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Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:53 pm
by StarLore
Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory ... ac027e24c9
Uttara Ashadha

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is the 21st Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology in Sagittarius constellation.

Uttarashadha is ruled by the Universal Gods (Vishvedevas).

The Visvedevas are the various Vedic gods taken together as a whole. In the Rigveda a number of hymns are addressed to them, including (according to Griffith) 1.89, 3.54–56, 4.55, 5.41–51, 6.49–52, 7.34–37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 8.27–30, 58, 83 10.31, 35, 36, 56, 57, 61–66, 92, 93, 100, 101, 109, 114, 126, 128, 137, 141, 157, 165, 181.

RV 3.54.17 addresses them as headed by Indra: This is, ye Wise, your great and glorious title, that all ye Deities abide in Indra. (trans. Griffith)
Though many devas are named in the Rig Veda only 33 devas are counted, eleven each of earth, space and heaven. In later Hindu scriptures, they form one of the nine ganadevatas (along with the Adityas, Vasus, Tushitas, Abhasvaras, Anilas, Maharajikas, Sadhyas, and Rudras). According to the Vishnu Purana, they were the sons of Vishvā, a daughter of Daksha, enumerated as follows: 1. Vasu 2. Satya 3. Kratu 4. Daksha, 5. Kala 6. Kama 7. Dhrti 8. Kuru 9. Pururavas 10. Madravas, with two others added by some, 11. Rocaka or Locana, 12. Dhvani Dhuri

Sometimes it is unclear whether a reference to Vishve-devas refers to all Devas collectively, as in the Rigveda, or to the specific group as enumerated in the Puranas.

According to Manu (iii, 90, 121), offerings should be made daily to the Visvedevas. These privileges were bestowed on them by Brahma and the Pitri as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the Himalaya.

The Viswadevas incarnated on Earth due to the curse of sage Vishwamitra, as the 5 sons of Draupadi with the Pandavas — the Upapandavas. They returned to their original form after being killed by Ashwatthama at night.

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:37 pm
by StarLore ... shatra.php

The twenty-first constellation, sign is ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius) for one fourth part and by Saturn (Capricorn) for three fourth and the star is governed by Sun.

Symbol: An elephant’s tusk
Meaning: Latter victory or the latter undefeated
Deity: The ten Vishvadevas or universal gods
Location: 26.40 Sagittarius to 10.00 Capricorn
Stars: Zeta & Sigma Sagittarii
Lord: Sun
Varna (Caste): Kshatriya (Warriors)
Guna (Quality): Rajasic (Activity)
Gana (Nature): Manushya (Human)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Mongoose
Alphabets: Be, Bo, Ja. Ji

Part of the body: Thighs, femur, arteries, skin and knees.

Diseases: Sciatica, paralysis of limbs, pulmonary diseases, eye problems, skin diseases, leprosy, digestive trouble, uneasiness due to gas in the stomach, palpitation of heart and cardiac thrombosis.

Profession: Arbitrator, judge, politician, bank, finance department, shipping, education, customs, jail department, hospitals, charitable institutions, income-tax officer, estate duty, scientific research, archaeology, monuments, antiquities.

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:15 pm
by StarLore ... Patry.html

Uttara Ashadha “latter victory” or “latter unconquered” 26.40 Sagittarius to 10.00 Capricorn
Symbol: elephant tusk, or a small cot or planks of a bed
Deity: the Vishvadevas, which means all gods or Universal gods
Stars: Situated on the lower part of the Lyre, Waga (Vega) gives musical artistic ability, plus political or governmental leadership.
Mythology: The Vishvadevas were the ten sons of the god Dharma. Their power was to grant unchallengeable victory. They dealt with universal principles, the laws of time, karma, and right action.
Indications: Called the “Universal Star” this nakshatra is much like its other half Purva Ashadha but a bit softer, milder and not as intense. These people are invincible, enduring, and very patient. They fight for what they believe is right and practice what they preach. They are highly righteous and responsible, sincere and truthful, with the highest degree of integrity. Commitment to their ideals makes them very humanitarian. They can be driven like a workaholic, extremely persistent when excited, but if they lose interest they become lazy, introspective, and do not finish what they started. Marriage can be difficult because of this stubborn, self-centered, lack of interest. As leaders, they must beware thattheir ambition does not lead to notoriety. However, they have deep powers to penetrate or quest for spiritual information, and become most successful and victorious in the latter part of life.

