Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Information about 27 Nakshatras
☋ Ashwini - ♀ Bharani - ☉ Krittika - ☽ Rohini - ♂ Mrigashirsha - ☊ Ardra - ♃ Punarvasu - ♄ Pushya - ☿ Ashlesha -
☋ Magha - ♀ Purva Phalguni - ☉ Uttara Phalguni - ☽ Hasta - ♂ Chitra - ☊ Swati - ♃ Vishakha - ♄ Anuradha - ☿ Jyeshtha - ☋ Mula - ♀ Purva Ashada - ☉ Uttara Ashada - ☽ Shravana - ♂ Dhanishta - ☊ Shatabisha - ♃ Purva Bhadrapada - ♄ Uttara Bhadrapada - ☿ Revati
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Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore »

Vishakha - The Forked Shape ... ac027e24c9

Vishakha Nakshatra is the 16th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology in Librae constellation.

Vishakha is ruled by Indra and Agni, who represent the powers of heat and lightning in the atmosphere.

Indrāṇī is considered, “Queen of the Gods.” Among the Navagraha, she is associated with Śūkra (Venus) as his overruler. She is the consort of Indra and daughter of the Asura.

She is called the goddess of anger, wrath, and jealousy. She is also named Sachi/Shachi (Śakti), as well as Aindri, Vajri, Mahendri, Pulomaja, and Poulomi. A hymn in the Rigveda describes her jealousy of rivals. Being the goddess of jealousy, she is believed to help in destroying jealousy.
According to ancient Vedas, she was a female shadow of Indra, but other Vedic literature suggests that she actually developed the idea of Śakti (what a fantastic “shadow”) and became the role model for all Devi in the later period. Unlike most other devi, Shachi/Indrāṇī is an independent force. In fact, rather than Indrāṇī being named after Indra, it’s Indra who was named after Indrāṇī.

Indrāṇī rides/is associated with lions and elephants and, like Indra, rides a charging white elephant. She is the essence of beauty and was referred to as “The Endless Beauty” in Hindu epics and very beautiful in the Rigveda, with exceptionally beautiful eyes (one thousand of them). According to the Taittiriya Brahman, Indra desires Indrāṇī as his wife above all others [simply] because of her captivating, voluptuous features. She’s dark-skinned, with two, four, or six arms and is armed with the Vajra (thunderbolt), goad, noose and lotus stalk. Adorned with variety of ornaments, she wears the kiriṭa mukuṭa.

Indrāṇī’s consort, Indra, killed her own father, Puloman, as he was an Asura. Indrāṇī and Indra were parents to Jayanta, Jayanti, Midhusa, Nilambara, Rbhus, Rsabha, and Chitragupta.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore » ... shatra.php

The sixteenth constellation, sign ruled by Venus (Libra) for the first two third parts and by Mars (Scorpio) for the next one third parts and the star is governed by Jupiter.

Symbol: Triumphal arch or a potter's wheel
Meaning: Fork shaped or with branches
Deity: Indra, the kings of demigods and Agni, the fire god
Location: 20.00 Libra to 3.20 Scorpio
Stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Iota Librae
Lord: Jupiter
Varna (Caste): Mleccha (Outcast)
Guna (Quality): Sattwic (Pure)
Gana (Nature): Rakshasa (Demonic)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Tiger
Alphabets: Ti as in Teekha, Tu as in Tuesday, Te as in Taylor, To as in Tommy

Part of the body: Lower abdomen, bladder, genital organs, rectum, colon and prostate gland.

Diseases: Deficiency of adrenal secretion, skin eruption, diabetes, insulin deficient, vertigo, diseases of the womb, prostrate gland enlargement, urinary trouble, abnormal bleeding during menses, renal stones.

