♀ Venus in House II - Family & Finance

Information about the Venus in Houses
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♀ Venus in House II - Family & Finance

Post by StarLore »

♀ Venus in House II - Family & Finance

Bhrigu Sutras
Venus in the Second House
Sutras 14-19-The native will be wealthy, will have a family, will get good food to eat, will have attractive eyes and will be of humble nature, kind hearted and helpful to others. He will get a beautiful wife in his 32nd year. If the lord of the second is weak or in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will suffer from eye troubles. If Venus is associated with Moon (while the lord of the 2nd is in 6th, 8th or 12th), the native will suffer from night blindness, without any family and sufferer of eye troubles and will squander away his wealth.

Comments-We have no comments on the effects given in the above Sutras which are logical and relevant to the significations of the second house. The effects given in Sutra 19 are worth verifying by practical experience. Venus will give still better results if he is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, in the second house. When Venus is in Taurus, the ascendant will be Aries and he will be in the 2nd, as lord of 7th and 2nd houses. If he is in Libra, the ascendant will be Virgo and he will be in the 2nd as lord of 9th and the 2nd houses. When Venus is in Pisces (sign of exaltation), the ascendant will be Aquarius and he will be in the 2nd exalted as lord of the 4th and 9th houses. These are all very powerful Dhana yogas.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be eloquent or sweet tongued.
Phaldeepika-The native will acquire wealth from many sources and will be a poet.
Saravali-The native will be very wealthy, humble in his speech and will enjoy good food and drinks, will be full of glory and will enjoy high class luxuries (including company of women).
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be sweet tongued and intelligent. He will have good appearance and decent dresses. He will be fond of beautiful women.

Note-There is a consensus amongst all the above authorities that Venus is very beneficial in the second house but the situations in which Venus could give evil effects as mentioned in Bhrigu Sutras should be kept in view.
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Re: ♀ Venus in House II - Family & Finance

Post by StarLore »

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