decanate, 22.5 Shastayamsa
in the decanate of an Adhimitra, 15 Shastayamsa in the decanate of a friend, 7.5
Shastayamsa in the decanate of a neutral, 3.75 Shastayamsa in the decanate of an
enemy and 1,875 Shastayamsa in the decanate of Adhishatru.
(5) He gets 30 Shastayamsa in his own Saptamsa, 22.5 in the Saptamsa of
Adhimitra, 15 in the Saptamsa of a friend, 7.5 in the Saptamsa of a neutral, 3.75 in
the Saptamsa of an enemy and 1.875 Shastayamsa in the Saptamsa of an
(6) He gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength in his own Navamsa. 22.5 in the
Navamsa of an Adhimitra, 15 in the Navamsa of a friend. 7.5 in the Navamsa of a
neutral, 3.75 in the Navamsa of an enemy and only 1.875 in the Navamsa of an
(7) A planet gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength if he is in own Dwadasamsa,
22.5 in the Dwadasamsa of his Adhimitra, 15 in the Dwadasamsa of a friend, 7.5 in
the Dwadasamsa of his neutral, 3.75 in the Dwadasamsa of his enemy and 1.875 in
the Dwadasamsa of his Adhishatru.
(8) A planet gets 30 Shastayamsa in his own Trimsamsa, 22.5 in the
Trimsamsa of his Adhimitra, 15 in the Trimsamsa of his friend, 7.5 in the
Trimsamsa of his neutral, 3.75 in the Trimsamsa of his enemy and 1.875 in the
Trimsamsa of his Adhishatru.
(9) (a) The Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn amongst those five whoever is in
an Oja Rasi (viz. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius) gets 15
(b) Amongst the Moon and Venus, whoever is in Yugma (Taurus, Cancer,
Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces) Navamsa, gets 15 Shastayamsas.
(11) A planet in Kendra Rasi gets 1 Rupa (60 Shastayamsa). That in a
Panaphara Rasi gets 30 Shastayamsa and on an Apoklima Rasi gets 15
(12) (a) Amongst the Sun, Mars and Jupiter whoever is in the first Drekkana
gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength. In other Drekkanas they get no strength at all.
(b) Amongst Saturn and Mercury, whoever is in the 2nd Drekkana, gets 15
Shastayamsa of strength.
(c) Amongst the Moon and Venus, whoever is in the last Drekkana. gets 15
Shastayamsa of strength.
These 12 combinations are known as Sthan Bala. In Sanskrit they are called,
(1) Uchcha Bala, (2) — (8) Saptavarga Bala, (9) Oja Yugma Rasi Bala. (10)
Oja-Yugma navamsa Bala, (11) Kendradi Bala and (12) Dreshtakana Bala.
Drik bala (Directional strength)
(a) Amongst the Sun and Mars, whoever Is the 10th Bhava madhya (South)
gets 1 Rupja strength. Their strength is nil if they are located in the 4th Bhava
madhya. In the intervening locations, the strength has to be calculated
(b) Amongst the Moon and Venus, whoever is in 4th Bhava madhya (North)
gets 1 Rupa of strength. Their strength is nil if they are located in the 10th Bhava
madhya. In the intervening locations their strength has to be calculated
(c) Amongst Mercury and Jupiter, whoever is in the Bhava madhya of the
1st Bhava (Lagna) (East) get 1 Rupa of strength. Their strength is nil if located in
7th Bhava madhya (West).
(d) If Saturn is in the 7th Bhava madhya, he gets 1 Rupa of strength. In the
1st Bhava madhya his strength is nil. In the intervening locations the strength has
to be calculated proportionately.
Kala Bala
This is admixture of the kinds of strength as described below: —
(1) (a) The Sun, Jupiter and Venus get 1 Rupa of strength exactly at midnoon.
Exactly at mid-night they are devoid of any strength. For the intervening
periods the strength has to be calculated proportionately.
(b) The Moon, Mars and Saturn get one Rupa of strength if the birth is
exactly at mid-night. Exactly at mid-noon, their strength is nil. For the intervening
periods, the strength has to be calculated proportionately.
(c) Mercury gets one Rupa of strength if the birth be at any time during the
day time.
(2) (a) When the Sun and the Moon are at a distance of 180° from each
other, the benefics get one Rupa of strength. When they are together the benefics
get no strength at all. For the intervening distances, the strength has to be
calculated proportionately.
The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are benefics. Keshavi Jatak is of the
view that Mercury if associated with a malefic becomes a malefic. But some
Acharyas are of the view that for determining kala Bala Mercury should be treated
as a benefic. We support this view.
(b) When the Sun and the Moon are In the same sign and the same degree,
the malefics get 60 Shastayamsa (one Rupa of Kala Bala). If they are (the Sun and
the Moon) 180° away from each other, the Kala bala of the malefics will be nil In
the intervening distances, the strength is to be worked out proportionately.
The Sun, Mars and Saturn are malefics.
This strength is known as Paksha Bala which comes under the purview of
Kala Bala.
(c) The Paksha Bala of the Moon should be doubled (the Moon is never
retrograde. Therefore it never gets Chesta Bala. Therefore, Paksha Bala of the
Moon is doubled).
(3) (a) Divide the Dinamana (the time between Sunrise and Sunset) into
three parts, if the birth is during the day. If the birth be in the first part Mercury
will get one Rupa of Paksha Bala. If the birth be in the second part of Dinamana,
the Sun will get one Rupa of Paksha Bala. If the birth be in the 3rd part, Saturn will
get one Rupa of this strength.
(b) Divide the Ratrimana (the time between Sunset and Sunrise) into three
parts, if the birth be during the night. If the birth be in the first part, the Moon will
get one Rupa of strength. If the birth be in the second part, Venus will get one Rupa
of this strength, and if the birth be in the third part Mars will get similar quantum
of strength.
(c) Jupiter will get one Rupa of this strength if the birth be at any time
during the 24 hours.
(4) One year is of 360 days and one month is of 30 days Find out the day of
the week from which the year commences, the lord of that day becomes the lord of
the year. The lord of the year gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength.
(5) Similarly find out the day of the week from which the month
commences, the lord of that day gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength.
(6) The lord of the day in which birth takes place, gets 45 Shastayamsa of
(7) The planet in whose hora the birth takes place gets one Rupa of strength.
Ayana Bala
(8) From the centre line of the sky some planets are in the north. Then they
are said to have northern declination. If they are in the South they are said to have
southern declination. One exactly on the centre line has no declination.
(a) If the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus have 24° of northern declination
they get 1 Rupa of Ayana Bala. This strength is nil if they have 24° of southern
declination. For the intervening declinations, the strength has to be looked
(b) The Moon and Saturn get one Rupa of Ayana Bala when they have 24° of
Southern declinations. For the intervening declinations, the strength has to be
worked out proportionately.
(c) Mercury has been given special consideration in this respect. He gets 30
Shastayamsa of Ayana Bala if his declination is 0 degree. The strength increases
with the increase in declination from 0°-24° and he will get one Rupa of Ayana
Bala when he has 24° of northern declination. He also gets one Rupa of strength
when his southern declination is 24°. For the intervening degrees of northern and
southern declinations, the strength has to be calculated proportionately.
(d) The Ayan Bala obtained by the Sun is to be doubled because the Sun is
always direct and never retrograde. As he does not get any Chesta Bala, his Ayana
Bala is doubled.
Yudha Bala
(9) This is the ninth kind of strength under the heading 'Kala Bala'. Besides
the Sun and the Moon if amongst the other planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn) any two be in the same Rasi, degree and minute, they are considered to
be at war. For the method to work out Yudha Bala, refer to Sripati Padhati, Keshavi
Jataka or Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra.
Chesta Bala
The Sun and the Moon are never retrograde in their motions. The remaining
planets viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn have both direct and
retrograde motions. The strength which the planets obtain by virtue of their
motions is called Chesta Bala (Motional strength). To work out this strength the
facts regarding Mandoucha, Kshetra and Kendra etc., have to be worked out. This
involves lot of arithmetical calculations. It is not possible to give those details here
for lack of space. Still some information in this regard is given below —
(a) If the planet is retrograde he gets 60 Shastayamsa (one Rupa) of strength.
(b) If he is Anuvakra he gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength.
(c) If he is Vikala, he gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength.
(d) If he is in Samagama, he gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength.
(e) If he is Manda (This means motion be increasing but be less than the
medium motion) and direct he gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength.
(f) If he is Mandatara (The motion be decreasing but be more than the
medium motion) and direct, he gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength).
(g) If the motion be fast and be direct, he gets 45 Shastayamsa of strength.
(h) If motion be faster, and direct, he obtains 30 Shastayamsa of strength.
Naisargik Bala (Inherent strength)
This strength is inherent in the planet and never changes.
The Naisargik Bala of the Sun is 60 Shastayamsa, of the Moon 51.3, of
Venus 42.85, of Jupiter 34.28, of Mercury 25.70, of Mars 17.14 and of Saturn 8.57
Drig Bala
This kind of strength is derived from aspect. If a planet is aspected by
benefics, the aspect is considered as benefic (favourable). To work out the strength
of aspect, the difference in degrees etc., of the aspecting and aspected planet has to
be worked out arithmetically.
If any planet is aspected by malefics, the aspect is treated as malefic
(unfavourable). The strength of the aspect is to be worked out arithmetically. For
details see Sripati Padhati.
Bhava Bala (The strength of houses or Bhavas)
In working out the strength of houses the strength of the following has to be
calculated —
(1) The strength of the lord of the house.
(2) The Dik Bala of the house
(3) The strength of the benefic aspects.
Bhava Dik Bala
(a) Gemini, Virgo, Libra and first part of Sagittarius are biped signs. If these
signs be in the Lagna, they obtain one Rupa of strength. If they be in the 7th, the
strength will be nil. For the intervening houses, the strength has to be worked out
(b) Aries, Taurus, Leo, the latter half of Sagittarius and the first half of
Capricorn are quadruped signs. If they represent the 10th house, they achieve one
Rupa of strength. In the 4th house, their strength will be nil. In between other
houses the strength has to be calculated proportionately.
(c) Cancer and Scorpio are Keeta signs. If they represent the 7th house, they
get one Rupa of strength. In the first house, their strength will be nil. For the
intervening houses, the strength has to be calculated proportionately.
(d) Pisces and the latter half of Capricorn are watery signs (Jala Rasis). If
they represent the fourth house, they obtain one Rupa of strength. In the 10th house
their strength will be nil. For the intervening houses the strength will have to be
calculated proportionately.
Auspicious and Inauspicious Drishti (as per Bold)
If there be more of benefic aspect on a house, deduct quantum of malefic
aspect from it and the strength of the lord of the house and add Bhawa Dik Bala to
it. The result will be the total strength of the house.
If the malefic aspects are more than the benefic aspects, deduct the quantum
of the latter from that of the former. Further deduct the result from the total of the
strength of the lord of the house and Bhava Dik Bala. The net result will be the
strength of the house (Bhava) concerned.
Please refer to Jataka Padhati by Bhu Deva for determining the quantums of
malefic and benefic aspects. Keshavi Jataka and Sripati Padhati will also be
Now we come to Shri Mantreswara's views on this subject as given in the
following verses in Chapter 4 of Phaladeepika.
1. A planet is said to possess six kinds of strength which are in the following
order —
(1) Kalay or temporal.
(2) Chesta Bala or motional strength.
(3) Uchcha or that derived from its exaltation position.
(4) Dik or directional strength
(5) Ayana or that derived from declination (north or south).
(6) Sthana Bala or positional strength.
Mars, the Moon and Venus are strong during the night time. Mercury is
strong all the 24 hours. The rest viz., the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are strong during
the day time.
The benefics are strong during the bright half of the month (Shukla Paksha)
and the malefics are strong during the dark half of the month (Krishna Paksha).
Planets when they are lords of the year, month, day and house get 1/4, 1/2,
3/4, and 1 Rupa of strength respectively.

2. The Moon gets Chesta Bala when it is full. The Sun gets this strength
when he is on the northern course. The other planets get Chesta Bala when they are
in retrograde motion.
The planets are victorious in the planetary course when they are in the north
and are not combust. A planet is said to possess full Uchcha Bala when he is in
deep exaltation position.
As regards directional strength or Dik Bala the Sun and Mars get this
strength when they are in the 10th house. Mercury and Jupiter get directional
strength when they are in the 1st house (Lagna), Saturn gets this strength in the 7th
house and the Moon and Venus in the 4th house.
Mercury, Saturn and the Moon get Ayana bala when they are on the
Southern course. The rest are vested with Ayana bala when they are on the northern

3. A planet gets Sthana Bala (positional strength) according to position in his
sign of exaltation, in his own sign, in his friend's sign or in the six vargas.
A planet obtains one Rupa of strength in a Kendra, 1/2 Rupa in a Panaphara
house and 1/4 in an Apoklima house.
The hemaphrodite planets are strong in the middle of the sign (11° to 20°),
male planets in the first part of a sign (1° to 10°) and female in the last part of the
sign (21° to -30°).
Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun are in their
natural or inherent strength (Nalsarglk Bala). This means Mars is stronger than
Saturn, Mercury is stronger than Mars, Jupiter is stronger than Mercury, Venus is
stronger than Jupiter; the Moon is stronger than Venus and the Sun is stronger than
the Moon. The Sun is the strongest and the Saturn is the weakest in inherent
strength or Naisargik Bala.

