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Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:47 pm
by StarLore
Chitra - The Bright One ... ac027e24c9

Chitra Nakshatra is the 14th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology.

Chitra is ruled by Tvastar, the Cosmic craftsman. Vishwakarma is the divine draftsman of the whole universe and the official builder of all the gods’ palaces. Below are some of his contributions as per Hindu mythological scriptures.

· Indra’s Palace: After Indra became the king of the devas, he requested Vishwakarma to make palace for him. After Indra killed Vritra, Indra had Vishwakarma redo the palace and make it more grand multitudinous times.

· Palace for Kubera: This palace near Alakapuri is said to be most beautiful gardens in the universe. These were created by Vishwakarma.
· On an invitation of Lord Krishna, He also built the city “Indraprastha” for Pandavas.

· Lankapuri: This city, made entirely of gold, was originally created by Vishwakarma and as per mythology, demons like Sumali and his brothers seized the city from Vishwakarma and later, Ravana took over and started ruling. After Ravana’s death in the Ramayana, Vibhishana, his righteous brother, ruled for a very long time.

· Dwaraka: When Jarasandha kept attacking the Yadavas at Mathura, Krishna and the Yadavas moved to an island near Saurashtra. There, Krishna invoked Vishwakarma to build a beautiful city.

· Yamapuri: Vishwakarma also created Yamapuri for God Yama and his other advisors and ministers.

· Shraddhavati: This is the city of Varuna. It was built by Vishwakarma in the ocean.

In the Yajurveda, Purusha Sukta and the tenth mandala of the Rigveda, his character and attributes are merged with the concept of Hiranyagharbha/Prajapathy or Brahma. Tvastar is mentioned 65 times in the Ṛgveda and is the former of the bodies of men and animals,’ and invoked when desiring offspring, called garbha-pati or the lord of the womb.

As per the Ṛgveda, Tvastar, also known as Rathakāra, belongs to the clan of the Bhṛgus. Similarly, as mentioned in the epic Mahabharata, Tvastar or the Rathakāra is Śukrācārya’s son, Śukrācārya (the mentor of the asuras) is Bhṛgu’s grandson and Vāruṇibhṛgu’s son. He is the father of Saranyu, who twice bears twins to Vivasvat (RV 8.26.21), including Yama and Yami, also identified as the first humans. Tvastar is a solar deity in the Mahabharata and the Harivaṃśa. He is mentioned as the son of Kāśyapa and Aditi and is said to have made the three worlds with pieces of the Surya.

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:52 pm
by StarLore ... shatra.php

The fourteenth constellation, sign ruled by Mercury (Virgo) for first half part and by Venus (Libra) for the next half and the star is governed by Mars.

Symbol: A shining jewel
Meaning: The bright one
Deity: Tvashtar or Vishvakarma, the celestial architect
Location: 23.20 Virgo to 6.40 Libra
Stars: Spica
Lord: Mars
Varna (Caste): Servant
Guna (Quality): Tamasic (Inertia)
Gana (Nature): Rakshasa (Demonic)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Tiger
Alphabets:Pe as in Paga, Po as in Polica, Ra as in Rama, Re as in Ray

Part of the body: Belly, Lower part of abdomen, kidney, loins, appendicitis, lumbar region of the spine, vasomotor system.

Diseases: Ulcers, sharp and acute pains, wounds from insects, reptiles and animals, hernia, inflammation of kidney and bladder, bright's diseases, kidney trouble, excess of urine, hemorrhage of the kidneys and renal stones.

Profession: Mechanical engineer, building contractor or broker, income-tax, revenue, finance department, electricity, mine, tunnel, trenches, finger print expert. Police of Law and order and traffic, cost accountant, persons skilled in the art of ornamenting, painting, jewelers, singing, perfumery, as well as mathematicians, weavers, physicians, surgeon, scientist, philosopher, marriage broker, registrar of marriages.

