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Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 9

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:21 am
by StarLore
Chapter 9

Effects of different Ascendants

1. If the Ascendant falls in Aries, the native will have round eyes. His knees
will be weak and he will have aggressive temperament but he will be afraid of
water. He will be active and will always be moving about. His limbs will be
bruised. He will eat sparigly and will be passionate. He will speak falsehoods.

2. The person born with Taurus as the Ascendant, will have plumply thighs
and a big face. He will be engaged in agricultural ventures. He will be happy in the
middle and last portions of his life. He will be fond of enjoying young women. He
will be of sacrificing and forgiving nature, will be capable of endowing hardships
and will possess cattle. He will have marks or moles on the back, face and sides.

3. When the Ascedant is Gemini, the native will have balck eyes and curly
hair. He will enjoy association with women and will have thick neck and many
friends. He will be intelligent and mind reader. His nose will be elevated and he
will be fond of music and dancing. He will like to remain indoors.

4. Person with Cancer as the Ascendant will be henpacked. He will have a
thick neck and will be fond of making friendships. He will possess many houses
and will be wealthy. His waist will be thick but he will be short statured. He will be
intelligent and fond of watery sports like swimming etc. He will walk fast and will
have few sons. He will be crooked.

5. A person whose Ascendant is Leo will have reddish eyes, large chin and
broad face. He will be arrogant, Powerful valiant, firm minded and obedient to his
mother. He will be fond of roaming about in forests and hills. He will get angry on

6. The person born with Virgo as the Ascendant, will be truthful and will
speak kindly. His eyes will be full of bashfulness and will be immediately liked by
others. He will be well versed in Shastras and will take advantage of other people's
houses and wealth. His arms and shoulders will be drooped and will possess few

7. If the Ascendant be Libra, the person born will rever gods, and Brahmins
but he will be active and will possess a lean and thin body. He will be tall in
stature, deft in trading, patient and intent on being first. He will often have two
names. He will have few children and he will be fond of wandering. He will be
brave, merciless and impartial In his arguments.

8. The person with Scorpio Ascendant at birth, will have rounded thighs and
knees. His chest will be broad and eyes expansive. He will suffer from diseases
from an early age. He will beseperated from his parents and preceptor. He will
indulge In cruel actions and will be honoured by the king. His feet will bear marks
of lotus.

9. The person with Sagittarius Ascendant at birth — His face and neck will
be long and his nose and ears will be big. He will always keep himself engaged in
some work or the other. He will be eloquent in speech and self sacrificing. He will
have a short stature. He will be courageous and will overcome his enemies. He will
be wealthy and favourite of the king. He can be won over by persuation and

10. When Capricorn is the Ascendant at birth, his lower limbs will be weak.
He will have vitality. He will accept other people's advice but will be lazy by
nature. He will indulge in affairs with old women of the forbidden category. He
will be a religious hypocrite. He will be fond of wandering. He will be fortunate
but shameless. He will suffer from wind-diseases.

11. The person at whose birth Aquarius is the Ascendant, will commit sinful
actions secretly. He will have little wealth, will be greedy and eager to usurp or
utilise other people's money. He will endure long marches on road and will be
clever in causing hurt to others. He will have a body like a water pot. He will be
fond of perfumes and flowers. His financial position will be of a fluctuating nature.
12. The Pisces ascendant native will have a beautiful and symmetrical body.
His eyes will be very attractive. He will be learned, grateful, satisfied with his wife
and fortune. He will have financial gains from selling produce of the seas. He will
overcome his enemies.

13. After examining the native place, form, colour etc., of any particular
sign, its effects should be judiciously assessed. Whatever have been declared the
effects arising out of a particular Ascendant, the same should also be said to come
to pass, if the sign happens to be occupied by the Moon.

14. If at a birth a planet be in his sign of exaltation, the person concerned
will become a ruler of the Earth and will receive praises from the kings. He will
possess valuable treasures. He will be equipped with excellent qualities and will
shine like king Vikramaditya in his administrative policies, fame, valour
generosity, courage and dexterity.
Notes - Our view is that with exaltation of one planet in a birth chart, the
native cannot shine like king Vikramaditya or become a ruler of the Earth. The
planet in exaltation to give extraordinarily good effect should be placed in an
auspicious house saved from any malefic influence and supported by other helpful
planetary combinations and dispositions.
In this horoscope Sun lord of the 11th is exalted in the 7th house. He is
associated with Mercury and Venus and aspected by Jupiter who is posited in his
own. The Moon the lord of the 10th is in his own house. According to verse 14, the
native should be more than a ruler of the Earth, but he happens an ordinary person
belonging to middle class. The reason for this is that the exalted Sun is placed
between malefics (Mars and Rahu on one side and Saturn on the other). According
to Parasara Sun being lord of the 11th is a papi. According to Jataka Parijata Sun
being lord of 11th is Badhaka.
Jup L Ketu
He is aspected by Sun lord of the 3rd and the 6th. Therefore the Sun is deprived of
auspiciousness. Although the Moon lord of the 10th is in his own sign, she is
aspected by Saturn from the 8th house. Thus no good can be expected from the
Moon. For these reasons the native could not become a great men equal to a king.
Ven Ketu
Sat Mars
This is the horoscope of Abraham Lincoln former President of the United
States of America. He was a great man, very learned and a political leader with all
the name and fame one can achieve. He held the most powerful position of the
Head of State of the United States of American. In his horoscope Venus lord of the
4th and 9th (a yoga karaka) is exalted in the 2nd and is associated with Jupiter lord
of the 2nd and the 11th in his own house (2nd). There is no malefic aspect on them.
Lord of lagna Saturn is in the 10th with evil aspect or influence on him. These
planetary combinations and dispositions made him such great and powerful man.

15. Should a planet occupy his own sign in a birthchart, the native will
during the dasa of such a planet acquire power and strength through the
beneficience of a wealthy and high dignitary and he will himself achieve that
status. He will remain in his residence, acquire a new house and lands capable of
producing every kind of crops. He will receive reverence from the people and may
even get back his lost articles.

16. When a planet happens to be in the house of a friend at birth, the person
concerned will achieve success through the help of his friends in all his ventures.
His new friends will be blessed with good sons, wealth, grains and other fortunes
and will get full support and cooperation from the people.

17. If a planet gets posited in an inimical sign, the person born will have an
evil bent of mind. He will live in other people's houses and will eat their food. He
will be without any means of livelihood and will be oppressed by enemies. Even
his friends will become his enemies in the dasa of such a planet.

18. If a planet occupies his sign of debilitation in a nativity, the person
concerned will, during the dasa of such a planet, be demoted from his position, will
suffer actions, will become indebted and will depend on support of low people. He
will live in insanitary auditions, will perform menial tasks, will walk long distances
on foot and will do disastrous acts.

19. If a planet be combust (eclipsed by the Sun's rays), the native will during
his Dasa, will die within a short period. His wife, children as well as his wealth
will also be destroyed. He involved in quarrels without cause or reason and suffer
from the others. He will also be insulted by others.
A planet posited in a netural sign will not produce any significant effect and
maintain status quo.

20. When a planet happens to be retrograde in motion, he will produce the
same effect as if he is posited in exaltation sign, even if he may be in his enemy's
sign or in the sign of his debilitation. A planet who is vargottama produces effects
as if he is in his own sign.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 10

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:22 am
by StarLore
Chapter 10

Matters relating to the 7th House

1. The 5th and 7th houses from the lagna or the Moon be flourished if they
are associated with or aspected by benefics or their lords, if it is not so, they will
not be fruitful.
If there be malefics in the 12th, 4th and 8th houses or if Venus be hemmed in
between two malefics or if Venus be associated or aspected by malefics the native
will lose his wife (his wife will die).

