Daridra Dosha

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Daridra Dosha

Post by StarLore »


Daridra Dosha

This Dosha forms when the lords of 2nd and/or 11th house are debilitated in 6th, 8th or 12th house or malefic or debilitated planets occupy 2nd and 11th house or the lords of 6th, 8th or 12th house occupies the 2nd and/or 11th. This is an unfortunate yoga due to which native always remains in a financial crisis. A lot of problems and changes take place in professional life too. Moreover, native also suffers on the health front especially concerning eyes or ears.

Remedies for Daridra Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Daridra dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

1. You should make it a habit to feed animals and birds early in the morning
2. You should try to cleanse your home yourself instead of hiring domestic help.
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