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:07 pm
by StarLore ... Patry.html

Chitra: “the bright one” 23.20 Virgo to 6.40 Libra
Symbol: a bright jewel, or pearl
Deity: Tvashtar or Vishvakarma the celestial architect
Stars: Spica, the bright star in the wheat shaft of Virgo, is one of the most auspicious stars of all denoting success, riches, and a love of the sciences and arts.
Mythology: Tavashtar was the celestial architect who could shape how humanity would see the world. He created the Universe by blowing the creatures into existence and fanning them with his wings. He was the master of maya and magic, representing regenerative power and longevity.
Indications: This is the “star of opportunity”. These individuals posses charisma, personal charm, and can be flashy and glamorous. They love bright colors and usually have well-proportioned bodies and very beautiful eyes. This is one of the most mystical nakshatras of all, giving spiritual depth with sudden flashes of insight. These people are wonderful conversationalists, saying the right thing at the right time. Chitra rules creation, indicating artistic and organizational ability as in architectural design. Many artists are born in this asterism. With an affinity for jewels, they may deal with gemstones. Chitra reflects the world of maya and delusions, which must be overcome.

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:39 am
by StarLore

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:59 am
by StarLore

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:02 pm
by StarLore

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:39 pm
by StarLore ... ology.html

Chitra Nakshatra in Astrology
Chitra Nakshatra: Range 23°20 Virgo - 06°40 Libra
Ruling Planet: Mars
Deity: Tvashtar, the celestial architect.
Symbol: Pearl or bright jewel.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: Female tiger.
Sounds: pay, poe, ra, ree
Primary motivation: Kama, Desire.

Chitra comes under the domain of (Virgo 23 20’ to Libra 6 40’) and rule by planet Mars. Chitra is ‘’The Star of Opportunity’’ is beautifully reflected by the fixed star Spica. It is symbolized by the brilliant jewel or pearl. Chitra means ‘’the brilliant’’, “the beautiful” or “the bright”. It reflects the many, variegated colors. Chitra also translate as a painting or work of art suggesting ‘’pretty pictures’’. Chitra people are usually attractive, charismatic and possess dynamic personal charm. They have an artistic talent and ability to arrange the things creatively. They are excellent conversationalist. They usually wear bright and colorful clothing and jewelry. Chitra also has a fondness for flowers, garlands and other objects of natural beauty. this nakshatra is good for learning music, dance, and drama. Chitra people usually have beautiful eyes and a well-proportioned body. Chitra fall in Libra, people are fond of jewelry and gemstones. They love to wear jewelry, gems, rings, and even trade gems. Chitra is an extremely creative nakshatra. Chitra fall in Virgo, here Mars guides the intelligent how to beat the battle, win the war and attain their goals. Since Virgo is about details, and nit picking the imperfections, Mars gives them extra energy to pick out all the wrong things in contracts, projects, medicine or any kind of work they do.

The deity is Tvashtar, the divine celestial architect of the universe. The shakti is “the ability to accumulate merit in this life”.Chitra allows us to gain the fruit of our good karma that comes through righteousness. It has a deep spiritual depth and its main task is to see through the many veils of illusion in the universe, it is akin to vishnu reclining on his serpent bed, who holds the realization that the universe is a constant unfolding of his dream state. They are extremely motivated to follow their own Truth. Twashtar represents prosperity, regenerative power and longevity. They are bright, charismatic and usually powerful. Chitra natives try to do their best in everything they do and. The Chitra individual has two types of life experience, one which is almost unaware of its spiritual potential, and the other where circumstances and situations force the individual to recognize their higher nature. These natives will have flashes of inspiration and will want to become self-realized. Chitra is ruled by Mars, and ruled by the female tiger and due to its they have passionate, highly sexed and seductive nature. The challenged of Chitra nakshatra is control strong sexual desire.

The shadow side of this Lunar mansions is Chitra nakshatra people have smug, arrogant, and self-indulgent nature. It has a rakshasa temperament with a primary motivation of kama or desire. The animal associated with this nakshatra is a female tiger which reveals the passionate and sensual nature. It can reflect the world of maya and delusory appearance. it is connected with the work of magicians and others master of illusion. A strong ego and self-centeredness can occur here. Chitra people should focus on allowing the ego to die. They should remember that word ‘’ego’’ stand for edging God out. The symbol of Chitra is twofold, the diamond and the pearl. The diamond is the symbol of the trials and tribulations the mind must go through in order to be hardened enough to cut through the maya (illusion) of cosmic play (everyday "reality". Thus, the Chitra must come to terms with every aspect of the rough stone of the mind, chipping away at the impurities as they come along, until finally, the focus of the one-mind is strong enough to realize what can be the most enlightening and the ultimate reality, the self. People with heavy Chitra affiliation find their most creative moments come from their most troubled times. In their most troubled time, they receive a spark of divine inspiration, and take it to a higher level. Chitra's suffering then, in turn, becomes their ultimate beauty and creativity.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Leo Navamsa and is ruled by planet Sun. This pada brings personal glamour, while on a higher level this pada strives for self-perfection. This pada has a very strong ability to keep secrets.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 2: Falls in Virgo Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. This pada brings very intelligent, studious and educated. This is a very disciplined pada which likes to conclude whatever it begins. Due to Mars' aggressive nature and Virgo's ability to look for details, they make aggressive lawyers.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Libra Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. This pada brings
focus on relationships, self-absorption and equilibrium. This is a very self-centric, social highly sex nature. This is the nature that sometimes leads them into extramarital affairs.

