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Ch. 50. Effects of the Char etc. Dashas

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:03 am
by StarLore
Ch. 50. Effects of the Char etc. Dashas

1-3. Maharishi Parashar said. O Brahmin! I have already described the Char etc. Dashas. Now
I am going to tell you the effects of these Dashas. The effects of the Dashas of the Rasis
should be judged from the strength of the Lords of Rasis and whether they are benefics, or
malefics. If the Lord of a Rasi possesses full strength, the effects of the Dasha of the Rasi will
be realized in full. The effects of the Dasha will be of medium nature, if the strength is
medium. If the Lord of Rasi possesses little strength, the effects will be experienced

4-10. If there are malefics in the 8 th , the 5 th and the 9 th from a Dasha Rasi, the effects of the
Dasha of that Rasi will be distressful. If there are malefics in the 3 rd and the 6 th from a Dasha
Rasi, the effects of the Dasha will be victory over enemies and happiness. If there are benefics
in the 3 rd and the 6 th from the Dasha Rasi, there will be defeat in its Dasha. If there are
benefics, or malefics in the 1 1 th from the Dasha Rasi, there will be conquests and happiness in
the Dasha. If the Dasha Rasi is occupied by, or is owned by a benefic, the effects of its Dasha
will be beneficial. If a Dasha Rasi, owned by a benefic, is occupied by a malefic, favourable
effects will be experienced in the first part of the Dasha and they will be adverse in the latter
part. If a Dasha Rasi, owned by a malefic is occupied by a benefic, the effects of the Dasha
will be the same. A Dasha Rasi, owned and occupied by a malefic will always yield
unfavourable results. The reverse will be the case in the case of the Dasha Rasi, owned and
occupied by a benefic. If a Dasha Rasi, owned by a benefic, is occupied by both benefic and
malefic Grahas, the effects of Dasha will be adverse in its first part and favourable in the latter

11-17. The assessment of the effects of the Dasha of the Dasha Rasi should be made after
taking into account the disposition of the Grahas in the Rasi at birth and the disposition of
Grahas during the Dasha. If the Dasha Rasi is well disposed both at the time of birth and
during its Dasha, the beneficial results will be realized in full. If it is ill-disposed during the
Dasha, the effects will be of mixed nature. If the Dasha Rasi is ill-disposed both at the time of
birth and during its Dasha, only evil effects will be experienced.

18-19. The effects of the Dasha will be favourable, if it is occupied by a benefic and there is
also a benefic in the Rasi previous to it. If the Rasi is occupied by a malefic, the effects will
be of adverse nature. If there are benefics in Putr and Dharm, the effects of its Dasha will be
favourable. The reverse will be the case, if Putr and Dharm are occupied by malefics.

20-21. Kumbh, Vrishabh, Simh and Vrischik are Badhak Bhavas for the four Movable Rasis:
Mesh, Kark, Tula and Makar. In other words the 1 1 th Rasi to a Movable Rasi is its Badhak
Bhava. If there is a malefic in the Bhava, occupied by its Lord, or in Badhak Bhava of that
Rasi, there will be occasions of great sorrow, imprisonment and diseases during the Dasha.

22. The Dasha of a Rasi will be favourable, if it is occupied by its own Lord, or an exalted
Grah. The Dasha of a Rasi, not occupied by any Grah, will be adverse.

23-25. There will be great danger, imprisonment during a journey, displeasure of Government
and danger from enemies in the Dasha and Antar Dasha of the Rasi, from which its Badhak
Bhava, Vyaya, Ari and Randhr are occupied by Rahu. There will be loss, due to the
displeasure of the king and danger therefrom in the Antar Dasha of the Rasi, that is occupied
by Surya, Mangal, Rahu and Sani. There will be the possibility of death, if the 5 th and the 9 th
from the Antar Dasha Rasi are occupied by a debilitated, or malefic Grah.

26-28. There will be enjoyment, acquisition of chiefship of a town, or village, birth of a son,
financial gains, well-being, dawn of fortune, attainment of the position of a Commander of an
Army and progress all-round, if there is an exalted Grah in the Trikon from the Antar Dasha
Rasi. There will be in his Dasha financial gains, well-being and birth of a son, if the Grah,
who is the Lord of the Dasha, happens to be in a benefic Rasi and receives a Drishti from

29-32. Vrishabh, Tula, Makar, Kumbh and Mithun are the inimical Rasis of Surya. The
inimical Rasis of Candr and other Grahas may be reckoned similarly. If a Grah is in an
inimical Rasi, his Dasha will be full of adversities. The effects of the Dasha of Rasis and
Grahas should be judged after taking into account the above rules.

33-34. The Dashas of that Grah will be favourable, who is Raj Yog Karak, who is disposed
between two benefics (that is there are benefics in the 2 nd and the 12 th Bhavas to that Grah)
and who has benefics in the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th Bhavas from him. A malefic Grah becomes
favourable, if he is disposed between benefics.

35-36. The whole of the Dasha of a Grah, who is related to a friendly and benefic Grah at the
commencement and the end of the Dasha, will be favourable. In an unfavourable Dasha the
Antar Dasha of a benefic (Grah, or Rasi) becomes favourable. The Dasha of a Grah, or Rasi,
who has benefics in the 5 th , or the 9 th from it, is also favourable. In this manner the effects of
the Dasha should be judged, after taking into account the dispositions of the Grah, or Rasi at
the commencement and at the end of the Dasha.

37-39. The Dasha of the Grahas and Rasis, who have benefics in the Trikon from them is
favourable. If the Dasha of a benefic Rasi commences in a benefic Rasi, it will be very
favourable. If an evil Dasha commences in a benefic Rasi, it is also favourable. Therefore the
commencement of a Dasha should always be kept in view in assessing the results of the
Dasha. There will be loss of fortune, if at the commencement of the Dasha there is a malefic
Rasi, or, if the Lord of the Dasha Rasi is in debilitation.

40-41. There will be loss of fortune, wealth and agricultural products and infliction with
disease during the Dasha of the Rasi, occupied by a debilitated Grah, or, if there is a
debilitated Grah in the 5 th from it, or in the 9 th from it, or whose Lord is debilitated, or related
to a debilitated Grah.

42. Four Rasis from Kumbh and four Rasis from Vrischik belong to Rahu and Ketu,
respectively. If Rahu and Ketu are in any one of the aforesaid Rasis, the Dasha will be
productive of beneficial results.

43-45. If a Grah, whose Dasha is otherwise considered favourable, is placed in a Marak
Bhava, or, if the Rasi, in which his Dasha comes to an end, receives a Drishti from Sukr, or
Candr, there will be in his Dasha displeasure of government and loss of wealth.

46-47. There will be loss of everything, imprisonment, death, exile from the country and great
distress at the end of the Dasha of Rahu. The above effects will definitely be realized, if there
are malefics in the 5 th and the 9 th from Rahu. Beneficial and adverse effects should be
predicted in this manner.

48-50. The same would be the effects in the Dasha of the Rasi, occupied by malefics, like
Rahu etc. The association of a Marak Grah with the Rasi at the time of commencement of its
Dasha is not productive of good effects. If such a Grah is Rahu, there will be imprisonment,
or loss of wealth.

51-52. The natural characteristics of the Bhava, occupied by Rahu, are harmed at the
commencement of the Dasha. If such a Bhava is Dhan, there will be loss of wealth. If Candr
and Sukr are in Vyaya, there will be losses, due to the displeasure of government. If Mangal
and Ketu are so disposed, there will be death, or danger from fire. There will be acquisition of
a kingdom, if Sukr and Candr are in Dhan at the commencement of the Dasha. This means,
that the effects of the Bhava, in which Candr and Sukr are placed at the commencement and
end of a Dasha, are strengthened. Thus their disposition in Ari, Randhr and Vyaya will
produce only adverse effects.

53-55. Similarly the sages have described the effects of the Bhava with Argal. If there is an
auspicious Argal causing benefic, or malefic Grah of a Rasi and Lagn receives a Drishti from
him, that Rasi will prevail. Here Lagn is the secondary condition. If the Grah, causing
uninterrupted Argal, gives a Drishti to a Rasi, that Rasi will prevail. In other words good
effects will be derived in the Dasha of that Rasi. The Dasha of the Rasi, which does not
receive a Drishti from an auspicious Argal, or the Dasha of a Rasi with Vipreet Argal will not
be favourable. The Dasha of that Rasi, which receives a Drishti from a benefic, will be

56-59. Financial gains will be derived in the Dasha of the Rasi, which is occupied by its
benefic Lord, or by an exalted Grah, who receives a Drishti from him. There will be loss of
wealth, if such a Grah is in the 12 th Bhava to the Rasi (or Bhava). There will be destruction of
all good effects, distress to children and father and mental agony in the Dasha of the Rasi, if
there are malefics in the 5 l and the 9 X from the Rasi. Evil effects will be experienced in the
Dasha of the Rasi, which is occupied by Randhr's Lord, Vyaya's Lord, Surya, Mangal, or

60-63. The Dasha of the Rasi will cause distress to children, exile to a foreign country and
continuous disturbances in life, if Rahu and Ketu are in the Trikon to the Rasi. There will be
danger from enemies, from the king and disease in the Dasha of the Rasi, which is so posited,
that the 6 th and the 8 th from it are occupied by malefic, debilitated, or combust Grahas. There
will be destruction of house, land and agricultural fields, if there is a malefic, or debilitated
Grah in the 4 th from the Rasi. There will be loss of house, due to negligence, if such a Grah is
Mangal. There will be heart pain and danger from government, if the Grah is Sani and there
will be losses all round and danger from poison and thieves, if the Grah is Rahu.

64-66 ! /2. There will be pilgrimage to holy places in the Dasha of the Rasi, who has Rahu in the
10 th to it. There will be gain of earnings, religious rites, gain of wealth, renown for good deeds
and success in efforts and ventures in the Dasha of the Rasi, which is so posited, that the 10 th ,
the 1 1 th and the 9 th from it are occupied by benefics. There will be birth of children, happiness
from wife and recognition by the Government in the Dasha of the Rasi, from which the 5 X ,
the 7 th and the 9 th are occupied by benefic, or exalted Grahas. During the Dasha of the Bhavas
(Rasis), occupied by Putr's, Labh's, Karm's, Bandhu's, Dharm's and Lagn's Lord, there will
be growth of these Bhavas. The good effects will be in proportion to the strength of the
Bhavas and the Grahas, occupying them.

67-70. In the Dasha of a Rasi (Bhava) there will be well-being, increase in opulence and glory
and devotion to deities and Brahmins, if it is occupied by Guru, Sukr, or the Lord of a Trikon.
There will be acquisition of more conveyances and cattle etc. in the Dasha of the Rasi
(Bhava), which is so posited, that the 4 th from it is occupied by an exalted Grah, or Lord of a
Trikon. Candr there will give things, like grains, Ghl etc. Full Candr will favour with a
treasure and jewels etc. Sukr there, will provide enjoyment from music etc.

71-72. There will be enjoyment of the palanquin-like conveyance in the Dasha of the Rasi
(Bhava), from which the 4 th is occupied by Guru. There will be success in all ventures, great
opulence and glory, acquisition of a kingdom during the Dasha of a Rasi (Bhava), which has
the Yog of the Lord of Lagn, Dharm's Lord, Karm's Lord, an exalted Grah, or benefics. The
effects of the Dashas of various Bhavas should be judged in this manner.

73-77. The effects of the Dashas of each Rasi, or Grah (Nakshatr Dasha) depend on their 18
different kinds of conditions. They are deep exaltation, exaltation, dispositions on their either
side, Multrikon, own, Adhimitr, TatkalikMitra's, neutral, enemy's, Adhisatru's Rasi, deep
debilitation, debilitated, or enemy's Varg, own Varg, disposition in a Kendr, disposition in a
Trikon, defeated in war between Grahas, deep combustion.