4. Even if a planet be in his sign of debilitation or debilitated Navamsa, he is
vested with full strength if he is retrograde and if his rays are full and brilliant.
Like the Moon, a planet will be treated as weak if his rays are eclipsed (on
account of being near the Sun) even though he may be posited in his sign of
exaltation, in his own or a friend's sign or Navamsa. This means that even if the
Moon be in Taurus or Cancer, if she is very near or with the Sun, she will be
considered weak. A debilitated Moon when she is full (on Pooran masi night) will
be treated as strong. This principle applies to other planets also.

5. All planets are strong when they are posited in their sign of exaltation.
The Moon is strong and auspicious when she has her full Paksha Bala. The Sun has
his full Dik Bala when he is in the 10th house. The other five non-luminous planets
are strong when they are retrograde.
Rahu is strong in Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius and Scorpio and Ketu is
strong in Pisces, Virgo, Taurus and the latter half of Sagittarius and in Partvesha
and Indrachapa when the Sun and the Moon are together in the same sign.
Notes. It will be useful to know at this stage now the position of Partvesha
and Indrachapa is worked out.
(1) Add 4 Rasis 13 degrees and 20 minutes to the longitude of the Sun
(Surya) Spasta. The result will be Dhooma.
(2) By deducting 12 Rasis from Dhooma we get Vyatipata.
(3) Add 6 Rasis to the longitude of Vyatipata, we will get Partvesha.
(4) By deducting 12 Rasis from the longitude of Parivesha, we will get
For example at birth the Sun's longitude is 7-26°-ll'-38". (1) Longitude of the
Indrachapa 6-9-31-38
6. The first house gets one Rupa of strength if it is a triped sign. If it be
Vrischika it gets 1 /4 Rupa as its strength. In any other sign the strength will be 1/2
The strength of the Ascendant (Lagna) is equal to that of its Lord and is very
powerful when the lord occupies an Upachaya house (3, 6, 10, 11). It is also very
powerful when it .is aspected by its lord Jupiter or Mercury or when it is occupied
by Venus and is at the same time without the conjunction or aspect of any other
The day signs are strong in births during day time and the night signs in
birth during night time

7. If a planet is in his sign of exaltation he gets one Rupa of positional
strength (Sthana Bala). He gets 3/4 of this strength in his Moolatrikona Rasi, 1/2
Rupa in his own sign and 1/4 Rupa in his friend's sign. He gets very little strength
when he is in his enemy's sign. If a planet is in his sign of depression or is
combust, he gets no positional strength at all.

8. The planets are vested with full positional strength in the Ascendant (first
house), 3/4th strength in the 7th house, 1/2 in the 10th house and 1/4 in the 4th
house. This is how a distinction has been drawn by the astrologers amongst the
four kendras.

9. The aspect from the 7th house is the only one that should be considered as
most effective in all cases. But some learneds are of the view that the special
aspects of Jupiter (to the 5th and the 9th), of Mars (to the 4th and the 8th) and of
Saturn (to the 3rd and the 10th) are equally competent in producing effects in all
Yogas and the like.

10. The Naisargik or natural friendship and enmity etc. of the planets is more
fully effective and preferable to their corresponding Tatkalik or temporal ones as
the latter is only of changing nature and not of permanent one.

11. In warding off evil and in promoting auspicious effects Jupiter is the
most powerful of all planets. Venus possesses half of the auspicious effects of
Jupiter and Mercury possesses only half of that of Venus. But the Moon's strength
is the foundation of the strength of all the planets.
Chandrakriya etc.
Now we will be demonstrating the method to work Chandrakriya, Chandra
Avastha and Chandravelas specify their effects. In the assessment of a birth chart,
query chart and for Muhurta, full consideration should be given to Chandrakriya,
Chandra Avastha and Chandravelas. Chandrakriyas are 60 in number, Chandra
Avasthas 12 and Chandravelas 36.

12. Note the Nakshatra at birth, query or Muhurta. The Ghatikas and
Vighatikas which have elapsed may be converted into Vighatikas.
Divide this result by (1) 60, (2) 300 and (3) 100. The three resulting
quotients are named (1) Chandrakriya, (2) chandra Avastha and (3) Chandravela
respectively. Their effects are described below.
Effects of Chandrakriyas
The following are the effects of the 60 Chandrakriyas:

13-15. (1) Loss of position, (2) One practising austerities, (3) One who has
bad intentions towards other persons' wives, (4) Gambler, (5) One who is mounted
on a prominent elephant, (6) One who is installed on a throne, (7) A king, (8)
Destroyer of enemies, (9) Commander of an army, (10) Equipped with good
qualities, (11) One that is dead or without any energy, (12) One whose head is
severed, (13) One who has injured head and feet, (14) One who is captured
(imprisoned), (15) One who is spoilt, (16) A king. (17) One who studies the Vedas,
(18) One who sleeps, (19) Virtuous, (20) One who acts according to Dharma, (21)
One who belongs to a good family, (22) One who unearths a treasure, (23) One
who belongs to a family of renowned and learned persons, (24) One clever in
exposition, (25) Destroyer of enemies, (26) Sickly, (27) Conquered by enemies,
(28) One who has left his native land, (29) A servant, (30) One whose all wealth
has been destroyed, (31) A number of royal assemblies, (32) A good minister or
adviser, (33) One who has become lord of other persons lands. (34) One who is
faithful to his wife, (35) One who is afraid of elephants, (36) Coward, (37) One
who Is very afraid, (38) One who lives in hiding. (39) One who feeds others, (40)
One who falls down in a Ore, (41) One who is hungry, (42) One who is eating, (43)
Wanderer, (44) Non-vegetarian, (45) One who is wounded by a weapon, (46)
Married, (47) One with a ball in his hand, (48) A gambler. (49) A king, (50) One
who is unhappy, (51) One who has lying on a couch, (52) One who is served by his
enemies, (53) One who has friends, (54) A Yogi, (55) One who is with his wife,
(56) One who is fond of sweets, (57) One who drinks milk, (58) One who performs
pious deeds, (59) Healthy and (60) Happy.
Effects of Chandra Avasthas

16. The following are declared by the wise as the effects of the 12 Avasthas
the Moon:
(1) Absent from one's home, (2) Favourite of a prominent king, (3) Loss of
life in slavery, (4) Distinguished for becoming a ruler, (5) Equipped with qualities
appropriate for his family, (6) Sickly, (7) Becoming member of a royal assembly,
(8) Fear, (9) Bitten with hunger, (10) Marriage with a young maiden, (11)
Ambitious to have a luxurious bed and (12) Eating good and delicious food.
Effects of Chandravelas

17-10. The following are the effects of 36 Chandravelas as declared by the
(1) Headache, (2) happiness, (3) performing a yagna, (4) sitting delighted
and comfortably, (5) eye diseases, (6) to be happy, (7) amusement with young
damsels, (8) high fever, (9) gold ornaments, (10) having tears in the eyes, (11)
taking poison, (12) cohabitation, (13) stomache ailments, (14) amusing oneself in
water, merriment and painting, (15) anga. (16) dancing, (17) rating gftee, (18)
sleeping, (19) to offer charities, (20) dental troubles, (21) quarrel, (22) travelling.
(23) intoxication or insanity, (24) swimming, (25) opposition, (26) bathing
according to will, (27) hunger, (28) fear. (29) studying shastras, (30) acting
according to own will, (31) meeting friends and gossiping with them, (32) fighting,
(33) sacred deeds, (34) indulging in sinful deeds, (35) perfect in cruel action, and
(36) exaltation.
Notes: Now we give below ready made tables for finding out the
Chandrakriyas, Chandra avasthas and Chandravelas.
60 parts of a Nakshatra to find out Chandrakriya
The stretch of a Nakshatra is 13°-20'. One sixtieth part of which will be
(1) 0-13-20 (16) 3-33-20 (31) 6-53-20 (46) 10-13-20
(2) 0-26-40 (17) 3-46-40 (32) 7-6-40 (47) 10-26-40
(3) 0-40-0 (18) 4-0-0 (33) 7-20-0 (48) 10-40-0
(4) 0-53-20 (19) 4-13-20 (34) 7-33-20 (49) 10-53-20
(5) 1-6-40 (20) 4-26-40 (35) 7-46-40 (50) 11-6-40
(6) 1-20-0 (21) 4-40-0 (36) 8-0-0 (51) 11-20-0
(7) 1-33-20 (22) 4-53-20 (37) 8-13-20 (52) 11-33-20
(8) 1-46-40 (23) 5-6-40 (38) 8-26-40 (53) 11-46-40
(9) 2-0-0 (24) 5-20-0 (39) 8-40-0 (54) 12-0-0
(10) 2-13-20 (25) 5-33-20 (40) 8-53-20 (55) 12-13-20
(11) 2-26-40 (26) 5-46-40 (41) 9-6-40 (56) 12-26-40
(12) 2-40-0 (27) 6-0-0 (42) 9-20-0 (57) 12-40-0
(13) 2-53-20 (28) 6-13-20 (43) 9-33-20 (58) 12-53-20
(14) 3-6-40 (29) 6-26-40 (44) 9-46-40 (59) 13-6-40
(15) 3-20-0 (30) 6-40-0 (45) 10-0-0 (60) 13-20-0
For example in a nativity the longitude of the Moon (Chandraspasta) is 11-
20-37-21 and the stretch of Revti Nakshatra being from 11-16-40 to 12-0-0:
Longitude of the Moon 11-20-37
Commencement of Revti 11-16-40
Elapsed portion of Revti 3-57-21
By referring to the above table we will find that the 17th part ended at 3-46-
40 and the 18th part will end at 4-0-0. Therefore by the elapsing of 17th part the
effect of its Chandrakriya viz one. Who studies vedas' will be taken into account
which means that the native will be a learned person.
Chandra Avastha
For finding out Chandra Avastha the stretch of a Nakshatra has to be divided
into 12 parts. Thus one part will come to 1-6-40.
(1) 1-6-40 (5) 5-33-20 (9) 10-0- 0
(2) 2-13-20 (6) 6-40-0 (10) 11-6- 40
(3) 3-20-0 (7) 7-46-40 (11) 12-13-20
(4) 4-26-40 (8) 8-53-20 (12) 13-20- 0
For example the elapsed portion of Revti Nakshatra Is 3°-57'-21". The third
part ends at 3°-20-0 The 4th part will end at 4°-26'-40". Therefore the effect of 4th
part will be taken into account which is 'distinguished for becoming a ruler'.
For finding out the Chandravela the stretch of a Nakshatra viz 13°-20' has to
be divided into 36 parts. One part will thus come to 13'-13"-20"
(1) 0-22-13-20 (13) 4-48-53-20 (25) 9- 15-33-20
(2) 0-44-26-40 (14) 5-11-6-40 (26) 9-37-46-40
(3) 1-6-40- 0 (15) 5-13-20-0 (27) 10-0-0-0
(4) 1-28-53-20 (16) 5-55-13-20 (28) 10-22-13-20
(5) 1-57-6-40 (17) 6-17-46-40 (29) 10-49-26-40
(6) 2-13-20- 0 (18) 6-40-0- 0 (30) 11-6-40-0
(7) 2-35-33-20 (19) 6-2-13-20 (31) 11-28-53-20
(8) 2-57-46-40 (20) 7-24-26-40 (32) 11-51-6-40
(9) 3-20-0-0 (21) 7- 46-40- 0 (33) 12-13-20-0
(10) 3-42-13-20 (22) 8-8-53-20 (34) 12-35-33-20
(11) 4-4-26-40 (23) 8-31-6-40 (35) 12-57-46-40
(12) 4-26-40-0 (24) 8-53-20-0 (36) 13-20-0-0
For example if the elapsed portion of Revati Nakshatra is 3°-57'-21". Part 10
ends 3°-42'-13"-20". Part 11 ends 4°-4'-26"-40". Therefore it falls in 11th part. The
effects of this 'taking poison' which means the nature is fed up with life and wants
to get rid of it.

20. The Chandrakriya, Chandra Avastha and Chandravela described above
will be found very useful and effective in the case of a birth, muhurta and a quary.
One ought therefore to pay particular attention to them before making any

21. Paksha Bala (fortnightly strength) is of special importance to the Moon
and Sthana Bala is of some importance to the other planets. When this strength
added to other kinds of strength of a planet, it will add more strength to that planet.
There are many such types of strength.
Number of Bala Pinda

22. The Sun is said to be strong where he obtains 6.5 Rupas of strength. The
Moon is strong with 6 Rupas, Mars with 5 Rupas, Mercury with 7 Rupas, Jupiter
with 8.5 Rupas, Venus with 5.5 Rupas.