2. If the lord of the 7th house occupies the 5th, the native will lose his wife
or he will become sonless. If the lord of the 5th or the 8th be in the 7th, the wife of
the native does not survive. If the weak Moon be in the 5th and the malefics
occupy the Ascendant, 7th and 12th houses the person concerned will be without
wife and children. If the Sun and Rahu occupy the 7th house, the native will suffer
loss of wealth through association with women.

3. The native loses his wife if there are any of the following disposition of
planets present at brith:—
(a) Venus in Scorpio in the 7th house.
(b) Mercury in Taurus in the 7th house.
(c) Jupiter in Capricorn in the 7th house.
(d) Saturn in Pisces in the 7th house.
(e) Mars in Pisces in the 7th house.
However, if Mars and Saturn occupy the 7th house identical with Cancer the
native will be blessed with a wife who is beautiful and of good character.

4. The native is deprived of his wife if the 7th house or its lord be associated
with or aspected by malefics, hemmed in beetween malefics, be in his sign of
debilition or an inimical sign or be eclipsed by the Sun's rays.
The native will lose his wife or will have a crippled wife, when Venus in
conjunction with malefic occupies the 7th, 5th or 9th house.
The native will have illicit relations with other people's wives if Venus be in
the Varga of Mars or Saturn or be aspected by these planets.

5. If Mars and Saturn be in the 7th from the Venus and Moon in any nativity,
the person concerned will be wifeless and childless.
If there be a hermaphrodite planet in the 7th house, and the 11th house is
occupied by two planets, the person concerned will have two wives.
A person will have two wives in the event of both the lord of the 7th and
Venus being posited in a dual sign or amsa.
The number of wives should be generally ascertained from the number of
planets that are in conjunction with the lord of 7th house and Venus.

6. The native will associate with as many women as is the number of planets
posited in the 7th house. The number of women, who will die, will be equal to the
number of malefics, and the number of benefics will represent the number of
women who will survive.
Should the lord of the 7th house be a benefic endowed will strength, the
native will have a wife who will be of good character and will bear children.
Even a malefic if he being lord of 7th be posited in the 7th will bless the
native with a good wife.
Benefics in the 7th house will produce good effects unless they happen to be
lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th house.

7. Loss of wife will result if the 2nd and 7th houses are associated with or
aspected by malefics. The result will invariably be untoward in the case of malefic
Similar results may be declared from the wife's nativity if the 7th and 8th
houses are similarly afflicted.
But should the above two houses be associated with or aspected by benefics,
the couple will enjoy good luck and comforts.

8. If in a female's birth chart, the Moon and Saturn be together in the 7th
house, the native marries again (after the first marriage).
If there be such a planetary disposition in man's nativity, he will be wifeless
or childless.
If malefics in their signs of debilitation be posited in the 2nd, 7th and 8th, in
female's nativity the disposition will make her a widow and in a man's chart, it will
render him a widower.

9. If the 7th house from the Ascendant be an even sign and the lord of the
7th and Venus be also posited in even signs, and if the lord of the 5th and 7th
possessed of strength be not eclisped by Sun's rays, the native will be blessed with
wife and children.

10. The native will be happy and will be blessed with wife and children, if
the lords of the 2nd, 7th and 12th be posited in kendra or trikona aspected by
Jupiter and there be benefics in the 2nd, 7th and 11th to the lord of the 7th
wherever he may be.

11. Note the sign and navamsa in male s nativity. The signs in which the
lords of the ascendant and 7th are posited, the Janma Rashi (Moon sign) of the
wife will be triangular to such sign or navamsa, or it may be the exaltation or
depression sign of the lords of the 1st and 7th or it be that sign which contains the
largest number of benefic dots in the Moon's Ashtakavarga of the husband.

12. The direction of the country of the wife will be indicated by the sign
owned by the strongest of the three planets, namely (1) the planet posited in the 7th
house, (2) the lord of the 7th house and (3) Venus.
The marriage of the native should take place when the Venus or the lord of
the 7th transits through a sign which is trine to the sign or navamsa occupied by the
lord of the ascendant.

13. The marriage is likely to take place during the dasha of the planet (1)
occupying the 7th house, (2) which aspects the 7th house or (3) the lord of the 7th
house. It can also take place when the lord of the ascendant transits through the
sign representing the 7th house.

14. Find out who amongst (1) the lord of the sign in which lord of the 7th is
posited and the lord of the navamsa which the lord of the 7th occupies and (2)
Venus and Moon, is stronger. The marriage will take place in the dasha of this
stronger planet when Jupiter in transit passes through the sign triangular to the sign
or navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th.

15. If the lord of the 7th be posited in his sign of debilitation, be in an
inimical sign, be combust or be aspected by a malefic and the 7th house be
occupied or aspected by a malefic, there will be loss of wife. So say the men well
versed in the science of Astrology.
Thus ends the tenth chapter on "Kalatra Bhava" in Phaladeepika composed
by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 11

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:26 am
by StarLore
Chapter 11

Female Horoscopy

1. Whatever effects have been declared for men, they are entirely appicable
to women too, or to their husbands. The woman's prosperity and happiness have to
be deducted from the 8th house (from the Lagna or the Moon whichever is
stronger). Consideration of children should be made from the 9th house and
matters relating to her appearance, looks etc., should be examined from the Langa.
It is from the 7th house that her welfare (power of influencing the husband) and the
(nature of the husband) should be assessed, while her association with other men
and chastity should be assessed from an examination of the 4th house. Benefics in
these houses produce good results while malefics in the above houses are
productive of evil unless they happen to own the house in which the effect will be
Notes — This is a very important verse of this chapter. It will, therefore, be
useful for the readers to know what other authorities have said in this regard.
From the 8th house her widowhood can be deducted while the ascendant
deals with her physique, the 7th house with her husband's good fortunes and the
5th house with her offspring.
Brihat Jataka
Of the effects that have been described till now in the case of male
horoscopes, all those that may be found in (female horoscope) suitable to females
should be declared as applicable to them alone; the rest should be ascribed to their
husbands. Hie death of the husband is to be declared through the 8th place (from
the Langa or the Moon whichever is stronger). Matters relating to her appearance,
beauty etc., should be determined from the Lagna and the sign occupied by the
Moon. It is from the 7th place (from the Lagna or the Moon whichever is stronger)
that her welfare (happiness) and the (nature of the husband) should be assertained.
Jataka Parijata
Whatever effect may accrue from the horoscope of female that is applicable
only to men, should be ascribed to the husband. The good and evil affecting their
person should be calculated from the Moon and the Lagna whichever of them is
stronger. It is from the 7th place from the Lagna or the Moon that all that is worthy
or unworthy in the husband should be ascertained and the death of the husband is
foretold through the 8th bhava (from the Lagna or the Moon). All this should be
well weighted by the strength or weakness of the planets, benefic and malefic,
before an announcement is made.
Of the Lagna and the Moon, find which is stronger. It is well reference to the
luck, beauty and strenght of women should be announced. Children and wealth in
abundance should be declared through the 9th bhava therefrom. Wedded happiness
or otherwise should be gathered from the 8th bhava; husband's fortune from the
7th. Some astrologers opine that the well being or the reverse of the husband can
be determined from the 9th bhava.
Some hold that widowhood is found out through the 8th bhava. Beauty, fame
and fortune through the Lagna, the son through the 5th, ascertain as well exceeding
tranquility of women through the planets occupying the 9th bhava. All else
whether due to the bhavas or yogas are the same in regard to both men and women.
Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra
The physique of the woman should be ascertained from the Lagna, offspring
from the 5th, happiness of the husband from the 7th and widowhood from 6th.
Those effects which are not applicable to women should be ascertained to their
We would like to comment on two of the various matters described above.
(1) Whether the effects not applicable to women should be ascertained to
their husbands.
(2) From which house should we examine matters relating to children.
As regards (1) the time have now completely changed and women now
enjoy equal opportunities in all fields. Now women are holding high posts in the
scientific, engineering, financial and administrative spheres. We are, therefore, of
the view that the effects of Raja Yogas, Adhiyogas, etc., present in their horoscopes
should be aplicable to them and not to their husbands. They can apply to husbands
in case they are entirely dependent on them.
As regards (2) the most appropriate and logical house from which the matter
of children should be examined, is the 5th house and in this sphere no distinction
should be made between male's and female's horoscope. The view of Parasara as
given in the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra should be treated as the most
authoritative. Birhat Jataka is silent about this which means that it makes no
differentiation between a male's horoscope and female's horoscope about this
matter. Saravali has followed the view expressed in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra.

