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Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:56 pm
by StarLore
Revati - The Wealthy ... ac027e24c9

Revati Nakshatra is the 27th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology.

Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God, sometimes identified with the power of seeing. It has the power of nourishment symbolized by milk (kshiradyapani shakti). Its basis above is the cows. Its basis below is the calves. These three bring about the nourishment of the entire world.

Pushan, “the nurturer,” is one of the 12 Ādityas and regarded as the protector of flocks and herds and invoked in the Vedas for safe travel. He also helps to recover lost items and animals. Therefore, this is a good nakshatra for the Moon to be residing in when one is beginning a search for starting a long journey. Pushan is associated with fertility, rapid growth, abundance and providing shelter. He is the keeper of the sacred cows of the gods and provides nourishment and protection to all animals. Thus, a love of animals can be experienced in Revati.

Pushan, who is also associated with finding lost creatures and articles, is the keeper of the cows of the gods, and his nurturing signifies breeding and foster care.

Ten hymns in the Rigveda are dedicated to Pūṣan (including one jointly to Soma and Pūṣan and another to Indra and Pūṣan). Some of these hymns appeal to him to guard livestock and find lost livestock. His chariot is pulled by goats. Sometimes he is described as driving the Sun in its course across the sky. He seems to represent the sun as a guardian of flocks and herds. Pushan is also regarded as Kavi, who in turn became an epiphet of several gods and further a title signifying “king”.

According to a narrative found in the Taittiriya Samhita, Rudra was excluded from the Daksha yajna, an important sacrifice in honor of various deities. He, in anger, pierced the sacrifice with an arrow and Pushan broke his teeth as he attempted to eat a part of the oblation. The later versions of this narrative are found in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and the Puranas. In these versions, Rudra (or Shiva) was angry because his father-in-law, Daksha, the sacrifice, did not invite him. Shiva, in anger, kicked Pushan and knocked out his teeth as he was eating the oblation. In the Puranic versions, Virabhadra, created by Shiva from a lock of his matted hair, knocked out Pushan’s teeth.

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:16 pm
by StarLore ... shatra.php

The twenty-seventh constellation, sign ruled by Jupiter (Pisces) and the star is governed by Mercury.

Symbol: A fish or a drum to mark time
Meaning: Wealthy
Deity:Pushan, the deity for nurturing and safe travel
Location: 16.40 Pisces to 30.00 Pisces
Stars: Zeta Piscium
Lord: Mercury
Varna (Caste): Shurda (labor class)
Guna (Quality): Sattwic (Pure)
Gana (Nature): Deva (Divine)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Elephant
Alphabets: De, Do, Cha, Chi

Part of the body: Feet and toes.

Diseases: Abdominal disorders, troubles, deformities of the feet, intestinal ulcers mostly due to drinks and drugs, gout in the feet, cramps, nephrites, lassitude, deafness, pus in the ear.

Profession: Publisher, editor, legal department, civil engineering, share broker, advertisement, publicity, communication, professor, politician, ambassador, telephone, radio, currency notes, finger print expert, diplomats, mathematician, agent, representative and bank.

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:20 pm
by StarLore ... Patry.html

Revati “the wealthy” 16.40 to 30.00 Pisces
Symbol: a fish, or a pair of fish, a drum to mark time
Deity: Pushan, the nourisher, the protective deity for safe travel
Stars: Located in the tail of the Northern Fish, Al Pherg gives organizational ability, and a promise of success.
Mythology: Pushan was invoked for the protection of flocks and herds and safe travels. He also recovered lost articles and animals.
Indications: This nakshatra indicates a journey, and may in fact represent our final journey from this life to the next, as it is the last and final nakshatra. It grants protection for safe travels. These people are sweet caring responsible friends. They have an affinity with small animals and they love connecting to humanity and society. They have been known to provide foster care for others, children or animals. They don’t have a mean or jealous bone in their body, but their caring for others can lead to co-dependency. There may have been disappointments early in life, physical weakness and proneness to childhood illnesses, which in turn developed their compassion and forgiveness of others. They have creativity and a love of fine arts. They are mystics with faith in their beliefs and in the goodness of humanity. There is a deep devotion to God. They usually benefit from living by water and they are protected in all their travels especially the journey from this world to the next.