78-83 V2. Acquisition of kingdom, enjoyment and acquisition of more property are the effects
of the whole Dasha of the Grah, who is in deep exaltation and is fully equipped with all the
six kinds of strength, great opulence and glory with some possibility of affliction with disease
are the effects of the Grah, placed in his Rasi of exaltation. The Dasha of a Grah in deep
debilitation is called Rikt. Diseases, loss of wealth and danger of death are the effects of the
Dasha of such a Grah. The Dasha of the Grah, who is in a condition in between deep
exaltation and deep debilitation is known, as Avrohini (descending). The Dasha of the Grah in
exaltation, or in a friend's Rasi is called Madhya (of middle order). This Dasha also yields
moderately good effects. The Dasha of a Grah, placed in a condition in between deep
debilitation and deep exaltation, is called Rohini (ascending). The Dasha of a Grah, placed in
between the debilitated and enemy Navahs is called Adham (evil). Dangers of various kinds,
distress and sorrows are the results of the Dasha of such a Grah. These Dashas give results,
according to their nomenclature.

84-87. The Dashas of other Grahas become auspicious and augment the fortune, if the Lord of
Dharm and Guru are in any way related with Yog, Kendr, or the Bhava concerned etc. The
Grah with Yog of good fortune at birth produces good effects, when he is free from
retrogression and becomes direct. The weakness, inabilities and Yogas of other Grahas should
also be taken into account in judging their effects. All those Dashas give full, medium and
little effects in accordance with the disposition of the Grahas in the Kendr, Panaphara and

SS-S^A The Grahas in Shirshodaya, Ubhayodaya and Prishthodaya Rasis, yield their results,
respectively, at the commencement, in the middle and at the end of the Dasha. All the Grahas
yield auspicious results in the Antar Dasha of Naisargik (natural, constant) and Tatkalik
(according to position) friends. The results will be adverse in the Antar Dasha of inimical

Antar Dashas of Rasis

90-96. There are Antar Dashas of the 12 Rasis, commencing from the Rasi, in which the Lord
of the Dasha is placed. There will be auspicious results, like acquisition of kingdom in the
Antar Dasha of a Rasi, which is occupied by its own Lord, or a friendly Grah. There will be
inauspicious results, like loss of wealth, disputes, danger from diseases etc. in the Antar
Dasha of the Rasi, which may be Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or is occupied by a malefic,
debilitated Grah, or a Grah, placed in an inimical Rasi. The Rasi, which contained more
auspicious marks in the Ashtak Varg will yield benefic effects in its Antar Dasha. Adverse
will be the effects of the Antar Dasha of the Rasi, which contains more inauspicious marks.
For assessing the results the Rasi, from which the Dasha commences, should be treated, as
Lagn and the Bhavas thereafter should be assumed to have the characteristics, as if they are so
from Lagn. Thus the 2 nd Bhava from that Rasi will be the Bhava of the wealth, the 3 rd of co-
borns and so on. There will be gains, or losses of Dhatus etc., assigned to the Rasis and the
Grahas, in the Antar Dasha of the Rasis concerned. In judging the effects of the Antar Dashas
of the Grahas their benefic and malefic nature, relations with the malefic, or benefic, Drishtis
on them and their disposition in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya etc. should all be kept in view.

97. The results of the Antar Dasha' s Pratyantar Dashas of the Rasis should be assessed in the
manner, explained in this chapter.

Ch. 51. Working out of Antar Dashas of Grahas and Rasis in Vimshottari etc. Dasha systems

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:04 am
by StarLore
Ch. 51. Working out of Antar Dashas of Grahas and Rasis in Vimshottari etc. Dasha systems

1. For finding out the span of the Antar Dasha of a Grah in the Dasha of the same, or another
Grah multiply the Dasha years of the former with the Dasha years of the latter and divide the
product by the total Dasha years of all the Grahas. For finding out the span of the Pratyantar
Dasha of the same, or any other Grah in the Antar Dasha of another Grah multiply the years
etc. of the Antar Dasha with the Dasha years of the other Grah and divide the product by the
total Dasha years of all the Grahas. The figure so available in months etc. will represent the
Pratyantar Dasha of the former.

2. In every Dasha the first Antar Dasha belongs to the Lord of the Dasha. Then the further
Antar Dashas belong to the other 8 Grahas in the same order, as followed for the Dashas. The
same applies to Pratyantar Dasha.

The Antar Dashas of Char Grahas in Char etc. Dasha

3-4. The Antar Dashas of the Charadi Kendradi Dasha of the Grahas are worked out by
dividing the Dasha years by 9. The first Dasha will invariably be of the Lord of the Dasha.
Thereafter there will be Antar Dashas of Grahas, placed in Kendras, Panapharas and
Apoklimas, respectively, according to their strength.

Antar Dashas of Rasis

5. The Antar Dashas of Rasis is worked out by dividing the Dasha years by 12. Pratyantar
Dashas of the Antar Dashas are also calculated in the same manner.

6. The Antar Dashas will start from the Dasha Rasi, or from the Rasi 7 th therefrom, whichever
is stronger. The Antar Dashas are in the onwards order, if the Dasha Rasi is odd and in the
reverse order, if it is even.

7-12. O Brahmin! Now I will acquaint you with the special characteristics of the order of the
Antar Dashas of the Rasis. If the Dasha Rasi is a Movable one, the Antar Dashas of the 12
Rasis are in the onwards, or reverse order. If the Dasha Asraya Rasi is a Fixed one, the Antar
Dashas will start from it and thereafter there will be an Antar Dasha of every sixth Rasi. If the
Dasha Ashraya Rasi is a Dual one, the first Antar Dasha will belong to it. Thereafter there will
be Antar Dashas of Rasis in Kendr to it, Rasis in Kendr to the 5 th from it and Rasis in Kendr
to the 9 th from it. In the case of all kinds of Rasis, namely Movable, Fixed, or Dual, the order
will be onwards, if the Dasha Asraya Rasi is an odd one and in the reverse order, if it is an
even one. The so called Dasha Asraya Rasi is known, as Pak Rasi. In the first order Rasi,
which is Pak Rasi, is also called Bhog Rasi. Later, if the Dasha Prad Rasi is even, then the
Bhog Rasi will be that, which is at the same Rasi distance, as the Dasha Asraya Rasi is from
the Dasha Prad Rasi. For the Char, Sthir and Trikon Dasha, the Pak and Bhog should be
determined in this manner. If Pak and Bhog Rasis are associated with malefics, there will be
pain in the body and mental agony. There will be enjoyment, if they are associated with
benefics. In the Kaal Chakr Dasha, like the Vimshottari Dasha system, the span of Dasha
should be multiplied by the span of the Dasha of the Rasi, whose Antar Dasha is required and
the product should be divided by the total Dasha years of (all) the Rasi(s). The years, months
etc. as arrived at will represent the Antar Dasha of the Rasi concerned.

13-16. Now I will tell you the method of working out the Antar Dashas in the Pinda, Ahs and
Nisarg Dashas. The Lord of Dasha is Dasha Pachak of full part, the Grah, associated with, is
Pachak of Vi part, the Grah in Trikon from him is Pachak of 1/3 part and the Grah in the 4 l
and 8 l from him are Pachak of Vi part, the Grah in the 7* from him is Pachak of 1/7 part of the
Dasha. No Grah in any other Bhava is Antar Dash Pachak. In this manner there are Antar
Dasha Pachakas in the above-mentioned Bhavas from the various Bhavas, including Lagn. In
any of such Bhavas, if there are more than one Grah, then the one, who is the strongest
amongst them will be the Pachak. Take the fractions and reduce them in equivalent fractions
with a common denominator. Add up the aliquot parts of the Dasha, representative of the
various numerators, leaving out the denominators. The Antar Dashas will be arrived at, when
the various aliquots are converted into years, months etc. within the main Dasha and divided
by the above sum. (The calculations, given above, are not the literal translation of the text in
the verses concerned, but their actual meaning and sense. This has been got confirmed by
checking up with similar information, given in Kalyana Varma's Saravali and Varamihir's
Brihat Jatak)

Ch. 52. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Surya (Vimshottari)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:05 am
by StarLore
Ch. 52. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Surya (Vimshottari)

1-3. Good effects, like acquisition of wealth and grains etc., are derived in the Antar Dasha of
Surya in his own Dasha, if Surya is exalted, in his own Bhava, in Labh, in a Kendr, or in a
Trikon. Adverse results will be experienced, if Surya is debilitated, or in an inauspicious
Bhava, or Rasi. Medium effects will be realized, if Surya is in other houses. If Surya is the
Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be danger of premature death, or death-like sufferings.
The remedial measures to be adopted are Mrityunjaya Japa, or the worship of Surya (by
recitation of appropriate Mantras, charily etc.).

4-6. Functions, like marriage etc., gain of wealth and property, acquisition of a house, of land,
cattle and conveyances etc. will be the effects of the Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of
Surya, if Candr is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon. There will be marriage of the native, birth of
children, beneficence of and favours from kings and fulfillment of all ambitions, if Candr is in
his exaltation Rasi, or in his own Rasi.

7-10. Distress to wife and children, failures in ventures, disputes with others, loss of servants,
antagonism with the king and destructions of wealth and grains will be the effects, if Candr is
waning, or is associated with malefics. Effects, like danger from water, mental agony,
imprisonment, danger from diseases, loss of position, journeys to difficult places, disputes
with coparceners, bad food, trouble from thieves etc., displeasure of the king, urinary troubles,
pains in the body will be experienced, if Candr is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

1 l-12 x /4. Luxuries, comforts, pleasures, dawn of fortune (Bhagyodaya), increase in the
enjoyment from wife and children, acquisition of kingdom, performance of marriage and
religious functions, gain of garments, land and conveyance and birth of children and
grandchildren will be the auspicious effects, if there are benefics in the 1 st , the 9 th , or a Kendr
from the Lord of the Dasha.

13-14. Unpalatable food, or course food, exile to outside places etc. will be the effects in the
Antar Dasha, if Candr is in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Candi
is weak. There will be premature death, if Candr is the Lord of a Marak Bhava. To acquire
peace and comfort, the remedial measure is giving in charity of a white cow and a female
buffalo (Mahishi).

15-18. Auspicious effects, like acquisition of land, gain of wealth and grains, acquisition of a
house etc. will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Surya, if Mangal is in
his exaltation Rasi, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, or in a Trikon. All-round gains, attainment of
the position of a Commander of the Army, destruction of enemies, peace of mind, family
comforts and increase in the number of co-borns will be the effects, if Mangal is yuti with the

19-20. Brutality, mental ailment, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, disputes with brothers and
failure in ventures will result, if Mangal is in the 8 th , or in the 12 th from the Lord of the Dash
if Mangal is associated with malefics, or, if Mangal is without dignity and strength.

21-22. Destruction of wealth by the displeasure of the king will be the effect, if Mangal is in
his debilitation Rasi, or be weak. Diseases of the mind and body will result, if Mangal is the
Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati Bhava. Recovery from ill health, increase in longevity and success in
adventures are possible, if remedial measure, like recitation of Vedas, Japa and Vrashotsarg
are performed in the prescribed manner.

23-261/2. In the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Surya, if Rahu is in a Kendr, or in a
Trikon from Lagn, there will be in the first two months loss of wealth, danger from thieves,
snakes, infliction of wounds and distress to wife and children. After 2 months inauspicious
effects will disappear and enjoyment and comforts, sound health, satisfaction, favours from
the king and government etc. will be the favourable effects, if Rahu is yuti with benefics, or, if
Rahu is in the Navahs of a benefic. Recognition from the king, good fortune, name and fame,
some distress to wife and children, birth of a son, happiness in the family etc. will be derived,
if Rahu is in an Upachaya from Lagn, if Rahu is associated with a Yog Karak, or is placed
auspiciously from the Lord of the Dasha.

27-29. Imprisonment, loss of position, danger from thieves and snakes, inflection of wounds,
happiness to wife and children, destruction of cattle, house and agricultural fields, diseases,
consumption (Gulma - enlargement of the skin), dysentery etc. will be the results, if Rahu is
weak, or is in the 8 1 , or in the 12* from the Lord of the Dasha.

30-31. Adverse effects, like premature death and danger from snakes will be derived, if Rahu
is in Dhan, or Yuvati, or, if Rahu is associated with the Lords of either of these Bhavas.
Worship of Goddess Durga, Japa, giving in charity of a black cow, or female buffalo are the
remedial measures for alleviation of the above evil effects, or total escape from them.

