☿♀♃ Saraswati Yoga

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☿♀♃ Saraswati Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Saraswati Yoga

When Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are placed in Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th), second, or Trikon houses (1st, 5th and 9th) from Ascendant, it forms a Saraswati Yoga. This gives you blessings of the goddess Saraswati. Native in this case has a talent in singling or writing. He or she can become a famous author or creative personality.
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Re: ☿♀♃ Saraswati Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Saraswathi Yoga

Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy Lagna, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth or tenth house either jointly or severally, Jupiter being in his own, exaltation or friendly sign.

Saraswathi Yoga indicates that the native is extremely learned. You will have the creative mind of a poet and you will be famous for it. Your popularity will also grow because of your knowledge. You will be quite learned in all fields of sciences and you will also be skilled in whatever you do. Your skills will bring you a good deal of wealth as well. Further, you will be revered by people. In terms of your family, you will find yourself a good wife and have children with her.

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