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:26 am
by StarLore

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:51 am
by StarLore

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:41 pm
by StarLore

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:45 pm
by StarLore ... ology.html

Revati Nakshatra in Astrology
Revati Nakshatra
Range 16° 40' Pisces - 30°00' Pisces.
Ruling Planet: Mercury.
Deity: Pushan, the nourisher.
Symbol: A drum, fish.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: Female elephant.
Sounds: de, do, chaa, chee.
Primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation). Wealthy nak

Revati Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Jupiter (Pisces) and ruled by Mercury. Revati is the last lunar mansion. It contains thirty-two faints stars in southern tail of Pisces. Revati means wealthy, people Revati Nakshatra generally born in wealthy family. It is lucky stars generally associated abundance and prosperity. The presiding deity is Pushan (the nurture). Who leading the animals and souls home after a weary journey around the Zodiac. He also protects animals allows to find lost objects and animals. Pushan is the most gentle and selfless of all deities. Revati Nakshatra shows the gentle and devoted nature of Pisces as well as their love of animals and all helpless creatures. These people are very creative in nature, sincere in their work which leads to earn wealth in long run.

There is Gandanta point in astrology. Gandanta is the junction points in the zodiac that a particularly connected with of soul growth. This is the position of the planets late degrees in which the planet switching sign between water to fire sign. These points are at the junctions of Cancer (Ashesha)- Leo (Magha), Scorpio (Jyeshta)- Sagittarius (Mula). Pisces (Revati)- Aries (Ashwini). They are especially powerful points giving Karmic effects. The planets at gandanta point is not comfortable, because they are moving from water to fire sign. These points especially sensitive to give this type of result.

The shadow side of this Nakshatra is minimum but if have the planets switching sign and in gandanta point the person suffer early disappoint in life, may lack of confidence, extremely sensitive and absorb the negative feelings of others. Sometimes they get very stubborn and aggressive. Sometime they make themselves aloof due to harsh reality of life.

Revati Nakshatra people benefit from living near by water places, which calm their soothing sensitive feelings. They are good in helping people and overall society.

Revati Pada 1: Falls in Sagittarius Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. It relate to happy go lucky nature, optimistic, and philanthropic side of the Nakshatra.

Revati Pada 2: Falls in Capricorn Navamsa ruled by Saturn. It relate to most realistic pada, interested in astrology, practical and organisational aspect of Revati Nakshatra.

Revati Pada 3: Falls in Aquarius Navamsa ruled by Saturn. This relate to bohemian and humanitarian side of Nakshatra, .

Revati Pada 4: Falls in Pisces Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. This relate to eternal dreamer, and have escapism tendency.

Ascendant in Revati: Social, have good friends, gentle, attractive, strong and clean in appearance, and love for travel.

Sun in Revati:
Artistic in nature, sensitive, humorous, unusual fame, interest in political science, philosophical nature, charitable, love for travel and unpredictable nature sometimes.

Moon in Revati:
Wealthy, interest in ancient culture have wisdom, interest in religion and spirituality, love for pets and animals, beautiful, may have success in foreign land.

Mars in Revati:
Spiritual leaders, straightforward action and have good wisdom and knowledge. Can be yoga teacher; speak with authority but in gentle way.

Mercury in Revati:
Good communicator have good knowledge in in religious and spiritual text. Can be good teacher, with full of wisdom, good in managing finance.

Jupiter in Revati:
Have good intuitive power, dreamy nature, lost in own world, have guru guidance, full of unknown wisdom and knowledge, spiritual in nature.

Venus in Revati:
Venus is exalted in this Nakshatra. Venus is operating in highest form in this Nakshatra. Venus is the worldly planets here it express her divine love. The physical world becomes pointless for Venus. One can be the monk, yogi or good for meditation, spiritual practice, love for animals. Married life may suffer.

Saturn in Revati:
Lost structure, pessimistic, may have tendency towards melancholy, isolation, and cut off from the society.
Rahu in Revati:
Dreamy in nature, may connect with other world, good psychic ability, innovative.

Ketu in Revati:
Spiritual in nature, Good esoteric and psychic ability, wealthy, good in meditation, may get enlightenment.

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:07 am
by StarLore ... ete-guide/
Luke Vanderlinden
May. 18, 2020

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Revati are below:

Sanskrit Name: रेवती (Revati) comes from the Sanskrit word रेवत् (wealth and prosperity). Revati indicates a person who is blessed, beautiful, and prosperous.

Planetary Ruler: Mercury. This planet is associated with the intellect, literature, logic, artistic expression, and commerce.