23. Saturn is declared strong with 5 Rupas of strength. If Shadbala Pinda of
planet be less than the strength number given above, he will be considered weak.
In this manner the strength of each planet should be taken into account before
making prediction.
Notes: It has already been indicated above what should be the strength of a
planet under Shad Bala scheme, to be declared strong. Now we consider it useful
to describe the views of other authorities as to when he should be declared strong
on the basis of the five kinds of strength viz. (1) Sthan Bala, (2) Dik Bala, (3)
Chesta Bala, (4) Kala Bala and (5) Ayana Bala. We have not mentioned Naisargika
Bala because it is always the same in every birth chart. The following table shows
how much strength is required for the various planets to be declared strong:
Planet Sthan Dik Chesta Kala Ayana Total
Sun 2-45 0-35 0-50 1-52 0-30 6-32
Moon 2-13 0-50 0-30 1-40 0-40 5-53
Mars 1-16 0-30 0-40 1-7 0-20 4-13
Mercury 2-45 0-35 0-50 1-52 0-30 6-32
Jupiter 2-45 0-35 0-50 1-52 0-30 6-32
Venus 2-13 0-50 0-30 1-40 0-40 5-53
Saturn 1-36 0-30 0-40 1-7 0-20 4-13

24. To ascertain the strength of the Lagna and other house add one Rupa to
the strength of the lord of the Bhava concerned. Further add to them the Dik Bala
and Drig Bala of that house. The sum total would be the Bhava Bala required.
Notes: If the Bhava is aspected or associated with its lord, Jupiter. Venus or
Mercury or be aspected by Jupiter or Mercury, the strength so obtained should also
be taken into account in determining the strength of a house (See verse 6 of this
Thus ends the fourth chapter on "Determination of Shadabalas" in
Phaladeeplka composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 5

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:08 am
by StarLore
Chapter 5

Source of livelihood

1. Which planet helps to acquire wealth? Which planet is in the 10th to the
Lagna or Moon whoever is stronger? The source of acquisition of wealth will be
father if the planet be the Sun. mother if the planet be the Moon, an enemy in case
of Mars, a friend in case of Mercury, a brother in case of Jupiter, a wife in case of
Venus and a servant in case of Saturn.
The profession of the native will be that assigned to the lord of the Navamsa
occupied by the lord of the 10th house from the Lagna, from the Moon and the Sun
(severally) whoever is the strongest.
Notes — It will be seen in the verse that the source of acquisition of wealth
has been limited to relations and some other persons. In ancient times when this
work was written, the sources of income were limited. In modern times the
situation is quite different. For example, it is stated that in case of the Sun the
accrual of wealth could be from father. No doubt, the Sun governs and is
significator should be taken into consideration for determining the source of
income. The same could apply to other planets. For example, if there be a strong
Moon in the 10th from the lagna. the income can be predicted from white coloured
articles (milk, pearls, silk, white clothes etc.), from articles coming out of water,
from silver, from business with foreign lands etc.
For the other part of the verse we will try to explain its meaning through a
The Lagna is Leo. The Sun is in Scorpio. The Moon is in Pisces. Taurus is
the sign 10th to the Lagna. Suppose the lord of this house Venus is in Libra 5
degrees. Then Venus would be in Scorpio Navamsas in Libra. The Navamsa of
Scorpio falls between 3°-30' to 6°-40'. The lord of Scorpio Navamsa is Mars.
Therefore, we will take that the source of livelihood (profession) would be in any
of the significations of Mars.
Sun Merc. Jup.
If the Sun be the strongest Leo will be the 10th sign and its lord is the Sun.
Suppose the Sun is in Scorpio-26 degrees, he will be in Aquarius navamsa
(because Aquarius Navamsa falls in 23°-20' to 26°-40' of Aquarius). Saturn will,
thus, be the lord of the Navamsa of the Sun. Therefore the sources of livelihood
will be in accordance with any of the characteristics and significations of Saturn.
If the Moon be stronger than the Lagna and the Sun, Sagittarius will be the
sign 10th to the Moon whose lord is Jupiter. If Jupiter is in 15 degrees of Virgo, he
will be in Taurus Navamsa (because in Virgo, Taurus Navamsa falls in 13°-20' to
16°-40'). The lord of this Navamsa is Venus. Therefore, the sources of livelihood
will be in accordance with the characteristics and significations of Venus.
A question arises why should only the lord of the 10th house from the
Lagna, the Sun and the Moon Whoever be the strongest, should be considered and
why not assessment should be made from all the three Vis., the lord of the Lagna,
lord of the Moon sign and the lord of the Sun sign. Many learneds are of the view
that equal importance should be given to all the three lords because there are some
who have only one source of income while others have varied sources of income.

2. The sources of livelihood of the native will be through fruit bearing trees,
by the recitation of mantras, by fraud and cunningness, by gambling, by speaking
lies, through wool, medicines and the like, by working on metals or through
service under a king or respectable person, if the lord of the 10th house be placed
in the Navamsa of the Sun.

3. The sources of income or livelihood will be through trade in waterproducts
(pearls, corals etc.), agriculture and cattle breeding, pilgrimage to holy
places, service under a woman and trade in drapery. If the Navamsa occupied by
the lord of the 10th house is that of the Moon.

4. The sources of income or livelihood will be through metals, serving for
fighting battles, cooking, lands, gold, causing troubles to others, weapons,
adventure, association with wicked men, spying or through theft if the lord of the
10th house occupies the Navamsa of Mars.

5. In a nativity where the lord of the 10th house is posited in the Navamsa
owned by Mercury, the earning will be through composition of poem, study of
sacred scripture, by being a writer, or through clerical work or through tricks,
through the knowledge of astrology, through the study of Vedas, by recitation of
Mantras, through priesthood or by some pretext.
6. If the Navamsa be that of Jupiter, the sources of livelihood or earning will
be through dependence on Brahmins, or through dependence on temples (serving
as priests etc.) or religious Ashramas, through the beneficience of the king
(Government), through study of Puranas, Shastras, or Vedas, through practicing of
righteous paths and actions, or by religious instruction.

7. If the Navamsa be that of Venus, the sources of earning will be through
dependence, serving a woman (she may be wife, prostitute, queen, a film actress or
any other woman), through cows, buffaloes, elephants, horses, etc., through
teaching music or through musical performances, by singing or dancing, through
silver (sale and purchase), scents, milk, curd etc., ornaments, through silken and
other expensive dress materials, by being a companion or aides of a lady of high
standing, or by his poetic talents.

8. If the Navamsa be that of Saturn, the sources of income or livelihood, will
be through dealing in roots and fruits, by hard physical labour, through servants or
menials, rogues and through the earnings of men of low morality, through grains of
bad quality, by carrying loads, by following low kind of professions, through
sculpture, wooden materials, and by serving under a butcher.

9. If the lord of Navamsa be strong, there will be accrual of wealth without
any obstacle or exertion. If it be weak, very little earning may be expected. The
country from which the accrual of wealth will be Indicated by the sign representing
the 10th house or the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th house. If the sign
be occupied or aspected by its lord, the source of income will be found in his own
country. The same will happen when the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th
house by a fixed sign. If the sign of the 10th house be occupied or aspected by
planet other than its lord, the person concerned will earn in the place other than his
native land.
Thus ends the fifth chapter an "Profession & Livelihood" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 6

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:13 am
by StarLore
Chapter 6


1. If Mars occupies Aries or Scorpio (his own signs), or Capricorn (his sign
of exaltation), identical with a kendra, the yoga so formed is known as Ruchaka.
If Mercury occupies Gemini (his own sign) or Virgo (his sign of exaltation)
identical with a kendra, the Yoga so formed is called Bhadra Yoga.
If Jupiter occupies Sagittarius or Pisces (his own sign) or Cancer (his sign of
exaltation) identical with a kendra, the Yoga arising from such a disposition is
known as Hamsa Yoga.
If Venus occupies Taurus or Libra (his own sign) or Pisces (his sign of
exaltation) identical with a kendra, the Yoga so formed is called Malavya Yoga.
If Saturn occupies Capricorn or Aquarius (his own sign) or Libra (his sign of
exaltation), the Yoga so formed is known as Sasa Yoga.
Nates - These five Yogas have been named as Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas.
Jataka Parijata has defined these Yogas as under :-
"According as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn possessing the
greatest strength and occupying a kendra is in Moolatrikona, Swakshetra or
Swochcha, the resulting Rajayogas will be named Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa,
Malavya and Sasa the beautiful"
According to Saravali "Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury remaining
in their respective own houses or exaltation signs, identical with kendra cause
Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and Bhadra Yogas respectively"
But it is imperative that Yogas will give the promised effects only when the
Lagna or the Moon and the Yoga forming planets are without blemish. In other
words they are vested with strength and are not associated with or in conjunction
with malefics, are not combust and not placed between malefics.
As the names of Yogas denote the presons with such Yogas at birth become
Mahapurushas or illustrious persons. We have also found that the many of the
noted politicians and administrators had one or more of such yogas present in their
birth charts, some illustrative birth charts are given below :

2. The person born in Ruchaka Yoga has a long face. He acquires wealth by
performing courageous deeds. He will be full of valour and powerful, will conquer
his enemies and will be arrogant. He will become famous by virtue of merits and
will be commander of an army and will be successful in all his ventures.
The person with Bhadra Yoga at birth will be longlived. He will be
intelligent, will be clean (pure thoughts and clean body), praised by learned
persons, very rich and prosperous and eloquent in his speeches.
Saturn Mars Ketu
Ruchaka and
Malavya Yogas
Rahu Mercury Venus
3. The person born with Hamsa Yoga at birth, will be a king, a high political
or gvernment dignitary respected by good people. He will have in his hands and
feet marks of Conch, Lotus, Fish and Ankusha. His body will be beautiful, will eat
delicious food and will be virtuous.
The person born in MaJavya Yoga will have strong limbs, will be very rich,
blessed with wife and children and good fortune. He will be prosperous, will enjoy
pleasures of life, will possess good vehicles and become renowned and learned. He
will have imperturbed senses.

4. The person with Sasa Yoga at birth will be acclaimed by all, have good
servants, will be strong, will be the head of a village or a king. He will be wicked
by nature and will associate with women not his own. He will be inclined to use
other's wealth and will be happy.
These five yogas reckoned from the Lagna as well as from the Moon and
will be found effective from both the places. They bestow on the native an empire
and perfection. The person with one such yoga will be fortunate, with two such
yogas will be equal to a king, with three he will be a king, four such yogas will
make him a sovereign of sovereigns (Emperor) and with five such yogas the
person will be superior to an Emperor.
Dr. Radha
Mars Ketu
Moti Lal Nehru
Hamsa Yoga

5. Three yogas, viz, Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara are formed when the
planets occupy the 2nd and 12th houses reckoned from the Moon. There will be
Kemadruma yoga if the above three Yogas are absent. Some learneds are of the
opinion that there will be Kemadruma Yoga if (1) When a Kendra or the Moon is
associated with a planet (2) When there is a planet in a Kendra from the Moon.
Notes — According to Saravali Kemadruma Yoga is formed if at least one of
the said three yogas (viz., Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara) is not present or if the
Moon's angles (Kendras) are devoid of angles or if she is unaspected by all the
planets. Such yoga causes extreme difficulties.
Jawahar Lal
Malavya Yoga
Ketu Sun Mercury
Venus Mars
According to Hora Sara (an ancient treatise on Astrology by Prithuyasas) the
Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas will not put to effect if the Moon's or
Lagna's angles are not occupied. In such case, the Yoga arising is called
Kemadruma which makes even a king beg. To explain this further it may be said
that for obtaining Kemadruma, the Moon should not have a planet on either side or
with it. The Sun's presence and of course that of nodes, will not nullify the
Kemadruma Yoga. But if there is a planet in any of the Moon angles or from the
angles of Lagna, or if the Moon herself angular to the Lagna, the Kemadruma Yoga
does not exist.
Rahu Lagna Moon
Sardar Patel
Sasa and
Ruchaka Yogas
There are other kinds of Kemadruma Yogas mentioned in Jataka Parijata
which are as follows :-
(1) The Moon in Lagna or the 7th but not aspected by Jupiter.
(2) All the planets devoid of strength and less Bindus in Ashtakavarga.
(3) The Moon in case of a night birth if in fall or in enemy's Rasi/Navamsa
and aspected by the 10th lord.
(4) The Moon in Scorpio Navamsa joining a malefic and aspected by Lagna
(5) The waning Moon in Neecha Rasi for a night birth. As regards Anapha,
Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas according to Saravali by all possible permutations
and transmutations, one can see 30 kinds of Sunapha yoga, 30 kinds of Anapha and
180 kinds of Durudhara yogas. For details please consult English translation and
commentary of Saravali published by Ranjan Publications.

6. The person with Sunapha Yoga at birth will be a monarch or his equal
with self acquired property and respected and renounced for his intellectual ability
and riches. The person born with Anapha Yoga will be powerful, will enjoy good
health and will have sweet temperament. He will be famous and all worldly
comforts will be available to him. He will be well dressed contented and happy.

7. The native with Durudhara Yoga will enjoy all comforts of life as may
become available to a ruler and will own abundant wealth and vehicles. He will be
generous and will be attended to by faithful servants.
One born under Kemadruma Yoga even if he belongs to a royal family, will
become unknown and will lead a miserable life. He will be addicted to immoral
ways, will face poverty, will be a menial and will be wickedly disposed.

