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♑︎ Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:09 pm
by StarLore
♑︎ Capricorn - The Goat ... -signs.php
Horoscope Zodiac Sign of Capricorn or Makara all about Capricorn astrology
Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Capricorn or Makara is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Sea Goat. The symbol of Capricorn is indicated by goat with a twisted horn. In heavens it starts from 270 degrees and extends up to 299 degrees. The Sun stays in Capricorn from 14th January to 12th February as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 22nd December to 20th January as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, it is cardinal, earthly, feminine sign, governs teeth, bones and the tenth house of the horoscope. It characteristics are yearning for peaks and ultimate realization, ambition and eagerness for renouncement to achieve something. It symbolizes ultimate realization, merging of personal with absolute, complete renouncement of personal pleasures, materialism and pragmatism.

Capricorns want to see all sides of an issue before reaching a conclusion. They like to plan in advance and weighing all the pros and cons. Decisions are never made rapidly. They are dependable, particularly in a crisis. They are, as a rule, not aggressive people, but only express hostility as a defense when attacked. They need people, but have a tendency to isolate themselves from people due to their reserve and fear of being hurt. They are very selective in choosing their friends, with only a few intimate ones. They are conservative in their thinking and attitudes, as well as in dress and social mannerisms. They believe in law and order and respect tradition. It is unusual for them to adopt radical ideas. They are natural organizers and have good leadership ability, which they can use to good advantage. They have strong self-discipline and nothing will sway them from their course if their mind is made up. They will give up many enjoyments in order to reach their goal. But, they must not overdo, or they will suffer physical exhaustion. Their strong desire to succeed at whatever they do enables them to be hard working and patient in the pursuit of their goals. If necessary, they will bear considerable hardship in obtaining these goals. Their inferiority complex demands they produce concrete results from their endeavors. Thus, their most spare time is also spent on practical projects instead of entertainment.

Capricorn like all other zodiac signs contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are three forth of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra, entire Shravana Nakshatra and half of the Dhanishta Nakshatra.

Capricorn House in Natal Chart indicates: Indicates this is where you must do restoration, crystallization, social foundations. Merit is the name of the game here. You must earn your respect here. Many times there are frustrations with this particular energy patterns. Find joy in planting the seeds of patience, relationships, and kindness.

Capricorn Facts
Duality: Feminine
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal or Movable
Ruling Planet: Saturn (god of justice & time)
Symbol: The Goat
Glyph: glyph
Part of the Body: Knees, Bones & Teeth
Exaltation sign of: Mars
Debilitation Sign of: Jupiter
Determent Sign of: Moon
Lucky for Capricorn
Lucky Numbers: 8
Lucky Years: 17, 26, 35 & 44
Lucky Planets: Venus & Saturn
Lucky Gemstone (Vedic): Blue Sapphire
Lucky Gemstone: Amethyst & Turquoise.
Lucky Metal: Lead
Lucky Color: Black & Dark Blue
Lucky Direction: West
Lucky Perfume: Musk
Lucky God: Shiva & Hanuman

Traits for Capricorn
Positive traits of Capricorn: Justice, Organization, Caution, Economy & Authority.

Negative traits of Capricorn: Suspicion, Pride, Resentfulness, Unforgiveness, Rigid & Pessimism.

Things Governed by Capricorn

Flowers: Ivy, Heartsease, Amaranthus & Pansies.

Trees: Pine, Elm, Willow, Yew & Camellia.

Herbs: Comfrey, Rue, Thuja, Sarasparilla, Thyme, Fumitory & Henbane.

Animals: Goats & Animals with cloven hoofs

Countries: Mexico, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, India & Macedonia.

Cities: Oxford, Boston, Brussels, Chicago, Montreal & Port Said.

Most Compatible: Leo & Sagittarius

Average Compatible: Aries, Gemini, Libra & Aquarius

Least Compatible: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces

Capricorn Health
Capricorn is related with the entire skeletal system including the teeth but Knee in particular. It is also connected with the digestive system. Capricorn rules the processes of the gallbladder. Planets afflicted in Capricorn can cause rheumatism, arthritis or general aches and pains as well as skin disorders may occur.

Capricorn Career & Profession
All occupation related to Saturn and the tenth house but not related to Aquarius. Capricorn is the sign of business and career and is the distinctive mark of the business man. Capricorn excels in executive positions requiring patience and responsibility. But it also governs Miners, Real Estate Dealers, Farmers, Builders, Contractors, Bricklayers, Tanners, Dealers in Hides and Leather, Coal and Ice Dealers and general Laborers.

Capricorn Decans
If a person is born between 14th to 23rd January, the Sun remains in the 1st Decan of Capricorn ruled by Saturn.
It provides an ambitious, persevering, plodding, and persistent disposition. Fate is determined by the moral growth and the power to organize and rise above the difficulties. The native is basically reserved, firm and self-reliant and anxious to be at the head of affairs.

If a person is born between 24th January to 2nd February, the Sun remains in the 2nd Decan of Capricorn ruled by Venus.
It incites the ambitious qualities of the native and provides him with a persistent driving nature. He is inclined towards conservative and orthodox conditions. This position strengthens the character and indicates that the native will be a strong willed person.

If a person is born between 3rd to 12th February, the Sun remains in the 3rd Decan of Capricorn ruled by Mercury.
It modifies the self-reliance of the sign and strengthens intellectual and mental qualifications. If the native can manage to obtain a good education. Circumstance will dictate the life of the native, much more than the ability to rule his own destiny.