2. If in a female's nativity both the Ascendant and the Moon are in even
signs and be aspected by benefics, the native will be blessed with good sons and
husband will be of good character and will wear ornaments. She will be prosperous
and will possess praiseworthy qualities. If, however, both the Ascendant and the
Moon be in odd signs and be aspected by malefics, the woman concerned will be
masculine in bearing, of wicked disposition, beyond the control of the husband,
insincere, wrathful and poor.

3. If the 7th house or the setting navamsa be owned by a benefic, the woman
born will be blessed with a husband who will be handsome, well reputed, learned
and wealthy. If it be otherwise, the husband will be deformed, stupid, deceitful and
poor and the native will be separated from her husband. If Mars be posited there,
she will become a widow, both benefics and malefics occupy the 7th house, she
will remarry. If there be a malefic or malefics in the 8th house, she will get a
shortlived husband. If the 2nd house is occupied by malefics, the native dies with
her husband.
Note-it is believed that if the mischief of Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and the
Sun be similar in the horoscopes of both husband and wife, they are not harmed in
any way.

4. If in a female's nativity, the Moon is in Taurus, Leo, Virgo or Scorpio
identical with the 5th house, the native will have a limited number of Issues. If the
7th house or the setting navamsa belongs to Saturn, Mars or the Sun, the native
will have a diseased sexual organ. If the 4th house be occupied by malefic planets,
the native will be unchaste.
If the Ascendant, "the Moon and Venus beta a sign or navamsa of Saturn or
Mars, the native will become a prostitute.

5. If the 7th house or the setting navamsa belongs to be benefic, the female
born, will have beautiful hips and will be very fortunate.
If the Moon, the Ascendant and the 4th house be connected with benefics
(by conjunction, lordship or aspects), the woman concerned will be chaste and will
possess excellent qualities.
If benefics be posited in trikonas, the native will be happy, will be blessed
with sons (children), full of good qualities and wealthy. If there be malefics in the
above mentioned houses, she will either be barren or she will give birth to still
born children.

6-8. Find out which of the Moon and the Lagna is stronger. The one which is
stronger if (i) in Aries or Scorpio and in the trimsamsa of Mars the woman
concerned will be ill-behaved. If it be in the trimsamsa of Saturn she will be maid
servant. If it be in trimsamsa of Jupiter she will be cultured and wealthy. If it be in
the trimsamsa of Mercury, she will be deceitful and if it be in the trimsamsa of
Venus she will be of bad character.
If the Moon or Lagna. whichever is stronger, is in Taurus or Libra in the
trimsamsa of Mars, the woman concerned will be of bad character, in the
trimsamsa of Saturn she will resort to another husband, in the trimsamsa of Jupiter,
she will be respected, in the trimsamsa of Mercury, she will be learned and in the
trisamsa of Venus she will be famous.
If the Moon or the Lagna, whichever is stronger, be in Gemini or Virgo, in
the trimsamsa of Mars she will be deceitful, in the trimsamsa of Saturn she will be
eunuch, in the trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will be chaste, in the trimsamsa of
Mercury she will be full of good qualities and in the trimsamsa of Venus she will
be repining.
If the Moon or Lagna, whichever is stronger, be in Cancer, in the trimsamsa
of Mars she will be self willed and uncontrolled, in the trimsamsa of Saturn she
will kill her husband, in the trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will be endowed with
distinguished qualities, in the trimsamsa of Mercury, she will be skilled in arts and
in the trimsamsa of Venus, she will be full of virtues.
If the Moon or the Lagna, whichever is stronger, be in Sagittarius or Pisces
in the trimsamsa of Mars, she will be maid servant, in the trimsamsa of Saturn she
will be enamoured of persons other than her husband. In the trimsamsa of Jupiter
she will possess many good qualities, in the trimsamsa of Saturn she will have
little desire for sexual intercourse, in the trimsamsa of Jupiter, she will be endowed
with many good qualities, in the trimsamsa of Mercury she will be skilled in the
arts, and in the trimsamsa of Venus she will be very chaste.
If the Moon or the Lagna, whichever is stronger, be in the Capricorn or
Aquarius, in the trimsamsa of Mars, she will be a maid servant; in the trimsamsa of
Saturn, she will be enamoured of persons other than her husband; in the trimsamsa
of Jupiter, she will keep her husband under her control; in the trimsamsa of
Mercury she will be unchaste and in the trimsamsa of Venus she will be issueless
and poor.
If the Moon or the Lagna, whichever is stronger, be in Leo, in the trimsamsa
of Mars she will be a wicked wife; in the trimsamsa of Saturn she will be without
any character; in the trimsamsa of Jupiter she will be wife of king or landlord; in
the trimsamsa of Mercury she will be masculine in her behaviour and in the
trimsamsa of Venus she will have attachment for a person other than her husband.

9. The elder brother of the husband, the mother-in-law, father-in-law and
younger brother will die (soon after the marriage), if the girl is born in Jyestha,
Ashlesha, Moola and Vishakha nakshatras respectively.
The girls born in Chitra, Ardra, Satabhisha, Jyestha, Moola, Kritika or
Pushyami nakshatras will become, barrens, widows, mothers whose children do
not survive, cast away by husbands or poor.

10. If the Moon, lords of the Ascendant, the 7th and the 9th house associated
with benefics be posited In good houses and be of brilliant rays (not eclipsed), the
woman concerned will be held in high esteem by her relations. She will do many
good deeds, will be very pretty and be prosperous. She will please her husband,
bear good sons and be virtuous in her disposition, the period of this happy life with
depending on the strength derived by the eighth house from benefics through
association or aspect.

11. If a woman's menses commences when the Moon is in an Anupachaya
house (1, 2. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12) and is aspected by Mars, they (menses) become
favourable to conception and not otherwise.
The husband should sow the seed when the Moon occupies an Upachaya
house (3, 6, 10, 11) in respect of the female's nativity and is aspected by Jupiter.
This is to be done at an auspicious Lagna with many good points in its favour and
unconnected with (Parva) and other objectionable period of time.
Thus ends the eleventh chapter on "Women Horoscopy" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 12

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:28 am
by StarLore
Chapter 12

Matters relating to the birth of Children
(The 5th house)

1. The native will assuredly be blessed with children as an effect of any of
the following planetary dispositions:
(1) If Jupiter and lords of the 5th with reference to the Lagna and the Moon
be well placed and the 5th house has the aspect of a benefic planet or a planet
owning an auspicious house (i.e. other than the 6th. 8th or 12th). or
(2) If the lords of the Lagna and the 5th house are placed together in a house
or have mutual benefic aspect and have interchanged positions amongst

2. The native will have no issue in the following circum stances:
(1) When the 5th house reclined from Lagna, the Moon and Jupiter are
associated with or aspected by malefics without any benefic association or aspect.
(2) When the above houses are hemmed in between malefics.
(3) When the lords of these houses are in 6th, 8th or 12th.