8. If benefic planets other than the Moon (and the nodes) are posited in the
2nd, the 12th and both the Bhavas from the Sun, the Yogas so formed are known as
Subhavesi, Subhavasi and Subhobhayachari respectively. But if the planets
forming the Yogas are malefics, the yogas so formed are called Papavesi, Papavasi,
and Papobhayachari respectively.
When the 12th and 2nd from the Lagna are occupied by benefics, the Yoga
so formed is called Subhakartari. If these houses are occupied by malefics the
resultant yoga is called Papakartari.
If benefics without being aspected by malefics occupy the 2nd house from
the Lagna, the Yoga so arising is known as Susubha.
Notes — In most of the authoritative works of Hindu Astrology
differendation lias been made between malefics and benefics in forming
Subhavesi, Subhavasi and Subhobhayachari Yogas. According to them —
(1) The yoga is called Subhavesi if amongst Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn, any of them is in the 2nd to the Sun.
(2) The Yoga is known as Subhavasi if any amongst the planets mentioned
above is in the 12th to the Sun.
(3) If any or more of the above planets are in the 2nd and 12th the Yoga is
known as Ubhayachari Yoga.
But as will be seen from verse 8, Shri Mantreswara has made a definite and
clear distinction between the Yogas formed by benefics and those formed by
malefics. We feel that Mantreswara's views are very logical and therefore correct.
9. The person with Subhavesi Yoga at birth will be very good looking,
happy, meritorious, valiant, a king and virtuous. The person with Subhavasi Yoga
will be renowned, dear to all, and very rich and prosperous. He will be governed
and will be liked by the king. The native having Subhobhayachari Yoga in his birth
chart will have an attractive body, will be soft spoken, will delight the world, will
be eloquent, renowned and wealthy.
10. The person with Asubhavesi Yoga at birth will unfairly defame others,
will not be beautiful and will move in the company of low and wicked people. The
person with Asubhavasi Yoga will be dishonest, harsh and abusive in speech and
will associate with wicked people. He will be unvirtuous though he will have
knowledge of Shastras and Scriptures. The person born in Asubhobhayachari yoga
will suffer mentally due to dishonour in public and will be devoid of wealth and

11. Subhakartari Yoga at birth will make a person longlived, fearless, healthy
and without enemies. Papakartari Yoga will make the person miserable, bereft of
wife and children. He will have defective limbs and will have a short life.
Notes — Saravali which makes no differences between Subhavesi and
Subhavasi and Asubhavesi and Asubhavasi Yogas has given effects of different
planets forming Vesi and Vasi and Ubhayachari Yogas. According to Saravali
should Jupiter cause Vesi Yoga, the native will accumulate money, be learned and
be good-treated. If Venus produces this yoga, the person will be timid, will face
obstacles in his missions, will have pleasant (swift) movements and will be
defeated. Mercury's participation Indicates that native will be a servant, will suffer
penury, be soft-spoken and be modest. He will be bashful. Mars denotes that native
will resort to base means but will be helpful to others. If it is Saturn that causes
vesi yoga, one will join others' wives, will be wicked, will resemble an old person
in appearence, will be fraudulent in disposition and be contemptuous. He will,
however, have wealth.
If Jupiter should cause vasi yoga, the native will possess courage, strength
and wisdom. He keeps up his word. In the case of Venus, the person will be
valorous, famous, virtuous and reputed. Mercury emanating this Yoga will make
one speak sweetly. He will be beautiful and will obey other's orders. The Vasi Yoga
caused by Mars indicates that the subject will be victorious in war, will be famous
and will own fortunes. If the Yoga is caused by Saturn, the native will be
businessman, wicked, will steel others' money, will hate elders and will be husband
of a pious woman.

12. The person born with Amala Yoga at birth will be virtuous, will have
faith in religion, will be happy, fortunate, will be honoured by the king, have an
amiable nature and will always have a smile on his face.
Notes — Amala Yoga is formed when there is a benefic planet in the 10th.
house from the Lagna or the Moon.

13. The effects of Susubha, Subha Kartari and Subha Vest and other Yogas
would be the same as they are caused by benefics in case of Suhapha and other
Yogas. The reverse would be the effects in case of Asubha, Papakartari and other
Yogas caused by malefics.

14. Mahabhagya Yoga is caused In the case of a male if the birth is during
the day (between sunrise and sunset). If the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon are
In odd signs (viz., Aries, Gemini, Leo. Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius).
Mahabhagya Yoga will arise in the case of a female if the birth is during the
night time (after sunset and before sunrise) when the Ascendant, the Sun and the
Moon are in even signs (viz., Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio. Capricorn and
Pisces). In this connection see the horoscope of Indira Gandhi who was born at
Kesari Yoga is caused when in a birth chart the Moon is in a Kendra position
to Jupiter.
The Moon in the 12th, 8th or 6th house from Jupiter causes Sakata Yoga.
The Sakata Yoga is cancelled if the Moon be in a Kendra position from the
Ascendant (lagna).
Jupiter Ketu
The Adhama, Sama and Varishtha Yogas are formed when the Moon is
respectvely in a Kendra, a Panaphara and an Apoklima house reckoned from the

15. The person with Mahabhagya Yoga will be immensely popular In the
public, will be very generous in giving gifts and will possess a very high
reputation. He will be a ruler of the earth, will have a life span of 80 years and will
be of spotless character. A female born with this Yoga will be exceedingly
fortunate and possess sweet manners.
Notes — In the case of Shrimati Indira Gandhi whose horoscope we have
given above, all the above effects were experienced by her in her life time except
that her husband was longlived. That was due to other adverse planetary
dispositions in her horoscope.

16. The person with Kesari Yoga will destroy his enemies like a lion. He will
address assembly with wisdom and in a noble manner. He will be passionate and
emotional in his behaviour. He will enjoy a long life and will attain a high
reputation and will be intelligent. He will achieve every thing by his own valour.

17. The person with Sakata Yoga at birth will be unhappy and unfortunate.
He will be unable to achieve any fame and will lead an ordinary life. Sometimes
his luck dawns and at other times it fades away.
This is the horoscope of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. There is Sakata Yoga as the
Moon is in the 6th house from Jupiter but Sakata Yoga gets concelled as the Moon
is in a Kendra from the Lagna (in the Lagna itself).
Ketu Sun Venus
Mercury Mars

18. The person born with Varishta Yoga, will be wealthy, will possess
vehicles, will achieve fame, will enjoy happiness, will acquire knowledge and will
have intellectual equipment, modesty, ability, learning and will be generous. The
effects will be of a medium nature in Sama Yoga and very little in Adhama Yoga.

19. Vasumati Yoga is formed when all the benefic planets occupy upachaya
houses (3, 6, 10, 11) from the Lagna or the Moon.
Amala yoga is formed when benefics occupy the 10th house reckoned from
the Lagna or the Moon.
If the lords of the signs occupied by the Lagna and the Moon be together in a
Kendra or be in the house of an Adhimitra and a planet endowed with strength
aspects the Lagna, the planetary disposition so formed is known as Pushkala yoga.

20. The person born with Vasumati yoga will always remain at his house
(perhaps this means that he will not go out of his native land) and he will be very
The person born with Amala yoga will possess lands, will be wealthy, will
be blessed with sons and will be famous, prosperous and wise.
The native of Pushkala yoga will be reverred by kings, will be renowned and
wealthy and will wear expensive clothes and ornaments. He will be fortunate, will
be a lord of many men and achieve a high status.

21. If all the planets in regular order are in the 5th, 6th and 7th houses, the
yoga is known as Subnamala. If the planets should occupy the 8th, 6th and 12th
houses, the yoga will become Asubhamala.
If Venus and the lord of 9th occupy their own or exaltation houses identical
with Trikona or Kendra, the yoga so formed is called Lakshmi Yoga. If the Moon
be in his own or exaltation house identical with Kendra or Trikona and be aspected
by Jupiter, the resulting Yoga is called Gouri Yoga.

22. The person with Sumala Yoga at birth will be an administrator or high
official, will be reverred by king and will indulge in pleasures of life. He will be
generous, will be helpful to others and will be devoted to his kinsmen. He will be
brave and will be blessed with a virtuous wife and sons.

23. The person with Asubhamala Yoga at birth will be way ward, will be
unhappy, will torture or kill others, will be timid and ungrateful, will not pay
respect to Brahmins, will be unpopular and quarrelsome.

24. The native with Lakshmi Yoga will be constantly engaged in enjoyment
with a woman of noble temperament. He will be brilliant. He will be capable of
providing protection to his men and will be a favourite of Goddess Lakshmi (very
wealthy). He will be free from diseases. He will enjoy rides in beautiful
palanquines, horses or elephants (He will have the privilege of travelling in
luxurious conveyances). He will be generous in gifts and will be a capable ruler
favourite of his subjects.

25. The native with Gouri Yoga will have a beautiful body and will be a
friend of the king. He will possess good qualities and will be blessed with sons. He
will belong to an illustrious family. His face will be like a lotus. He will be praised
for his successes (over enemies).

26-27. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in Kendra or Trikona from the lagna
or be in the 2nd house and Jupiter be in his own sign, friend s sign or in his sign of
exaltation, the planetary combination so formed is called Saraswati yoga. The
horoscope of Moti Lai Nehru illustrates Saraswati Yoga.
Moon Mars Ketu
In this Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are in Kendra and Jupiter with Digbala is
exalted in Lagna, forming a perfect Saraswati Yoga.
The Native with Saraswati Yoga at bith will be highly Intelligent. He will be
very competent in composing prose, drama, poetry and will be learned in Alankar
Shastra and Mathematics. He will be skilled in poetry, in narrative composition and
in the exposition of sacred texts'. His fame will spread over the three worlds. He
will be extremely wealthy and will be blessed with wife and children. He will be
fortunate and will be reverred by the greatest of the kings.

28. If the Lord of the Lagna. the Sun and the Moon being in their sign of
exaltation, own sign or a friend's sign, occupy kendra or trikona, the yoga so
formed is called Srikantha Yoga.
If Venus, the lord of the 9th and Mercury be in similar position, the yoga
formed is known as Srinatha Yoga.
If Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Saturn be similarly disposed, the yoga so
formed is termed as Virinrhi Yoga.

29. The person with Srikantha Yoga at birth will wear Rudraksha rosaries
and his body will look white shining by besmearing the sacred ashes. He will be
very liberal and will be constantly in meditation of Lord Shiva. He will regularly
and rigidly perform the prescribed rites and will submerge himself in the worship
of Lord Shiva. He will be a friend of the virtuous and will have no animosity
against any other religious belief. He will become influential and his heart will be
enlightened by the worship of Lord Shiva.

30. The native of Srinatha Yoga will be wealthy, splendorous and soft
spoken. His Manner of speaking will be pleasant and witful. He will have in his
body marks of Lord Narayana (such as conch, chakra, etc.). He will, along with
other devotees or virtuous persons, be engaged in the recitations of religious songs
about greatness of Narayana. He will be devotee of Vishnu. He will be respected
by other persons. He will be very handsome and attractive and others are pleased
in coming in contact with him. He will be blessed with a virtuous wife and noble
sons (children).

31. The person with Virinchi Yoga at birth will be extremely intelligent. He
will be fully absorbed in the knowledge of Brahm. He will never deviate from the
code of conduct prescribed by the Vedas. He will be full of good qualities and will
always be happy at heart. He will have many distinguished disciples. He will be
sweet and noble in his speech and will be blessed with much wealth, wife and
children. He will shine with spiritual luster. He will be long-lived, will have
complete control over his senses and will be revered by kings.
32. When two lords of different houses mutually interchange places, that is,
they occupy the house of each other, such a disposition of planets is known as
Parivartana yoga. The interchanges of the pairs of the bhava lords will number 66
beginning from the Lagna and ending with the 12th. Out of these 66 parivartana
Yogas, 30 are caused by the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th and are called Dalnya
yogas. 8 such Parivartana Yogas are caused by the lord of the 3rd and are termed as
Kahala yogas. The remaining 28 are known as Maha Yogas.
Notes — Following are the details of the yogas mentioned above.
28. Maha Yogas: (1) The lord of the Lagna in the 2nd and the lord of the 2nd
in Lagna, (2) the lord of the Lagna in the 4th and the lord of the 4th in Lagna, (3)
the Lord of the Lagna in the 5th and the lord of the 5th in Lagna, (4) the lord of the
Lagna in the 7th and the Lord of the 7th in Lagna, (5) the Lord of the Lagna in the
10th. and the Lord of the 10th in the Lagna, (7) the lord of the Lagna in the 11th
and the lord of the 11th in the Lagna, (8) the lord of the 2nd in the 4th and the lord
of the 4th in the 2nd, (9) the lord of the 2nd in the 5th and the lord of the 5th in the
2nd, (10) the lord of the 2nd in the 7th and the lord of the 7th in the 2nd, (11) the
lord of the 2nd in the 9th and the lord of the 9th in the 2nd. (12) the lord of the 2nd
in the 10th and the lord of the 10th in the 2nd, (13) the lord of the 2nd in the 11th
and the lord of the 11th the 2nd, (14) the lord of the 4th in the 5th and the lord of
the 5th in the 4th (15) the lord of 4th in the 7th and the lord of the 7th in the 4th.
(16) the lord of the 4th in the 9th and the lord of the 10th in the 4th, (17) the lord of
4th in the 11th and the lord of 11th in the 4th, (19) the lord of the 5th in the 7th and
the lord of the 7th in the 5th, (20) the lord of the 5th in the 9th and the lord of the
the 9th in the 4th, (17) the Lord of the 4th in the 10th and the lord of 9th in the 5th,
(21) the lord of the 5th in the 10th and the lord of the 10th in the 5th. (22) the lord
of the 5th in the 11th and the lord of the 11th in the 5th. (23) the lord of the 7th in
the 9th and the lord of 9th in the 7th. (24) the lord of the 7th in the 10th and the
lord of 10th in the 7th. (25) the lord of 7th in the 11th and the lord of the 11th in
the 7th, (20) the lord of the 9th in the 10th and the lord of the 10th in the 9th, (27)
the lord of the 9th in the 11th and the lord of the 11th in the 9th (28) the lord of the
10th in the 11th and the lord of the 11th in the 10th.
30. Dainya Yogas:
(1) The lord of the 6th in the Lagna and the lord of Lagna in the 6th, (2) the
lord of the 6th in the 2nd and the lord of the 2nd in the 6th, (3) the lord of the 6th
in the 3rd and lord of the 3rd in the 6th, (4) the lord of the 6th in the 4th and the
lord of the 4th in the 6th, (5) the lord of the 6th in the 5th and the lord of the 5th in
the 6th, (6) the lord of the 6th in the 7th and the lord of the 7th in the 6th, (7) the
lord of the 6th in the 8th and the lord of the 8th in the 6th, (8) the lord of the 6th in
the 9th and the lord of the 9th in the 6th, (9) the lord of the 6th in the 10th and the
lord of 10th in the 6th, (10) the lord of 6th in the 11th and the lord of the 11th in
the 6th, (11) the lord of the 6th in the 12th and the lord of the 12th in the 6th. (12)
The lord of the 8th in Lagna and the lord of Lagna in the 8th. (13) the lord of the
8th (14) the lord of the 8th in 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the 8th, (15) the lord of
the 8th in the 4th and the lord of the 4th In the 8th, (16) the lord of the 8th in the
5th and the lord of the 5th In the 8th. (17) the lord of 8th In the 7th and the lord of
7th in the 8th, (18) the lord of the 8the In the 9th and the lord of the 9th in the 8th,
(19) the lord of the 8th in the 10th and the lord of the 10th in the 8th, (20) the lord
of the 8th in 11th and the lord of the 11th in the 8th, (21) the lord of the 8th in the
12th and the lord of 12th in the 8th, (22) the lord of the 12th in the Lagna and the
lord of the Lagna in the 12th, (23) the lord of the 12th in the 2nd and the lord of the
2nd in the 12th, (24) the lord of the 12th in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the
12th. (25) the lord of the 12th in the 4th and the lord of the 4th in the 12th, (26) the
lord of the 12th in the 5th and the lord of the 5th in the 12th (27) the lord of the
12th in the 7th and the lord of the 7th in the 12th, (28) the lord of 12th, (29) the
lord of 12th in the 10th.and lord of the 10th in the 12th, (30) the lord of the 12th in
the 11th and the lord of the 11th in the 12th.
8. Kahala Togas:
(1) The Lord of the Lagna in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the Lagna, (2)
the lord of the 2nd in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the 2nd. (3) the lord of the
4th in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the 4th (4) the lord of the 5th in the 3rd and
the lord of the 3rd in the 5th, (5) the lord of the 7th in the 3rd and the lord of the
3rd in the 7th. (6) the lord of the 9th in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the 9th, (7)
the lord of the 10th in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the 10th. and (8) the lord of
the 11th in the 3rd and the lord of the 3rd in the 11th.