Capricorn in Friendship
If a Capricorn thinks you can not do anything for them, it may be difficult to break into his inner circle. If, however, you have something to offer, the Capricorn will embrace you for life. Expect yours to be a structured friendship. If you make plans, your Capricorn buddy will schedule an itinerary for you. At times, the Capricorn may seem to you more like a parent figure than a friend. They might think they have all the answers and will try to impress you with their knowledge on any practical subject. If you have impeccable manners, are successful in your own right and manage to win the affections of Capricorn, you will find that you have earned an extremely devoted friend. A Capricorn who has once had their trust betrayed, by anyone, takes a long time to heal.

Capricorn in Love
Love can at times be difficult for Capricorn. The measure of mistrust might well be attributed to a fear of losing oneself in affairs of the heart. The good news is that with the right one, the Capricorn positively blooms in love, and is a loyal and devoted partner. When they give their love is total and which they will work hard to keep. The often traditional, somewhat reserved and usually cautious Capricorn is certain to take some time to size up the stakes in the game of love. Capricorn knows what they want, and once they fix their eyes on the prize, will work hard to get it. Where the 'us' thing is concerned, Capricorn keeps the rules pretty simple: Those with money, power and the trappings of success should step up to the plate. If their lover can throw in a dash of excitement along the way, all the better, since the Capricorn loves a splashy social occasion and the chance to flash some finery. A bit of solidity, along with excitement and passion, is just the right mix.

Capricorn as Child
Capricorn children benefit from being introduced to a variety of experiences. They should be praised for effort rather than for achievement. In time, their achievements will be as great, if not greater, than their efforts. Allow them to accept responsibilities early. Because they appear to be very wise for their age, it is easy for their parents to unburden their troubles to them. This causes the child to lose their own small amount of optimism, since they are not old enough to help their parent solve the problem.

Capricorn as Parent
Capricorn Parents are family oriented and enjoy their children. They must watch a tendency to want to dominate their children. Since it is easy for them to get sidetracked in their own work or projects, they must make a conscious effort to bring fun into their children's lives. It would help a Capricorn to set aside a certain time each day to do something with their children. Otherwise, time will elapse without their being aware of it. The children can learn much from a Capricorn parent because of their parent's sense of responsibility. A Capricorn woman enjoys working but should, if possible, avoid going back to work until the child is in school.

Modality: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Ruler: Saturn
Season: Winter
10th Sign of Zodiac
Metal: Lead
Stone: Amber, Onyx
Color: Purple, Brown
Anatomy: The knee, bones, skeleton
Keywords: tenacious, conservative, resourceful, disciplined, wise, ambitious, prudent, constant.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Makar described. Makar is lorded by Sani and has predominance of Tamo-Gun (a disposition, seen in demons). It is an earthy Rasi and represents the southern direction. It is strong in nights and rises with back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half footless, moving in water.

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:56 pm
by StarLore

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. It is the sign of Crocodile. It runs from January 15th through February 12th of any year. It is a Cardinal Earth sign. It is symbolised by the drive to climb so that the view of the surroundings is as wide as possible. It governs the spleen and legs.

The planetary Ruler for Capricorn is Saturn. The gemstone for Capricorn is the Neelam.

By nature they are ambitious, militant, energetic and persevering. They are capable of enormous efforts towards the attainment of a desired object. The planet Saturn, which owing to this month, is the embodiment of all that is cautious and discreet. They will never take any important step without profound deliberation and unless they are absolutely certain of the result. There is no speculative element in Saturn.

They are sceptical, analytical, somewhat suspicious, slow to accept new theories, but broad-minded and open to conviction. The mental force is strong, philosophical and scientific in character; they are a deep thinker and a great reasoner. In religion they tend to be fanatical in its earnestness, or the mind may swing to the opposite pole and being in nothing. Above all things, they worship intellect, and can forgive almost anything of their friends if are endowed with unusual intelligence or talent.

They are exceedingly quick in their intuitions of people and things, but are inclined to be too easily discouraged in their plans, and fall into a despondent state at the first rebuff or disappointment. Their views on love, duty and social economics will be always unique, and on this account they will often be regarded as odd and eccentric.

Being high-minded and independent, they must lead in whatever they undertake or they will loose interest in their work. They abhor restraint of any kind and revolt against anything of an obligatory nature, though in strange contradiction they show profound respect for tradition and authority. Life to them is a very serious but involved problem, and they will be inclined to revel in its most pessimistic phases.

Constant work and industry becomes with them a kind of mania, but by plodding and quietly working with a given end in view, they will gain much more than by excitement or hurry. They are likely to rise through their own personal efforts and power of individuality far above the sphere of their birth. Their character is effectually positive, but they need to cultivate cheerfulness, as there is likely to be a strong tendency to hypochondria and melancholia.

As a general rule they will be much misunderstood by others. They will not easily mix with people; they will have few close friends but at heart feel very much alone. They will make many enemies by nearly always espousing the unpopular cause or the "underdog' in any dispute.

They would do best by aiming at some form of public life, such as in municipal affairs or in connection with politics, government life, or positions of responsibility and trust.

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:48 am
by StarLore

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:48 am
by StarLore

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:17 pm
by StarLore

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:56 pm
by StarLore

Re: ♑︎ Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:15 am
by StarLore

Re: ♑︎ Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:39 am
by StarLore