Grahan Dosh

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Grahan Dosh

Post by StarLore »

Grahan Dosh

Grahan Dosh is one of the notorious dosh in the Hindu predictive astrology. Grahan dosh takes place due to Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Moon.

If the planet Sun or Moon placed together with either Rahu or Ketu in the natal chart, then Grahan Dosh happens.

It also happens when the native takes birth during the period of Solar and Lunar eclipses. You should never neglect the remedies for Grahan Dosh if it happens in your birth chart.

Here is the snapshot as to what happens due to Grahan yoga in the Kundli.

The kids often face health issues

The married couples find it difficult to conceive

The frequent miscarriages make the life like hell

Domestic problem with the members of the family

Slow progress and procrastination becomes the part of life

The chronic ailments, depression and disappointment sticks to the native
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