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:33 am
by StarLore

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:54 am
by StarLore

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:52 pm
by StarLore

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 5:17 pm
by StarLore ... ology.html

Uttra Ashadha Nakshatra in Astrology
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Range 26°40' Sagittarius- 10°00’ Capricorn.
Ruling Planet: Sun
Deity: The Ten Vishvadevas, Universal gods.
Symbol: Elephant’s Tusk, Planks of a Bed.
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal Symbol: Male Mongoose.
Sounds: Bay, Bo, Jaa, Jee.
Primary Motivation: Moksha (Spiritual Liberation).

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Jupiter one part (Sagittarius 26 40’) to three part saturn (Capricorn 10 00’) and ruled by Planet Sun. Uttara Ashada is the twenty first Nakshatra called ‘’The Universal Star ’’. It is translates as a “later victory” symbolizing the securing of rest and peace. Uttara Ashadha consists of two stars in the breast of the archer. The symbols are an elephant’s tusk and the planks of a bed. The elephant tusk is associated with Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and blessing on our activities. Uttara Ashada assigned to the Sun, comes under the influence of both Jupiter and Saturn, which makes the asterism intensely concerned with humanity, harmony, and moksha. Uttarashadha leads to a kind of universal or cosmic unity under which the individual loses his personal considerations and begins to think in terms of oneness. The asterism does not lead to rest in the physical sense rather, it leads to activity and change. Uttarashadha natives very thoughtful and practical in action, which leads to them some kind of spiritual path. Uttarashadha brings us to the summit of our power, support and recognition, not so much through our personal effort with the appropriate alliances and support of all the Gods. Our victory depends upon a righteous cause that is beneficial to all, which we are helping in.

The Deities are Universal gods or the Ten Vishvadevas the son of the God Dharma. This nakshatra is ruled by the powerful Sun. Sacrificing one's personal life on the cross of universal consciousness is always painful. This is where the things we love the most infuse a confident and inspired course to the truth of who we truly are and what we truly want. By understanding our duty (dharma), the value of time (kala), and other universal principles that become clear. Yesterday’s devotion to truth is the fuel for today’s illumination. The shakti is “the power for unchallengeable victory”. These natives have the humanitarian vision to see all races as equal. This asterism has a manushya or human temperament with a primary motivation toward moksha or spiritual liberation. The influence of Vishwa Devata can be felt through intellectual development and the urge towards socialization. The entire life of the individual may seem barren and without any core. This experience flows directly from the universalization of individual consciousness. A small cot or the bed symbol denotes a place of rest or relaxation and regain strength. This asterism produces the psychological orientation for discharging our ultimate responsibilities and karmic debts which later enable him to attain his final rest, Nirvana or liberation. These people tend to succeed later and have more patience and perseverance. Uttara Ashadha people have an intense desire behind which they throw their strong will to achieve a victory that endures. They have leadership and natural diplomacy qualities.

The shadow side of this lunar mansions is having lazy nature. This subjective recognition makes the person very stubborn and self-centered. Loneliness, melancholy, and workaholic nature can be seen. They need to develop some patience in order to achieve some tangible result in life. They are leaders, very ambitious which leads them to bad name. Some individuals under the influence of this asterism may even be found engaged in penance and austerities to obtain supernatural powers.

Uttara Ashadha Pada 1: Falls in sagittarius Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. This pada brings righteousness, confidence, and expansiveness. The person is knowledgeable and understanding.

Uttara Ashadha Pada 2: Falls in Capricorn Navamsa ruled by Saturn.This pada is goal oriented and relates to the achievement of materialistic pursuit and power in the world.

Uttara Ashadha Pada 3: Falls in Aquarius ruled by Saturn. This pada is more believes in accumulation whether it is knowledge or material possession.