Chitra Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by mars. This pada brings
the magical and mysterious side of Chitra. More passion and secrecy is in display than what is usually associated with the sign Libra. They become great traveling guides and at the same time are great artists.

Ascendant in Chitra Nakshatra: Engaged in variety of pursuits, wears colorful clothes, jewellery, expressive nature, graceful, honest and desire for spiritual liberation.

Sun in Chitra Nakshatra: Strong intellect, especially in an academic sense, Intelligent, have discriminating leadership quality, have Strong need in recognition, strong and opinionated,

Moon in Chitra Nakshatra: Beautiful, attractive eyes, artistic, great lovers, popular, intuitive mind, and prophetic.

Mars in Chitra Nakshatra: competitive, direct, warrior nature, militant, skilled in martial arts Strong sexual desire, good immune system, good fighting ability, Armed forces and police detective.

Mercury in Chitra Nakshatra: Detailed oriented, highly organized, mapped pre-planning Writers, publications, work in radio, TV and film.

Jupiter in Chitra Nakshatra: Lawyers, judges, priests, religious people who have knowledge of the scriptures.

Venus in Chitra Nakshatra: Beautiful, interest in arts, photography, music, Interior designers, Architects, interior designers, clothing and jewelry makers.

Saturn in Chitra Nakshatra: Disciplined, intelligent, critical, Architects, and have interior designing abilities.

Rahu in Chitra Nakshatra: Rahu in Chitra show illusions and shadows side of Rahu which are so strong that one can easily live in a false or unrealistic world, have interest in photography and video games.

Ketu in Chitra Nakshatra: The personality is reformed but the process is painful as the ego has to be cut away so that the inner soul can emerge. Ketu is spiritual warriors with courage to face adversity.

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:55 am
by StarLore ... ete-guide/
Vrindavani Briant
Jan. 10, 2020

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Chitra are below:

Sanskrit Name: चित्रा (Chitra). Some meanings of Chitra are “wonderful” and “variegated,” indicating charisma, versatility, and physical beauty.

Planetary Ruler: Mars. The Romans worshiped Mars as the god of war, a tradition that had its roots in the scriptures of Vedic India. Mars is associated with masculinity, power, vitality, courage, and conflict.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Chitra is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Signs: Virgo (1st and 2nd quarter) and Libra (3rd and 4th quarter). Virgos are intelligent, practical, capable problem solvers who like to help others with their abilities — however, they can be critical of both themselves and others. Libra natives possess excellent taste and good judgement. They are friendly, learned, and dignified, but may be prone to arrogance.

Deity: Vishvakarma. In Vedic theology, Vishvakarma is the architect of the gods, the divine builder and craftsman. He is credited for designing the universe at the instruction of Lord Brahma.

Symbol: Pearl or jewel. This represents beauty, opulence, brightness, and glamour. This is sometimes related to the spirit or soul that shines brightly within everyone.

Power: To gain merit. In the Vedic understanding, merit or good fortune is achieved through acts of virtue and piety.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Chitra are Pay (पे), Po (पो), Ra (रा), and Ree (री). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

It’s usually easy to spot Chitras in a crowd — you have a dynamic energy and striking appearance. Beautiful, fashionable, and charismatic, you are hard to overlook. Social settings often bring out the best in you. Your personal charm and conversational skills make you easy to befriend.

Beautiful things, places, and people attract you. Artistic and creative, you can rearrange anything to make it more aesthetically pleasing. You keep yourself and your space clean and have a great eye for detail.

There is much in the world that interests you. A strong curiosity leads you to keep learning throughout your life. You are well-read and often impress others with your intelligence. It’s easy to respect you. Alongside being talkative and social, you have a composure and depth that lends weight to your presence.

However, there’s more to you than intelligence and an attractive appearance. You also have the ability to accomplish a great deal. You are motivated and throw yourself into pursuing your goals with energy. You aren’t someone that should be underestimated. You have the strength and bravery to stand up for what you believe in and see it through to the end.