33. The person with Dainya Yoga at birth will be a fool, will revile others
and indulge in sinful deeds. He is always in trouble from his enemies. He will
speak harshly and will not have a stable mind. He will encounter obstacles in all
his ventures.
The native with Kahala Yoga will occasionally be haughtly and sometimes
sweet in his speech. There will be occasions when he will be very prosperous and
then will be driven to poverty, unhappiness and misery.

34. Person born with Mahayoga will have the beneficence of the Goddess
Sri and will be adorned with expensive and beautiful clothes and ornaments. He is
reverred and honoured by the king. He will hold a high position and will be
rewarded of authority by the king, He will be blessed with sons and fully enjoy
wealth and conveyances.
Here is the horoscope of Smt. Indira Gandhi. Here there are interchanges of
houses: —
(1) The lord of the Lagna is in the 7th and the lord of the 7th is in the Lagna.
(2) The lord of the 2nd is in the 5th and the lord of the 5th is in the 2nd.
(3) The lord of the 11th is in the 6th and the lord of the 6th is in the 11th.
Jupiter Ketu
(1) and (2) are Maha Yogas and (3) is Dainya Yoga The effects of these
Yogas were fully realised by the native in her life.
Notes - Here it would be relevant to mention that in khand 4 sloka 22 in
Uttarakalamrit, the exalted results given for mutual interchange of lords of the 6th,
8th and 12th houses are quite reverse of the effects given in Phaladeepika. The
sloka in Uttarakalamrit is as under.
This means that (1) If the lord of the 8th is in the 12th or 6th, (2) if the lord
of the 6th is in the 8th or 12th. (3) if the lord of the 12th is in the 8th or 6th. (4) the
three lords may be in the signs of each other or be aspected by each other and (5) if
they are not associated with or aspected by the lords of any other houses (in other
words they may have nothing to do with the lords of any other houses), the person
born in such a Yoga will be very prosperous and a king of kings.
This is known as Vipareeta Raja Yoga which means that the planets who
normally give adverse effect, give excellent results.
However, there is some difference between the Yogas given above and those
mentioned in Phaladeepika. In Phaladeepika Dainya Yogas (by the lords of the 6th,
8th and 12th) are caused by interchanges of two planets only amongst the lords of
the 6th, 8th and 12th, while in Uttarkalamrita the effects are given of the placement
of the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th in Dusthanas or of their association with or
aspect by each other and be unrelated top lords of any other houses.

35. Note in the birth chart where the lord of the Lagna is posited, and where
the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of Lagna is placed. If the lord of this sign
is in his sign of exaltation or own identical with kendra or trikona, the Yoga so
formed is termed as Kahala Yoga See this birth chart as an example.
In this example horoscope lord of the Lagna is Mars. He is in Leo (5th
house) Lord of 5th house (Leo) the Sun is in the 1 It in Aquarius. Saturn, the lore,
of Aquarius, is in 7th a kendra, in his own sign of exaltation. This is how Kahala
Yoga is formed.
If the lord of the sign in which the Lord of Lagna is posited, be in his sign of
exaltation, of own sign identical with kendra or trikona, the Yoga so arising is
known as Parvata Yoga.
In this example horoscope the lord of the Lagna. Mars is posited in
Sagittarius (9th house). Lord of the 9th house Jupiter is in the 4th (a Kendra) in his
sign of exaltation causing Parvata Yoga.

36. The person with Kahala Yoga at birth will be prosperous, noble,
benevolent, kind and propitious. He will be very popular in the public.
The person born with Parvata Yoga will always be wealthy and happy. He
Will perfrom acts which will afford by lasting benefit to others (like construction
of Dharmashalas, hospitals, temples, reservoirs, etc.). He will become the ruler of
the Earth.
This is the horoscope of Shri Morarji Desai former Prime Minister of India.
The Lord of the Lagna Mercury is in Capricorn (8th House). The Lord of the 8th
house Saturn is exalted in the 5th causing Parvata Yoga.

37. The conjunction or association of the lords of 9th and the 10th house in
any auspicious house consitutes Raja Yoga.
If the lords of a Kendra and Trikona are similarly placed (that is, they
occupy together an auspicious house), the Yoga so formed is called Shankha Yoga.

38. The person with Raja yoga will be a king or equal to a king. When sets
out on a journey he will be greeted by bands like Bheri and sounds of Conch etc.
He will have a Royal Umbrella over his head and will be accompanied by
elephants, horses, and palanquins etc. Bards and minstrels will recite poems in his
praise, He will be presented gifts by eminent persons.
The person born with Shankha Yoga will enjoy all comforts in the company
of many beautiful women.

39-41 (1) When the seven planets from Sun to Saturn occupy seven separate
signs the Yoga so arising is known as Vallaki. This is also called Veena Yoga. The
person born in this Yoga is fond of dancing, singing and playing on musical
instrumets and is wealthy.
(2) When all the seven planets are in six signs, they form Dharma Yoga. The
person born with this Yoga will be generous, a king and benefactor.
(3) When all the seven Planets are confined to five signs only, they give rise
to Hasha Yoga. The person born with this Yoga indulges in enjoyment of life, is
wealthy and of good conduct and has relatives.
(4) When all the seven planets are placed in four signs only, they form
Kendra Yoga. The person with this yoga at birth will acquire wealth and
agricultural lands.
(5) When all the planets are disposed in three signs only, the resulting yoga
is known as Shula Yoga. The person with this yoga at birth is wrathful, of violent
disposition and poor.
(6) If all the seven planets are posited in two signs only, they give rise to
Yuga Yoga. The person with this Yoga In his birth chart will be heretical and
without wealth.
(7) If all the seven planets are disposed in one sign, they form Gola Yoga.
The person born with this Yoga will be Indolent, shortlived, without wealth, sinful
and will associate with low type of persons. Such a person will not be a skillful

42. When the benefic planets occupy the 6th, 7th and 8th places from the
Lagna or the Moon, the Yoga so formed is called Adhiyoga.
The person born with Adhiyoga is a commander (Superintendent of Police
or Commander of an army), a minister or a ruler (of a District or State). He will be
renowned, prosperous, wealthy, longlived and large souled.
This is the horoscope of Sardar Patel. In this Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
in the 7th from the Lagna and in the 6th from the exalted Moon.
There is both Lagnadhiyoga and Chandradhiyoga.
Rahu L Moon
Jup Ven
Notes— Some authors are of the view that for the Adhiyoga (from the Moon
or the Lagna) all the three houses viz.,'the 6th, 7th and 8th should be occupied by
Mercury, Jupiter or Venus. None of them should be vacant but this is not correct.
Shruti Kirti has pronounced that according to Vyas and other ancient sages
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus may be separately In the three houses or two may be in
one house and the third may be in any other house (amongst 6,7 and 8) and all the
three may be together in any of these three houses to meet the requirements of
these three houses to form this yoga.

43. The further effects of the Adhiyoga are that the native will become lord
of men, will always be wealthy, will have a large number of kinsmen and whom he
will feed and will be victorious over his enemies.

44-56. (1) benefics occupy or aspect the Lagna and the lord of Lagna not
being combust be posited in an auspicious house in his sign of exaltation or own
sign, the resulting planetary disposition is called Chamara Yoga. The person with
this yoga at birth grows (progresses) in prosperity like the Moon of the bright half
of the month and well behaved. He is wealthy, renowned, longlived and lord of
(2) If the 2nd house is occupied or aspected by benefic planet and the lord of
2nd house not being combust is posited in an auspicious house in his sign of
exaltation or in his own sign, the resulting Yoga is Dhenu Yoga, the person born
with this yoga will be well equipped with gold, wealth, grains, and precious stones,
and will be equal to king of kings.
(3) If the third house is occupied or aspected by benefic planets and the lord
of the third house not being combust, is in an auspicious house, in his sign of
exaltation or in his own sign, the yoga so formed is known as Shaurya yoga.
The person born with Shaurya Yoga has younger brothers devoted to him.
The younger brothers will attain glory and will be brave and valiant and will be
endowed with admiration of others. His nature will be adorned like Shri Rama, he
will be engrossed in state affairs, will be loved by everybody and will be very
(4) If the fourth house is similarly disposed the Yoga formed is known as
Jaladhi. The person born with this Yoga will be rich in cattle wealth and grains. He
will own a beautifully constructed mansion full of relatives. He will have an
excellent wife, gems, clothes, ornaments and will attain a high and respectable
status. He will be blessed with everlasting happiness. He will own elephants,
horses, palanquins etc., and will be reverred by the king. He will be devoted to
Brahmins and gods and construct wells and reservoirs by the road side for the
benefit of others.
(5) Similar disposition of the 5th house gives rise to Chhattra Yoga. The
person born with Chhattra yoga will lead a very happy family life, will be very
fortunate and will enjoy happiness from children, will be wealthy and renowned
with eloquent speech. He will possess a sharp intellect and will become a minister
of the king. He will be honoured by the king and will be respected by others.
(6) Similar disposition of the 6th house causes Astra yoga. The person born
with Astra yoga will be capable of conquering very powerful enemies. He will be
cruel in his disposition and arrogant. He will have bruised limbs but a strong body.
He will be quarrelsome.
Notes — Normally the 6th house is treated as Dusthana (bad house); but if
the lord of the sixth be in the sixth, he improves the effects of the 6th house. It is
generally said by the astrological pandits that malefics do good if they are posited
in the 6th house. The reason for this can be that the 6th house is 'Shatru sthana'.
Malefics will destroy the enemies. It is also believed that Mars, Saturn and Rahu
are good in the 3rd, 6th and 11th. The reason for this is also the same, namely, the
malefic will destroy enemies and diseases. Now we come to Shri Mantreshwarar's
views. According to him the lord of a house gives good effects when he is vested
with strength. This is unobjectionable but he has also expressed the opinion that if
lord of a Dusthana is posited in another dustnana he does good. This has been
described in Verse 57 of this very chapter. Another thing is that benefics do good to
the house where they are posited. Similarly the aspect of benefics improves the
effects of the aspected house.
(7) If there be similar disposition of the 7th house, the Yoga arising is called
Kama yoga. The person with Kama yoga at birth will have nothing to do with other
people's wives. His good qualities will enable him to surpass his father and he will
be very prosperous.
(8) With similar disposition of the 8th house, the yoga-formed is known as
Astra yoga. The person with this yoga will disturb others in their work and will
become a talebearer. He will be selfish, poor and have forbidden cravings. He will
indulge in mean doings and will untimately suffer for his unwanted doings.
(9) The 9th house disposed in the same manner gives rise to Bhagya Yoga.
The person who has his birth in the Bhagya yoga will move in palanquins
(excellent vehicles) in the midst of sounds of musical instruments (bands, drums
etc.) and with chowries waving to and fro. He will always be equipped with wealth
and will observe a righteous code of conduct. Gods and Brahmins will be pleased
with him for his devotion and virtues. He win make his family illustrious and will
have a lowering disposition.
(10) The disposition in similar manner in the 10th will cause Khyati Yoga.
The person born with Khayti yoga at his birth will become a king who will protect
his good subjects by following a code of conduct approved by all. He will have
sons, friends, wife and will be very wealthy, prosperous and famous.
(11) The disposition in the same way of the 11th will give rise to Parijata
Yoga. The person born with the Parijata Yoga will always be celebrating on some
account or other. He will become a king and will also be the owner of much
hoarded wealth. He will have a large family and will be fond of hearing songs of
great people. He will be learned and always engaged in performing auspicious
(12) The 12th house so disposed will cause Musala Yoga. The person born
with Musala Yoga will accumulate wealth with great difficulty. He will suffer
humiliation. His wealth will be tnstable. His expenditure will be only for legitimate
purposes. He will be stupid and of unsteady mind and he will go to heaven after his

57. If the lords of the houses from the Lagna onwards are in the 6th, 8th or
the 12th. or If the houses are occupied or aspected by malefics, 12 kinds of yogas
are formed from the houses commencing from the Lagna. They are respectively—
(1) Ava Yoga, (2) Nisswa Yoga, (3) Mriti Yoga, (4) Kuhu Yoga, (5) Pamara
Yoga, (6) Harsha Yoga, (7) Dushkriti Yoga, (8) Sarala Yoga, (9) Nirbhagya Yoga,
(10) Duryoga,
(11) Daridra Yoga, and (12) VimalaYoga.