32-33 1 / / 2. Marriage of the native, favours by the king, gain of wealth and grains, birth of a son,
fulfillment of the ambitions by the beneficence of the sovereign and gain of clothes will be the
auspicious effects, derived in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Surya, if Guru is in a
Kendr, or in a Trikon to Lagn, in his exaltation Rasi, in his own Rasi, or in his own Varg.

34-36. Acquisition of a kingdom, comforts of conveyance, like palanquin (motor car in the
present times), gain of position etc. will result, if Guru is the Lord of Dharm, or Karm. Better
fortune, charities, religious inclinations, worship of deities, devotion to preceptor, fulfillment
of ambitions will be the auspicious effects, if Guru is well placed with reference to the Lord
of the Dasha.

37-39. Distress to wife and children, pains in the body, displeasure of the king, non-
achievement of desired goals, loss of wealth, due to sinful deeds, mental worries etc. will
result in his Antar Dasha, if Guru is in the 6 th , or in the 8 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or is
associated with malefics. Giving in charity gold, a tawny-coloured cow (Kapila Gaya),
worship of Isht Lord (Isht Dev) are the remedial measures to obtain alleviation of the evil
effects and to achieve good health and happiness.

40-42. Destruction of foes, full enjoyment, some gain of grains, auspicious functions, like
marriage etc. at home will be the good effects, derived in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the
Dasha of Surya, if Sani is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn. Well-being, acquisition of
more property, recognition by the king, achievement of renown in the country, gain of wealth
from many sources will be the effects, if Sani is in his exaltation, in his own, in a friendly
Rasi and, if Sani is yuti with a friendly Grah.

43-44. Rheumatism, pains, fever, dysentery-like disease, imprisonment, loss in ventures, loss
of wealth, quarrels, disputes with coparceners, claimants etc. will be the effects in the Antar
Dasha, if Sani is in the 8 th , or the 12 l from the Lord of the Dasha, or is associated with

45-47. There will be loss of friends at the commencement, good effects during the middle part
and distress at the end of the Dasha. In addition to other evil effects there will be separation
from parents and wandering, if Sani be in his Rasi of debilitation. If Sani is the Lord of Dhan,
or Yuvati, there will be danger of premature death. Giving in charily black cow, buffalo, goat
and Mrityunjaya Japa, are the remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects of
the Antar Dasha. These measures help to achieve happiness and gain of wealth and property.

48-49V / 2. Acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm and vivacity, happiness from wife and
children, acquisition of conveyance through the beneficence of the sovereign, gain of clothes,
ornaments, pilgrimage to holy places, acquisition of a cow etc. will be the good effects in the
Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Surya, if Budh is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn.

50-5 IV2. Budh becomes very beneficial, if he gets associated with the Lord of Dharm.
Reverence from and popularity amongst people, performance of pious deeds and religious
rites, devotion to the preceptor and deities, increase in wealth and grains and birth of a son,
will be the auspicious effects, if Budh is in Dharm, Putr, or Karm.

52-53 V2. Marriage, offering of oblations, charity, performance of religious rites, name and
fame, becoming famous by assuming another name, good food, becoming happy, like Indra,
by acquiring wealth, robes and ornaments will be the effects, if Budh is in an auspicious
Bhava, like a Trikon etc. from the Lord of the Dasha.

54-57. Body distress, disturbance of peace of mind, distress to wife and children, will be the
evil effects in the Antar Dasha of Budh, if he is in the 6 l , the 8* , or the 12* from the Lord of
the Dasha (Budh cannot be in the 6 th , or the 8 th from Surya). There will be evil effects at the
commencement of the Antar Dasha, some good effects in the middle part of the Antar Dasha
and the possibility of displeasure of the king and exile to a foreign country at the end of the
Dasha. If Budh is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be pains in the body and attacks of
fever. For relief from the evil effects and to regain good health and happiness the remedial
measures are the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving in charily grains and an idol,
made of silver.

58-59. Body pains, mental agony, loss of wealth, danger from the king, quarrels with the
kinsmen will be the effects of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Surya. If Ketu is
associated with the Lord of Lagn, there will be some happiness at the commencement, distress
in the middle part and receipt of the news of death at the end of the Antar Dasha.

60-61. Diseases of teethe, or cheeks, urinary troubles, loss of position, loss of friends and
wealth, death of father, foreign journey and troubles from enemies will be the results, if Ketu
is in the 8 th , or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

62-64. Beneficial effects, like happiness from wife and children, satisfaction, increase of
friends, gain of clothes etc. and renown will be derived, if Ketu is in Sahaj, Ari, Karm, or

If Ketu is Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati (or is in any of those Bhavas), there will be danger of
premature death. The remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects are
recitation of Mantras of Goddess Durga (Shat Chandi Path) and giving a goat in charity.

65-68. Marriage and happiness, as desired from wife, gain of property, travels to other places,
meeting with Brahmins and the king, acquisition of kingdom, riches, magnanimity and
majesty, auspicious functions at the home, availability of sweet preparations, acquisition of
pearls and other jewels, clothes, cattle, wealth, grains and conveyances, enthusiasm, good
reputation etc. are the auspicious effects of the Antar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Surya, if
Sukr is placed in a Kendr, or in a Trikon, or, if Sukr is in his exaltation Rasi, in his own Rasi,
in his own Varg, or in a friendly Rasi.

69-73. Displeasure of the king, mental agony and distress to wife and children will be the
effects in the Antar Dasha of Sukr, if he is in the 6 l , the 8* , or the 12 l from the Lord of the
Dasha. The effects of the Antar Dasha would be moderate at its commencement, good during
the middle portion and evil effects, like disrepute, loss of position, inimical relations with
kinsmen and loss of comforts, will be derived at the end. If Sukr is the Lord of Yuvati (and
Dhan), there will be pains in the body and the possibility of suffering from diseases. There
will be premature death, if Sukr is associated with Ari's, or Randhr's Lord. The remedial
measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa, Rudra Japa and
giving in charily a tawny cow, or female buffalo.

Ch. 53. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Candr

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:05 am
by StarLore
Ch. 53. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Candr

1-2V2. Acquisition of horses, elephants and clothes, devotion to deities and preceptor,
recitation of religious songs in praise of God, acquisition of a kingdom, extreme happiness
and enjoyment and name and fame will be the beneficial results in the Antar Dasha of Candr
in her own Dasha, if she is placed in her exaltation Rasi, her own Rasi, in a Kendr, or in a
Trikon, or is associated with the Lord of Dharm, or Karm.

3-6. Loss of wealth, loss of position, lethargy, agony, antagonism towards the king and
ministers, distress to mother, imprisonment and loss of kinsmen will be the evil effects in her
Antar Dasha, if Candr is in her debilitation Rasi, if Candr is associated with malefics, or, if
Candr is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya. If Candr is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, or is associated
with Randhr's, or with Vyaya' s Lord, there will be pains in the body and danger of premature
death. The remedial measures are giving in charity of a tawny-coloured cow, or female

7-8V2. Advancement of fortune, recognition by the government, gain of clothes and
ornaments, success in all efforts, increase in agricultural production and prosperity at home
and profits in business will be the favourable effects of the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the
Dasha of Candr, if Mangal is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon. Great happiness and enjoyment of
comforts will be derived, if Mangal is in his exaltation Rasi, or in his own Rasi.

9-12. Distress to the body, losses at home and in agricultural production, losses in business
dealings, antagonism, or adverse relations with servants (employees) and the king, separation
from kinsmen and hot temperament will be the evil effects in the Antar Dasha of Mangal, if
he is placed in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya from Lagn, be associated with, or receives a Drishti
from malefics in the 6* , the 8 l , or the 12 l from the Lord of the Dasha.

13-14. There will be some auspicious results at the commencement of the Antar Dasha of
Rahu in the Dasha of Candr, but later there will be danger from the king, thieves and snakes,
distress to cattle, loss of kinsmen and friends, loss of reputation and mental agony, if Rahu is
placed in a Kendr, or in a Trikon.

15-16. Success in all ventures, gain of conveyances, garments etc. from the king etc. in the
South-West direction will be derived, if Rahu in his Antar Dasha receives a Drishti from
benefics, if Rahu is in Sahaj, Ari, Karm, or Labh, or, if Rahu is yuti with a Yog Karak Grah.

17-18. Loss of position, mental agony, distress to wife and children, danger of diseases,
danger from the king, scorpions and snakes etc. will happen, if Rahu is weak and is placed in
the 8 th , or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

19-21. Pilgrimage to holy places, visits to sacred shrines, beneficence, inclination towards
charitable deeds etc. will be the results, if Rahu is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, or in the 3 rd , or the
1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be body troubles (physical afflictions), if Rahu is
in Dhan, or in Yuvati. Rahu Japa and giving a goat in charily are the remedial measures for
obtaining relief from the evil effects in the Antar Dasha of Rahu.

22-24 X A. Acquisition of a kingdom, auspicious celebrations at home, gains of clothes and
ornaments, recognition from the king beneficence of the Isht Lord (Isht Devata), gains of
wealth, land, conveyances, success in all ventures by the beneficence of the king will be the
beneficial effects in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Candr, if Guru is placed in a
Kendr, or in a Trikon to Lagn, or, if Guru is in his own, or in his exaltation Rasi.

25-28 1 / / 2. Destruction of preceptor (and father etc.) and children, loss of position, mental
agony, quarrels, destruction of a house, conveyances and agricultural land will be the evil
effects in his Antar Dasha, if Guru is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, if Guru is combust, in his
debilitation Rasi, or be associated with malefics. Gains of cattle, grains, clothes and happiness
from brothers, acquisition of property, valour, patience, oblations, celebrations, like marriage
etc., gain of a kingdom etc. will be the favourable effects, if Guru is in 3 rd , or in the 1 1 th from
the Lord of the Dasha.

29-3 1 . Effects, like unpalatable food, journeys to places away from the homeland, will be
derived, if Guru is weak and is placed in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th from Candr. There will be
good effects at the commencement of the Antar Dasha and distress at its end. There will be
premature death, if Guru is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Remedial measures for obtaining relief
from the above evil effects are recitation of Shiva Sahasranam Japa and giving gold in charity.

32-34. Effects, like birth of a son, friendship, gain of wealth and property, profits in business
with the help of Sudras, increase in agricultural production, gains from son, riches and glory
by the beneficence of the king, will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of
Candr, if Sani is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn, or, if Sani is in his own Rasi, in his
own Navahs, in his exaltation Rasi, if Sani receives a Drishti from, or is associated with
benefics, or, if Sani is in Labh with strength.

35-35 x /^. Effects, like visits to holy places, bathing in holy rivers etc., the creation of troubles
by many people and distress from enemies, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sani, if Sani
is in Ari, Randhr, Vyaya, or Dhan, or, if Sani is in his debilitation Rasi.

36-38. Effects, like enjoyments and gains of wealth some times, while opposition, or quarrels
with wife and children at other times, will be realized, if Sani is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon
from the Lord of that Dasha, or is endowed with strength. If Sani is in Dhan, Yuvati, or
Randhr, there will be physical distress. The remedial measures to be adopted for obtaining
relief from the evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa, giving in charity a black cow, or female

39-41. Effects, like acquisition of wealth, recognition by the king, gain of clothes etc.,
discussions on Shastras gain of knowledge from society with learned and holy people,
enjoyments, birth of children, satisfaction, profits in business, acquisition of conveyance and
ornaments etc. will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Candr, if Budh
is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon, if Budh is in his own Rasi, in his own Navahs, or in his
exaltation Rasi, endowed with strength.

42-43 Vi. Effects, like marriage, oblations (Yagya), charities, performance of religious rites,
close relations with the king, social contacts with men of learning, acquisition of pearls,
corals, Mani (jewels), conveyances, clothes, ornaments, good health, affections, enjoyments,
drinking of Soma Rasa and other tasty syrups etc. will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Budh,
if he is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon, or in the 1 1* , or in the 2 n from the Lord of the Dasha.

44-46. Pains in the body, loss in agricultural ventures, imprisonment, distress to wife and
children will be the inauspicious effects, if Budh be in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th from the
Lord of the Dasha, or be in his debilitation Rasi. If Budh is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there
will be fear of fever. The remedial measures to be adopted for obtaining relief from the evil
effects are recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving a goat in charity.