Profession: Bank official, judge, criminal lawyer, insurance agent, chemical and drugs manufacturers, share brokers, service in customs, port trust, harbor, defense department, defense ministry, traveling agent, tourist officer, shipping, air travel and dealings with foreigners.
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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore » ... Patry.html

Vishaka “the forked shaped” 20.00 Libra to 3.20 Scorpio
Symbol: Triumphal arch, potter’s wheel
Deity: Indagni, a pair of deities. Indra is the chief of the gods, and Agni is fire deified.
Stars: The four stars forming the Scales in the constellation of Libra.
Zuben el Genubi gives the ability to concentrate on goals and overcome obstacles. It is social, clever, but unforgiving and revengeful.
Mythology: Indra, the king of the gods, combined with Agni fire provided the energy, strength and powerful potential of this nakshatra.
Indications: This is the “Star of Purpose”. These people are extremely competitive and goal oriented and don’t give up until they achieve success. Patience, persistence, ambition and concentrated power will conquer any obstacles or rivals. With their harsh opinions they may force their will and ideas on others, or step on or use others to get what they want. But by pushing their agendas too hard they may win the battle and losethe war. They aredetermined and it can be hard for them to hide their feelings of envy and jealousy if you have what they want. They can become frustrated and angry if they don’t get what they desire. They experience success in the second half of their life. As the warrior spirit gets what it desires, the best solution is to be the spiritual warrior.
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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore »

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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore » ... ology.html

Vishaka Nakshatra in Astrology

Vishaka Nakshatra: Range 20°00’ Libra - 03°20’ Scorpio.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter.
Deity: God of fire.
Symbol: Archway, potter’s wheel.
Gana (Nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal Symbol: Male tiger.
Sounds: Thee, Thoo, They, Tho.
Primary motivation: Dharma, Right activity.

Vishaka Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet venus ( libra ) and mars ( scorpio) ruled by planet jupiter. Vishaka is the sixteenth Nakshatra called ‘’The Star of Purpose’’. It resides in the constellation of Libra and consists of four star forming the scales while extending towards the sign of the scorpion. This nakshatra called ‘’the forked’’ or two branched’’. The symbol ‘’two branch’’ means that, native often offered two different path in life, and they have to make a conscious choice to stay on the right one. The other symbols associated with Vishakha are an archway or triumphal gateway decorated leaves a potter’s wheel. The potter's wheel as a symbol of the nakshatra represents the great turmoil and whirlwind produced by this influence. The symbolism points to transformation in life, and moving towards spiritual path. The primary motivation of Vishakha nakshatra is trying to achieve higher goals of life, and purification of the soul through hard work (tapas). These natives are good planners, they do not act impulsively. The inherent nature of cultivation and then reaping the harvest takes time, means these natives are very patient and persistent.

The Deities of Vishakha are Indra and Agni. Indra is the Sanskrit word “indriyas”, or senses. so there is the ability to master control over one’s senses. Controlling one’s senses is essential to achieve higher states of spiritual evolution. Indra achieved his power through self-sacrifice and deep meditation. Agni is the God of the fire, and burning desire is the theme of transformation. The three quarters of Vishakha within Libra provide affluence, comfort, and the pleasant experiences of life, which all come under the domain of Indra, the king of the gods and ruler of heaven. The last quarter of the asterism, falling in Scorpio, is full of the trials and tribulations which are essential for every kind of transformation. Jupiter is the ruling planet which gives enthusiasm, faith, optimism and hope for the future and reflecting the deep connection with one’s soul purpose. It gives the power to achieve many and various fruits in life. Vishaka is reflected through plowing or cultivation and finally obtaining the fruits of harvest. They often will make good farmers and gardeners. Vishakha natives will cultivate their ideas and creations until they have reached perfection. The deities are ones of lightning and fire, so therefore are extremely intense and often will disregard others in their pursuit of their desire. The power of Vishaka to give patience and determination to accomplish work is very strong for creating the foundation of success.

The Shadow side can be an aggressive, dictatorial nature. A quarrelsome personality may be present here. There can be issues with suppressed anger and frustration. These people have kind of bitterness and resentment which may result in dissatisfaction with the existing conditions of life, restlessness, and a great psychological turmoil raging within. They have strong sexual appetite, which often leads to infidelity in married life, non-fulfillment of promises in personal relationships. They have a envy and jealous attitude and It is very difficult for them to hide these feelings and due to these feelings they are not able to contribute to help others. They get success in relationship later in life. They are extremely competitive, with their harsh opinions they may force their will and ideas on others. They using others to get what they want. They need to be careful not to win the every battle.

