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Naag Dosha

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:28 pm
by StarLore

Naag Dosha
Several combinations form Naag Dosha such as:

If Rahu or Ketu occupies the Ascendant and forms a conjunction with Moon
If Rahu is in 8th house which is under malefic influence or Rahu is conjunct with Saturn in 8th house
If Rahu occupies a Badhak house being either conjunct or under the aspect Saturn
If Rahu occupies Ascendant, 2nd, 5th, 7th, or 8th house

Along with any of the conditions mentioned above, Moon should also be under malefic influence. This Dosha spoils your image in society so one should be very cautious and stay away from any illicit activities. Problems also persist in married life due to this dosha. Native struggles in both healths matters as well as career too.

Remedies for Naag Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Naag dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

1. You should offer milk to animals and needy children.
2. You should volunteer for and donate to organizations involved in environment and ecosystem conservation programs.
3. You should keep the sacred groves, parks and plantations clean and purified.