47-48. Effects, like gain of wealth, enjoyment, happiness to wife and children, religious
inclination etc., will arise in the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Candr, if Ketu is in a
Kendr, in a Trikon, or Sahaj and is endowed with strength. There will be some loss of wealth
at the commencement of the Antar Dasha. Later all will be well.

49-49 1 / 2 . Gain of wealth, cattle etc. will be the effects, if Ketu is in a Kendr, in the 9 th , the 5 th ,
or the 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha and is equipped with strength. There will be loss of
wealth at the end of the Antar Dasha.

50-52. There will be obstacles in ventures, due to interference by enemies and quarrels, if
Ketu be in the 8 th , or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or receives a Drishti from, or is
associated with malefics. If Ketu is in Dhan, or in Yuvati, there will be danger of affliction of
the body with diseases. Mrityunjaya Japa will give relief in all the evil effects and will ensure
gain of wealth and property with the beneficence of Lord Shiva.

53-55. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, gaining of clothes, ornaments, cattle,
conveyances etc., happiness to wife and children, construction of a new house, availability of
sweet preparations every day, use of perfumes, affairs with beautiful women, sound health
etc. will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Candr, if Sukr is in a
Kendr, in a Trikon, in Labh, Bandhu, or Dharm, or in his exaltation Rasi, or in his own Rasi.

56. Physical soundness, good reputation, acquisition of more land and houses, will result, if
Sukr is yuti with the Lord of the Dasha.

51-51V2. There will be loss of landed property, children, wife and cattle and opposition from
government, if Sukr is in his debilitation Rasi, combust, or receives a Drishti from, or is
associated with malefics.

58-60. If Sukr is in Dhan in his exaltation Rasi, or in his own Rasi, or is there, associated with
the Lord of Labh, there will be acquisition of an underground hidden treasure, gain of land,
enjoyment, birth of a son etc. Advancement of good fortune, fulfillment of ambitions with the
beneficence of the king, devotion to deities and Brahmins, gain of jewels, like pearls etc. will
result, if Sukr is yuti with Dharm' s, or Labh's Lord.

61. Acquisition of more house property and agricultural land and gain of wealth and
enjoyment will be the good effects, if Sukr is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from the Lord of the

62. Deportation to foreign lands, sorrows, death and danger from thieves and snakes will be
the results, if Sukr is in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

63-64. There will be danger of premature death, if Sukr be the Lord of the 2 nd , or 7 th . The
remedial measures to be adopted for obtaining relief from the evil effects are Rudra Japa and
giving in charity a white cow and silver.

65-67. Recovery of a lost kingdom and wealth, happiness in the family, acquisition of villages
and land with the kind assistance of one's friends and the king, birth of a son, beneficence of
Goddess Lakshmi, will be the beneficial results in the Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of
Candr, if Surya is in his exaltation Rasi, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, or in Putr, or in Dharm,
or in Labh, or in Dhan, or in Sahaj . At the end of the Antar Dasha there is the likelihood of
attacks of fever and lethargy.

68-70. Danger from the government, thieves and snakes, affliction with fever and troubles in
foreign journey are the likely results, if Surya is in the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.
If Surya is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be sufferings from fever in his Antar
Dasha. Worship of Lord Shiva is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil

Ch. 54. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Mangal

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:08 am
by StarLore
Ch. 54. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Mangal

I-2V2. Effects, like gains of wealth by the beneficence of the king, beneficence of Goddess
Lakshmi, recovery of a lost kingdom and of wealth, birth of a son, will arise in the Antar
Dasha of Mangal in his own Dasha, if he is in a Kendr, in Putr, in Dharm, in Labh, in Sahaj,
or in Dhan, or be associated with the Lord of Lagn.

3-4. Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king and acquisition of a house, land,
cow, buffalo etc. will be the effects, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or in his
own Navahs and is endowed with strength.

5-5V2. Urinary troubles, wounds, danger from snakes and the king will be the results, if
Mangal is in Randhr, or Vyaya, or is associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics.

6-8. There will be mental agony and body pains, if Mangal is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati.
Lord Shiva will give relief by restoring health and providing gains of wealth and happiness, if
the person concerned performs Rudr Japa and gives a red-coloured bull in charity.

9-IOV2. Effects, like recognition from government, gain of house, land etc., happiness from
son, extraordinary profits in business, bathing in holy rivers, like Ganges and foreign
journeys, will be the auspicious effects in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Mangal, if
Rahu is in his Multrikon, in his exaltation Rasi, in a Kendr, in Labh, Putr, or Dharm and is
associated with benefics.

11-14. Danger from snakes, wounds, destruction of cattle, danger from animals, diseases, due
to imbalance of bile and wind, imprisonment etc. will be the results, if Rahu is in Randhr, or
Vyaya, or receives a Drishti from, or is associated with malefics. There will be loss of wealth,
if Rahu is in Dhan and great danger of premature death, if he is in Yuvati. The remedial
measure to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Naga Puja, offering food
to Brahmins and Mrityunjaya Japa. They will help in the prolongation of longevity.

15-16. Effects, like good reputation and renown, honours by government, increase in wealth
and grains, happiness at home, gain of property, happiness from wife and children etc. will be
realized in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Mangal, if Guru is in Dharm, or Putr, in a
Kendr, or in Labh, or in Dhan, or, if Guru is in his exalted, or own Navahs.

\l-\9V2. Acquisition of a house, land, well-being, gain of property, sound health, good
reputation, gains of cattle, success in business, happiness to wife and children, reverence from
government, gain of wealth etc. will be beneficial effects, if Guru is in a Kendr, in a Trikon,
or in the 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Guru is associated with the Lord of Dharm,
Karm, or Bandhu, or Lagn, or, if Guru is in a benefic Navahs etc.

20-22. Danger from thieves, snakes, wrath of the king, bilious diseases, oppression by goblins
(Prot), loss of servants and co-borns, will be evil effects, if Guru is in Ari, Randhr, or in
Vyaya, or, if Guru is in his debilitation Rasi, or, if Guru is associated with, or receives a
Drishti from malefics, or, if Guru is otherwise weak. There will be suffering from fever, or
danger of premature death, if Guru is the Lord of Dhan. The remedial measure to be adopted
to combat the above evil effects is recitation of Shiva Sahasranam.

23-25. Effects, like recognition from the king, increase in reputation, gain of wealth and
grains, happiness from children and grandchildren, increase in the number of cows etc. will be
experienced in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Mangal, if Sani is in a Kendr, in a
Trikon, in his Multrikon, in his exalted, or his own Navahs, or, if Sani is associated with the
Lord of Lagn, or, if Sani is associated with benefics. Results will generally fructify on
Saturdays in the month of Sani.

26-26 ! /2. Danger from Yavana kings (foreign dignitaries), loss of wealth, imprisonment,
possibility of affliction with diseases, loss in agricultural production will result, if Sani is in
his debilitation Rasi, or in an enemy Rasi, or, if Sani is in Randhr, or in Vyaya.

27-29 1 /2. Effects, like great danger, loss of life, wrath of king, mental agony, danger from
thieves and fire, punishment by the king, loss of co-borns, dissensions amongst members of
the family, loss of cattle, fear of death, distress to wife and children, imprisonment etc. will be
felt, if Sani is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord and is associated with malefics.

30-32. There will be journeys to foreign lands, loss of reputation, violent actions, loss from
sale of agricultural lands, loss of position, agony, defeat in battle, urinary troubles etc., if Sani
is in a Kendr, in the 1 l l , or in the 5 l from the Lord of the Dasha.

33-35. Effects, like death, danger from the king and thieves, rheumatism, pains, danger from
the enemy and members of the family, will be experienced, if Sani is in the 8 th , or the 12 th
from the Lord of the Dasha and is associated with malefics. There will be relief from the evil
effects by the beneficence of Lord Shiva, if Mrityunjaya is performed in the prescribed

36-37 1 /2. Effects, like association with pious and holy persons, performance of Ajaya Japa,
charities, observance of religious rites, gain of reputation, inclination towards diplomacy,
availability of sweetish preparations, acquisition of conveyances, clothes and cattle etc.,
conferment of authority in the king's retinue, success in agricultural projects etc., will be
experienced in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Mangal, if Budh is in a Kendr, or in a
Trikon from Lagn.

38-39. Diseases of heart, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, distress to wife and children,
destruction of wealth and cattle etc. will result, if Budh is in his debilitation Rasi, if Budh is
combust, or, if Budh is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

40-40 1 /2. There will be journeys to foreign lands, increase in the number of enemies, affliction
with many kind of ailments, antagonism with the king, quarrels with kinsmen etc., if Budh be
associated with the Lord of the Dasha.

41-43 1 /2. Fulfillment of all ambitions, gain of wealth and grains, recognition by the king,
acquisition of a kingdom, gain of clothes and ornaments, attachment to many kind of musical
instruments, attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army, discussions on Shastras
and Puranas, gain of riches to wife and children and beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi will be
the very auspicious results, if Budh is in a Kendr, or Trikon from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if
Budh is in his exaltation Rasi.

44-45 l A. Effects, like defamation, sinful thinking, harsh speech, danger from thieves, fire and
the king, quarrels without reason, fear of attacks by thieves and dacoits (armed robber bands)
during travels, will be derived, if Budh is in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th from Mangal, or is
associated with malefics.

46-47. There will be a possibility of critical illness in the Antar Dasha of Budh, if he is
Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from these evil effects are
recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving a horse in charity.

48-49 1 / / 2. Beneficence of the king, gain of wealth, little gains of land at the commencement of
the Dasha and substantial later, birth of a son, conferment of authority by government, gain of
cattle etc. will be the results in the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Mangal, if Ketu is in a
Kendr, in a Trikon, in Sahaj, or Labh, or, if Ketu is associated with, or receives a Drishti from

50-5 IV2. Birth of a son, increase in reputation, beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi, gains of
wealth from employees, attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army, friendship
with the king, performance of oblations, gains of clothes and ornaments etc. will be the
beneficial effects, if Ketu is a Yog Karak and is endowed with strength. (Ketu assumes the
role of a Yog Karak, if he is yuti with a Yog Karak Grah (Lord of a Kendr and a Trikon)).

52-54. Effects, like quarrels, tooth trouble, distress from thieves and tigers, fever, dysentery,
leprosy and distress to wife and children etc. will be experienced, if Ketu is in the 6 th , the 8 th ,
or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. If Ketu is in Dhan, or in Yuvati, there will be diseases,
disgrace, agony and loss of wealth.

55-56V2. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, great enjoyment and comfort of luxuries, gain
of elephants, horses, clothes etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of
Mangal, if Sukr is in a Kendr to Lagn, if Sukr is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi, or, if
Sukr is Lagn's, Putr's, or Dharm's Lord. If Sukr is related to Lagn's Lord, there will be
happiness to wife and children, opulence and glory and increased good fortune.

57-60. Gain of property, celebrations on the birth of a son, gain of wealth from the employer,
acquisition of a house, land, villages etc. by the beneficence of the sovereign, will be the
results, if Sukr is in the 5 th , the 9 th , the 1 1 th , or the 2 nd from the Lord of the Dasha. In the last
part of the Dasha there will be functions of songs and dances and bathing in holy water. If
Sukr is connected with, or related to the Lord of Karm, there will be construction of wells,
reservoirs etc. and performance of religious, charitable and pious deeds.

61-62. There will be sorrows, physical distress, loss of wealth, danger from thieves and the
king, dissensions in the family, distress to wife and children and destruction of cattle, if Sukr
be in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or be associated with malefics.

63. If Sukr be the Lord of the 2 nd , or the 7 th , there will be pains in the body in his Antar Dasha.
For regaining good health the remedial measure to be adopted is giving a cow, or female
buffalo in charity.

64-66. Effects, like acquisition of conveyances, gain of reputation, birth of a son, growth of
wealth, amicable atmosphere in the family, sound health, potency, recognition by the the king,
extraordinary profits in business and audience with the king etc. will be experienced in the
Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Mangal, if Surya is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi,
or, if Surya is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, or in Labh along with Karm's Lord and with Labh's

6I-6IV2. Distress to the body, agony, failure in ventures, possibilities of suffering from
troubles in the forehead, fever, dysentery etc. will be the effects, if Surya is in the 6 th , the 8 th ,
or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Surya is associated with malefics.

