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♀♃ Bheri Yoga

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:54 pm
by StarLore
♀♃ Bheri Yoga

Definition.-If Venus, lord of Lagna and Jupiter are in mutual Kendras and the lord of the 9th is powerfully disposed, Bheri Yoga is caused.

Results.-Iong-lived, free from disease, ruler, various sources of income, happiness from wife and children, exalted soul, generous instincts and religiously inclined.

Remarks.–The sum and substance of Bheri Yoga is that it will make the native lead a happy and comfortable life.

Re: ♀♃ Bheri Yoga

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:51 pm
by StarLore ... heri-yoga/

Bheri Yoga

Bheri Yoga is also a wealth yoga, its effects on the natives are centered on health, wealth, and prosperity which make for a happy and comfortable life. Bheri yoga arises when Jupiter, Venus, and Lord of ascendants all occupy the quadrants and if the lord of the 9th house is strong in the horoscope of a person. and Bheri Yoga is caused.

Natives of Bheri yoga receive the following results in their life:

Long life
Marital Bliss
Generosity and religious inclination
All these are in addition to the basic result of wealth and good health.

Venus, lord of Lagna, and Jupiter should be in mutual Kendras.
The lord of the 9th must be powerfully disposed.

Comment and other details
Both planets involved in the formation of this yoga (Jupiter and Venus) are natural benefic planets. The fact that they also involve the Quadrants makes for assured stability of the life of natives at each stage of growing up since the quadrants rule over the phases of one’s life:

1st house – childhood
2nd house – youth
7th house – middle age
4th house – old age

9th House which is also involved in the formation of this yoga rules over fortune. If the lord of 9th house is strong then natives have a strong chance of a happy and successful life.

Re: ♀♃ Bheri Yoga

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:19 pm
by StarLore

Bheri Yoga
Bheri Yoga represents wealth in Indian astrology, experts suggest that it can be located in the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses from Ascendant or the very first house gives rise to this Yoga. Depending upon these houses, this yoga can be qualified into Paap Adhi Yoga, Subha Adhi Yoga and Mixed Adhi yoga. The planets that they derive their energies from have often been addressed as malefic, benefic or blended planets. According to Vedic Astrology, this yoga usually happens in the Rashi or Chandra Lagna, known as Chandra Adha Yoga. Its repercussions, historical significance and grandeur make it an integral form of Raja Yoga.

An individual that in this yoga is believed to accomplish triumph over troubles and stays free from any major health problems as per the benefic 6th house. Vedic experts have believed for years that a person that practices Bheri Yoga shall be recognized and supported by the likes of rulers, priests or any other holders of power. Longevity in marriage is also another good blessing of practicing this yoga with regularity and sincerity. With the effect of the 8th house and its beneficed results, Bheri Yoga leads to the practitioner having a long life, free of responsibilities, disasters and destructive forces.

What makes the individual truly happy here is the possibility of acknowledgment, gratefulness, riches and the ability to associate with the powerful. These qualities are said to be a direct result of the coming together of all the houses that fall into Bheri Yog, thus catering to the ambitious impulses of all. The person will have fame, earn respect, will have leadership qualities and ear surplus wealth.

The astrology also indicates that in the case specific to Paap Adhi Yoga form of Bheri Yoga, the results can be the absolute opposite of the above mentioned instances. However, Mixed Adhi Yoga is the way to go for the coming together of the power of 6th, 8th and the 12th houses and their combined favourable and malefic results. Bheri Yoga is also the coming together of Jupiter, Venus and Lord of Ascendant; all occupy the Vishnu Sthanas which is strong in the reading of horoscope.