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Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:38 pm
by StarLore
Ashwini - Physician to the Gods ... ac027e24c9

Asvaḥ (अव) is the Sanskrit word for a horse, one of the significant animals finding references in the Vedas as well as later Hindu scriptures. The Ashvins are mentioned 376 times in the Rig Veda, with 57 hymns specifically dedicated to them: 1.3, 1.22, 1.34, 1.46–47, 1.112, 1.116–120 , 1.157–158, 1.180–184, 2.20, 3.58, 4.43–45, 5.73–78, 6.62–63, 7.67–74, 8.5, 8.8–10, 8.22, 8.26, 8.35, 8.57, 8.73, 8.85–87, 10.24, 10.39–41, 10.143. Ašvieniai are divine twins in the Lithuanian mythology, identical to Latvian Dieva dēli and the Baltic counterparts of Vedic Ashvins.
Reference as per Rig Veda:

Indra (King of the Gods in Vedas) had knowledge to produce elixir of immortality referred as Soma and he did not want this knowledge to get into the wrong hands and had taught it only to sage Dadichi but laid a curse upon him: “If you teach this to anyone your head must come off. “The Aśvinī twins wanted to learn this secret and being master surgeons, they cut off the sage’s head and the head of a horse and swapped the two. Through “the horse’s mouth” they learned this secret of Vedas and then they swapped the heads back to their original owners.

They are referred as twin Gods of Health and the Prayer of Brahmavadin Gosha can be found in Mandala 10 of Rig-Veda. It is a story of miracle of Ashwini-Kumaras curing Gosha of her skin problem and restoring her beauty.

आ वामगन सुमतिर्वाजिनीवसू नयश्विना हर्त्सु कामायंसत |
अभूतं गोपा मिथुना शुभस पती परियार्यम्णो दुर्यानशीमहि ||Rv. 10.40.12 ||

Explanation: O Ashwinikumaras full of wealth and food. Be pleased with us, be helpful to us in fulfilling our desires, and be graceful to us. Let us decorate the home of husband by becoming his beloved.

There are several such hymns in the Rig Veda in praise of the Ashwini Kumaras and below are few more references:
To he who was blinded, O Asvins, ye gave eyes. Great and weal-giving is your aid, O Asvins, ye made whole the cripple. Ye saved Rebha from tyranny. Ye made the barren cow of Sayu stream refreshing milk, and Vandana was helped with extended life. Doers of marvels, skillful workers, ye restored Vandana, like a vehicle worn out with length of days. From earth ye brought the sage to life in wondrous mode. As charioteers skilled in driving, ye then went to him who mourned in a far distant place, him who was left forlorn by treachery of his sire. Rich with the light of heaven was then the help ye gave, and marvelous your succor when ye stood by him.”

However, in few later Hindu Puranic scriptures (Shiv Purnana), Asvini is one among 27 constellations as the Daughters of Daksha and these Nakshatras were married to Chandra (Moon). Daksha’s 27 daughters are 27 Nakshatras in night sky and these are the 27 divisions of the zodiac based on the moon’s daily motion of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. 27 daughters of Daksha(Creator God) who got married to Moon God form 27 days of a month. The Moon travels the zodiac in 27.3 days spending roughly one day in each Nakshatra.

The ancient Vedic civilization concept of the month was based on lunar cycle which was approximately 28 days based on 28 Nakshatras (28th nakshatra was Abhijit) which as later ignored.The earliest ancient Roman calendars also had months that were 28 or 29 days. Julius Caesar modified the Roman calendar in 46 B.C. to make each month have either 30 or 31 days to sync with Solar cycle in 12 Zodiac, since the lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days, which does not divide evenly into the 365.25 days that make up a year. The current Gregorian calendar was a modification of the Julian calendar.

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:24 pm
by StarLore ... shatra.php

Ashwini - The First Nakshatra ruled by Ketu

Symbol: Horse's head
Meaning: Born of a horse or horse like women
Deity: Ashwini Kumar's the twins, the physicians of the gods
Location: 0.00 Aries to 13.20 Aries
Stars: Beta & Gamma Aries
Lord: Ketu
Varna (Caste): Vaishya (merchant class)
Guna (Quality): Tamasic (Inertia)
Gana (Nature): Deva (God like)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Horse
Alphabets: Chu as in Church, Che as in Cherry, Cho as in Chocolate, La as in Las Vegas

Part of the body: Head and cerebral hemispheres.