58. The person born with Ava yoga will be of no significance (He will be
unknown and will be of no importance to others). He will be exceedingly poor and
will have a short life (Alpa ayu). He will suffer humiliations, will remain in
company of the wicked and will Be deformed and of ill behaviour. His position
will remain unsteady.

59. The person with Nisswa yoga at birth will be harsh in speaking. His wife
will not bear children. He will remain in bad company and will have ill formed
teeth and eyes. He will be bereft of intelligence, children, learning and power. His
wealth will be taken away by his enemies.

60. The person with Mriti Yoga will be annihilated by his enemies, will be
devoid of brothers, shame, strength and wealth. He will get tired by indulging in
unseemly actions and will be of excitable temperament.

61. Kuhu Yoga will make the native be bereft of mother, conveyances,
friends, happiness, ornaments, relations. He will be unemployed and without a
place of living having lost the one already owned by him and will have association
with women of low caste.

62. Pamara Yoga which affects the 5th house, will give the native a
miserable living and he will be indiscriminate. He will be liar and a cheat. He will
suffer from loss of children or will be childless. He will associate with mean and
wicked persons. He will have no faith in God or religion and will be a glutton.

63. Harsha Yoga concerns the 6th house. According to this yoga if the lords
of the 6th, 8th and 12th occupy the 6th house, the native will be blessed with
happiness and good fortune and a strong constitution. He will conquer his enemies
and will hesitate in indulging in sinful deeds. He will become a friend of illustrious
and men with class. He will be wealthy, splendourous, famous and will have
friends and sons.

64. Dushkriti Yoga involves the 7th house. The person with this yoga at
birth, will be deprived of his own wife and will indulge with other persons' wives.
He will wander about to and fro unnoticed and will suffer from venereal diseases.
He will be punished by the king (Government). He will be hated by his relations
and will remain unhappy in consequence.

65. Sarala Yoga concerns the 8th house. The yoga is formed if the lords of
the 6th, 8th or 12th are posited in the 8th house. This yoga inspite of the house
being a Dusthana gives excellent results. The yoga enables the native to be
longlived. resolute, fearless, prosperous, learned, blessed with children and wealth.
The native with this yoga will achieve success in all his ventures, will be victorious
over his enemies and will be a great celebrity.

66. The Nirbhagya Yoga which concerns the 9th house (the house of
Bhagya) causes the native to lose all his paternal property such as lands, house etc.
He will have no regard for good people and elders and will be irreligious. He will
be dressed in old and worn out clothes, will be poor and miserable.

67. All the physical efforts will prove fruitless for the person born with
Duryoga involving the 10th house. He will be of no importance, a traitor and very
selfish only earning to satisfy his own hunger. He will be constantly away from his
home and live abroad.

68. The yoga involving the 11th house is known as Daridrya Yoga. Incoming
debts constantly will be the way of life for the person with this yoga. He suffers
from diseases of the ear. He will be deprived of good brotherhood and will be
engaged in cruelly and sins. He will be indecent in speech and work like a menial.

69. The person with his birth in Vlmla Yoga (which concerns the 12th house)
will be frugal in his expenses and clever in saving money. He will be equipped
with good behaviour towards others, will enjoy happiness, will be independent,
will follow a respectable profession or conduct and will be well known for his
good qualities.
Notes — We would like to make some comments on the three yogas vis.,
Harsha, Sarala and Vimala involving the 6th, 8th, and 12th, the three Dusthanas or
inauspicious houses of a horoscope. As will be seen irom verses 63, 65 and 69, if
the lords of these three houses are posited in their own houses or in any of the
other two houses, they produce excellent results. Every planet In his own house is
deemed to be good and strong even if the house concerned is 6th, 8th or 12th; but
how is it that lord of an inauspicious house produces good resultes when he is
posited in another inauspicious house. The reason given for such an opposite effect
is that the lord of an inauspicious when disposed in another inauspicious becomes
so weak that it loses its evil character and assumes the role of a strong benefic to
enable him to produce excellent opposite results. Why these three yogas have been
called as Vipareeta Raja Yogas? As stated in our notes on verses 33-35
Uttarakalamrit supports this view; but Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Bora
Shastra has accorded no recognition to this yoga. The effects given there of
disposition of the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th in each other's houses are described
below :-
(1) 6th lord in the 6th - The native will have enmity with the group of his
kinsmen but. he will be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre happiness in
matters like wealth.
(2) 6th lord in the 8th - The native will be sickly, inimical, will desire others'
wealth, be interested in other's wives and be impure (or degraded).
(3) 6th lord in the 12th - The native will always spend on vices, be hostile to
learned people and will torture living beings.
(4) 8th lord in the 6th - The native will win over his enemies, be afflteted by
diseases and during childhood, will incure danger through snakes and water.
(5) 8th lord in the 8th - The native will be longlived. If the said planet be
weak being in the 8th the native's longevity will be medium, he will be a thief, be
blameworthy and will blame others as well.
(6) 8th lord in the 12th - The native will spend on evil deeds and will have a
short life. More so, if there be additionally a malefic in the said house.
(7) 12th lord in the 6th - The native will incur enmity with his own men, be
given to anger, be sinful and, miserable.
(8) 12th lord in 8th - The native will always gain, will speak affably, will
enjoy a medium span of life and be endowed with qualities.
(9) 12th lord in the 12th - The native will face heavy expenditure, and will
not have physical felicity, be irritable and spiteful. It will be seen from the above
that according to Parasara the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th are not good enough
even when they occupy their own houses. According to him only the 12th lord in
the 8th produces some good effects.
Dr. B.V. Raman also has not been kindly to the Harsha, Sarala and Vimala
yogas laid down by Shri Mantreswara. In his book Three Hundred Important
Combinations while commenting on these three yogas he says boldly, "These three
yogas furnish us with a clue as to how lords of Dusthanas by occupying another
Dusthana can overcome the evil due to such malefic ownership. Even though the
author of the above yogas has ascended very pleasant results to these three
combinations yet in actual practice, quite contrary have been the results. Parashara
and Lomasa do not seem to favour the conception that the sting arising from an
evil lordship can disappear entirely as a result of the lord occupying another
Dusthana. On the other hand, the intensity will be somewhat modified. This is
evident from the fact that according to Parashara, when the 6th lord is in the 6th,
the native's relatives become enemies while he would be friend of the outsiders;
and when the 6th lord is in 8th or 12th, the person becomes sick, hates learned
men,, goes after others' women and takes pleasure in causing violence. Therefore,
in interpreting the three yogas given above, one should have an eye on the intrinsic
evil nature of the ownership"
It is also stated in verse 57 of Phala Deepika that Harsha, Sarala and Vimala
Yogas will also be formed if the 6th, 8th or 12th houses be associated with or
aspected by malefics. In the context of the general principles of Hindu Astrology,
we find it difficult to believe that such dispositions or combinations can yield any
auspicious effects.
We have not found mention of any such yogas In Brihat Jataka, Saravali and
Jataka Parijata.

70. If the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses vested with strength are
posited in Kendra or Trikona and the lords of 1st, 10th, 4th and 9th houses be weak
or combust, and occupy the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, the yoga so arising is named
Duryoga. If, however, the above dispositions are in the reverse order, viz., the lords
of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses being weak or combust occupy those houses and
the lords of the 1st, 4th, 9th and 10th being strong are posited in the kendra or
trikona house, the native will become a king, fortunate, wealthy, happy and
Thus ends the sixth chapter on "Yogas" in Phaladeepika composed by

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 7

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:17 am
by StarLore
Chapter 7


1. The native becomes a widely renowned king if at birth he has three or
more planets in their signs of exaltation or in their own signs posited in a kendra.
Even one born in an ordinary family becomes a ruler of the earth possessing bands
of elephants and horses, if five or more planets be posited in a kendra in their signs
of exaltation or in their own sign*.

2. A person born in a royal family becomes a king if he is not born under any
Duryoga nor any planets at the time of his birth are eclipsed by the Sun's rays. A
person born in a royal family becomes a king if in his nativity three or more
planets posited in a kendra are in their signs of exaltation or in their own signs but
if such a yoga exists in the nativity of a person born in an ordinary family, he
becomes influended and prosperous like a king. He can also become a king.

3. Even a single planet, even if he be in debilitation, is capable of making a
person equal to a king, if not being posited in Dusthana (6th. 8th or 12th) or
combust and be possessed of brilliant rays and be in retrograte motion. If three or
more planets be so disposed, the native becomes a king. If there are many planets
posited in auspicious houses and Navamsas. the native will become a king
endowed with the inslgnias of royalty such as crown, umbrella and waving

4. The native belonging to royal family becomes victorious every where if at
his birth two or more planets are endowed with Digbala.
Notes — The Sun and Mars have full Dlgbala in the Bhava madhya of the
10th house. The Moon and Venus have full Digbala in the Bhava Madhya of the
4th house. Mercury and Jupiter have full Digbala in the Bhava madhya of the first
house. Saturn has full Dlgbala in the Bhava madhya of the first house. Saturn has
lull Digbala in the Bhava madhya of the 7th house.
Should there be five such planets (excepting Saturn) or at least 4 planets
possessing Digbala, even the person born in an ordinary family, becomes a king.

5. When the Lagna and the Moon both be In Vargottama Navamsas and
when the Lagna be aspected by four planets other than the Moon, the person
belonging even to a low family becomes a king.

6. Should at birth the lord of the Langa being Vargottama be posited in a
kendra or Trikona and the lord being Vargottama be posited in a kendra or the 9th
in his own sign or his sign of exaltation, the native will become a king who will
occupy a beatiful golden vehicle on the back of an elephant, with chowries
adorning the two sides.

7. When at birth the Moon is brilliant with white luster and is aspected by
planet disposed in his own sign or his sign of exaltation, even the person whose
legitimacy is questionable, will become a king.
When the full Moon is placed in Kendra other than the Lagna the native will
become a king owning elephants and horses.

8. When at birth Venus being placed in Aswini Nakshatra occupies the
Lagna and is aspected by three planets, the person concerned becomes a powerful
king capable of overcoming his enemies.
When the lord of Lagna is powerful and occupies the 2nd house with Venus
in a sign which is not his sign of depression nor an enemy's sign, the person
concerned will become a king.

9. Should Mars be in Aries or Sagittarius identical with the lagna and be
aspected by a friendly planet, the person concerned becomes a king.
Should the lord of the 9th be in the 10th and vice versa, the person born
becomes a king who is extolled by all (This is a very powerful Raja Yoga).

10. Should the Sun in conjunction with the Moon be posited in the middle of
Sagittarius, Saturn be occupying the Lagna and a very powerful Mars be in his sign
of exaltation, the native will become an extremely valourous king who will be
offered solutations out of fear by his enemies from a distance.
Notes - It will be relevant to quote here Varahamihir who in his great work
Brihat Jataka has specified that Saturn is capable of conferring royalty if were to
rise with the ascendant identical with Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or

11. If the Moon brilliant with disc resembling nectar and lotus stalk in color
(i.e. the full Moon) occupies a Navamsa owned by the Sun and benefics
unassociated with malefics occupy kendra, the person born will become a king
owning many elephants.

12. Should the Moon be brilliant and as white as milk or conch (i.e. full) and
three other planets not being in depression sign or vargas or inimical sign or
inimical vargas, be in their own Navamsas and be receiving the aspect of benefics,
the person born becomes lord of the Earth (king) and Vanquishes his enemies.

13. Should the Moon having attained Vargottamsa be aspected by a strong
planet and no malefic be posited in the Lagna the person will become an emperor
and possess a well formed body.

14. When Jupiter, Mercury and Venus or the Moon are posited in 9th with
brilliant rays uneclipsed and are also aspected by or associated with friendly
planets, the person born will become a great king and will be worshipped by his
subjects like a deity.

