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☋ Ketu in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:22 pm
by StarLore
☋ Ketu in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Bhrigu Sutras
Rahu or Ketu in the Twelfth House
Sutras 31-32-The native will have few children and suffer from eye troubles. He will go to hell after death.

Phaldeepika Rahu-The native will incur lot of wasteful expenditure and indulge in sinful deeds.
Ketu-The native will commit sins secretly and incur expenditure for evil purposes. He will also suffer from eye troubles.
Chamatkar Chintamani- Rahu-The native will be poor and will be unsuccessful in all his undertakings. He will have friendship with evil minded persons. Ketu-The native will be like a king. He will incur expenditure on charities. His enemies will be vanquished and he will suffer from eye troubles.

Comments-We would recommend to the readers to also study the effects of Rahu and Ketu in favourable and unfavourable positions, which are given in sufficient detail in Kalidas's famous classic 'Uttara Kalamrita. In view of the controversy about the role of Rahu and Ketu who are only shadowy planets there is a strong school of thought that they should not be considered as owners of any signs.

According to this view Rahu and Ketu act as agents to the planets to which they are conjoined. If they are not conjoined with any planet, they give the results of the planet who aspects them. Only when they are neither conjoined with, nor aspected by any planet, they represent the lord of the house in which they are posited.

Uttarakalamrita gives following further information about Rahu and Ketu:

(1) Rahu and Ketu - if endowed with strength, produce effects similar to the planet owning an inauspicious house and in whose house they are posited or with whom they are conjoined. The lords ofKendra and Kona houses, if not conjoined with the two nodes, produces beneficial results. The effects will be contrary, if they be other node these two nodes in spite of their malefic nature becoming benefic by virtue of their position in certain houses or association with certain planets.
(2) If one of the two nodes and the lord of a Trikona be posited in the 9th or 10th, or if one of them be in the 9th or the other in the 10th or vice versa, the yoga will cause prosperity to the native. Even a conjunction of either of these with the lord of a trikona will prove beneficial. In the above circumstances the paras of these two nodes as well as these of the planets conjoined with them will prove happy. If there be a planet who is inauspicious associated by a sum of Sambhandha (relationship) with either of the nodes, then the Bhukti of the yogakarka planet will prove adverse.
(3) The two planet.- Rahu and Ketu become auspicious when they occupy a Trikona or Kendra position or when they are associated with the lord of that particular kendra or kona house in which they are posited. They also prove beneficial when they conjoin with the lords of any Kendra or Kona house. If the lord of the 9th were to own the 8th or 12th as well, or if the lord of 9th and the 10th in the above circumstances were to conjoin with the lords of the 9th or the 12th, then the auspiciousness of the Yoga is lost.

Re: ☋ Ketu in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:08 am
by StarLore