3. If a malefic lord of the 5th house, occupies it. the native will be blessed
with children.
When the 5th house is occupied by a malefic, the person concerned will
have sons in plenty.
If a benefic lord of the 5th house occupies his own house or be in his sign of
exaltation in that house, there will be loss of children.
The signs Scorpio, Leo and Virgo when they represent the 5th house are
termed as childless signs and will give a limited number of children and that also
after a long interval.
Notes: We find it difficult to believe that a benefic planet as lord of the 5th
will destroy the progeny when he happens to occupy his own house. According to
Shri Gopesh Kumar Ojha that if a benefic lord of the 5th occupies the 5th
alongwith a malefic, there is loss of children. Even this has not been found correct
in our experience. Please see in this connection the following horoscope.
Here the 5th lord Venus is a benefic. He occupies his own house with Mars
and Moon (waning) both malefics. The native is blessed with children.
Sat Ketu

4. The native will have a child late to life after a great effect under the
following circumstances:
(1) When the Sun be in the 5th in a childless sign and Saturn and Mars be in
the 8th and the Ascendant respectively.
(2) When the 5th house falls in a childless sign and Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars
be to the Ascendant, the 8th and 12th respectively.
(3) When there be the Moon in the 11th, a malefic the 5th from Jupiter be
occupied by a malefic and the several planets occupy the Ascendant.
(2) When the 5th house falls in a childless sign and Saturn. Jupiter, and Mars
be in the Ascendant, the 8th and 12th respectively.
(3) When there be the Moon in the 11th. a malefic in the 5th from Jupiter be
occupied by a malefic and the several planets occupy the Ascendant.

5. The native will have children after second marriage if Mars or Venus
alone occupies the 5th house identical with Cancer.
Saturn alone in Cancer in the 5th house gives many sons. Mercury alone in
Cancer in the 5th house gives very few sons.
The Moon alone in his own sign in the 5th house gives a limited number of
Jupiter singly in his sign of exaltation gives many daughters.

6. The following four planetary combinations led to the extinction of the
(1) A malefic in the 4th, Venus in the 7th and the Moon in the 10th.
(2) Malefics in the Ascendant, the 5th, 8th and 12th.
(3) Mercury and Venus in the 7th, Jupiter in the 5th and malefics in the 4th.
(4) The Moon in the 5th and malefics in the Ascendant, the 8th and 12th.

7. If the malefics occupy the Ascendant, the lord of the Ascendant
be in the 5th. the lord of the 5th in the 3rd and the Moon in the 4th, the
native will be devoid of any issue.
Should the Moon occupy the 5th house in an odd sign or an odd navamsa
and be aspected by the Sun. the native will either be issuless or will be distressed
on account of issues.

8. The native will have a son by adoption under the following planetary
(1) If the 5th house be identical with Gemini. Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius
and be occupied or aspected by Saturn or Mandi.
(2) If the lord of the 5th house be weak and be in no way connected with the
lords of the Ascendant and the 7th.

9. The native will have to suffer loss of children in the following
(1) If the lord of the 5th be in his sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign or
be associated with any of the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th.
(2) The lord of the 5th is in the 5th without receiving any benefic aspect.
10. If the lord of the 5th house. Jupiter. Mars and the Sun (they may be
anywhere) are posited in male navamsas, the native will be blessed with many
sons. So say the sages. The nature good or otherwise of the sons will depend on the
strength of the 5th house.

11. If the 5th house or its lord be in a male sign or navamsa or be associated
with and aspected by male planets, the native will have all male issues. There will
be birth of daughter if the 5th or its lord be in a female sign or navamsa or be
associated with or aspected by female planets.

12. Conception may take place when the Sun and Venus in a male's nativity
and Mars and Venus in the case of a female's nativity are vested with adequate
strength and pass their signs or navamsas identical with an upachaya house.

13. The number of issues is to be ascertained by examining the number of
planets in the 5th house and at the sometime that are not (1) inimical (2) in their
sign of debilitation and (3) in inimical navamsa. The same could also be
ascertained by study of the number of planets similarly situated but in conjunction
with the lord of the 5th house.
The study of benefic dots of planets in the 5th house from Jupiter or the
navamsa occupied by the Sun, also enables one to guess the number of issues. ln
this verse is explained the method of ascertaining female and male nativities
whettor they are physically capable of producing children.

14. In the case of a female nativity add the longitudes (spast) of the Moon,
Mars and Jupiter. If the result comes to an even sign and even navamsa, the
strength of fecundity in the female for producing issues is assured. If it is mixed
(i.e. sign male and navamsa female or vice versa), she will be able to produce
children after great effort.
In the case of a male nativity if the sum total of the longitudes of the Sun,
Venus and Jupiter denotes an odd sign and an odd navamsa, it is Indicative of the
strong physical capacity of the male to produce children and in case one of the two
(sign and navamsa) be even, the result will be mixed.
Notes — If in the case of female nativity the sum total denotes odd sign and
odd navamsa, and in a male's nativity the result signifies even sign and even
navamsa, their physical capacity to produce children will be almost nil or very

15. Subtract five times the longitude of the Sun from five times the
longitude of the Moon. If the Tithi represented by the result be an auspicious one in
the bright half of the lunar month, the native will definitely have progeny without
much effort. But if the resulting Tithi be one of the dark half of the month, the
effect will be taken to be negative. It is by close examination of the Tithi-whether it
is auspicious or is auspicious in both the Pakshas — bright and dark — that one
has to ascertain whether the native will have issues or not. During an Amavasya, a
Chidra Tithi, the Vishti karana or any of the Sthlra karanas, there will be no Issue
at all.
Notes—The Chidra Tithis are (1) Chaturthi, (2) Shasti, (3) Ashtami, (4)
Navami, (5) Dwadashi and (6) Chaturdashi. These days are generally avoided for
any auspicious function.
There are 11 karanas distributed over the 30 Tithis of the lunar month at the
rate of 2 karanas for each Tithi. The four of these (1) Chatuspada, (2) Nagava. (3)
Kirnstugne and (4) Sakune are called Sthira karanas and are so named as they
permanently hold two over the four half Tithis commencing from the second half
of Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi. The other seven viz.. (1) Bava (2) Balava, (3)
Kailava, (4) Tatthila, (5) Garaya, (6) Vaniya and (7) Vishta or Bhadra are called
Char or movable karanas and occur In 8 cycles to preside over the remaining 56
half — to this of the lunar month beginning the later half of Shukla paksha
Remedial Measures

16-18. Should, however, the result happen to be one of the Chidra Tithis, the
Vlshtl Karana or a Sthir Karana, the remedial measure to worship lord Krishna by
recitation of Purusha Sukta Mantras to ward off the barrenness threatening the
faimty. If the resultant Tlthl comes out to be Shastl, the native ought to offer
prayers to God Subramanya. If it be Chaturthi the lord of the Serpents has to be
appeased. If It be navami, the recitation of Ramayana and listening to Ramayana is
the remedy. If it is Ashtami, the Sravana Vrata by fasting has to be observed. If it
be Chaturdasi the native should worship God Rudra (Shiva) by Rudraparayana. If
the Tithi be Dwadashi he should appease the gods by feeding the needy. If it be
Amavasya or Poornamasi the Manes have to be propitiated. These measures are
absolutely essential to be observed with greater care and attention when the Tithi
happens to be one among the last five, namely after Krishna paksha Dasami.
Generally, In the dark half of a month to which so ever of the three division a Tithi
may belong, worship ought to be resorted to: the particular deity to be propitiated
being Nagaraja in the first division, namely l-5Tlthi, Skanda in the second (next
five Tithis i.e. 6-10) and Hari in the third or last five.