Vishaka Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Navamsa falls in Aries and is ruled by Mars. This pada is all about energy, impulse, and social ambition. Here focus on relationship but likely to dominate with passion and no commitment.

Vishaka Nakshatra Pada 2: Falls in Navamsa falls in Taurus ruled by Venus.This pada gives strong the material ambition and gives success in venusian stuff. Endurance and durability are the hallmark of this pada.

Vishaka Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Navamsa falls in Gemini ruled by Mercury. This pada is more thoughtful, communicative, philosophical and have religious attitude. The native is jovial and little bit open minded.

Vishaka Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Navamsa falls in Cancer ruled by Moon. This pada is most pointed one and transformative through emotional turmoil and making highly volatile and dangerous pada.

Ascendant in Vishaka Nakshatra: Can be wise, devoted to forms of worship, politically inclined, aggressive, impatient, and easily angered.

Sun in Vishaka Nakshatra: Relationship oriented, believing enjoying life, or self-centered, ambitious, introverted, secretive nature, and research oriented.

Moon in Vishaka Nakshatra: Bright appearance, attractive, attracts a crowd, and humanitarian and intense in feelings. Debilitated in last pada where shadow side of this nakshatra can be found.

Mars in Vishaka Nakshatra: Interested in the material pleasures, have strong sexual appitite, sexual relationship oriented, aggressive, secretive and harsh in actions if in last pada.

Mercury in Vishaka Nakshatra: Good writer, pleasing communication, artistic, if in last pada then too much thinking and confusion in thought process.

Jupiter in Vishaka Nakshatra: Jupiter here brings the fire of God and his word for humankind. natural love for following scriptures and ritual can make them advocate of lawful marriages and business deal. Can be an great priest who performs wedding.

Venus in Vishaka Nakshatra: Can be Judge, deal maker, harmonious, peace loving, balanced in nature. if in last pada then have interest in secret and in occult knowledge.

Saturn in Vishaka Nakshatra: Saturn in Vishakha nakshatra brings more decisive power. Determination and focus are key terms associated with Vishakha. There is a consistent drive for to achieve one’s goals.

Rahu in Vishaka Nakshatra: Rahu in vishaka creates a sense of dissatisfaction with both the material and the spiritual sides of life. Rahu first experience sensuality to the extreme with romance and sexual adventures, and later moves into the spiritual aspect.

Ketu in Vishaka Nakshatra: Jupiter is the planetary ruler it gives wisdom to Ketu move towards a spiritual life. Ketu in Vishakha suggests that in a past life the soul understood the knowledge of moksha, but the life was essentially human and full of material and sexual issues.

People with strong natal placements in Vishakha (Moon, Ascendant, or Venus) are often devotees of Krishna.
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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore » ... ete-guide/
Luke Vanderlinden
Jun. 18, 2020

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Vishakha are below:

Sanskrit Name: विशाखा (Vishakha) comes from the Sanskrit words वि (divided) and शाखा (branch). One meaning of Vishakha is “the branched one,” indicating intelligence, vitality, and many talents.

Planetary Ruler: Jupiter. In Vedic theology, Jupiter is considered to be the advisor and guru of the gods and is known as Brhaspati. Jupiter is associated with wisdom, virtue, and spirituality.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Vishakha is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Libra (1st-3rd quarters) and Scorpio (4th quarter). Libra natives possess excellent taste and good judgement. They are friendly, learned, and dignified, but may be prone to arrogance. Scorpios are intense, reclusive, and bursting with energy.

Deity: Indra. In Vedic theology, Indra is the lord of svarga, the heavenly realm, and the chief among the demigods. He presides over rain and weather.

Symbol: Potter’s wheel. This represents karma, creativity, patience, and the creative potential.

Power: To spread or pervade. Persons born under the star of Vishakha have a wide sphere of influence. For this reason, they do well in social and political arenas.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Vishakha are Tee (ती), Tu (तू), Tay (ते), and Toe (तो). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Vishakha natives are charming and kind individuals. Due to their warm and altruistic personality, they can easily make friends with others. Their diversity of personal interests also helps them to form friendships with a wide variety of people. Thus they have no issue maintaining an active and vibrant social life.

