Paap Kartari Dosha

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Paap Kartari Dosha

Post by StarLore »

Paap Kartari Dosha

When a retrograde malefic planet occupies the second house and another malefic occupies the 12th house from a benefic planet, it forms a Paap Kartari Dosha. This means that the planet which has malefic planets on either side, with a retrograde malefic in the house just ahead where it is positioned, falls in Paap Kartari Dosha. This is called the scissor effect. So the sins of the two malefic planets cut the happiness that the benefic planet could give. Native experiences lack of energy and positivity in the house that is under the effect of the Dosha.

Remedies for Paap Kartari Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Paap Kartari dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

1. You should practice alternate nostril breathing, called Anulom Vilom in Yogic terminology every morning.
2. You should practice meditation for 15 to 30 minutes on daily basis.
3. You should donate clothes to needy children on every Monday.
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