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☽♃ Gajkesari yoga

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:47 am
by StarLore

Gajkesari yoga

When Jupiter is placed in Kendra, i.e., 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house from Moon without affliction, the placement forms Gajkesari yoga. This Yoga bears positive results when planets are in powerful degrees and without any malefic influence (debilitated, retrograde, aspected by malefic planet, conjunct enemy planet). Note that Jupiter should also be free from affliction in D-9, Navamsha chart. If the planet is strongly posited, the native is likely to be very intelligent, wealthy, healthy, and sharp minded. Such a native would enjoy all the luxuries life has to offer, such as vehicle, a good business, knowledge, fame, good education and victory over opponents. This Yoga is almost synonymous with power, which is why the name of the yoga is Gajkesari. Gaj means elephant and Keseri means lion, both are powerful animals.