Those born under the star of Vishakha are wise for their age. They have a natural insight into the workings of the world and of human nature. They are truthful and devout, and are naturally-inclined toward spirituality. They bring energy and enthusiasm to whatever tasks they undertake.

You are driven, bright, and outgoing. You enjoy a fresh challenge, and you know how to make the most of trying circumstances. You are an attractive and inspired person.

Vishakha Careers
Persons born in Vishakha can excel in a variety of careers, particularly anything having to do with speaking, or speech pathology.

Some ideal professions include:

Astrologer, psychic, or psychotherapist
Researcher or scientist
Any career in radio, TV or film
Priest, preacher, or chaplain
Speech pathologist
Vishakhas are extreme and passionate individuals. While this can be a strength, they often go overboard, showing intense enthusiasm for a particular project or cause for a short time before they give it up and move on to the next crusade. This can cause personal frustration, and others may perceive them to be inconsistent or unreliable.

Persons born in Vishakha may be too talkative, prying into others affairs, gossiping, and so on. Though they are compassionate deep down, they do not always understand personal boundaries or the meaning of privacy. This can cause them to lose friends and the favor of their peers, if they cannot control their tendency to be a busybody.

You may be stingy with others and envious of the success of your peers. Others may perceive you as greedy, scheming, and manipulative. By regularly going out of your way to help others, even those who are not in your inner circle, you can maintain a humble and friendly disposition.

Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign. If you were born in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd quarters of Vishakha, your moon sign is Libra. If you were born in the 4th quarter of Vishakha, your moon sign is Scorpio.

Other Personality Traits
You are drawn to marriage. You long for a committed partnership, and you see marriage and romance as a major part of your life.

You don’t like to take advice from others. You prefer to carve out your own path in life and may have a hard time taking guidance from others. Be careful, as it is often much easier to learn from others mistakes than having to figure everything out on your own.

You have many diverse interests. Many different activities, hobbies, and topics of knowledge attract you. However you may find some of these interests to compete with one another, and you will have to ultimately choose how you wish to spend your time, being unable to dedicate yourself to everything that interests you.

You may feel dissatisfied in life. It is difficult to find satisfaction in the modern age, and it is all the more difficult for Vishakha natives, who feel somewhat restless and conflicted in their life path. You should try to seek spiritual satisfaction instead of looking for fulfillment on the material platform.

Vishakha Compatibility
Vishakhas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male tiger. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Chitra nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Vishakhas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

For Vishakha natives in Libra (1st-3rd Quarters):

Ashwini (for female natives)
Bharani (for male natives)
Mrighashira in Gemini (for female natives)
Magha (for female natives)
Chitra in Virgo (for female natives)
Chitra in Libra
Swati (for female natives)
Shravana (for male natives)
For Vishakha natives in Scorpio (4th Quarter):

Bharani (for male natives)
Pushya (for female natives)
Magha (for female natives)
Chitra (for female natives)
Anuradha (for male natives)
Jyeshta (for male natives)
Revati (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Vishakha’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Libra): Aries. You are ambitious and single-minded, and you work with a passion. Others may find you to be unpredictable.

Second Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Libra): Taurus. You are blessed with great stamina and vitality. You are a creative person, and you enjoy life. However, you may be tempted to have multiple affairs.

Third Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Libra: Gemini. You are light-hearted and curious. You enjoy learning and acquiring knowledge on diverse topics. You may be afflicted by anxiety and often struggle with conflicting emotions.

Fourth Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Scorpio): Cancer. You are a sensitive and emotional soul. You express yourself openly, wearing your feelings on your sleeve. You can easily persuade others.

Vishakha in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Vishakha is Mishra, “mixed.” Vishakha is a versatile nakshatra and can be good for:

Cleaning or organizing
Discarding unwanted things
Giving up bad habits
Giving in charity or volunteering
Performing a vrata or spiritual vow, such as a vow of silence
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Re: Vishakha - The Forked Shape

Post by StarLore »

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