Diseases: Injury to head, brains congestion, thrombosis, epilepsy, spasms, head-aches, hemorrhages, stroke, insomnia and meningitis.

Profession: Service in factory, police, military, medicine, surgeon, courts, jail, dealers of horse and its riders and caretakers.

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:30 pm
by StarLore ... Patry.html

Ashwini “the horse woman” 0.00 to 13.20 Aries
Symbol: a horse’s head
Deity: the Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins, who as physicians to the gods performed medical miracles.
Stars: El Sharatan is in the horn of the Ram. Its qualities are brazen, outspoken and violent.
Mythology: Sanjna is the goddess who disguised herself as a horse and fled from her husband because of his betrayal. He finally won her over and their offspring produced the Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins. The twins were known to bring the dawn as their chariot sped through the sky everyday.
Indications: The “star of transport”. These people are pioneers and explorers, always ready to try something new. Heroic and very courageous some will want to join the armed forces. They have zeal, and a zest for life, but their restless and impatient nature has them rushing off quickly without planning ahead. Speed not efficiency is their preference. Speech may be quick and halting, possibly stuttering, for their words can’t match the speed of their thoughts. They are the true trailblazers, headstrong and stubborn. As the symbol for new beginnings they can represent a baby who goes after what it wants without considering the inconveniences to others. They can be childish, irresponsible and inconsiderate. As Ashwini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel, these people are probably known for getting speeding tickets. Healers performing miracle healings can also be attributed to planets in Ashwini.

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:53 am
by StarLore

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:06 pm
by StarLore

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:15 pm
by StarLore

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:12 pm
by StarLore
Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by ketu
Range 00° 00' Aries- 13 ° 20' Aries.
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Deity: Ashwini Kumaras, Physicians to the God
Symbol- Horse's head.
Gana (nature): Deva (God)
Animal symbol: Male horse
Sounds: chu,chey,cho,la.

Primary motivation: Dharma to fulfill duty.

Ashwini nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Mars and ruled by Ketu. Ashwini is the first nakshatra in the sign of Aries. Ashwini means ‘’Horseman’’. The myth of is Ashwins were twin sons of the Sun God. They were the celestial physicians have great healing powers. Those people have Moon in their ashwini nakshatra they like horse animals have love for the horses. They have great power of healing to rejuvenate the old and give life to the dead ones. These people also very child like and playful. Ashwini indicates the beginning of the soul’s journey in earthly life, and Ketu is the significator of moksha. Its rulership of the first nakshatra shows that life originate from the Ketu (black hole, nothingness) and ultimately we need to go there and the true reason for to incarnate on the earth is to find spiritual liberation.

Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in aries namasa, ruled by Mars, it relate to pioneering courageous and physically active side of the nakshatra.

Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 2: Falls in Taurus namasa, ruled by Venus, it relate to practical and resourceful side of the nakshatra.

Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Gemini namasa, ruled by Mercury, it relate to humorous and communicative side of the nakshatra.

Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Cancer namasa, ruled by Moon, it relate to healing part and helpful side of the nakshatra.

The Sun is the significator of the soul, is exalted in Ashwini. Ashwini. Sun in ashwini is an excellent position. People who have Sun in aswini is very pure like child humble and spiritual.

Jupiter in ashwini have will wisdom connect good past life wisdom and knowledge.

Venus is not happy ashwini nakshatra it can create relationship problems because here Venus have spiritual nature.

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:43 am
by StarLore ... ete-guide/
Luke Vanderlinden
Oct. 24, 2019

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Ashwini are below:

Sanskrit Name: अश्विनी (Ashvini) comes from the Sanskrit word अश्व (horse). One meaning of Ashwini is a “female horse,” indicating energy, swiftness, and a maternal, caring instinct.

Planetary Ruler: Ketu. Known in the Puranas as the headless body of the shadow planet Rahu, Ketu is associated with intensity, loss, and transcendence.

Nakshatra Group: Godly. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Ashwini is a godly nakshatra. People in this group are generally good-natured and fortunate in life. However, they may struggle with pride and a sense of entitlement.

Zodiac Sign: Aries. Ashwini natives are friendly, quick-witted, and pioneering. They exhibit the full spectrum of Arian qualities.

Deity: The Ashwini-kumaras. Known as the physicians of the gods, these two brothers are healers and miracle-workers.

