Parvata Yoga

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Parvata Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Parvata Yoga

Definition: Benefics being disposed in Kendras, the 6th and 8th houses should either be unoccupied or occupied by benefic planets. This combination goes under the name of Parvata Yoga.

Results: The person will become wealthy, prosperous, liberal, charitable, humorous and head of a town or village. He will be passionate also.

Remarks: According to some, Parvata is also caused if the lords of Lagna and the 12th are in mutual Kendras. Thus, three sets of combinations are comprehended :

(a) Benefics should be in Kendras, and 6th and 8th must be free.
(D) Benefics should be in Kendras, and 6th and 8th should be occupied by benefics.
(c) The lords of Lagna and the 12th should be in mutual Kendras.

Strangely enough, for Kumbha Lagna, the definition mentioned in item (c) supra cannot hold good inasmuch as the lord of the 12th and the Lagna happen to be Saturn. Instead of the 6th and 8th being occupied by benefics, it is better they are entirely free in which case, the native will be free from machinations of enemies and debts. In my humble opinion, Parvata Yoga cannot be so powerful as to minimize the strength of other important yogas. Its presence no doubt, adds to making the person an entity within a limited circle. The Yoga does not seem to contribute much to political power. One may become a District Board member or a Municipal Commissioner. But it seems to have capacity enough to add financial stability.
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