Uttara Ashadha Pada 4: Falls in Pisces Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. This pada related humanitarian and philanthropic side. the person have abundant energy to pursue` his goals.

Ascendant in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Sincere and kind nature, honest, hardworking, want reputation, name, fame, good in public serving and counseling, becomes famous later in life.

Sun in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Humanitarian, desire to change societal values, crave for power, ambitious, good leaders, well-known but need to care full reputation as ( Sun in Saturn domain his enemy) in last pada.

Moon in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: The moon in Uttara Ashadha indicates a person who enduring, invincible, patient, righteous and responsible. They have great integrity and are sincere, committed to ideals. They have great stamina and constancy, but they can also be rigid and unbending

Mars in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: fighter for a cause, research oriented, discipline, strong will power, ambitious, patient, careful, and have good control over desire.

Mercury in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: steady in learning, Slow in speech, deep and slow thinker, think before speaking, good handwriting, and creative.

Jupiter in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: They can be spiritual nature, preachers, respected, noble, learned, philosophical nature, if in first pada. In Capricorn Jupiter debilitated where it lose his moral and higher wisdom and pursue materialism.

Venus in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Sincere in love, look for higher status in love, serious , committed, cold in love, plain and serious look, creative, and artistic.

Saturn in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Hardworking, workaholic, patient, ambitious, reputation and politics oriented, work hard for name fame and wealth. .

Rahu in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Rahu in uttara ashadha is Dutiful, discipline, hardworking and responsible. Rahu should not be over ambitious, it should learn to love ourselves and progress towards spiritual path which will gradually bring a change towards awareness, peace and happiness in life.

Ketu in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Ketu in uttara ashadha affect mind as a feeling of loneliness even surrounded by loved ones. The loneliness is a past life karma, and that in this life you are have to deal with some responsibilities that were leftover in past lives. Facing this karma leads to inner peace and growth on soul level.

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:01 am
by StarLore ... ete-guide/
Luke Vanderlinden
Jun. 8, 2020

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Uttara-ashadha are below:

Sanskrit Name: उत्तराषाढ़ा (Uttara-ashadha) comes from the Sanskrit words उत्तर (latter) and अषाढ (invincible). One meaning of Uttara-ashadha is “the latter invincible one,” indicating resilience, power, and good fortune.

Planetary Ruler: The Sun. In astrology the sun is considered the king of the planets. According to the Vedic understanding, the sun is an expansion of God. This planet is associated with the soul or self, leadership, happiness, success, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.

Nakshatra Group: Human. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Uttara-ashadha is a human nakshatra. People in this group are generally hardworking and motivated to achieve material success. Although they are generally kind, they can also be vindictive and self-serving.

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius (first quarter) and Capricorn (second through fourth quarters). Sagittarians are fortunate and righteous. They are wise, warm-hearted, and spiritually-inclined. Capricorns are peculiar and powerful. They are intelligent, thoughtful, and careful in making decisions.

Deity: Vishvadevas. In Vedic theology, the Vishvadevas are a group of ten gods who represent the entire assembly of celestial beings.

Symbol: The tusk of an elephant. This represents awesome power, fearsomeness, and intimidation.

Power: To be undefeated. Persons born under the star of Uttara-ashadha are formidable foes. They have an indomitable spirit and make excellent leaders, fighters, and visionaries.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Uttara-ashadha are Bhey (भे), Bho (भो), Jaw (जा), and Jee (जी). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Persons born under the star of Uttara-ashadha are devout and moral beings. They have an innate sense of right and wrong, and they strive to uphold the principles of dharma, or righteous conduct. With their sharp intellect and capacity for discrimination, they are able to understand subtle nuances that other people miss. They cannot be found blindly taking one side of any issue. Rather, they carefully consider all available information and weigh the various arguments before coming to any conclusion. In this way, they are quite balanced in their approach to life.

Uttara-ashadha natives are bright, popular, and multi-talented. They generally excel in whatever they put their mind to. They appreciate the good qualities in others, and for this reason they can easily gain the admiration of their peers.