19. If in any nativity, the lord of the 5th house be in his inimical or sign of
debilitation, be combust or be posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house there is no
possibility of native getting an issue. If the planet in the 5th house be in his
inimical sign or sign of debilitation or be the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th.
childlessness will be the definite consequence. He ought to divine the source of the
same by an examination of the particular deity, tree and animal represented by the
sign occupied by the planet.

20-22. If the obstacle causing planet is the Sun, the person concerned will be
sonless due to disrespect shown to God Shiva and Garuda and the consequent
curse of the Manes. If such a planet be the Moon, it will be due to displeasure and
anger of the mother, Sumangli or other respectful woman owing to her feelings
having been hurt. If the planet concerned be Mars, tt will be due to some fault due
to the village deity, to God Kartikeya, to an enemy or one's Dayadins. In the case
of Mercury, the sonlessness will be due to crimes of youngester or to the killing of
spawns (eggs of fishes and similar creatures), or the displeasure of God Vishnu. If
the cause of sonlessness be due to Jupiter, it will be due to harm caused to the
hereditary Brahma family priest or the destruction of a tree full of fruits. If the
childlessness causing be Venus, it will be due to cutting of a tree full of flowers or
harm to a virtuous woman or to the cows or a sinful deed to people that ought to be
revered. If Saturn be the planet responsible for causing childlessness, it will be due
to the destruction of an Aswatha or Peepal tree or on account of wrath of yama or
through departed spirits, goblins and the like. If Rahu should occupy the 5th house
or be associated with the lord of that house, it will be due to the curse of a serpent.
In the case of Ketu, it will be owing to the curse of a serpent. In the case of Ketu, it
will be owing to the curse of a Brahmin. If Mandi be the cause of obstruction, it
will be due to the curse of departed spirits. If Venus and the Moon in conjunction
with Mandi should cause childlessness, it will be on account of the killing of a
woman or a cow. If Jupiter or Ketu in conjuction with Mandi be in the 5th house,
the sonlessness will be due to the killing of a Brahmin.

23. The sins accured by one's actions in many previous births have been
described in nativity which lead to childlessness and to ward off which and to
secure a son, the learned in Astrology have recommended particular Japs, Charities
and such other good action prescribed for several planets.

24. A holy bath in Rameshwaram, engaging oneself in reciting holy
scriptures, worhsip of God Shiva, observation of holy austerities with reference to
(propitiate) God Vishnu, Charities, ceremonies in honour of departed souls,
installation of the serpent deity — these are various remedial measures
recommended by which one can be blessed with sons (children).

25. The birth of a son should possibly take place in the dasha or antar dasha
of any of the following planets:-
(1) The lord of the ascendent, (2) the lord of the 7th house, (3) the lord of the
5th house, (4) Jupiter, (5) the planet aspecting the 5th house, (6) the planet
occupying the 5th house.
When Jupiter passes through in transit the triangular sign to the sign
occupied by the lord of the 5th or yama kantaka, birth of a son may also be

26. The birth of a son is likely to take place, when the lord of the ascendant
during his transit (1) gets into conjunction with the lord of the 5th house, (2) passes
through his sign of exaltation or (3) occupies his own sign passing through in his
transit of the ascendant through the 5th house or the sign occupied by the lord of
the 5th is also an opportune period for the birth of children.

27. Add the longitudes of (1) the lord of the ascendant, (2) the lord of the 7th
house, and (3) the lord of the 5th house. During the course of the major period
represented by the owner of the nakshatra resulting from the sum total of the
longitudes of the above plantes and in the sub-period of any of the following
planets will the birth of a son (children) take place—
(1) The planet occupying the 5th house,
(2) the planet aspecting the 5th house and
(3) the lord of the 5th.

28. Find out which amongst the (1) lord of the 5th house, (2) the lord of the
sign occupied by the lord of the 5th house and (3) the lord of the navamsa of the
lord of the 5th house (4) the lord of the sign occupied by jupiter and (5) the lord of
the navamsa occupied by Jupiter is a strong planet. The birth of a son (children)
may be expected in the major or sub-period of this strong planet.

29. Find out the sign of 5th from Jupiter and the sign and navamsa of its
lord. When Jupiter in transit is triangular to that sign or navamsa, the birth of a son
(children) may be predicted.
According ta other authorities on the subject, a learned man ought to
investigate indications of the birth of children from the positions of the planet at
the time of the birth of the native.

30. Find out the lord of the nakshatra occupied by the Moon and that of the
5th from it. Add the longitudes of the two plantes. When Jupiter passes in transit
through the sign represented by this result or through one of its triangular ones, the
birth of a son is possible.

31. The birth of a son (child) is likely to take place when the Sun In his
transit passes the third sign representing the Nisheka Lagna or transits a sign
triangular to the Adhana Lagna.

32. If the birth of a son takes place In a Lagna which is 5th or 9th to the
Adhana, it should be understood that such a birth Is due to virtuous deeds
performed in the previous births.
If the Adhana Lagna is occupied or aspected by benefics, the person born
will be longlived, wealthy and happy.

33. Find out the exact Dwadasamsa of the Mars at the time of Adhana and
the sign in which he was posited (count from Aries or from this sign as many signs
as the number represented by Dwadasamsa in question). When Moon Is In the sign
so found in the month of delivery, the birth of the child to the womb may be
34. The prediction should be made from the consideration of the positions of
the serveral planets with reference to the Moon and the Lagna at the time of a
query, adoption of a son. investiture of sacred thread, the gift of a girl, the first
maturity or the time of conception, as he would if a birth had taken place at the
Thus ends the twelfth chapter on "Progeny "in Phaladeeplka composed by

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 13

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:31 am
by StarLore
Chapter 13

Determination of Longevity

1. The first thing to be considered after the birth of the child is the
examination of his longevity. The other effects should be judged later. If the
nativity indicates some merits like Raja Yoga etc., their effects should be assessed
in consultation with those who are proficient in the knowledge of Astrology.

2. There is difference of opinion about the actual time of birth of the child.
The various views are —
(1) The time of birth is that when the head (of the infant) emerges.
(2) The time of birth is that when the body of the infant emerges and touches
the ground.
(3) The time of birth is that when the body of the infant is completed,
separated from the mother's womb.

3. In the case of human beings, it is not possible to determine the longevity
of a child within the first twelve years. Even if the nativity shows good longevity,
the child meets his death owing to the sinful actions of the parents (during this or
previous births).

4. If the child dies within the first four year it will be due to the mother's
sins. Death taking place between four to eight year will be due to the sins of the
father. If the death takes place between eight and twelve years, it will be due to the
native's own sinful actions in the previous births.

