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♄ Saturn in House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:49 pm
by StarLore
♄ Saturn in House I - Appearance and Health

Bhrigu Sutras
Saturn in the First House
Sutras 1-7-If Saturn is in the first house (ascendant), the native will suffer from rheumatic and bilious diseases. If Saturn is in his sign of exaltation (Libra), the native will have lordship over a village or town and will have financial and agricultural prosperity. If Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn or Aquarius, the father of the native will be rich. If Saturn is in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the 4th or 10th the native will be very fortunate and will enjoy the effects of Maharaja yoga (name, fame and wealth). If Saturn in the ascendant is aspected by Moon, the native will earn his livelihood by begging. This will not happen if Saturn is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus) also.

Comments-Very good effects have been ascribed- to Saturn when he is exalted, or in his own sign or is in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the 4th and 10th houses. When Saturn is exalted, the ascendant will be Libra (for which he is a yoga-karaka planet) and he will be in the ascendant as the lord of the 4th and 5th. In this position he will naturally give very beneficial results. It is stated that when Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn or Aquarius, the father of the native will be rich. Neither Saturn nor the first house have any thing to do with father but this result can accrue when Taurus or Gemini is the ascendant when Saturn would be in the ascendant as lord of the 9th house (significator for father). We are of the view that if Saturn is in the ascendant, the native himself will enjoy good prosperity and will be lognlived. Saturn in Capricorn will be better than Saturn in Aquarius, because in the former case he will be lord of the ascendant and the 2nd house and in the latter case he will be lord of the ascendant as well as the 12th house (an evil house). It is stated that Saturn in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the 4th or the 10th will make the native very fortunate and cause Maharaja yoga. Saturn will be in the ascendant as lord of the 4th where the ascendant is Sagittarius. Saturn will be in the ascendant as lord of the 10th when the ascendant is Pisces. The view seems to be that Saturn will be very beneficial if he is in the ascendant in Libra or in either of the two signs of Jupiter. This view has been supported by the following Sloka of Uttarakalamrita:

This means that if there be any malefics posited in their highest exaltation coupled with their duty as Marakas, one need not describe the amount of evil caused by them. Saturn brings about a good amount of wealth and prosperity when he is posited in the Ascendant identical with Pisces, Libra or Sagittarius. If under the above conditions, the 7th kendra be not occupied or aspected by Jupiter or Mercury, the native will become a king. Still death should be predicted in the Dasa and Bhukti of the lord of the 7th house. The following Sloka from Man Sagri is also on the same The disposition of Saturn in the ascendant (Lagna kendra) in his own sign of exaltation will give rise to Sasa yoga (Panchmaha Purusha yoga), the results of which have been given as under:-

"One born in this yoga will command good servants. His character will be questionable. He will be head of a village or .a town or even a king. He will covet other's riches and will be wicked in disposition."

The following horoscope of the late Mr. Krushchev former Prime Minister of U.S.S.R. is an example of Sasa yoga.

Ruchaka yoga is also present in this horoscope on account of Mars being exalted in the 4th house.

Other Views
BrihatJatak-The person concerned will be poor, sickly, love stricken, very unclean, suffering from diseases during his childhood and indistinct in his speech. (The above effects are only when Saturn occupies the Lagna identical with a sign other than Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra). If any one of the signs Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra be the ascendant and Saturn should occupy it, the person concerned will be equal to a king, the headman of a village, mayor of a city, a great scholar and will be handsome. Phaldeepika-If Saturn is in the ascendant in his sign of exaltation or in his own sign, the native will be like a king or head of a village or a town. If Saturn is in any other sign, the native will be unhappy in his childhood and later will be poor and lazy. Saravali-Same effects as given by Phaldeepika.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will own large properties and will be prosperous but greedy, sorrowful and narrow minded. He will humiliate his enemies.

Note-We commend the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras which should be supplemented by those expressed in Brihat Jatak and Phaldeepika.

Re: ♄ Saturn in House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:48 am
by StarLore