Amavasya Dosha

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Amavasya Dosha

Post by StarLore »

Amavasya Dosha

When Sun is conjunct Moon in a sign, it forms Amavasya Yoga. This Yoga gives a strong inclination for literature and reading. Such people tend to have great writing skills. However, Sun’s masculine energy here outshines Moon so it loses its positive impact to some extent. Due to this, native may have to struggle with his mother and may not get her blessings. His or her willpower and level of concentration could be low as well.

Remedies for Amavasya Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Amavasya dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

1. You should respect your parents and try to fulfill their wishes whenever possible.
2. You should donate food in religious places on every Thursday.
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