You are a down-to-earth and practical person. You don’t like to dwell in the realm of ideas alone — your plans are always accompanied by quick and impressive action. You are a noble and graceful soul with a natural inclination toward God consciousness.

Uttara-ashadha Careers
Persons born in Uttara-ashadha can do well in careers that involve some kind of leadership role, or in athletic performance.

Some ideal professions include:

Athlete, dancer, or sports coach
Politician, lawyer, or judge
Researcher or scientist
Philosopher, priest, or religious leader
Uttara-ashadha natives can be somewhat dictatorial. They expect others to conform to their vision and follow their lead and commands. Although they are broad-minded, they can also be inflexible and even obstinate once settled on a certain conclusion. Their strong presence can be intimidating for others, and this might make it difficult to form deeply meaningful relationships.

Those born under Uttara-ashada excel in taking action and moving projects forward, but they may overestimate their capacity and lose interest before a project sees completion. This may leave them with many half-finished tasks, and as a result they may become apathetic or mildly depressed.

You have a tendency to take on the problems of those around you. Your desire to help and inspire others can lead you to carry a burden greater than what you can realistically handle in the long-term. This may make you anxious, restless, and dissatisfied. Make sure you carefully consider whatever commitments you make, and follow through on each one before taking on any additional responsibilities. This will help you protect yourself from getting overworked and burned out. Set aside sufficient time for self-care, meditation, introspection, and prayer. In this way you can have a fulfilled and happy existence.

Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign. If you were born in the 1st quarter of Uttara-ashadha, your moon sign is Sagittarius. If you were born in the 2nd-4th quarters of Uttara-ashadha, your moon sign is Capricorn.

Other Personality Traits
You can be a powerful leader. You are a charismatic person and can easily attract followers who believe in and support your grand vision. You can easily excel in any leadership role.

You are a peaceful, happy person. Even though you work hard and can be hot-tempered at times, you are generally a calm and cheerful person.

You may have trouble in romantic relationships. Uttara-ashadha natives are unique individuals. Their personalities can be hard to read and hard to adjust to. For this reason, you may have difficulty finding a partner whose goals and lifestyle perfectly complement yours.

You are blessed in your family life. In spite of any marital difficulties that may arise, you are fortunate when it comes to family matters. You come from a good family, and you are able to create a stable, happy home life for your children.

Uttara-ashadha Compatibility
Uttara-ashadhas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male mongoose. In Vedic astrology, Uttara-ashadhas are the only nakshatra that do not have a matching pair when it comes to physical compatibility. This reflects their highly individualism and somewhat enigmatic spirit. However, with the right amount of care and effort, they can still make a happy partnership.

Based on holistic matching, Uttara-ashadhas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

For Uttara-ashadha natives in Sagittarius (1st Quarter):

Magha (for female natives)
Uttara-phalguni in Leo
Mula (for female natives)
Dhanishta in Capricorn
Revati (for male natives)
For Uttara-ashadha natives in Capricorn (2nd-4th Quarters):

Mrigashira in Taurus (for male natives)
Chitra in Virgo (for male natives)
Swati (for female natives)
Dhanishta in Capricorn (for male natives)
Revati (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Uttara-ashadha’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Sagittarius): Sagittarius. You are high-minded and dignified. You respect others and are admired by your peers. You enjoy helping others, and you lead a stable, happy life.

Second Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Capricorn): Capricorn. You are strong-willed and can be strict with yourself and others. You’re excellent at planning and executing vast projects. However, you can be something of a workaholic.

Third Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Capricorn): Aquarius. You are intelligent and philanthropic. You have a natural flair for directing others.

Fourth Quarter (6:40-10:00 degrees Capricorn): Pisces. You are spiritually-inclined and have a gentle disposition. You are cautious when entering into new relationships or major commitments. This is a good quality. You will accomplish great things in your life.

Uttara-ashadha in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Uttara-ashadha is Sthira, “fixed or steady.” Uttara-ashadha is an excellent nakshatra for:

Marriage ceremonies
Building a home
Buying land
Planting trees
Undergoing a medical treatment
Learning art, music, or dance

Re: Uttara Ashada - The Latter Victory

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:09 am
by StarLore