Nakshatra Group: Godly. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Revati is a godly nakshatra. People in this group are generally good-natured and fortunate in life. However, they may struggle with pride and a sense of entitlement.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces. Pisces is known as the sign of the fishes. Revati natives are intuitive, empathic, creative, and sociable.

Deity: Surya (Pushan). In Vedic theology, Surya is the lord of the sun and is revered as an expansion of God. The sun god is worshiped prominently in many cultures and is known to bestow favors and fortune on his worshippers.

Symbol: A fish. This represents alacrity, learning, movement, and hidden features.

Power: To nourish. Persons born under the star of Revati often have a knack for uplifting, encouraging, and nourishing others.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Revati are Day (दे), Doe (दो), Cha (च), and Chi (ची). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Revatis are sincere and earnest, known for their no-nonsense approach to life. They have an outgoing, social personality. Often good-looking, they win over others with their charm, affection, and warmth.

Revati natives have a sixth sense — their intuition is strong. For this reason, they are highly empathic souls, and they can use this ability to comfort, console, and guide others in difficult times. In addition, they have an upbeat and optimistic outlook on life. They can be a source of cheer and joy for those around them.

You stand up for what you believe in. You are loyal to your friends and loved ones. You can tap into deep reserves of creativity and enthusiasm — however, you might occasionally get carried away at times and find yourself in an extreme position.

Revati Careers
Revati’s can do well in careers that involve creativity, learning, or helping others. They may shy away from the limelight and generally will work diligently even if they do not receive much recognition.

Some ideal professions include:

Public servant or charity worker
Writer, journalist, actor, or entertainer
Linguist, translator, or interpreter
Religious worker, renunciate, or priest
Due to their high ideals, Revati-natives can occasionally slip into bouts of low self-esteem. This is caused by an inability to accept one’s short-comings and take practical, disciplined steps toward self-improvement. Or it may just be a bad habit of unwarranted self-criticism. You should practice extending the same sort of compassion to yourself which you naturally extend to others.

On the flipside, Revatis can sometimes be proud of their good qualities and think better of themselves than others. Their giving spirit may come in part from a desire to prove themselves as superior. When this is the case, they will end up resenting those whom they aim to help. If you resonate with this issue, you should study the Bhagavad-gita and try to understand the principle of selfless sacrifice, in which one sees oneself as merely an instrument of God.

Your empathic nature is a great strength, but if left unchecked, it can cause you to be overly sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. You should always be sure that your own needs are fulfilled before you extend yourself for others — otherwise, you will end up burning out. Self-care is an essential aspect of caring for others.

Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign, Pisces.

Other Personality Traits
You are a gifted artist. You have a strong aesthetic sense and can excel in the arts. You draw inspiration from your life experiences, the natural world, and your observations of the people around you.

You have clean habits. As a deva-gana, or godly nakshatra, Revatis are naturally drawn to a clean and orderly lifestyle. They have good personal hygiene and they respect their body as a gift from the divine.

You are well-liked by your peers. Your compassionate and helping nature wins you many friends who genuinely appreciate you for your good qualities.

You are a natural counselor. As an empathic person, you can easily relate to others. This makes you an excellent friend and guide for others.

Revati Compatibility
Revatis’ sexuality is symbolized by a female elephant. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Bharani nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Revatis are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Uttara-phalgunis in Virgo (for female natives)
Hasta (for male natives)
Vishakha in Scorpio (for female natives)
Uttarashadha (for female natives)
Sravana (for male natives)
Purva-bhadra (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Revati’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Pisces): Sagittarius. You are easy-going, cheerful, and optimistic. However, you can get carried away at times.

Second Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Pisces): Capricorn. You are balanced and down-to-earth. You are more patient than most, but this can also make you appear somewhat dull to others.

Third Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Pisces): Aquarius. You have an innate spirituality and a deep drive to help others. You are also very hardworking, though this may be somewhat fueled by a sense of personal insecurity.

Fourth Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Pisces): Pisces. You have a strong intellect and are a keen student. You’re a spiritual seeker. You long for a traditional and natural way of life.

Revati in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Revati is Mridu, “soft” or “mild.” Revati is an excellent nakshatra for:

Beginning a journey
Undergoing a medical operation
Marriage ceremonies
Conceiving a child
Purchasing new clothes or jewelry

Re: Revati - The Wealthy

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:13 am
by StarLore