68-69. There will be attacks of fever, danger from snakes and poison and distress to son, if
Surya be the Lord of the 2 nd , or the 7 th . The remedial mea
is to perform worship of Surya in the prescribed manner.
Surya be the Lord of the 2 nd , or the 7 th . The remedial measure to gain good health and wealth

70-73. Acquisition of more kingdom, gain of perfumes, clothes, construction of reservoirs,
shelters for cows etc., celebrations of auspicious functions, like marriage etc., happiness to
wife and children, good relations with parents, acquisition of property by the beneficence of
the sovereign, success in the desired projects will be the effects in the Antar Dasha of Candr
in the Dasha of Mangal, if Candr is in her exaltation Rasi, or in her own Rasi, or in a Kendr,
or in Dharm, or in Bandhu, or in Karm, or in Lagn along with the Lords of those Bhavas. The
good effects will be realized in full, if Candr is waxing. Waning Candr will reduce the impact
of the effects to some extent.

74-76. The effects, like death, distress to wife and children, loss of lands, wealth and cattle
and danger of a war etc. will be experienced, if Candr is in his debilitation Rasi, or, if Candr is
in his enemy Rasi, or, if Candr is in Ari, in Randhr, or in Vyaya from Lagn, or from the Lord
of the Dasha. There will be the possibility of premature death, distress to the body and mental
agony, if Candr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial measures to be adopted to obtain
relief from the above evil effects, are recitation of Mantras of the Goddess Durga and the
Goddess Lakshmi.

Ch. 55. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Rahu

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:09 am
by StarLore
Ch. 55. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Rahu

1-4. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm, cordial relations with the king,
happiness from wife and children and increase in property, will be derived in the Antar Dasha
of Rahu in the Dasha of Rahu, if Rahu is in Kark, Vrischik, Kanya, or Dhanu and is in Sahaj,
Ari, Karm, or Labh, or is yuti with a Yog Karak Grah in his exaltation Rasi.

5-6. There will be danger from thieves, distress from wounds, antagonism with government
officials, destruction of kinsmen, distress to wife and children, if Rahu is in Randhr, or Vyaya,
or be associated with malefics.

7. If Rahu is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord, or is in Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be distress and
diseases. To obtain relief from the above evil effects Rahu should be worshipped (by
recitation of his Mantras) and by giving in charily things, connected with, or ruled by Rahu.

8-12V2. Effects, like gain of position, patience, destruction of foes, enjoyment, cordial
relations with the king, regular increase in wealth and property, like the growth of Candr of
the bright half of the month (Shukla Paksh), gain of conveyance and cows, audience with the
king by performing journey to the West, or South-East, success in the desired ventures, return
to one's homeland, doing good for Brahmins, visit to holy places, gain of a village, devotion
to deities and Brahmins, happiness from wife, children and grand children, availability of
sweetish preparations daily etc. will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of
Rahu, if Guru is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in his own Navahs, or in his exalted
Navahs, or, if Guru is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon with reference to Lagn.

13-14V2. Loss of wealth, obstacles in work, defamation, distress to wife and children, heart
disease, entrustment of governmental authority etc. will result, if Guru is in his debilitation
Rasi, is combust, is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, is in an enemy Rasi, or is associated with

15-17. There will be gains of land, good food, gains of cattle etc., inclinations towards
charitable and religious work etc., if Guru is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, the 1 1 th , the 2 nd , or the
3 rd from the Lord of the Dasha and is endowed with strength.

18-20. Loss of wealth and distress to body will result, if Guru is in the 6 th , the 8 th , or the 12 th
from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Guru is associated with malefics. There will be danger of
premature death, if Guru is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The person will get relief from the
above evil effects and enjoy good health by the beneficence of the Lord Shiva, if he worships
his idol, made of gold.

21-24. Effects, like pleasure of the king for devotion in his service, auspicious functions, like
celebration of marriage etc. at home, construction of a garden, reservoir etc., gain of wealth
and cattle from well-to-do persons, belonging to the Sudra class, loss of wealth caused by the
king during journey to the West, reduction in income, due to lethargy, return to homeland,
will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Rahu, if Sani is in a Kendr, in a
Trikon, in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in his Multrikon, in Sahaj, or in Labh.

25-26. Danger from menials, the king and enemies, distress to wife and children, distress to
kinsmen, disputes with the coparceners, disputes in dealings with others, but sudden gain of
ornaments, will result, if Sani is in his debilitation Rasi, in his enemy's Rasi, or in Randhr, or

27-29. There will be heart disease, defamation, quarrels, danger from enemies, foreign
journeys, affliction with Gulma, unpalatable food and sorrows etc., if Sani is in the 6 th , the 8 th ,
or the 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. Premature death is likely, if Sani is Dhan's, or
Yuvati's Lord. Remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain
good health is giving a black cow, or a she-buffalo in charity.

30-33. Auspicious effects, like Raj Yog, well being in the family, profits and gain of wealth in
business, comforts of conveyances, marriage and other auspicious functions, increase in the
number of cattle, gain of perfumes, comforts of bed, women etc., will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Rahu, if Budh is in his exaltation Rasi, in a Kendr, or in Putr
and, if Budh is endowed with strength. Good results, like Raj Yog, beneficence of the king
and gain of wealth and reputation, will be realized particularly on Wednesday in the month of

34-35. Sound health, Isht Siddhi, attending discourse on Puranas and ancient history,
marriage, offering of oblations, charities, religious inclination and sympathetic attitude
towards others will result, if Budh is in a Kendr, in the 1 1 th , 3 rd , 9 th , or 10 th from the Lord of
the Dasha.

36-38. There will be opprobrium (Ninda) of deities and Brahmins by the native, loss of
fortune, speaking lies, unwise actions, fear from snakes, thieves and the government, quarrels,
distress to wife and children etc., if Budh is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Budh receives a
Drishti from Sani.

39. If Budh is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord, there will be fear of premature death. Remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

40-41. During the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Rahu there will be journeys to foreign
countries, danger from the king, rheumatic fever etc. and loss of cattle. If Ketu is yuti with
Randhr's Lord, there will be distress to the body and mental tension. Enjoyment, gain of
wealth, recognition by the king, acquisition of gold etc. will be the results, if Ketu is
associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

42-42 1 / / 2. There will be Isht Siddhi, if Ketu is related to the Lord of Lagn. If he is associated
with the Lord of Lagn, there will definitely be gain of wealth. There will also definitely be
increase in the number of cattle, if Ketu is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon.

43-45. Effects, like danger from thieves and snakes, distress from wounds, separation from
parents, antagonistic relations with kinsmen, mental agony etc. will be derived, if Ketu is
without strength in Randhr, or Vyaya. If Ketu is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord, there will be
distress to the body. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is
giving a goat in charity.

46-47 1 / / 2. Effects, like gains of wealth through Brahmins, increase in the number of cattle,
celebrations for the birth of a son, well-being, recognition from government, acquisition of a
kingdom, attainment of a high position in government, great enjoyment and comforts etc. will
be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Rahu, if Sukr is with strength in a
Kendr, in a Trikon, or in Labh.

48-50 1 / / 2. Construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations, happiness from wife
and children, association with friends, giving of grains etc. in charity, beneficence of the king,
gain of conveyances and clothes, extraordinary profits in business, celebration of Upasayan
ceremony of wearing the sacred thread (Janou) etc. will be the auspicious results, if Sukr be in
his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in is exalted, or in his own Navahs.

Sl-SS 1 /^. There will be diseases, quarrels, separation from one's son, or father, distress to
kinsmen, disputes with coparceners, danger of death to oneself, or to one's employer,
unhappiness to wife and children, pain in the stomach etc., if Sukr is in Ari, Randhr, or
Vyaya, in his debilitation, or in an enemy's Rasi, or, if Sukr is associated with Sani, Mangal,
or Rahu.

54-551/2, Enjoyments from perfumes, bed, music etc., gain of a desired object, fulfillment of
desires will be the i Lord of the Dasha.
desires will be the results, if Sukr is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in the 1 1 th , or in the 10 th from the

56-59. Effects, like danger from the wrath of Brahmins, snakes and the king, possibility of
affliction with diseases, like stoppage of urine, diabetes, pollution of blood, anaemia,
availability of only coarse food, nervous disorder, imprisonment, loss of wealth, as a result of
penalties, or fines, imposed by government, will be derived, if Sukr is associated with
malefics in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be distress to wife and
children, danger of premature death to oneself, if Sukr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are worship of Goddess Durga and
Goddess Lakshmi.

60-6 VA. Effects, like cordial relations with the king, increase in wealth and grains, some
popularity/respect, some possibility of becoming head of a village etc., will be experienced in
the Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Rahu, if Surya is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi,
in Labh, in a Kendr, or in a Trikon, or in his exalted, or own Navahs.

62-63 V2. There will be good reputation and encouragement and assistance by government,
journeys to foreign countries, acquisition of the sovereignly of the country, gains of elephants,
horses, clothes, ornaments, fulfillment of ambitions, happiness to children etc., if Surya is
associated with, or receives a Drishti from Lagn's, Dhan's, or Karm's Lord.

64-65. Fevers, dysentery, other diseases, quarrels, antagonism with the king, travels, danger
from foes, thieves, fire etc. will be the results, if Surya is in his debilitation Rasi, or, if Surya
is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

66. Well-being in every way and recognition from kings in foreign countries will be the
results, if Surya is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in the 3 rd , or in the 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

67. There will be danger of critical illness, if Surya is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Worship of
Surya is the remedial measure, recommended to obtain relief from the above evil effects.

68-70. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, respect from the king, gains of wealth, sound
health, gains of garments and ornaments, happiness from children, comforts of conveyances,
increase in house and landed property etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Candr in the
Dasha of Rahu, if Candr is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh,
or, if Candr is in a friendly Rasi, receiving a Drishti from benefics.

71-72. Beneficence of the Goddess Lakshmi, all-round success, increase in wealth and grains,
good reputation and worship of deities will be the results, if Candr is in the 5 th , 9 th , in a Kendr,
or in the 1 l l from the Lord of the Dasha.

73-75. There will be the creation of disturbances at home and in the agricultural activities by
evil spirits, leopards and other wild animals, danger from thieves during journeys and stomach
disorders, if Candr is bereft of strength in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.
There will the possibility of premature death, if Candr is Dhan's, or Vyaya's Lord. The
remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is to give in charity a white cow,
or a female buffalo.

I6-IIV2. Effects, like the recovery of a lost kingdom and recovery of lost wealth, property at
home and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth, blessings by the household deity
(Isht Dev), happiness from children, enjoyment of good food etc., will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Rahu, if Mangal is in Labh, Putr, or Dharm, or, if Mangal is
in a Kendr, if Mangal receives a Drishti from benefics, or, if Mangal is in his exaltation, or in
his own Rasi.

78-79 1 / / 2. There will be acquisition of red-coloured garments, journeys, audience with the king,
well-being of children and employer, attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army,
enthusiasm and gain of wealth through kinsmen, if Mangal is in a Kendr, in the 5 th , 9 th , 3 rd , or
in the 1 l l from the Lord of the Dasha.

80-82. Distress to wife, children and co-borns, loss of position, antagonistic relations with
children, wife and other close relations, danger from thieves, wounds and pain in the body etc.
will result, if Mangal is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, receiving a Drishti
from malefics.

83. There will be lethargy and danger of death, if Mangal is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is giving a cow, or a bull in

Ch. 56. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Guru

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:10 am
by StarLore
Ch. 56. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Guru

1-3 VI Effects, like sovereignly over many kings, very well endowed with riches, revered by
the king, gains of cattle, clothes, ornaments, conveyances, construction of a new house and a
decent mansion, opulence and glory, dawn of fortune, success in ventures, meetings with
Brahmins and the king, extraordinary profits from the employer and happiness to wife and
children, will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Guru in his own Dasha, if Guru is in his
exaltation Rasi, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, or Trikon.

