Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga

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Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Neech Bhang Yoga
When a planet is debilitated and the debilitation gets nullified due to some combination, it is called Neech Bhang yoga. Now there are certain conditions that should be met to form the yoga.

When the sign occupies both the exalted and debilitated planet, the negative effect neutralizes. For example, when Jupiter and Mars are together in Cancer, it cancels the debilitation of Mars since another planet is in its exalted position.
When the lord of the sign where a debilitated planet is positioned is itself placed in Kendra house from Moon or Ascendant.
When the lord of the sign where a debilitated planet is positioned is exalted in Kendra house from Moon or Ascendant.
When the sign where a debilitated planet is placed is under the aspect of its lord.
When the debilitated planet is exalted in D-9 chart, i.e., Navamsha chart.

If the debilitation nullifies in 6th, 8th and 12th house, then the Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is not that strong since these houses are malefic. When in positive houses, this yoga gives positive returns to the native, provided the native makes serious efforts. It can turn rags to riches, if rest of the chart supports as well. Native becomes wealthy, prosperous, and a successful leader.
Last edited by StarLore on Tue May 31, 2022 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neech Bhang Yoga

Post by StarLore »

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Re: Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga

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Re: Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga

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