15. Should Jupiter and Venus be in Meena, Saturn be exalted, the full Moon
be aspected by Mars and the Sun be in Aries identical with the Lagna, the native
concerned will become a king owning a vast army by whose marching so much
dust is raised that Sun becomes invisible and as a consequence the lotus flowers
begin to contract under the impression that the Sun has set.
Notes — This verse appears to be somewhat confusing and complicated and
has led to commentators to interpret it in more than one way. The translation given
above is that based on the interpretation by Shri V. Subrahmanya Shastri.
According to him this is the only possible combination the author could
have had in view as otherwise a full Moon in exaltation with the Sun in Aries is an
impossibility, the Moon to be in exaltation, she should be placed in Taurus. If the
Sun were to be in Aries the Moon cannot be full. In further explaining the
combination Shri Shastri has said that planetary position as per his translation will
be as follows:
Venus and Jupiter are in Pisces. Aries is rising with the Sun in it, the Moon
is in Libra and Saturn is exalted there. Mars placed in Cancer aspects the Moon
(This is in view of the phrase Teevravilochana Mars Is strong in his 4th glance).
The reader should see for himself that in the above combination, Venus, the Sun
and Saturn are exalted Jupiter is In his own sign. The Sun, Mars and Saturn are in
Kendra. Saturn has got full Digbala. Mars thougn devoid of Digbala has got
Neechabhanga Raja Yoga, as per verses 27 to 30 of this Chapter with the above
combination, the lord of Ascendant with Neechabhanga Raja Yoga through the
Moon definitely confers kingship on the native.
However, according to the interpretation of the well known author and
commentator Pt. Gopesh Kumar Qjha, the disposition of planets should be as under
:— Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are in Pisces. The Moon is full and is placed in
Taurus in her sign of exaltation. The Sun is aspected by Mars and the Lagna is
identical with Aries.
The Sun has to be in Scorpio for the Moon to be full and Mars has been in
Taurus or Leo to be able to aspect the Sun. We feel that Shri Ojha's interpretation is
not correct as the combination formed according to it is not strong enough to form
a Raja Yoga and confer kingship on the native.
L Mars

16. (a) The birth be at night (b) the Moon be in Cancer identical with 10th
house, (c) benefics being in depression or inimical signs be posited in the 3, 6, 11
houses or be in deep exaltation or be all posited in kendras uneclipsed. When the
native has such a disposition of planets at birth, he becomes, a great king ruling the
three worlds under one umbrella.

17. If the full Moon be in Vargottamamsa, the person born becomes a
powerful King of the Earth and is highly renowned. He will possess an army with
horses, the dust raised by whose hoofs overshadows the light of the Sun and it
resembles that of the Moon in the morning.

18. Should Jupiter and the Moon be in kendra aspected by Venus with no
planet in his sign of debilitation, the person born becomes king with unequalled

19. If at birth the Moon be in a watery sign and Navamsa identical with
Lagna and also be in his own or benefic Varga, with no malefics in Kendra. the
native becomes a King owning many elephants.

20. Five Yogas are described in this Verse which are as follows —
(a) If Venus is aspected by Jupiter a person born in a royal family becomes a
(b) If Jupiter occupies a sign other than Capricorn identical with Lagna, the
native becomes a King with many elephants under his charge.
(c) A King will be born if in a nativity the lord of the Lagna vested with full
strength occupies a Kendra.
(4) If at birth Mercury with full strength is posited in Kendra and is aspected
by Jupiter, the native becomes so influential that the Kings act according to his

21. Two Yogas are described in this Verse as described below —
(1) Even one planet posited in his sign of exaltation aspected by a friendly
planet enables the native to become a king. If such a planet be also associated with
a friendly planet, the native will become extremely rich and prosperous.
(2) If the Sun be in his own Navamsa and the Moon be in his own sign, the
native becomes a King possessing many horses and elephants.
Note — In the Yoga mentioned at (2) above, it should be necessary for the
Rasi of the Sun and the Navamsa of the Moon to be strong. The strength of a
horoscope depends to a great extent on the strength of the Sun and the Moon.

22. There are again two Raja Yogas in this verse as described below: —
(1) Should the Moon with full rays be in Pisces aspected by a friendly
planet, the native will become a king with pre-eminent position and delighting the
(2) Should the Moon be full and be in his sign of exaltation the native will
become a very generous, charitable and praiseworthy King.

23. Should the Moon be in the Navamasa of an Adhimitra aspected fully by
Venus. The native will become a very wealthy King.
Should the Moon in the above position be aspected by Jupiter, the person
born will become a King reigning over the entire Earth.

24. The following are 4 Raja yogas declared by those versed in the science
of Astrology —
(1) Malefics posited in the 3rd, 6th and 11th house counted from
The house occupied by the lord of Lagna, Moon or from the Lagna.
(2) Mars and Mercury occupying the 2nd house from the Lagna.
(3) The Sun and Venus located together in the 4th house.
(4) Mars, Saturn and Jupiter be housed respectively in the 10th, 11th and the

25. Should one out of the lords of the 11th, the 9th and the 2nd houses
occupies a Kendra with reference to the Moon and should Jupiter own the 2nd, the
5th or the 11th house, the Yoga so formed enables the person born to become the
lord of a full fledged empire.

26. A planet in debilitation is considered adverse in effect. But there arise
circumstances when the debilitation of such a planet is cancelled giving rise to
Neechabhang Raja Yoga. These circumstances are explained below.
I at birth a planet is posited in sign of debilitation and the lord of the sign of
debilitation be in Kendra from the Moon or Lagna or the planet that is exalted in
the sign be in Kendra to the Moon or the Lagna, the debilitation of the Planet
concerned gets cancelled and a Raja Yoga is formed enabling the native to become
a very powerful King.
Note — There is some difference of opinion about the interpretation of the
word Uchchanatha. Suppose Saturn is in the Aries in debilitation who will be
Uchchanatha of Saturn? According to one view Saturn is exalted in Libra.
Therefore lord of Libra, namely, Venus is the Uchchanatha. Another view is that
Saturn being in Aries and the Sun is exalted in Aries. Therefore the Sun is the
Uchchanatha. In our view the second view is more appropriate. There is also
difference of opinion whether the conditions mentioned above have to be fulfilled
before debilitation gets cancelled. Shri V. Subrahmanaya Shastri has taken the view
that any of the two conditions should be enough for the cancellation of the
debilitation. Pt. Gopesh Kumar Ojha has taken the view that both the conditions
have to be fulfilled. We are of the view that it should be enough for any of the two
conditions to be fulfilled for the cancellation of the debilitation. Our view and that
of Shri Shastri is supported by Jataka Parijata.
Jup Sat
Ven Sun
Merc Ketu
Saturn is in his sign of debilitation. His debilitation gets cancelled as Mars
the lord of the sign in which Saturn is posted, in Kendra to the Lagna and the
Moon. Sun who is exalted in Aries is also in Kendra to the Lagna.

27. Should at birth a planet be posited in his sign of debilitation, and the lord
of that depression sign and the lord of the planet's exaltation sign are in Kendra
positions mutually, the debilitation gets cancelled The Neechabhanga Raja Yoga so
formed produces a powerful King of Kings.

28. If a planet is in his sign of debilitation, and is aspected by the lord of that
sign, the debilitation gets cancelled and by the Neechabhanga Raja Yoga so formed
the native becomes a ruler of the Earth and famous. And if in the above Yoga if the
planet be placed in an auspicious case still better effects may be expected.

29. When the planet is posited in his sign of debilitation, if the lord of the
sign so occupied or the lord of the planet's exaltation sign be in a Kendra position
with reference to the Lagna or the Moon, the person so born will become very
wealthy emperor. He will perform virtuous actions and will be very powerful,
famous and affluent.

30. If a planet in his sign of debilitation be in a Kendra position with
reference to the Moon or the Lagna, the debilitation gets cancelled and the
Neechabhanga Raja Yoga so formed will produce an emperor revered by other
Nates — Thus there are five kinds of Neechabhanga Raja Yogas as
described below:—
(1) The lord of the depression sign or the planet that is exalted in that sign, is
in a Kendra position from the Lagna or the Moon.
(2) The lord of the sign of debilitation and the lord of the exaltation sign of
the debilitation planet are mutually in Kendra positions.
(3) The planet in the sign of debilitation is aspected by the lord of that sign.
(4) The lord of the sign of debilitation or the lord of the exaltation sign of the
planet in debilitation, is in Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
(5) The planet in his sign of debilitation is in Kendra with reference to the
Lagna or the Moon.
Thus ends the seventh chapter on "Maharaja Yogas" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 8

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:20 am
by StarLore
Chapter 8

Effects of planets in different houses

The Sun

1-4. If the Sun be In the 1st house at birth, the native will have scanty hair.
He will be lazy, of hot disposition, impetuous and tall In stature. He will have
soiled eyes and a lean and thin body. He will be cruel, impatient and valourous.
The Sun in the 1st house with Cancer as the Lagna will give the native cataract in
the eyes with the Lagna as Aries, the Sun in the 1st house will cause eye disease. In
Leo Lagna the Sun will cause night blindness. If the Lagna be Libra and the Sun
occupies it, the native will be devoid of wealth and suffer from loss of children.
When the Sun is in the 2nd house at birth, the person concerned will be
without any learning; he will be shameless and will be stammering.
Should the Sun occupy the 3rd house, the native will be powerful, valiant,
wealthy and generous. He will have inimical relations with his kinsmen.
If the Sun be in 4th house, the native will be bereft of happiness and
comfort, relations, lands, friends and house. He will be in Government service and
will squander away his ancestral property.
When the Sun is in the 5th house from the Lagna, the person concerned will
be short tempered and will be deprived of happiness, wealth and children. He will
be intelligent and wander in forest regions.
If the Sun be in the 6th house, the native will become a king. He will earn
renown and will be equipped with praiseworthy qualities. He will be wealthy and
capable of overcoming his enemies.
When the Sun is in the 7th at birth, the person concerned will suffer from the
wrath of the king. He will have deformed body and will have no wife. He will
suffer humiliation from others.
With the Sun in the 8th house, the person born will be deprived of his wealth
and friends. He will be short-lived and suffer from defective eyesight. He can be
blind also.
Notes — From the 8th house the Sun will aspect the 2nd house which
represents the right eye. Thus the Sun's placement in 8th house should certainly
affect the right eye. The Sun represents light and when he is placed in the 8th the
worst dusthana, he can deprive the native of his eyesight.
Should the Sun be In 9th house at birth, the person concerned is likely to
suffer from the loss of his father, but he will not be deprived of children and
relations. He will have due respect foi gods and Brahmins.
With the Sun in the 10th house, the native will be blessed with sons and will
enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will receive praise for his good conduct and
will have Intelligence, wealth, strength and fame. He will be a king.
Notes — Sun has Digbala in the 10th. For the above very good effects, the
Lagna should be Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and
Aquarius. In other Lagnas the Sun Will not own any auspicious house and will not
be capable of producing the good effects described above.
The Sun in the 11th house makes the native very wealthy and long lived. He
will be a king with ever lasting happiness.
Should the Sun be in the 12th house at birth the native will have inimical
relations with his father. His eyesight will be defective and he will be devoid of
wealth and children.


5-7. If at birth the Moon be waxing and be posited in the first house (the
lagna), the native will possess a strong constitution and will be longlived. He will
be powerful, fearless and wealthy. The effects will be quite reverse if the Moon be
If the Moon be posited in the 2nd house, the person born will be a man of
learning, sweet in speech and wealthy. He will have a defective limb and be
If the Moon be in the 3rd house at birth the person born will have brothers.
He will be lascivious, powerful and strong but very miserfy.
Should the Moon be placed in the 4th house, the person concerned will be
happy, will be indulging in sensual pleasures He will be generous in gifts, will
have good friends, will have comforts of conveyances and will enjoy a high
reputation (Moon gets Digbala in the 4th).
If the Moon be in the 5th house at birth the person will walk gently, will be
brilliant and will have good sons. Such a person becomes Minister of a king.
If the Moon be in the sixth house the person born will be short lived, will be
stupid and sufferer of stomach ailments. He will aslo face humiliation.
Should the Moon be housed in the 7th at birth, the person concerned will be
beautiful in his looks, and will be loved by a faithful and illustrious wife.
When the Moon occupies the 8th house at birth, the person concerned will
be sickly and shortlived.
Should the Moon happen to be in the 9th house, the person born will be
wealthy, virtuous and will be blessed with children.
The Moon in 10th house at birth makes the native victorious over his
enemies, and achieve success in all his ventures. He will be engaged in pious deeds
and will be a supporter of good people.
Should the Moon occupy the 11th house at birth, the person concerned will
be high minded, longlived and wealthy and will be blessed with children. He will
also have comforts of servants.
When the Moon is placed in the 12th house, the native is indolent,
humiliated and unhappy. Others have animosity against him.


8-10. If Mars occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the native will be very
cruel but valourous. He will be short lived and his body will get bruised.
When Mars is posited in the 2nd house at birth, the native will not be good
looking and will not be clever in speaking. He will have tearing and will be devoid
of wealth. He will be serving low people.
Should Mars be in the 3rd house at birth, the person concerned will be
equipped with qualities, will be powerful, happy and brave. He will be not subdued
by others. But he will be deprived of the happiness of brothers.
When Mars is placed in the 4th house, the native will be bereft of mother,
friends, happiness, conveyances and lands.
The person concerned will have no children and will face many disasters,
should the Mars happen to occupy the 5th house at birth. The native will be a
talebearer and without enough intelligence.
Should Mars happen to occupy the 6th house at birth, the person concerned
will be wealthy, generous, capable of vanquishing his enemies and will have
splendour like that of a king. Mars in the 6th makes the native very sensuous.
When Mars is in the 7th, the person born will indulge in undesirable actions,
will be afflicted by diseases and will have a wife who will die prematurely.
Note — Mars in the 7th produces very strong Manglik Dosha. If the native
is a man he loses his wife. If the native is a woman she becomes a widow. It is,
however, widely believed that if both the husband and wife are Manglik, the Dosha
gets cancelled. There is Manglik Dosha when Mars occupies the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th,
8th and 12th houses.
Mars in the 8th house gives the native a diseased body, deprive him of
wealth and makes him shortlived and reviled by others. Should Mars occupy the
9th house, the native will face animosity from others even if he be a favourite of
the king. He will not enjoy the happiness of his father (i.e. he will lose his father
prematurely), and will oppress other people.
If Mars be in the 10th house the person though cruel by nature will be
charitable and will be like a king. He will be valiant and will be extolled even by
great personalities.
When Mars occupies the 11th house the native will be powerful, wealthy,
valourous, of good conduct, and happy.
Mars in the 12th house makes the native a talebearer and cruel. He will be
devoid of wife, and mean by nature. He will suffer from eye diseases.