4-5 1 /2. Association with the menials, great distress, slander by coparceners, wrath of the
employer, danger of premature death, separation from wife and children and loss of wealth
and grains will be the results, if Guru is in his debilitation Rasi, in his debilitated Navahs, or
in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

6-7. There will be pains in the body, if Guru is the Lord of Yuvati (or of Dhan). The remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to get fulfillment of ambitions is
recitation of Rudr Japa and Shiva Sahasranam.

8-1 IV2. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, gain of clothes, ornaments, wealth, grains,
conveyances, cattle and position, happiness from son and friends etc., gains specially of a
blue-coloured horse, journey to the West, audience with the king and receipt of wealth from
him, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Guru, if Sani is in his
exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, or Trikon endowed with strength.

12-14. Loss of wealth, affliction with fever, mental agony, infliction of wounds to wife and
children, inauspicious events at home, loss of cattle and employment, antagonism with
kinsmen etc. will be results, if Sani is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, if Sani is combust, or, if Sani
is in an enemy's Rasi.

15-15 x /2. There will be gain of land, house, son and cattle, acquisition of riches and property
througl Dasha.
through the enemy etc., if Sani is in Kendr, Trikon, the 1 1* , or in the 2 n from the Lord of the

16-17. Effects, like loss of wealth, antagonistic relations with kinsmen, obstacles in industrial
ventures, pains in the body, danger from the members of the family etc. will be realized, if
Sani is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Sani is associated with a

18-19. There will be fear of premature death, if Sani is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measures to obtain relief from these evil effects and to enjoy sound health are
recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving in charity a black cow, or a female buffalo.

20-2 VA. Effects, like gains of wealth, bodily felicity, acquisition of a kingdom, gain of
conveyances, clothes and cattle etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha
of Guru, if Budh is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or in Kendr, in Trikon, or, if Budh is
associated with the Lord of the Dasha.

22-22 1 / / 2. There will be increase in the number of enemies, loss of enjoyment and comforts,
loss in business, affliction with fever and dysentery, if Budh receives a Drishti from Mangal.

23-24 Gains of wealth in his own country, happiness from parents and acquisition of
conveyances by the beneficence of the king will result, if Budh is in a Kendr, in the 5 (
from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Budh is in his exaltation Rasi.

25-26. There will be loss of wealth, journeys to foreign countries, danger from thieves while
traveling, wounds, burning sensations, eye troubles, wanderings in foreign lands, if Budh is in
the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Budh is associated with a malefic without
receiving a Drishti from a benefic.

27-28. Distress without reason, anger, loss of cattle, loss in business, fear of premature death
etc. will be the results, if Budh be associated with a malefic, or malefics in Ari, in Randhr, or
in Vyaya.

29-29 1 / / 2. There will be enjoyment, gains of wealth, conveyances and clothes at the
commencement of the Antar Dasha, even if Budh is associated with a malefic, but receives a
Drishti from a benefic. At the end of the Dasha, however, there will be loss of wealth and
bodily distress.

30-31. Premature death may be expected, if Budh is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The most
effective and beneficial remedial measure for prolongation of longevity and to obtain relief
from other evil effects is recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

32-32 1 / / 2. Moderate enjoyment, moderate gain of wealth, coarse food, or food, given by others,
food, given at the time of death ceremonies and acquisition of wealth through undesirable
means will be the results, in the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Guru, if Ketu is
associated with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic.

33-34. Effects, like loss of wealth by the wrath of the king, imprisonment, diseases, loss of
physical strength, antagonism with father and brother and mental agony, will be experienced,
if Ketu be in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or be associated with malefics.

1>S-1>6V2. Acquisition of a palanquin, elephants etc., beneficence of the king, success in the
desired spheres, profits in business, increase in the number of cattle, gain of wealth, clothes
etc. from a Yavana king (Muslim dignitary) will be the auspicious effects, if Ketu is in the 5 th ,
9 th , 4 th , or 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

37-38. There will be physical distress, if Ketu is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord (or, if Ketu is in
Dhan, or in Yuvati. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is
performance of Mrityunjaya Japa in the prescribed manner.

39-43. Effects, like acquisition of conveyances, like palanquin, elephants etc., gain of wealth
by the beneficence of the king, enjoyment, gain of blue and red articles, extraordinary income
from journeys to the East, well-being in the family, happiness from parents, devotion to
deities, construction of reservoirs, charities etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sukr, if
Sukr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh, or, if Sukr is in his own Rasi and receives a Drishti
from a benefic, or from benefics.

44-44 1 / / 2. Evil effects, like quarrels, antagonism with kinsmen, distress to wife and children,
will be felt, if Sukr is ir in his debilitation Rasi.
will be felt, if Sukr is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or Lagn, or, if Sukr is
There will be quarrels, danger from the king, antagonism with the wife, disputes with the
father-in-law and with brothers, loss of wealth etc., if Sukr is associated with Sani, or Rahu, or
with both.

45-47 1 / / 2. There will be gain of wealth, happiness from wife, meeting with the king, increase in
the number of children, conveyances and cattle, enjoyment of music, society with men of
learning, availability of sweetish preparations, giving help and assistance to kinsmen etc., if
Sukr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 2 n from the Lord of the Dasha.

48-50. Loss of wealth, fear of premature death, antagonism with wife etc. will be experienced,
if Sukr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from these evil
effects is giving a tawny-coloured cow, or a female buffalo in charity.

51-53. Gain of wealth, reverence, happiness and acquisition of conveyances, clothes,
ornaments etc., birth of children, cordial relations with the king, success in ventures etc. will
be the auspicious results in the Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Guru, if Surya is in his
exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Sahaj, Labh, or Dhan and be endowed
with strength.

54-55 1 / / 2. Effects, like nervous disorder, fever, laziness, or reluctance in the performance of
good deeds, indulgence in sins, antagonistic attitude towards all, separation from kinsmen and
distress without reasons, will be experienced, if Surya is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Surya
is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

56-57. There will be physical distress, if Surya is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to enjoy good health is recitation of
Adhitya Hridaya Path.

SS^O 1 ,^. Effects, like reverence from the king, opulence and glory, happiness from wife and
children, availability of good food, gain of reputation by performance of good deeds, increase
in the number of children and grandchildren, comforts by the beneficence of the king,
religious and charitable inclinations etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Candr in the
Dasha of Guru, if Candr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh, or, if Candr is in her exaltation, or
in her own Rasi and, if Candr is full and strong and in an auspicious Bhava from the Lord of
the Dasha.

61-63. There will be loss of wealth and kinsmen, wanderings in foreign lands, danger from
the king, thieves, quarrels with coparceners, separation from a maternal uncle, distress to
mother etc., if Candr is weak, or is associated with malefics, or, if Candr is in Ari, Randhr, or
Vyaya, or, if Candr is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

64. Physical distress will be experienced, if Candr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above effects is Durga Saptashati Path.

65-66. Effects, like the celebration of functions, such as marriage etc., gain of land, or
villages, growth of strength and valour and success in all ventures, will be derived in the
Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Guru, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi,
or in his exalted, or own Navahs.

67-68. There will be gain of wealth and grains, availability of good sweetish preparations,
pleasure of the king, happiness from wife and children and other auspicious effects, if Mangal
is in a Kendr, Trikon, in Labh, or Dhan and is associated with, or receives a Drishti from

69-71. Loss of wealth and house, eye trouble and other inauspicious effects will be the results,
if Mangal is in the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Mangal is in his debilitation
Rasi, associated with, or receiving a Drishti from malefics. The effects will be particularly
adverse at the commencement of the Antar Dasha. There will be some mitigation of evil
effects later. There will be physical distress and mental agony, if Mangal is the Lord of Dhan,
or Yuvati. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to get gains
of wealth and property is to give a bull in charity.

72-75. Effects, like attachment to Yog, gain of wealth and grains during the first five months,
sovereignly over a village, or country, meeting with a foreign king, well-being in the family,
journeys to distant lands, bathing in holy places, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in
the Dasha of Guru, if Rahu is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, in his Multrikon, or, if Rahu
is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Rahu receives a Drishti from the Lord of a Kendr, or, if Rahu is
associated with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic.

76-78. Danger from thieves, snakes, the king, wounds, troubles in domestic affairs,
antagonism with co-borns and coparceners, bad dreams, quarrels without reason, danger from
diseases etc. will result, if Rahu is associated with a malefic, if Rahu is in the 8 th , or 12 th from
the Lord of the Dasha.

79-80. There will be physical distress, if Rahu is in Dhan, or in Yuvati. The remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in

Ch. 57. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Sani

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:11 am
by StarLore
Ch. 57. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Sani

1-3. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, happiness from wife and children, acquisition of
conveyances, like elephants, gain of clothes, attainment of the position of a Commander of the
Army by the beneficence of the king, acquisition of cattle, villages and land etc., will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Sani, if Sani is in his own, in his exaltation
Rasi, or in deep exaltation, or, if Sani is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Sani is a Yog Karak.

4-5 Vi. Fear, or danger from the king, getting inflicted with injuries with some weapon,
bleeding gums, dysentery etc. will be the evil effects at the commencement of the Dasha, if
Sani is in Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Sani is associated with malefics in his debilitation Rasi.
There will be danger from thieves etc., going away from the homeland, mental agony etc. in
the middle portion of the Dasha. The last part of the Dasha will yield beneficial results.

6-7. There will be danger of premature death, if Sani is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Lord Shiva
will afford protection and render relief, if Mrityunjaya Japa is performed in the prescribed

8-11. Effects, like reverence from the people, good reputation, gain of wealth, comforts of
conveyances etc., inclination towards performance of religious sacrifices (Yagyas), Raj Yog,
bodily felicity, enthusiasm, well-being in the family, pilgrimage to holy places, performance
of religious rites, listening to Puranas, charities, availability of sweetish preparations etc., will
be derived in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Sani, if Budh is in a Kendr, or Trikon.

\2-WA. Acquisition of a kingdom, gain of wealth, headship of a village will be the effects at
the commencement of the Dasha, if Budh is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya from Lagn, or from the
Lord of the Dasha, or, if Budh is associated with Surya, Mangal and Rahu. Affliction with
diseases, failure in all ventures, anxiety and feeling of danger etc. will be experienced in the
middle portion and in the last part of the Dasha.

14-15. There will be physical distress, if Budh is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain enjoyment in life are
recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving grains in charily.

16-18. Evil effects, like loss of position, dangers, poverty, distress, foreign journeys etc., will
be derived in the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Sani, even if Ketu is in his exaltation,
in his own, in a benefic Rasi, or in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Ketu is associated with, or
receives a Drishti from benefics. If Ketu is related to the Lagn's Lord, there will be gain of
wealth and enjoyment and bathing in holy places and visit to a sacred shrine at the
commencement of the Antar Dasha.

19-19V2. Gain of physical strength and courage, religious thoughts, audience with the king
(high dignitaries of government, like president, prime minister, governor, ministers) and all
kinds of enjoyments will be experienced, if Ketu is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in the 3 rd , or 1 1 th
from the Lord of the Dasha.

20-2 IV2. Fear of premature death, coarse food, cold fever, dysentery, wounds, danger from
thieves, separation from wife and children etc., will be the results, if Ketu is in Randhr, or
Vyaya from Lagn, or from the Lord of the Dasha.

22-23. There will be physical distress, if Ketu is in Dhan, or Yuvati. Remedial measure to
obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain enjoyments of life by the beneficence of
Ketu is giving a goat in charity.

24-27 1 / / 2. Effects, like marriage, birth of a son, gain of wealth, sound health, well-being in the
family, acquisition of a kingdom, enjoyments by the beneficence of the king, honours, gain of
clothes, ornaments, conveyance and other desired objects, will be derived in the Antar Dasha
of Sukr in the Dasha of Sani, if Sukr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh, associated with, or
receiving a Drishti from benefics. If during the period of Antar Dasha of Sukr Guru is
favourable in transit, there will be dawn of fortune and growth of property. If Sani is
favourable in transit, there will be Raj Yog effects, or the accomplishment of Yog rites (Yog
Triya Siddhi).

