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☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:07 pm
by StarLore
☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Re: ☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:08 pm
by StarLore ... pisces.php

Moon in Pisces Horoscope
Moon is in zodiac sign of Pisces in a horoscope, water and common sign, indicates you are a compassionate, caring, instinctive, imaginative, creative and romantic person but also can be over emotional, vulnerable, evasive, unfocused, vague and lacking self confidence. World of intangibles, feelings and emotions is where you belong as these things are real for you as physical objects. You are very sensitivity and susceptible to external influences and to subtle vibrations in environment, unspoken words, body language and moods of others and can absorb negative influence easily. Thus it is imperative that you should stay away from any kind of negativity. You dislike any kind of aggression and your feelings can easily get hurt. You like privacy and natural surroundings and need them in order to recharge your batteries. You are very kind, sympathetic, with sweet and gentle nature and will never knowingly hurt any ones feelings. You are very romantic, in love with love and wish for perfect and divine love or crave something unattainable. Romantic literature, arts, poetry, music and mystical subjects are your interest and can have stabilizing and positive influence on you. You can be easily swayed by others as your compassionate nature along with kind and nonjudgmental attitude can be taken advantage of by selfish people. It is important that you learn to differentiate between those how need real help and those who want to use to for personal gain. You must avoid depression, cultivate resoluteness, decisiveness, firmness and courage and try not to be discouraged easily.

Re: ☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:10 pm
by StarLore

Moon in Pisces
Pisces is an emotional sign and this aspect of Pisces is heightened when Moon is placed in this sign since Moon also relates to emotions and feelings. Jupiter that shares a friendly relationship with Moon rules Pisces; so overall, this position of Moon works out well for a native. However, such people set high expectations, both from others as well as from themselves. And when they or someone else is unable to meet them, it leads to lack of mental peace. Moon in Pisces people tend to be highly sensitive. They can feel the undercurrent of emotions in their surroundings. They are quite receptive to others’ emotions, absorbing the feelings of others like a sponge.

They have a strong intuition too, so often they can connect with people on a subconscious level. They do not always need verbal communication or confessions to understand the other person’s state of mind. They can be good psychics. These people also do well in creative fields such as fine arts and music. Their knowledge of spiritual scriptures is also exceptional. These people want to live a free life, always surrounded by pleasantness. They tend to be very polite in nature and earn a lot of happiness and wealth in life. This position of Moon also gives strong religious instincts and an inclination towards sailing.

Re: ☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:10 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:10 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:11 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☽ Moon in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:51 pm
by StarLore