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♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:02 pm
by StarLore
♋︎ Cancer - The Crab ... -signs.php
Horoscope Zodiac Sign of Cancer or Karka all about cancer astrology
Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Cancer or Karka is the forth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Crab. The symbol of Cancer is indicated by the breasts. In heavens it starts from 90 degrees and extends up to 119 degrees. The Sun stays in Cancer from 16 July to 16 August as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 22 June to 22 July as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, it is cardinal, watery, feminine sign, governs stomach, breasts, nutrition, digestion, uterus and the fourth house of the horoscope. Its characteristics are feeling for support and maintaining, developed feeling nature, traditionalism, love for family, nurturance of others and introversion. It symbolizes basic conditions and material support for achieving the goals, yearning for security and endurance, womb, ground of personality.

Cancer people enjoy any work connected with the sea, liquids, catering for public tastes, or supplying domestic needs. They respond to life through their emotions rather than their mind. They are like psychic sponges, absorbing any atmosphere around them without realizing it. Since Cancer people live in their feelings and affections, they unconsciously seek sympathy from others. Their purposes, like their moods, are changeable. Sometimes their firmest decisions are abandoned without apparent reason. They are noted for their excellent memories. They are home loving, fond of family life, and domestic tranquility, but they also enjoy travel and adventure. They are quietly tenacious and work hard for the welfare of their family. Basically, Cancer are conservative. Unfortunately, they are, also, born worriers. Their tendency to keep all their problems and worries to themselves is the reason many of them suffer from ulcers. They do not like to show emotions outwardly. But they unconsciously project how they are feeling without realizing it.

Cancer like all other zodiac signs contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are one third of the Punarvasu Nakshatra, entire Pushya Nakshatra and entire Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Cancer House in Natal Chart indicates: This is where you have: Fecundation, nurturing. Here is where lessons, education, knowledge becomes wisdom. You must allow others and yourself the space to grow and learn through experience. Here is where we must plant and water the seed of love for all our sisters and brothers. The Cancer house is where we must watch the flowering of our positive sun sign energies.

Cancer Facts
Duality: Feminine
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal or Movable
Ruling Planet: Moon (goddess of emotions)
Symbol: Crab
Glyph: cancer indian horoscopes
Part of the Body: Breasts & Stomach
Exaltation sign of: Jupiter
Debilitation Sign of: Mars
Determent Sign of: None
Lucky for Cancer
Lucky Numbers: 2
Lucky Years: 20, 29, 38 & 47
Lucky Planets: Moon and Mars
Lucky Gemstone (Vedic): Pearl
Lucky Gemstone (Western): Moonstone
Lucky Metal: Silver
Lucky Color: White & Silver
Lucky Direction: South
Lucky Perfume: Onycha
Lucky God: Parvati or Gauri

Traits for Cancer
Positive traits of Cancer: Sympathetic, Sensitive, Tenacious, Loving, Imaginative & Protective.

Negative traits of Cancer: Timidity, Moody, Indolence, Sentimental, Over Emotional, Touchy & Clingy.

Things Governed by Cancer
Flowers: Larkspur, Acanthus, Lotus, Water Lily & White flowers in general.

Trees: Alder, Willow, Maple & Trees rich in sap.

Herbs: Peppermint, Saxifrage, Verbena & Tarragon.

Animals: Crabs & Frogs.

Countries: Scotland, Canada, Algeria, Holland, New Zealand & Paraguay.

Cities: Venice, Amsterdam, Algiers, Milan, Stockholm, Tokyo, New York & Constantinople

Cancer Sign Compatibility
Most Compatible: Scorpio & Pisces

Average Compatible: Virgo, Taurus, Cancer & Capricorn

Least Compatible: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius

Cancer Health
Cancer rules the fluid of the body other than blood, such as the brain, lung and heart membranes, sinus cavities, eyeballs and bone marrow. The womb, posterior and pituitary gland, the breasts, sternum and chest are also governed by it. Cancer's primary rulership, however, is of the stomach and the digestive processes that take place within the organ. Planets afflicted in Cancer can cause imperfect digestion in the stomach, breast disorders, edema and problems related to the pituitary gland.

Cancer Career & Profession
All occupation related to Moon and the fourth house thus it indicates Nursing, Fisherman, Tavern Owner, people working or dealing with Real Estate and Mine business, Home appliances, house-furnishings, Sailors, Liquor Dealers, Cheese Manufacturers, Boat Owners, Brewery Workers, Brewers, Dairy Farmers, Household Help (Female), Chinaware and Glassware Midwives, Milkmen, Obstetricians, Restaurant Proprietors and Workers and the like are within its guardianship.

Cancer Decans
If a person is born between 16th to 25th July, the Sun remains in the 1st Decan of Cancer ruled by Moon. It denotes an imaginative, fanciful, receptive and tenacious disposition. Fate is usually bound up with domestic ties, family interests and impressionable attachments. The native will exhibit a certain amount of timidity and reserve, which can produce morbid and doubtful associations.

If a person is born between 26th July to 5th August, the Sun remains in the 2nd Decan of Cancer ruled by Mars. It awakens the psychic and mystic tendencies, yet it also provides the native with a certain amount of control over his sensations. It increases the tenacity and denotes determination, love of power, ambition, and internal receptivity.