28-29. Distress to wife, loss of position, mental agony, quarrels with close relations etc. will
be the results, if Sukr is in his debilitation Rasi, if Sukr is combust, or, if Sukr is in Ari,
Randhr, or Vyaya.

30-3 IV2. Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king, charities, performance of
religious rites, creation of interest in the study of Shastras, composition of poems, interest in
Vedanta etc., listening to Puranas, happiness from wife and children will be experienced, if
Sukr is in Dharm, Labh, or Kendr from the Lord of the Dasha.

32-34. There will be eye trouble, fevers, loss of good conduct, dental problems, heart disease,
pain in arms, danger from drowning, or falling from a tree, antagonism towards relations with
the officials of government and brothers, if Sukr is in the 6 l , 8* , or 12* from the Lord of the

35-36. There will be physical distress, if Sukr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain enjoyment and good health
is by the beneficence of Goddess Durga and the performance of Durga Saptashati Path and
giving a cow, or a female buffalo in charity.

Il-I&A. Effects, like good relations with one's employer, well-being in the family, happiness
from children, gain of conveyances and cattle etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of
Surya in the Dasha of Sani, if Surya is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or, if Surya is
associated with Dharm' s Lord, or, if Surya is in a Kendr, or Trikon, associated with, or
receiving a Drishti from benefics.

39-41. There will be heart disease, defamation, loss of position, mental agony, separation
from close relatives, obstacles in industrial ventures, fevers, fears, loss of kinsmen, loss of
articles, dear to the person, if Surya is in Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Surya is in the 8 th , or 12 th
from the Lord of the Dasha.

42. There will be physical distress, if Surya is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The worship of
Surya is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects.

43-45. Effects, like gains of conveyance, garments, ornaments, improvement of fortune and
enjoyments, taking care of brothers, happiness in both maternal and paternal homes, increase
in cattle wealth etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Sani, if
Candr is full, in her exaltation, or in her own Rasi, or in a Kendr, or Trikon, or in the 1 1* from
the Dasha Lord, or, if Candr receives a Drishti from benefics.

46-48 1 / / 2. There will be great distress, wrath, separation from parents, ill health of children,
losses in business, irregular meals, administration of medicines, if Candr is waning, if Candr
is associated with, or receives Drishti from malefics, or, if Candr is in his debilitation Rasi, or,
if Candr is in malefic Navahs, or, if Candr is in the Rasi of a malefic Grah. There will,
however, be good effects and some gain of wealth at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.

49-50 1 / / 2. Enjoyment of conveyances and garments, happiness from kinsmen, happiness from
parents, wife, employer etc. will be the results, if Candr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 1 1 th
from the Lord of the Dasha.

51-52. Effects, like sleepiness, lethargy, loss of position, loss of enjoyments, increase in the
number of enemies, antagonism with kinsmen, will be experienced, if Candr is weak and is in
the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

53-54. There will be lethargy and physical distress, if Candr is Dhan', or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and prolongation of longevity
are Havan and giving jaggery, Ghl, rice, mixed with curd, a cow, or a female buffalo in

55-57. Effects, like enjoyments, gain of wealth, reverence from the king, gain of conveyances,
clothes and ornaments, attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army, increase in
agricultural and cattle wealth, construction of a new house, happiness to kinsmen, will be
derived from the very commencement of the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Sani, if
Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or, if Mangal is associated with Lagn's Lord, or
with the Dasha Lord.

58-60. There will be loss of wealth, danger of wounds, danger from thieves, snakes, weapons,
gout and other similar diseases, distress to father and brothers, quarrels with copartners, loss
of kinsmen, coarse food, going away to foreign lands, unnecessary expenditure etc., if Mangal
is in his debilitation Rasi, or combust, or in Randhr, or Vyaya and associated with, or
receiving a Drishti from malefics.

61-62. Great distress, dependence on others and fear of premature death, may be expected, if
Mangal is in Dhan, or, if Mangal is Yuvati's, or Randhr's Lord. The remedial measures to
obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Havan and giving a bull in

63-64. Effects, like quarrels, mental agony, physical distress, agony, antagonism with the
sons, danger from diseases, unnecessary expenditure, discord with close relations, danger
from the government, foreign journeys, loss of house and agricultural lands, will be derived in
the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Sani, if Rahu not be in his house of exaltation, or
any other auspicious position.

65-67. Enjoyment, gains of wealth, increase in agricultural production, devotion to deities and
Brahmins, pilgrimage to holy places, increase in cattle wealth, well-being in the family will be
the results at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, if Rahu is associated with Lagn's Lord,
or a Yog Karak Grah, or, if Rahu is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi, or, if Rahu is in a
Kendr, or Labh from Lagn, or from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be cordiality with the
king and happiness from friends in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha.

68-68V2. There will be acquisition of elephants, opulence and glory, cordial relations with the
king, gains of valuable clothes, if Rahu is in Mesh, Kanya, Kark, Vrishabh, Meen, or Dhanu.

69-70. There will be physical distress, if Rahu is associated with Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord.
The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa and
giving a goat in charity.

71-73 1 /2. Effects, like success all-round, well-being in the family, gain of conveyances,
ornaments and clothes by the beneficence of the king, reverence, devotion to deities and the
preceptor, association with men of learning, happiness from wife and children etc., will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Sani, if Guru is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon,
or, if Guru is associated with Lagn's Lord, or, if Guru is in his own, or in his exaltation Rasi.

74-75 1 /2. Results, like death of the near relations, loss of wealth, antagonism with the
government officials, failure in projects, journeys to foreign lands, affliction with diseases,
like leprosy etc., will be experienced, if Guru is in his debilitation Rasi, or, if Guru is
associated with malefics, or, if Guru is in Ari, Sahaj, or Vyaya.

76-78. There will be opulence and glory, happiness to wife, gains through the king, comforts
of good food and clothes, religious-mindedness, name and fame in the country, interest in
Vedas and Vedanta, performance of religious sacrifices, giving grains etc. in charily, if Guru
is in the 5 th , 9 th , 1 1 th , 2 nd , or Kendr from the Lord of the Dasha.

79-80. Antagonism with kinsmen, mental agony, quarrels, loss of position, losses in ventures,
loss of wealth, as a result of imposition of fines, or penalties by government, imprisonment
distress to wife and son will be the results, if Guru is weak and is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from
the Lord of the Dasha.

81-82. There will be physical distress, agony, death of the native, or any member of the
family, if Guru is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from the
above evil effects are recitation of Shiva Sahasranam and giving gold in charity.

Ch. 58. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Budh

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:12 am
by StarLore
Ch. 58. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Budh

1-3 VI Gain of jewels, like pearls etc., learning, increase in happiness and performance of
pious deeds, success in the educational sphere, acquisition of name and fame, meeting with
new kings, gain of wealth and happiness from wife, children and parents will be the effects in
the Antar Dasha of Budh in his own Dasha, if Budh is placed in his exaltation Rasi, or is
otherwise well placed.

There will be loss of wealth and cattle, antagonism with kinsmen, diseases, like stomach
pains, piety in discharging duties, as a government official, if Budh is in his debilitation Rasi
etc., or, if Budh is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Budh is associated with malefics.

4-5. Distress to wife, death of members of the family, affliction with diseases, like
rheumatism and stomach pains etc. will result, if Budh is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects, is recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

6-8 1 / / 2. Effects, like physical fitness, little gain of wealth, affectionate relations with kinsmen,
increase in cattle wealth, income from industries, success in the educational sphere,
acquisition of name and fame, honours, audience with the king and joining a banquet with
him, comforts of clothes etc., will be experienced, if Ketu is associated with benefics in a
Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Ketu is yuti with Lagn's Lord, or with a Yog Karak. The same will be
the results, if Ketu is in a Kendr, or in the 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

9-11. Fall from a conveyance, distress to son, danger from the king, indulgence in sinful
deeds, danger from scorpions etc., quarrels with the menials, sorrow, diseases and association
with menials etc. will be the results, if Ketu is yuti with malefics in the 8 th , or 12 th from the
Lord of the Dasha.

12. There will be physical distress, if Ketu is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial measure
to obtain relief from the above evil effects, is giving a goat in charity.

13-15/4. Effects, like inclination to perform religious rites, fulfillment of all ambitions
through the help of the king and friends, gains of agricultural lands and happiness etc. will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Budh, if Sukr is in a Kendr, in Labh, in
Putr, or in Dharm. There will be acquisition of a kingdom, gain of wealth and property,
construction of a reservoir, readiness to give charities and to perform religious rites,
extraordinary gain of wealth and gains in business, if Sukr is in a Kendr, in the 5 th , 9 th , or 1 1 th
from the Lord of the Dasha.

16-17V2. Heart disease, defamation, fevers, dysentery, separation from kinsmen, physical
distress Dasha.
distress and agony will result, if Sukr is weak in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord, or the

18-19. There will be fear of premature death, if Sukr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is to recite Mantras of Goddess

20-22. Effects, like dawn of fortune by the beneficence of the king, happiness from friends
etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Budh, if Surya is in his own,
or in his exaltation Rasi, or in a Kendr, or Trikon, or in Dhan, or Labh, or in his exalted, or
own Navahs. There will be acquisition of land, if Surya receives a Drishti from Mangal and
comforts of good food and clothes, if such a Surya receives a Drishti from Lagn's Lord.

23-24. Fear, or danger from thieves, fire and weapons, bilious troubles, headaches, mental
agony and separation from friends etc. will be the results, if Surya is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya
from Lagn, or from the Lord of the Dasha and, if Surya is weak and associated with Sani,
Mangal and Rahu.

25. There will be fear of premature death, if Surya is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Worship of
Surya is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects.

26-27. The Yog becomes very strong for beneficial effects, if in the Antar Dasha of Candr in
the Dasha of Budh Candr is in a Kendr, or Trikon from Lagn, or, if Candr is in her exaltation,
or in her own Rasi, associated with, or receiving a Drishti from Guru, or, if Candr is a Yog
Karak herself. Then there will be marriage, birth of a son and gain of clothes and ornaments.

28-29 1 / / 2. In the circumstances, mentioned above, there will also be construction of a new
house, availability of sweetish preparations, enjoyment of music, study of Shastras, journey to
the South, gains of clothes from beyond the seas, gain of gems, like pearls etc.

30-3 P/4. There will be physical distress, if Candr is in her debilitation, or in an enemy's Rasi.
If Candr is in a Kendr, Trikon, in the 3 r , or 1 \ x from the Lord of the Dasha, there will be at
the commencement of the Antar Dasha visits to sacred shrines, patience, enthusiasm and gains
of wealth from foreign countries.

32-33. Danger from the king, fire and thieves, defamation, or disgrace and loss of wealth on
account of wife, destruction of agricultural lands and cattle etc. will be the results, if Candr is
weak and is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

34-35. There will be physical distress, if Candr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. There will be
relief, prolongation of longevity and restoration of comforts by the beneficence of Goddess
Durga, if the Mantras of the Goddess are recited in the prescribed manner and clothes are
given in charity.

36-38Vi Effects, like well-being and enjoyments in the family by the beneficence of the king,
increase in property, recovery of a lost kingdom etc., birth of a son, satisfaction, acquisition of
cattle, conveyances and agricultural lands, happiness from wife etc., will be derived in the
Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Budh, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi,
in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Mangal is asociated with Lagn's Lord.

39-40V2. Physical distress, mental agony, obstacles in industrial ventures, loss of wealth, gout,
distress from wounds and danger from weapons and fever etc. will be the results, if Mangal be
associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics in Randhr, or in Vyaya.

41-42. There will be gain of wealth, physical felicity, birth of a son, good reputation,
affectionate relations etc. with kinsmen etc., if Mangal recieves a Drishti from benefics in a
Kendr, Trikon, or in the 1 l l from the Lord of the Dasha.

43-44 1 / / 2. If Mangal be associated with malefics in the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha,
there will be distress, danger from kinsmen, wrath of the king and fire, antagonism with the
son, loss of position at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, enjoyments and gains of
wealth in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha, danger from the king and loss of position at
the end of the Antar Dasha.

45-46. There will be fear of premature death, if Mangal is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measures to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Mrityunjaya
Japa and giving a cow in charily.

