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☊ Rahu in House IX - Father & Spirituality

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:13 pm
by StarLore
☊ Rahu in House IX - Father & Spirituality

Bhrigu Sutras
Rahu or Ketu in the Ninth House
Sutra 24-If Rahu or Ketu is in the ninth house, the native will be childless, will have intimacy with low-born women, will depend on others for his livelihood and will be irreligious.

Other Views
Phaldeepika Rahu-The native will speak with bitterness and will not perform any charitable deeds but will be a leader of village or town.Ketu-The native will be sinfully disposed, will perform un-pious deeds, will be fatherless, unfortunate and poor. Chamatkar Chintamani Rahu-The native will be full of good qualities, fond of pilgrimages and kind hearted.
Ketu-The native will be anxious to get children and will earn wealth with the help of non-Hindus.

Re: ☊ Rahu in House IX - Father & Spirituality

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:00 am
by StarLore