5. With a view to escape from the evil effects described above the father
should resort to remedial measures mentioned below to promote the longevity of
the child and for his protection. The father should arrange for the performance of
religious rites preceded by the incantations of mantras and offerings of oblations
by the pouring of ghee etc., in the holy fire on every, birth day of the child
(according to lunar month) till the 12th year. This should be suppplemented by
appropriate medical treatment where necessary.

6. The first eight year's period of a man's life is treated as Balarishta. Thus
that afflict him till the 20th year are said to be due to Yogarishta (evils produced by
planetary dispositions). When the longevity extends to 32, it is called alpayus or
short life. It is called Madhyamayus or middle age when the span of life extends to
70 years. It is Poornayus when the period of life extends to 100 years.

7. A hundred years is generally recognised as the span of life for human
beings. The division of this period Into three portions constitutes respectively the
Alpayu, Madhyamayu and Poornayu and this is recognised universally.

8. If the birth occurs in the evil yogas - Dinamrityu, Dinaroga or
Vishaghatikala, the child will die immediately after birth.
Notes— Described below are the Dinamrityu, Dinaroga and Vishagatikala
Dina mrityu— There is this yoga when the birth is during the day in the first
quarter of Dhanishta and hasta, in the 2nd quarter of Uttarabhadra and Ashlesha,
and the fourth quarter of Bharani and Moola. These yogas do not cause any evil
effect if the birth is during the night.
Dinaroga — There is this yoga when the birth occurs during the day in the
first quarter of Ashlesha and Uttarabhadra, in the second quarter of Bharani and
Moola, in the third quarter of Uttaraphalguni and Sravana and in the fourth quarter
of Swati and Mrigashira. These yogas will cause no evil effects if the birth occurs
during the night.
Vishagatikala — Every nakshatra has ghatikas of Vishagatikala as under —
Aswin 50-54, Bharani 24-28, Krittika 30-34, Rohini 40-44, Mrigashira 14-
18, Aridra 21-25, Punarvasu 30-34, Pushyami 20-24, Ashlesha 32-36, Makha 30-
34, Poorvaphalguni 20-24, Uttaraphalguni 18-22, Hasta 21-25, Chlttra 20-24,
Swati 14-18, Visakha 14-18., Anuradha 10-14, Jyestha 14-18, Mcx)la 56-60,
Poorvashada 24-281 Uttarashada 20-24, Saravana 10-14, Dhanista 10-14,
Shatabhlsha 18-22, Poorvabhadra 16-20, Uttarabhadra 24-28 and Revati 30-34.
If the birth occurs in the first quarter of Pushyami, Poorvashada and Chittra,
the father of the native dies. If it be in the second quarter, the mother dies. The
child will himself die if the birth takes place in the third quarter. The maternal
uncle will die if the birth be in the fourth quarter of these nakshatra.
If the Ascendant is not connected with benefic planets and birth takes place
in Moola or Ashlesha nakshatras the results will be as follows:—
Moola first
Ashlesha fourth
Death of the
Moola second
Ashlesha third
Death of the
Moola third
second quarter
Extinction of
the family
Moola fourth
Ashlesha first
Wealthy and

9. If the birth takes place at the time of Sandhi (junction) of the signs and if
the signs be not aspected by or associated with benefics the child born dies soon
after birth.
If the birth occurs in Gandanta the death takes place either of the parents or
the native himself. If, however, the native survives he becomes splendourous like a
king (The sandhis between Pisces and Aries, Cancer and Leo and Scorpio and
Sagittarius are called gandanta). The person, who is born in Sandhi associated with
or aspected by malefics will not see Sunrise. The same result may be expected if
the Moon at birth attains tne fateful degree in any sign and is at the same time
posited in a Kendra or the 8th house.

10. Jf the degrees attained by the Moon in Aries and the other sign be
respectively 26, 12, 13, 25, 24, 11, 26, 14, 13, 25, 5 and 12, they indicate death.

11. The following are (also) respectively deemed as Mrityubhagas or fateful
degrees of the Lagna in the several signs from Aries onwards 8, 9, 22, 22, 25, 14,
4, 23, 18, 20, 21, and 10.

12. The child born dies soon after birth in the following planetary
dispositions :—
(1) If malefics be in the Kendra or the 8th.
(2) If the Ascendant and the 8th are occupied by malefics.
(3) If the Ascendant and the 7th are occupied by malefics.
(4) If the Moon and the Ascendant be hemmed in between malefics.
(5) If the waning Moon be posited in 6th, 8th or 12th.
(6) If the waning Moon alongwith malefics occupies the 1st, 5th, 7th or the
9th house.
(7) If the malefics be posited in the 7th and 8th houses.
If, however, there be aspect of benefics on the Lagna, the Moon or malefics
or there be benefics in Kendra, the evil effects described above do not come to

13. If the lord of the Ascendant or the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon
being weak is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th, the native survives for the number of the
years as are indicated by the number of the sign (counted from Aries) in which the
Lord of Lagna or the lord of the Moon sign is posited.
If the lord of the Lagna decanate or the lord of the Moon decanate being
weak be placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the number of the sign in which such lord is
posited will indicate the number of days of the survival of the child.
If the lord of the Lagna Navamsa or the lord of the Moon Navamsa being
weak be placed in 6th, 8th or. 12th, the sign of the Lagna Navamsa or the Moon
Navamsa will indicate the number of days of the survival of the native.
After carefully taking into account which of the above planetary dispositions
are more predominant and after considering the nature of the malefics occupying
the 5th and 8th house from the Lagna, a final decision should be taken about the
longevity of the native.

14. Note the following 3 pairs (A) the decanate signs of the Lagna and the
Moon. (B) the Navamsa signs of the lord of the Lagna and lord of the sign
occupied by the Moon and (C) the Dwadasasma signs of the lord of the Lagna and
of the lord of the 8th house.
The life of the child should be pronounced as Deergha, Madhya and Alpa
according as (a) when one of the signs in the said 3 pairs is a moveable sign and
the other is a moveable fixed or dual sign, (b) when one of the signs is fixed and
the other is a dual, moveable or fixed sign and (c) when one of the signs is a dual
sign and the other is a fixed, dual or moveable sign respectively.
Lagna Decanate sign Moon Decanate sign
Sign of the Lagna
Sign of the Moon's
Dwadasamsa sign of the
lord of the Lagna.
Dwadasamsa sign of
the lord of 8th.
A Moveable Moveable Deergha
Moveable Fixed Madhya
Moveable Dual Alpa
B Fixed Dual Deergha
fixed moveable Madhya
fixed fixed Alpa
C Dual Fixed Deergha
Dual Dual Madhya
Dual Moveable Alpa

15. If the lord of the Lagna and all the benefics be in Kendra the native will
have Deerghayu
If they be in Panphara house the native will have Madhyayu.
If they be in Apoklima house, the native will have Alpayu.
If the lord of the 8th house and all malefics be posited in Kendra house the
native will have Alphyu.
If they be posited in Panaphara house, the native will have Madhyayu.
If they be posited in Apoklima house, the native will enjoy Deerghayu.
Find out if the following 3 pairs of planets are mutualy friends, neutrals or
(a) The lord of the sign in which the Moon is posited and the lord of the 8th
house from the Moon sign.
(b) The lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 8th house.
(c) The lord of the Lagna and the Sun.
The native will enjoy Deerghayu if they are mutually friends. He will have
Madhyayu if they are mutually neutrals and will have Alpayu if they are mutually

16. The native will be longlived (enjoy Deerghayu) if —
(1) The lord of the Lagna be stronger than the lord of the 8th house,
(2) The lord of the rising Navamsa be stronger than the lord of the 8th from
Navamsa Lagna,
(3) If the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon be stronger than the lord of
the 8th from the Moon,
(4) If the lord of the Moon's Navamsa be stronger than Ihe lord of the 8th
from it.
If otherwise, the reverse will be the result.