Chitra Careers
Positions that are dynamic, creative, and fully engage Chitras’ abilities will be the most fulfilling for them. They should avoid careers that are too routine or where they have to work under someone less capable than they are.

Some ideal professions include:

Architect, interior designer, or landscaper
Advertiser, writer, or media personality
Jewelry or fashion designer
Desire is your primary motivation and you can tend to be self-indulgent. Your sexual desires are especially strong. If you let them consume you, you may neglect other important areas in your life. Since desire is what motivates you the most, you may try to use it to motivate others as well. Be wary of manipulating or seducing others in order to what you want.

Your desires can become more important to you than anything else, leading you to break rules and act unethically to achieve your goals. As a result, you might not always be honest and can be hard to trust. Your lack of integrity could cause damage when it is revealed.

Arrogance is another struggle for Chitras. It can be hard to be humble when you are so admired, but failure to do so could cause you many problems in your personal relationships and in your own sense of fulfillment. You might come across as smug or shallow.

Skill in conversation means that you always have something to say, but you don’t always know when it would be better to remain silent. You are outspoken, often speaking without thinking, and may regret your words later on after it’s too late. You tend to be argumentative and may be too ready to give and express judgement.

Things that are too routine can quickly lose your interest — you can get bored with situations, projects, and people. Patience doesn’t come easily to you, and you can be easily irritated and are not very good at hiding it.

Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign. If you were born in the 1st or 2nd quarter of Chitra, your moon sign is Virgo. If you were born in the 3rd or 4th quarter of Chitra, your moon sign is Libra.

Other Personality Traits
You live life to the fullest. You don’t like to do things halfway. Your zest for life makes you fun to be around and could lead you to great heights.

You place more importance on externals. Aesthetics mean a lot to you. This could make you overlook the value of things that aren’t externally attractive. It can also make you feel pressure to pretend to be something you aren’t.

You are a powerful leader. Chitra natives have the ability to lead others. Your conviction, confidence, and motivation will often put you at the head of the pack.

You are sometimes too hasty. You have a habit of speaking or acting first and thinking later. You can get a lot accomplished, but failing to think things through could get you into trouble.

You are progressive. You are forward-thinking and open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. You don’t get caught up on tradition or systems that may be outdated.

You are spiritually inclined. You desire to find spiritual meaning in your life. Feeling spiritual fulfillment is very important to most Chitras.

Chitra Compatibility
Chitra sexuality is symbolized by a female tiger. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Visakha nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Chitras are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Visakha (for female natives)
Shravana (for female natives)
For Chitra natives in Virgo (1st and 2nd quarter):

Krittikas in Taurus
Uttara-phalgunis in Virgo (for male natives)
Hasta (for male natives)
Uttara-ashadhas in Capricorn
Purva-bhadrapadas in Pisces (for female natives)
For Chitra natives in Libra (3rd and 4th quarter):

Krittika (for male natives)
Rohini (for male natives)
Swati (for female natives)
Visakhas in Libra (for male natives)
Purva-bhadrapadas in Aquarius (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Chitra’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Virgo): Leo. You are a natural leader and possess great inner power, and you are physically attractive. You have good self-control, and are able to restrain your emotions and urges. However, you can be authoritarian, dictating what others should do without considering their opinions. You can be harsh.

Second Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Virgo): Virgo. Your mind is a powerful asset and your intellectual abilities are significant. You have natural skill with language and are an especially gifted communicator. When you want to do something, there’s little that can stop you — you have a strong will.

Third Quarter (0:00-3:20 degrees Libra): Libra. You are liked by many people. You are courageous and always strive to do what is right. Your confidence allows you to stand up for what you think is right even in the face of opposition. You are patient, and probably live a lavish lifestyle.

Fourth Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Libra): Scorpio. You are bold and don’t hide who you are. You feel no shame, even though you are prone to do things many would consider immoral or, potentially, illegal. You can be a bit temperamental and are easily agitated and hard to predict. Your life is not always an easy one — you face a series of difficulties that may be hard for you to overcome.

Chitra in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Chitra is Mridu, “soft” or “mild.” Chitra is an excellent nakshatra for:

Beginning a journey
Undergoing a medical operation
Marriage ceremonies
Conceiving a child
Purchasing new clothes or jewelry

Re: Chitra - The Bright One

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:06 am
by StarLore