11-13. Should Mercury be posited in the 1st house or the lagna, the native
will be learned in all Shastras, will be soft spoken and longlived.
If Mercury happens to occupy the 2nd house at birth the person earns his
livelihood by his intelligence. He will compose poems and will be cultured in his
speech. He will get sweetish preparations to eat.
If Mercury be in the 3rd house, the person born will be brave but will have a
medium span of life. He will have good brothers and sisters, but he will suffer from
fatigue and be dejected.
When Mercury occupies the 4th house, the person born will be learned and
witty. He will be possessed of friends, wealth and happiness.
With Mercury in the 5th, the native will be learned, happy and courageous.
He will be blessed with children and will be well versed in Mantras.
Should Mercury happen to occupy 6th house, the native will be indolent,
harsh in speech and will be capable of overcoming his enemies. He will become
adament when people enter into arguments with him.
Mercury occupying the 7th house makes the native learned, decently
dressed. He will have all greatness and a wealthy woman as his wife.
When Mercury is in the 8th house at birth the person concerned will be
widely renowned and longlived. He will be the supporter of his family, a lord and a
commander of army.
With the Mercury occupying the 9th house, the native will be learned,
wealthy, religious minded and observer of virtuous conduct. He will be well versed
in everything and will not be reserved in speaking.
If Mercury be posited in the 10th house at birth, the native will be learned,
powerful, wise, happy, virtuous and will stick to his word. He will be successful
from the very beginning in all his ventures.
Should Mercury occupy the 11th house, the person will be longlived. He
will keep his word, and will be very wealthy and nappy. He will enjoy the comforts
of servants.
Mercury in the 12th makes the native poor and helpless, indolent and cruel
and without any education. He will also suffer from humiliation


14-16. If Jupiter be in Lagna at birth, the person concerned will be
handsome and attractive, virtuous, longlived and fearless. He will be blessed with
the grace of God.
Notes — It is said that if Jupiter is in Lagna, the native is blessed with the
grace of God because from there he aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th house i.e. houses
of children, wife and bhagya. Jupiter is the greatest natural benefic amongst all the
planets and by his occupation of the 1st house, he makes the native healthy, happy,
wealthy, fortunate and wise.
Should Jupiter occupy the 2nd house at birth, the person concerned will be
learned and wealthy, will possess a beautiful face and will be eloquent in speech.
He will enjoy food of high standard.
If Jupiter be placed in the 3rd house, the person born will be sinful, wicked
and miserly He will suffer humiliation but one of his brothers will attain a position
of honour and will be renowned.
With Jupiter posited in the 4th, person will be happy and will live with
mother, friends, sons and servants. He will have plenty of grains.
Should Jupiter be in the 5th house, the native will suffer from distress from
sons (children). He will be learned and a minister of the king.
If Jupiter occupies the 6th house at birth, the native will destroy his enemies
but he will be lazy and will be humiliated. He will be clever and well versed in the
recitation and utility of Mantras.
When Jupiter is posited in 7th house at birth, the native will be blessed with
a decent wife and children. He will be handsome and more liberal than his father.
With Jupiter in the 8th house at birth, the native will be poor and helpless
and earns his livelihood through servants or menials. He will indulge in mean
action, but will be longlived.
If Jupiter be in 9th house at birth, the native, will be wealthy and will be
blessed with sons (children). He will be famous and will be eager to perform
virtuous deeds and religious rites. He will become a minister of the king.
Should Jupiter be occupying the 10th house at birth, the native will be very
wealthy and a favourite of the king. Be earns a high reputation and is virtuous.
Jupiter in 11th house at birth makes the native wealthy, longlived and
fearless. He gets few children; but enjoys the comforts of conveyances.
When Jupiter occupies the 12th house, the native will earn animosity ol
others, and will himself use abusive language. He will be childless , sinful,
indolent and a person who serves others.


17-19. If Venus be posited in the lagna at birth, the native will have a
beautiful and attractive body, and will be happy and longlived.
Notes—Venus is the benefic No. 2. He can never be as beneficial as Jupiter
in the Lagna because he possesses one lull aspect only and that will fall on the 7th
house only.
Should Venus occupy the 2nd house at birth, the native will be a poet and
will enjoy riches of various kinds.
If Venus be In the 3rd house at birth, the native will be miserly, unpopular,
devoid of wealth, happiness and wife.
With Venus occupying the 4th house, the person born, the native will be
endowed with good conveyances, a decent house, ornaments, clothes and scents.
When Venus be in the 5th house at birth, the native will be endowed with
wealth and will be as influential and renowned as a king. He will be learned and
will be blessed with the happiness of children.
With Venus posited in the 6th house at birth, the native will have no
enemies, but he will be devoid of wealth. He will develop ilicit relations with
several young girls, but will not enjoy happiness.
Should Venus be placed in 7th house at birth, the native will enjoy the
company of a faithful and beautiful wife and he may lose his wife. He will be
wealthy and will have intrigues with bad women.
Venus posited in the 8th house at birth, will make the native wealthy,
longlived and a landlord.
If Venus occupies the 9th house at birth, the native will draw his fortune
through the beneficience of the king. He will be blessed with wife, sons and
With Venus occupying the 10th house at birth, the native will perform
virtuous deeds. He will enjoy happiness from friends, will be greatly honoured,
will enjoy high reputation and will attain a high status. Should Venus occupy the
11th house at birth, the native will be wealthy, but will have connections with other
people's wives. He will enjoy all kinds of happiness.
If Venus occupies the 12th house at birth, the native will enjoy sexual
relationships with many women (bed comforts). He will be rich and prosperous.


20-24. If at birth Saturn is in the Lagna in his sign of exaltation (Libra) or in
his own sign (Capricorn and Aquarius), the person concerned will be equal to the
king, a chief or mayor of a city. If Saturn be in the Lagna in any other sign, the
native will suffer from sorrow and misery from his very childhood and will be
poverty stricken. He will be living shabbily and will be inactive.
Notes — According to Brihat Jataka if Saturn occupied the Lagna at a
person's birth, he will be poor, sickly, love-stricken, very unclean, Suffering from
diseases during his childhood. However, if any of the signs Sagittarius, Pisces,
Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra be the Lagna and Saturn should occupy it at birth,
the person concerned will be equal to king, the headman of a village or the mayor
of a city, a great scholar and will be handsome. Uttarakalamrit and Mansagari have
supported this view.
Should Saturn be in the 2nd house at birth, the face of the native will be
unattractive. He will not take the righteous path and will be devoid of wealth but in
the latter part of his life he will quit his native place and will then possess wealth,
conveyance and all enjoyments of life.
If Saturn should happen to occupy the 3rd house at birth, the native will be
very intelligent, wise and liberal and will live with his wife. However, he will be
indolent and unhappy.
If Saturn be in the 4th house at birth, the native will be bereft of house,
respect and mother. He will be sickly in his childhood. He will also be unhappy.
If Saturn occupied the 5th house the person concerned will be evil minded
and wicked. He will be bereft of learning, children, wealth and happiness. He
roams about aimlessly.
Should Saturn occupy the 6th house at birth, the person concerned will be
glutton, wealthy and will vanquish his enemies. He will also be arrogant.
When at birth Saturn is posited in the 7th house, the native develops
relations with women of questionable character. He will be poverty stricken, a
wanderer and unhappy.
Saturn occupying the 8th house at birth will make the native unclean
afflicted with piles, devoid of wealth, of cruel disposition, hungry and will be
avoided by his friends.
Should Saturn occupy the 9th house, the native will be devoid of good
fortune, wealth, children father and will be irreligious. He will also be wicked.
Notes — A View has been taken that as the 9th house is the house of
Dharma, Saturn occupying it will bring about a revolution in this sphere. If there
be a Saturn endowed with strength in the 9th house and be aspected byjupiter, the
person will follow Dharmic principles strictly and will be a tapasvi. In Ma
Ananamayee's birth Saturn is exalted in the 9th (Aquarius Ascendent). In Swami
Karpatri's birth chart Saturn is in the 9th and the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury
are in the lagna idnentical with Cancer.
This is horoscope of Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Saturn is exalted in
Saturn in 10th house enables the native to be king or equal to the king. He
will be valiant, renowned and will be engaged in agricultural pursuits.
Ven Ketu Jup
Rahu Sat
Saturn in the 11th makes the native devoid of ill health and enables him
lasting income and wealth.
Should Saturn occupy the 12th house at birth, the native will be impudent,
poor, childless, defective of some limb, stupid and defeated by his enemies.


25-27. When Rahu is in the occupaton of the 1st house at birth, the native
will be shortlived, wealthy and strong and suffer from diseases in the higher limbs
(Face, head etc.).
The person who has Rahu in the 2nd house at birth, will be insincere in
speech and his words will carry double meaning. He will suffer from disease of the
mouth or the face. He will be tender hearted and will receive wealth through the
beneficence of the king. He will be of an angry disposition and happy.
When Rahu is in the 3rd house at birth, the native will be proud, inimical
towards his co-born, wealthy, longlived and strongwilled.
With Rahu in the 4th house at birth, the native will have a short span of life
and will be seldom happy.
When Rahu occupies the 5th house at birth, the native will have nasal touch
in his speech. He will be childless, hard hearted and will suffer from pain in the
Should Rahu occupy the 6th house at birth, the native will be troubled by the
enemies and will be oppressed by malefic planets. He will be wealthy and
longlived and will suffer from ulcer in the anus.
Rahu in the 7th house at birth makes the person concerned independent, but
without intelligence. He squanders away his money by associating with women.
He will become a widower and also impotent.
If Rahu be posited in the 8th house the native will become miserable, will
suffer from rheumatism, will have few children and will indulge in impure actions.
If Rahu occupies the 9th house at birth, the native will be harsh in speech
and will indulge in unrighteous actions but he will become head of a clan, city or a
If Rahu be in the 10th house, the person born will have a limited number of
issues, engaged in working for others, will not perform any rightful deeds, will be
fearless and famous.
With Rahu occupying the 11th house at birth, the native will be wealthy and
longlived, will have a limited number of issues, and will suffer from some disease
of the ear.
Rahu in the 12th house at birth makes a man squanderer of money, will
indulge in sinful deeds and suffer from diseases like dropsy etc.


28-33. When Ketu occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the person born will
be ungrateful, unhappy and tale bearer, will associate with unsociable elements,
deformed in his body, fallen from position and outcaste.
With Ketu in the 2nd house at birth, the native will be bereft of learning and
will have a harsh manner of speaking. He will have a sinister look and be
dependent for food on others.
Should Ketu occupy the 3rd house at birth, the native will be longlived,
powerful and renowned. He will live happily with his wife and will eat good food;
but he will be deprived of a brother.
With Ketu occupying the 4th house at birth, the native will live in another
man's house and will lose his lands, mother and happiness. He will be forced to
leave his native land.
Ketu in the 5th house at a person's birth deprives the native of his children.
He will be evil minded and will be oppressed by goblins (evil spirits).
If Ketu occupies the 6th house at birth, the native will be magnanimous, full
of best qualities, firm, renowned and will be vested with high authority. He will
vanquish his enemies and will be successful in obtaining Ishta Siddhi.
Ketu's occupation of the 7th house at birth will make the native suffer
humiliation. He will associate with fallen women and will be separated from his
own wife. He will suffer from diseases of the bowels and may lose his potency.
With Ketu occupying the 8th house at birth, the native will suffer from
separation from his nears and dears. He will be quarrelsome and shortlived. He
will get injury from some weapon and will be unsuccessful in all his ventures.
Ketu In the 9th house at birth, makes the native indulge in sinful and
unrighteous actions. He will be deprived of his father, will be unfortunate, poverty
stricken and will defame others.
If Ketu occupies the 10th house at a person's birth, he will face obstacles in
performing good acts. He will be impure and indulge in wicked actions. He will be
very bold and famous for his valor.
If Ketu should occupy the 11th house, the person born will accumulate
wealth and will be equipped with good qualities. He will enjoy himself and all
items of luxuries and comforts will be available to him. He will achieve success in
all his undertakings.
When Ketu occupies the 12th house at birth, the native will commit sinful
acts secretly. He will squander away all his money for undesirable purposes. He
will destroy his wealth and take to forbidden conduct. He will suffer from diseases
of the eyes.

34. The effects produced by a planet of the house, will be realized in full
when he has traversed the number of degrees from the commencement of the Rashi
equal to that traversed by the Lagna point in the Lagna Rashi.
It is the view of the authorities that Rahu is similar to Saturn and Ketu is

similar to Mars in giving effects (Shani-vat Rahu, Kuja-vat Ketu).
Notes—For example (1) if the Lagna point (Lagna Bhava-Madhya) is 1
degree and the longitude of the Saturn posited in the 5th house is also 1 degree,
Saturn will give the full effect of the 5th house.
(2) If the Lagna point is 29 degrees and Saturn's longitude in the 5th house is
1 degree, Saturn will produce very little effect of the same house.
35. This verse is Intended to further explain the principle laid down in verse

34. Find out how far away is the planet in the house whose effects are to be
assessed, from the Bhavamadhya of that house. The more it is nearer to the Bhava-
Madhya, the lesser will be the effects produced.
Notes — Described above are the general effects of planets in different
houses. These effects get modified by several factors such as the houses they own,
aspects on them, conjunction of other planets with them, the signs in which they
are posited, the position of their disposition etc.
For detailed information in this respect please refer to our English
translation of 'Bhrigu Sutras' published by Ranjan Publications.
Thus ends the eighth chapter on "The Effects of the Planets in 12 Bhavas" In
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.