17. If the lord of the 8th house endowed with greater strength than the lord
of the lagna, be posited in Kendra and malefics occupy the 8th and the 12th, the
native will be shortlived even if he gets medicum life or prolog his life to the full
period, his life will be the vicissitudes of happiness and misery.

18. Add the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. For
example the following are the longitudes given in a horoscope.
Sun - 7-26, Moon - 11-20, Jupiter - 6-14, Saturn - 0-17, 26 or 2-7 that 7
degrees of Gemini.
If the native has alpayu the end of his life will come when Saturn in transit
reaches the first cycle of 7 degrees of Gemini.

19. If the lord of the Lagna be associated with a maleifc and be eclipsed by
the Sun's rays, or be in his sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign, the death of
the native will have to be pronounced, when the same lord in his transit happens to
occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th or the Lagna or be some how connected with it. The
same event may also be deduced from the Navamsa Lagna, the decanate Lagna or
the sign in which the Moon be posited.

20. If the Moon, the lord of the sign occupied by her and the lord of the
Lagna be all well placed by being associated with or aspected by benefics and
passed many points of strength, the birth at that time should be treated very
auspicious and will make* the native happy in every way.

21. If the lord of the Lagna possesses great strength and be unaspected by
(or associated with) malefics and be aspected by (or associated with) benefics,
occupies a kendra house, the death is warded off and the native secures a long life
with good qualities, wealth and an illusttrious or powerful sovereignty

22. If Jupiter, the Minister of Gods, possessed of great strength and with
brilliant rays be posited in Lagna, he can singly ward off many of the evils which
otherwise would be difficult to overcome, just as a humble salutation placed with
all sincerity before lord Vishnu demolishes all evils.

23. If the birth be in bright half of the lumar month (Shukla Paksha) and the
Moon be posited in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or the 11th in Cancer, Leo,
Sagittarius or Pisces Navamsa, many evils endangering life of the native are
demolished and the birth becomes very auspicious.

24. If in any nativity, there be no malefics in kendra, trikona and the 8th
house and the lord of Lagna and Jupiter posited in kendra, the native performs
virtuous actions, enjoys all kinds of happiness and remains in good health with a
life span of 100 years.

25. Through the Dasas enunciated by Spripati, through Ashtakavarga,
through Kalachakra Dasa and through the Vimsottari Dasa system, a Wiseman
ought to predict the longevity of the native by following suitable rules after a
correct calculation of several planetary positions, careful working and minute
Thus ends the thirteenth chapter on "Life Span" in Phaladeepika composed
by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 14

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:33 am
by StarLore
Chapter 14

Diseases, Death, Past and Future births

This chapter deals with planetary dispositions about diseases, death,
previous births and future births.

1. All matters relating to diseases should be ascertained from (a) the planets
in the 6th house, (b) the planets in the 8th house (c) the planets in the 12th house,
(d) the lord of the 6th house and (e) the planets associated with the lord of the 6th
house. The particular disease may be predicted if the same happens to be indicated
by two, three or more independent planetary dispositions.

2. The Sun is the significator for following diseases and troubles (1) bile, (2)
high fever, (3) burning in the body, (4) epilepsy, (5) heart diseases, (6) eye troubles
(7) stomach troubles, (8) skin diseases (9) lecorrhea, (10) danger from enemies,
(11) danger from wood, fire, weapon and poison, (12) distress from wife and sons,
(13) danger from thieves or quadrupeds, (14) danger from snakes (15) danger from
the king, the God Yama and God Shiva.

3. The Moon's significations in this chapter are (1) Excessive sleepiness or
sleeplessness, (2) laziess, (3) phelgmatic affliction, (4) dysentry or diarrhoea, (5)
carbuncle, (6) typhoid fever, (7) danger from horned or watery animals or
creatures, (8) loss of appetite, (9) indigestion (10) tastelessness, (11) trouble from
women (12) jaundice, (13) impurity of blood, (14) danger from water, (15) mental
fatigue (16) fear from Balagrahas, the Goddess Durga. kinnaras, the God yama,
snakes, and female Yaksha.

4. Mars can be the cause of following diseases and troubles (1) Excessive
thirst, (2) morbid irritation due to billious fever, (3) fear or danger from fire, poison
or weapon, (4) leprosy, (5) eye trebles, (6) appendicitis, (7) epilepsy, (8) injury to
the marrow, (9) itch in the body, (10) roughness of the body, (11) bodily
deformities, (12) fear from the king, fire and thieves, (13) quarrels with brothers,
sons or enemies, (14) fighting with the enemies, (15) diseases in the upper part of
the body and (16) fear from evil spirits, gandharva and frightful demon.

5. Mercury is concerned with the following diseases and troubles (1) mental
confusion (2) harsh speech or trouble in vocal organs, (3) eye troubles, (4) diseases
of the throat, (5) trouble in the nose or nasal affliction, (6) fever caused by
imbalance of the three humours — wind, bile and phlagm, (7) ill effects from
poisoning (like food poisoning), (8) skin diseases, (9) jaundice, (10) itchning and
bad dreams, (11) fear from fire. (12) hard labour, (13) diseases or evil caused by
gandharvas etc.

6. Jupiter is responsible for the following diseases and troubles (1)
Appendicitis, (2) fever due to infection in intestines, (3) fainting, (4) diseases of
the ear, (5) troubles in connection with temple matters, (6) Distress due to curse of
Brahmin (7) troubles due to hoarded wealth, (8) oppression caused by Vidyadhara,
Yakhsa, kinnaras, Gods, Serpents etc. (9) Punishment due to show of disrespect to
preceptor, respected and elderly persona and deviation from duty towards them.
This is suffered during the Antar Dasa of Jupiter. This is so determined by the

7. The diseases and troubles caused by Venus are as follows-(1) Pale
complexion due to Anaemia, (2) Eye troubles, urinary obstruction, diabetes,
diseases of the generative organs due to imbalance of phlegm and wind, (4) lack of
vitality, (5) inability to have sexual inter course (impotency), (6) Pale complexion,
lack of lustre and weakness due to excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, (7)
rickets, (8) fear from witches, female ghosts and female deities (9) break in
friendship with dear friends.

8. Saturn is likely to be the cause of the following diseases and troubles (1)
diseases caused by wind and phelgm, (2) Pain in the legs or becoming lame, (3)
fatigue due to excessive labour, (4) mental aberration, (5) Stomach ache, (6)
Excessive heat in the body, (7) troubles from servants, (8) distress due to wife and
children, (9) injury to some part of the body, (10) mental anguish (11) oppression
by ignominious goblin and the like, (12) injury from a blow from a piece of wood
or stone (13) misfortune.