If a person is born between 6th to 16th August, the Sun remains in the 3rd Decan of Cancer ruled by Jupiter. It strengthens the whole sign and suggests a very hospitable and sympathetic nature. The native is very studious and intuitive, possessing a keen love for the acquisition of knowledge.

Cancer in Friendship
The Cancer is likely to send you frequent invitations to dinner or just to spend time at home, but they love it when you come over and complement them on their house, decorations and excellent cooking skills. They make loyal friends, so long as you do nothing to betray their trust. If you can handle a super emotional friend likely to call you up and cry into the phone for no reason, you will have a devoted buddy. As a friend of a Cancer, you will never need to worry about recording important events. Your favorite Cancer friend will always be there with a camera. A Cancer who is hurt hurts deeply and for a long time, though, so take care with the fragile emotions of your friend.

Cancer in Love
Where the romance is concerned, the Cancer enjoys being the initiator. Once love is in the air, Cancers will prove themselves devoted lovers, protective, affectionate and helpful and sympathetic. Romance here often involves a beautifully prepared meal, since those born under the sign of Cancer have an innate feel for the comforts of home and the joys they can bring. This love of physical and emotional well-being, which the Cancer must have, is a duty which a partner must help to fulfill. If this is not achieved, the Cancer might retreat into its shell. When Cancer is at its best, they can make their lover feel like the center of the universe, and might feel the same way themselves. Cancer's charm and magnetism are qualities which will prove most alluring to a lover and, coupled with their nurturing need, will prove hard to resist. The Cancer loves to feel secure, so a lover who remembers birthdays and other special days will be rewarded with tenderness and affection. If the Cancer tests a lover with occasional bouts of jealousy, it's only because a stronger emotional response is craved.

Cancer as Child
Cancer children are lovable for they are devoted to their home and family. They love stories, for they have vivid imaginations. There is no need to punish them severely, since they do not like to be out of harmony with their parents. They may have moods of irritability, but try not to snap back. The hurt inflicted on them by others is brooded about again and again and hinders their development. Cancer children do not want to see Mother go anywhere without them. As these children grow, they may feel a strong need to nurture others. They should have dolls, pets, plants, and, if possible, smaller children with them. They are very caring and needs protection and love.

Cancer as Parent
Cancer as Parents have difficulty in realizing when to loosen parental protection to that of parental guidance only. Even when their children are grown, they still have a strong desire to advise and protect them. They firmly believe in family unity and work to establish it. This can create problems and the child can either become too much dependent on parents even in adulthood or can become a rebel. A Cancer parent need to strike a balance possessive nature with giving some independence to the child.

Modality: Cardinal
Element: Water
Ruler: the Moon
Season: Summer
4th Sign of Zodiac
Metal: Silver
Stone: Pearl, Opal
Color: White, Yellow
Anatomy: Breasts, stomach
Keywords: gentle, conservative, feeling, nurturing, defensive, contemplative.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Kark described. The Rasi Kark is pale-red. It resorts to forests and represents
Brahmins. It is strong in nights. It has many feet (i.e. it is a centipede Rasi) and has a bulky
body. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen in gods) and it is a watery Rasi. It rises with its back
and is ruled by Candr.

Re: Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:01 pm
by StarLore

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. It is the sign of the crab. It runs from July 17th through Aug 16th of any year. It is a Cardinal, water sign. It is symbolised by the mother. It governs the heart and the chest.

The planetary Ruler for Cancer is the Moon. The gemstone for Cancer is the pearl.

The sign of cancer, or "The Crab," was so called by the ancients because the stars in this region of Zodiac are look like a crab. People born in this part of the are painstaking and industrious in all they undertake, but are inclined to have extremes of good and bad fortune. In gambling in shares they generally lose, whereas in legitimate business work they can be most successful. They possess, however, as a rule, a keen desire for speculation and often lose business they have built up after years of hard work by this tendency in their nature.

Like the symbol of "The crab" they often advance and retreat both in work and ideas; they may reach a certain point in some definite plan or career and then surprise everyone by stopping or turning back at the most critical moment.

As a rule they have great "ups and downs" in money matters, unless they have conquered, their speculative tendency early in life and accumulated wealth and put it aside for the emergencies that must sooner or later crop up in their careers.

People born in this part of the year often reach very high exalted positions or gain some pinnacle of fame where they cannot escape the dazzling light of publicity. In their home lives, however, they usually go through a great deal of trouble and are seldom surrounded by great happiness, no matter how successful they may appear in the eyes of the world.

As a rule they are 'dreamers' of large plans. They evolve big ideals for the welfare of others, but if they meet opposition and criticism they suffer keenly, but silently, and are inclined to become cynical and shut themselves up in their own immediate surroundings.

Although of a deeply affectionate disposition, they are seldom demonstrative and are wrongly considered cold and unemotional. They have large imagination and often make excellent artists, writers, composers, or dramatists and under some dates in this Zodiacal Sign, great organizers in industry or business.

Generally they have splendid memories and store up knowledge of all kinds in their mind. They often make excellent psychics or become deeply interested in occult studies or in religion, or in some unusual philosophy of life. They have deep love for what they call "their own people, " for family customs and for tradition.

Re: Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:57 am
by StarLore

Re: Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:57 am
by StarLore

Re: Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:20 pm
by StarLore

Re: Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:00 pm
by StarLore

Re: ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:04 am
by StarLore

Re: ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:34 am
by StarLore