47-49. Effects, like reverence from the king, good reputation, gain of wealth, visits to sacred
shrines, performance of religious sacrifices and oblations, recognition, gain of clothes etc., are
derived in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Budh, if Rahu is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or,
if Rahu is in Mesh, Kumbh, Kanya, or Vrishabh. There will be some evil effects at the
commencement of the Antar Dasha, but all will be well later.

51. There will be an opportunity to have conversation, or a meeting with the king, if Rahu is
in Sahaj, Randhr, Karm, or Labh. In this position, if Rahu be associated with a benefic, there
will be a visit to a new king.

52-53. Pressure of hard work, as a government functionary, loss of position, fears,
imprisonment, diseases, agony to self and kinsmen, heart disease, loss of reputation and
wealth, will be the results, if Rahu is associated with a malefic, or malefics in the 8 th , or 12 th
from the Lord of the Dasha.

54-55. There will be fear of premature death, if Rahu is in Dhan, or in Ari. The remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are recitation of Mantras of Goddess
Durga and Goddess Lakshmi in the prescribed manner and giving a tawny-coloured cow, or
female buffalo in charily.

Se-SS 1 /^. Effects, like physical felicity, gain of wealth, beneficence of the king, celebration of
auspicious functions, like marriage etc., at home, availability of sweetish preparations,
increase in cattle wealth, attending discourses on Puranas etc., devotion to deities and the
preceptor, interest in religion, charities etc., worship of Lord Shiva etc., will be derived in the
Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Budh, if Guru is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh, or, if
Guru is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi.

59-61. Discord with king and kinsmen, danger from thieves etc., death of parents, disgrace,
punishment from government, loss of wealth, danger from snakes and poison, fever, losses in
agricultural production, loss of lands etc., will be the results, if Guru is in his debilitation Rasi,
is combust, or is in Ari, Randhr, or in Vyaya, or, if Guru is associated with, or receives a
Drishti from Sani and Mangal.

62-63 V2. There will be happiness from kinsmen and from one's son, enthusiasm, increase in
wealth and name and fame, giving grains etc. in charity, if Guru is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in
the 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha and, if Guru is endowed with strength.

64-64 ! /2. Agony, anxiety, danger from diseases, antagonism with wife and kinsmen, wrath of
the king, quarrels, loss of wealth, danger from Brahmins will be the results, if Guru is weak
and, if Guru is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

65-66. There will be physical distress, if Guru is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord, or, if Guru is in
Dhan, or Yuvati. The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are
recitation of Shiva Sahasranam and giving a cow and gold in charily.

67-68 1 /2. Effects, like well-being in the family, acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm, increase
in cattle wealth, gain of a position, visits to sacred shrines etc., will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Budh, if Sani is in his exaltation, his in his own Rasi, or in a
Kendr, or Trikon, or in Labh.

69-70V2. Danger from enemies, distress to wife and children, loss of thinking power, loss of
kinsmen, loss in ventures, mental agony, journeys to foreign lands and bad dreams will be the
results, if Sani is in the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

71-72. There will be fear of premature death, if Sani is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain sound health are
performance of Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a black cow and female buffalo in charity.

Ch. 59. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Ketu

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:12 am
by StarLore
Ch. 59. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Ketu

I-2V2. Effects, like happiness from wife and children, recognition from the king, but mental
agony, gain of land, village etc. will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Ketu in his own Dasha,
if Ketu is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Ketu is related to Dharm's, Karm's, or Bandhu's Lord.

3-4. Heart disease, defamation, destruction of wealth and cattle, distress to wife and children,
instability of mind etc. will we be the results, if Ketu is in his debilitation Rasi and, if Ketu is
in Randhr, or Vyaya along with a combust Grah.

5-6. There will be danger from diseases, great distress and separation from kinsmen, if Ketu is
related to Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord, or, if Ketu is in Dhan, or Yuvati. The remedial measures
to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Durga Saptashati Japa and
Mrityunjaya Japa.

7-9V2. Effects, like beneficence from the king, good fortune, gain of clothes etc., recovery of
lost kingdom, comforts of conveyances etc., visits to sacred shrines and gain of lands and
villages by the beneficence of the king, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sukr in the
Dasha of Ketu, if Sukr is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or, if Sukr is associated with
Karm's Lord in a Kendr, or Trikon and there will be dawn of fortune, if in such position he is
associated with Dharm's Lord also.

10-11. Sound health, well-being in the family and gains of good food and conveyances etc.
will be Dasha.
will be the results, if Sukr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 3 r , or 1 \ x from the Lord of the

12-14. There will be quarrels without any cause, loss of wealth, distress to cattle, if Sukr is in
the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. If Sukr is in his debilitation Rasi, or, if Sukr is
associated with a debilitated Grah, or, if Sukr is in Ari, or Randhr, there will be quarrels with
kinsmen, headaches, eye troubles, heart disease, defamation, loss of wealth and distress to
cattle and wife.

15. Physical distress and mental agony will be caused, if Sukr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord.
The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Durga
Path and giving a tawny-coloured cow, or female buffalo in charity.

16-17. The effects, like gains of wealth, beneficence of the king, performance of pious deeds
and fulfillment of all ambitions, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha
Ketu, if Surya is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or, if Surya is associated with, or receives a
Drishti from a benefic in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh.

18-19Vi Danger from the king, separation from parents, journeys to foreign lands, distress
from thieves, snakes and poison, punishment by government, antagonism with the friends,
sorrows, danger from fever etc. will be the results, if Surya is associated with a malefic, or
malefics in Randhr, or in Vyaya.

20-21. There will be physical fitness, gain of wealth, or the birth of a son, success in
performance of pious deeds, headship of a small village etc., if Surya is in a Kendr, Trikon, in
the 2 nd , or 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

22-24. Obstacles in availability of food, fears and loss of wealth and cattle will be the results,
if Surya is associated with evil Grahas in the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. There
will be distress at the commencement of the Antar Dasha with some mitigation at its end.
There will be fear of premature death, if Surya is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain comforts by the beneficence
of Surya is to give a cow and gold in charity.

25-28. Effects, like recognition from the king, enthusiasm, well-being, enjoyments,
acquisition of a house, lands etc., abnormal gains of food, clothes, conveyances, cattle etc.,
success in business, construction of reservoirs etc. and happiness to wife and children, will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Ketu, if Candr is in her exaltation, in her
own Rasi, in a Kendr, Trikon, in Labh, or in Dhan. The beneficial results will be realized
fully, if Candr is waxing.

29-30. Unhappiness and mental agony, obstacles in ventures, separation from parents, losses
in business, destruction of cattle etc. will be caused, if Candr is in her debilitation Rasi, or in
Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

31-33. There will be the acquisition of a cow, or cows, land, agricultural lands, meeting
kinsmen and the achievement of success through them, increase in cows milk and curd, if
Candr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha and, if Candr is
endowed with strength. There will be auspicious results at the commencement of the Antar
Dasha, cordial relations with the king in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha and danger
from the king, foreign journey, or journeys to distant places at its end.

34-36. Loss of wealth, anxiety, enmity with kinsmen and distress to brother, will be the
results, if Candr is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. If Candr is Dhan's,
Yuvati's, or Randhr' s Lord, there will be fear of premature death. The remedial measures to
obtain relief from the above effects are recitation of Mantras of Candr and giving in charity
things, connected with Candr.

37-39. Effects, like acquisition of land, village etc., increase in wealth and cattle, laying out of
a new garden, gain of wealth by the beneficence of the king, will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Ketu, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, if
Mangal is associated with, or, receives a Drishti from benefics. If Mangal is related to
Dharm's, or Karm's Lord, there will definitely be gain of land and enjoyment.

40. There will be recognition from the king, great popularity and reputation and happiness
from children of the Dasha.
from children and friends, if Mangal is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 3 r , or 1 l l from the Lord

41-42. There will be fear of death/disaster during a foreign journey, diabetes, unnecessary
troubles, danger from thieves and the king and quarrels, if Mangal is in the 8 th , 12 th , or 2 nd
from the Lord of the Dasha. In the above circumstances amidst evil effects there will be some
auspicious effects also.

43-44. High fever, danger from poison, distress to wife, mental agony and fear of premature
death will be the results, if Mangal is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. By the beneficence of Mangal
there will be enjoyment and gain of property, if, as a remedial measure, a bull is given in

45-47. Effects, like increase of wealth and gain of wealth, grains, cattle, lands, village from a
Yavan king, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Ketu, if Rahu is in his
exaltation, his own, in a friends Rasi, or in a Kendr, or Trikon, or in Labh, or Sahaj, or Dhan.
There will be some trouble at the commencement of the Dasha, but all will be well later.

48-50. Frequent urination, weakness in the body, cold fever, danger from thieves, intermittent
fever, opprobrium, quarrels, diabetes, pain in stomach will be the results, if Rahu is associated
with a malefic in Randhr, or in Vyaya. There will be distress and danger, if Rahu is in Dhan,
or in Yuvati. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is Durga
Saptashati Path.

51-54. Effects, like increase in wealth and grains, beneficence of the king, enthusiasm, gain of
conveyances etc., celebration, like birth of a son at home, performance of pious deeds,
Yagyas, conquest of the enemy and enjoyments, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Guru in
the Dasha of Ketu, if Guru is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or is associated with Lagn's,
Dharm's, or Karm's Lord in a Kendr, or Trikon.

55-56. Danger from thieves, snakes and wounds, destruction of wealth, separation from wife
and children, physical distress etc. will be the results, if Guru is in his debilitation Rasi, or in
Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya. Though some good effects may be felt at the commencement of the
Antar Dasha, there will be only adverse results later.

57-5SV2. There will be gains of many varieties of garments, ornaments by the beneficence of
the king, foreign journeys, taking care of kinsmen, availability of decent food, if Guru is
associated with a benefic in a Kendr, Trikon, in the 3 rd , or 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

59-60. Fear of premature death will be caused, if Guru is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa and
recitation of Shiva Sahasranama.

6I-62V2. Effects, like distress to oneself and one's kinsmen, agony, increase in cattle wealth,
loss of wealth, as a result of imposition of fines by government, resignation from the existing
post, journeys to foreign lands and danger of thieves during travelling, will be derived in the
Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Ketu, if Sani is deprived of strength and dignity. There
will be loss of wealth and lethargy, if Sani is in Randhr, or Vyaya.

63-65. Success in all ventures, happiness from the employer, comforts during journeys,
increase in happiness and property in ones own village, audience with the king etc. will be the
results, if Sani is in a Trikon in Meen, in Tula, in his own Rasi, or, if Sani is in an auspicious
Navahs, or is associated with a benefic in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Sahaj. (According to Brihat
Jatak, Sani in Tula, Meen, Dhanu, Makar and Kumbh in Lagn gives Raj Yog).

67-68. There will be physical distress, agony, obstacles in ventures, lethargy, defamation,
death of parents, if Sani is associated with a malefic, in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of
the Dasha. Fear of premature death may be expected, if Sani is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Havan with
sesame seeds (Til) and giving a black cow, or female buffalo in charity.

69-71. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, enjoyments, charities, gain of wealth and land,
birth of a son, celebration of religious functions and functions, like marriage suddenly, well-
being in the family, gain of clothes, ornaments etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of
Budh in the Dasha of Ketu, if Budh is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Budh is in his exaltation, or
in his own Rasi.

72. There will be association with men of learning, dawn of fortune and listening to religious
discourses, if Budh is associated with Dharm's, or Karm's Lord.

73-74 V2. Antagonism with government officials, residing in other people's houses, destruction
of wealth, clothes, conveyances and cattle will be the results, if Budh is associated with Sani,
Mangal, or Rahu in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya. There will be some beneficial effects at the
commencement of the Dasha, still better results in the middle, but inauspicious at the end.

75-76. There will be good health, happiness from one's son, opulence and glory, availability
of good food and clothes and abnormal profits in business, if Budh is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in
the 1 1* from the Lord of the Dasha.

77-79. Distress, unhappiness and troubles to wife and children and danger from the king may
be expected at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, if Budh is weak in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th
from the Lord of the Dasha. There will, however, be visits to sacred places in the middle of
the Dasha. Fear of premature death will be caused, if Budh is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The
remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is recitation of Vishnu