Symbol: A horse’s head. This represents new beginnings, vitality, movement, and alertness.

Power: To take away. As natural healers, those born under this star are able to relieve others of pain and suffering.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Ashwini are Chu (चु), Che (चे), Cho (चो), and La (ला). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Ashwinis possess a youthful, playful energy. They take life head-on. They remain confident and courageous even in the face of overwhelming problems. They think and act quickly and don’t like wasting time.

Persons born under this star have an innocent and natural approach to life. You are trusting, non-judgmental, and straightforward in your interactions with others. You don’t like getting swept up in gossip or social drama. You genuinely care about others, and you try to help those around you to the best of your ability.

You can work hard when you put your mind to something, but you’re not one to toil away without seeing tangible results. You are highly intelligent, and you desire that all your endeavors align with your life’s purpose.

Ashwini Careers
Ashwini’s can do well in careers that are dynamic, exciting, and people-oriented. However, they have a tendency to overextend themselves and take on too many projects.

Some ideal professions include:

Physician, alternative health practitioner, nurse, or counselor
Military service member, police officer, or firefighter
Entrepreneur, C-level executive, or manager
Athlete, martial artist, yoga instructor, or dancer
As bold and enterprising individuals, Ashwinis can often get carried away. They may act on impulse without fully considering the consequences of their choices. In this sense, they can be somewhat short-sighted.

Your tendency to take on numerous tasks can lead to feelings of anxiety or overwhelm as you struggle to follow through on your various commitments. As you accumulate more and more deadlines, you may abandon other projects, leaving them unfinished. This can cause you to feel dissatisfied, as though you never have enough time for what you want to do in life. It’s important to prioritize and to be honest about your capacity. This will let you focus on the things that are truly important to you.

Another shortcoming of Ashwini is the risk of becoming arrogant due to your superior abilities. You are a talented person, but don’t let this make you indifferent to others. You have a hard time being a team-player and letting others take the lead. By taking advice and input from those around you, you will make fewer mistakes, learn more quickly, and achieve much greater success in the long run than if you to attempt to always do things on your own.

Other Personality Traits
You are family-oriented. The sign of Aries is known as the sign of the ram. This means you like to stick with and look after your flock. It’s healthy and natural to have affection for family, but try not to let yourself be overly attached or controlling.

You have a good sense of fashion. You like being organized — everything should have a place. This intuitive sense for orderliness extends itself into your dress.

You’re spiritually inclined. As a deva-gana, or godly nakshatra, Ashwinis are naturally drawn toward the spiritual. You don’t subscribe to the “eat, drink, and be merry” philosophy of life. You actively seek something more substantial.

You like to follow tradition. Another trait of the deva-gana nakshatras is their obedience to elders, including parents, grandparents, teachers, and other authorities. Although this quality is quite uncommon in the modern age, it’s a valuable trait to have. Receiving the blessings of those who have gone before us can empower us to do great things in life.

You get into trouble. You like adventures, but your penchant for risk-taking can sometimes land you in difficult situations. Try to balance your headstrong and fearless nature by taking guidance from those with more experience than you, and don’t forget to use your common sense.

Ashwini Compatibility
Ashwinis’ sexuality is symbolized by a male horse. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Shatabhisha nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Ashvinis are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Mrigashira (for male natives)
Uttara-phalgunis in Leo (for female natives)
Swati (for female natives)
Anuradha (for female natives)
Uttara-ashadhas in Sagittarius
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Ashwini’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (0-3:20 degrees Aries): Aries. You are attractive and physically active, but you have a dark side. You keep your vices secret. You can be cruel when provoked.

Second Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Aries): Taurus. You live well and have plenty of income. You know how to keep your composure. However, you are often consumed by materialistic concerns.

Third Quarter (6:40-10:00 degrees Aries): Gemini. You have a sharp intellect and a logical mind. You are a skilled speaker, and you usually win arguments.

Fourth Quarter (10:00-13:20 degrees Aries): Cancer. You are religious, spiritually-focused, and philanthropic. You are naturally empathic, and you may be gifted with the ability to heal others.

Ashwini in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Ashwini is Kshipra or Laghu, “swift” and “light.” Ashwini is an excellent nakshatra for:

Beginning a journey
Undergoing a medical operation
Learning something new
Athletic events and competitions
Performing any healing work

Re: Ashwini - Physician to the Gods

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:57 am
by StarLore