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♀ Venus in House X - Economy & Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:42 am
by StarLore
♀ Venus in House X - Economy & Politics

Bhrigu Sutras
Venus in the Tenth House
Sutras 59-61-If Venus is in the tenth house, the native will be full of glory. If Venus is associated with (or aspected by) a malefic, the native will have difficulties and obstacles in his undertakings. If Venus is associated with Mercury, Jupiter and Moon, the effects will be as under:- (a) The native will enjoy the comfort of many conveyances. (b) He will perform religious ceremonies of many kinds. (c) He will enjoy world wide reputation. (d) He will enjoy many Raja yogas (that is, he will be wealthy, honoured and famous). (e) He will be very fortunate and talkative.

Comments-According to above Sutras, Venus gives very beneficial results in the tenth in respect of the significations of this house unless afflicted. The results will be far more beneficial when Venus gets associated with three benefics-Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. All the effects given are logical and relevant to the significations of the tenth house. For the Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus will be in the 10th, as lord of the 2nd and 9th, the 5th and 10th the 4th and 9th respectively. For the Cancer ascendant, Venus will be in the 10th as lord of 4th and 11th. These dispositions give rise to very powerful Dhana yogas. When Venus is posited in the 10th in his own sign (lord of 10th in 10th), a distinguished Raja yoga is formed which will confer great wealth, name and fame upon the native. Venus in the tenth is in Kendra to the ascendant. The disposition of Venus there in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Malavya yoga, the effects of which have already been described earlier in this chapter.
The following horoscope of the late President Zakir Husain is an illustration of this yoga:-

Here Venus is in the tenth in his sign of exaltation. Venus a benefic being in the 10th to the ascendant also gives rise to the Amala yoga, the effects of which have been given as under:

"The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. His character will be spotless and he will lead a prosperous life".

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will perform virtuous deeds, he will have happiness from friends. He will be respected and will attain a high status and get name and fame. Saravali-The native will achieve by his efforts happiness, name, fame, honours and good reputation.
Chamatkar Chintamani-the native will earn wealth by doing religious work.
Note-All the above authorities agree that for Venus to be in the tenth is an ideal disposition in a horoscope.
Chamatkar Chintamani has taken a very narrow view of the effects of Venus in the 10th.

Re: ♀ Venus in House X - Economy & Politics

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:29 am
by StarLore