9. The diseases and troubles attributed to Rahu are as follows : (1) Heart
diseases, (2) theart of burning, (3) leprosy, (4) abarration of mind, (4) diseases
caused by poisoning, (5) pain in the legs or injury, (6) distress from wife and
children or distress caused on their account, (7) trouble from goblins, serpents or
Ketu is the cause of (1) Trouble through dispute with Brahmins and
The troubles due to Gulik are (1) fear from seeing dead bodies (2) poison,
(3) bodily pain, (4) sorrow due to the death of a near relation, (5) fear from evil

10. If the Moon and the Sun occupied the 2nd and 12th houses associated
with or aspected by Mars and Saturn, the native will suffer from eye diseases.
Notes - If the planetary disposition described above is concerned with the
12th house, the left eye will be affected. Similarly if any amongst the Sun and the
Moon is posited in the 2nd or the 12th house and is aspected by Saturn or Mars,
such Sun or Moon is in the 2nd house, the right eye will get afflicted. The left eye
will be adversely affected if their disposition be in the 12th house. If the Sun be in
the 2nd aspected by or associated with Mars or Saturn and the Moon be in the 12th
aspected by or associated with Mars or Saturn, both the eyes will get afflicted and
may even make the native blind.
If the 3rd and 11th houses and Jupiter be associated with or aspected by
Mars or Saturn, the native will suffer from diseases of the ears.
The native will suffer from stomach ache if the Mars be posited in the 5th
house and be associated with the lord of the 6th or the 8th house.
Rectal disease, will be caused to the native if the lords of the 6th or the 8th
house be posited in the 7th with a malefic or the lord of the 6th be in the 8th
alongwith a malefic.
Venus under the above condition will make the native suffer from a disease
in the private parts (veneral diseases).

11. If the 6th or 8th house be occupied by the Sun, there would be fear of
fever, if by Mars or Ketu, the danger will be from injury or ulcer; if by Venus, it
will be through a disease in the private parts, if Jupiter should occupy the 6th or the
8th house, the native will be afflicted with consumption; if Saturn be in such a
position, the native will suffer from nervous diseases. If Rahu aspected by Mars be
in the 6th or the 8th, the person concerned will suffer from carbuncle. Should
Saturn alongwith the Moon posited in 6th or the 8th, native will suffer from
enlargement of the spleen. If the waning Moon should occupy the 6th or the 8th
house identical with watery sign, in conjunction with malefic; the person will
suffer from watery diseases or consumption.

12. I now proceed to explain the manner in which a person meets with his
death and the cause of the same.
The death is caused through the diseases caused by the strongest of the
planets occupying or aspecting the 8th house.
If there be no planet occupying or aspecting the 8th house, the death will be
caused by the diseases signified by the 8th house or those indicated by the house in
which the lord of the 8th house is placed.
If any of the planetary disposition do not exist, it may be declared with
certainty that death will be caused by the diseases caused by the lord of the 8th
house, or by the lord of the 22nd decanate (counted from the Lagna decanate).

13. When the 8th house is occupied or aspected by a planet, death should be
declared to be caused by diseases relating to that planet. When there are no planets
occupying or aspecting the 8th house, death is caused through diseases arising
from the nature of the sign representing the 8th house.

14-15. The diseases or means through which death is caused by the various
planets are as under :—
(1) The Sun — fire, high fever, bile or weapon
(2) The Moon — Cholera, watery diseases or pulmonary disease
(3) Mars — fire, magical spells, witchcraft and weapons.
(4) Mercury—Anaemia, bloodlessness, and similar diseases and giddiness.
(5) Juipter — Causes death without much trouble or through phelgm.
(6) Venus — Venefal diseases or similar ones caused by association with
(7) Saturn — Wind diseases or a dangerous fever like typhoid.
(8) Rahu — Leprosy, food poisoning, venomous bites, smallpox and the
(9) Ketu — Unnatural death like suicide, assassination as a result of hatred
of enemies or through worms etc.

16. The death should be predicted through the evil effect arising from the 8th
house reckoned from the Lagna or through the evil effect of the sign representing
Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house.

17-19. The diseases caused by the planets have already been described
earlier. Now are detailed the diseases and troubles caused by the various signs
which may ultimately become the media of death of the native.
(1) Aries — fever due to excess of bile, diseases caused by heat like stroke
etc., liver or gastric trouble.
(2) Taurus — Diseases caused by the imbalance of the three humours bile,
phlegm and wind, injury by weapon or fire.
(3) Gemini — Catarrah, asthema, or sharp pain such as colic.
(4) Cancer — Insanity, windy diseases, loss of appetite etc.
(5) Leo — fatal injuries caused by wild animals, fever, boils, enemies.
(6) Virgo — Troubles caused by women, veneial diseases, fall from a height.
(7) Libra — Brain fever and typhod.
(8) Scorpio — Diseases of the spleen, dyspepsia and jaundice.
(9) Sagittarius — Injury caused by fall from a tree (or by tree falling of or
(10) Capricorn— Stomach-ache, loss or appetite or aberation of mind etc.
(11) Aquarius — cough, fever, consumption etc.
(12) Pisces — Watery diseases such as Jalodara, drowning, etc.
20. If the lord of the 8th house be a malefic and 8th house be a malefic the
death will be by weapon, fire, tiger or snake.
If two malefics posited in kendras aspect each other, the death will be due to
displeasure of the king, through a weapon, poison or fire.

21. If In any nativity, the lord of the 12th house be In a sign or Navamsa of a
benefic or be associated with a benefic or the 12th house be occupied and owned
by a benefic, the native will meet with his death without any anguish or suffering.
The death will be painful if the lord of the 12th be posited in the sign or Navamsa
of a malefic and be associated with a malefic, or the 12th may'be occupied or
owned by a malefic.

22. If the lord of 12th house be posited in his sign of exaltation, a friendly
sign or a varga of a benefic planet or be associated with a benefic planet, the native
after his death goes upwards to heaven. If he is posited in his sigh of debilition, in
an inimical sign or in the varga of a malefic planet, he after his death goes to hell.
Some interpret this as a result of the native of the sign (of the 12th house) i.e.
heaven if the sign is a shirshodaya one and hell if it be a prishtodaya one.
Notes - Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius are Shirshodaya signs.
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn are Prishtodaya signs. Pisces is an
Ubhayodaya sign.

23. The refuge after death is indicated by (1) the planet or planets posited in
the 12th house, (2) the planet occupying the Navamsa of the 12th house, or the
palnet or planets with which the lord of the 12th be connected.
If the Sun or the Moon be such planet the abode of the soul after death will
be Kailash. If Mars be the planet concerned, the native takes birth on the Earth
immediately after death. If Mercury be the planet In question, the next world for
the native will be Vaikuntha. Jupiter takes the native's soul to Brahmaloka, Saturn
to the abode of Yama, Rahu to other islands and Ketu to hell.

24. It is from the lord of the 9th that all is ascertained about the native's past
birth and all information about his future birth is signified by the lord of the 5th
house. The particular caste, country and the direction of the person concerned in
his past and future births should be deduced from the lords of the 9th and the 5th
houses respectively.

25. If the planets referred to above be in their sign of exaltation, the abode
should be declared as that of Gods (Devaloka). If they be in their sign of
debilitation or in an inimical sign, the abodes of past and future birth should be
declared to be foreign islands. If the above patents be in their own sign, friend's
sign or a neutral's sign, such place would be India alone.

26. The parts of India covered by the various planets are as under:—
(1) The Sun — Mountains and forests.
(2) The Moon — Tracts watered by the holy rivers (like Ganga, Yamuna,
Narmada, Godavari, etc.).
(3) Mars — Keekat Desha now known as Bihar.
(4) Mercury — All scared places.
(5) Jupfler—Aryavarta bordered in the North by Himalayas, in the South by
Vindhya, and which extends to oceans in the East and the West
(6) Venus —The same places as have been indicated for the Moon.
(7) Saturn — Prohibited places like those inhabited by Mlechhas (non-

27. If the planets referred to in verse 24 (lords of the 9th and the 5th). are
posited in a fixed sign or Navamsa which is Prishtodaya and Adhomukha along
with malefics, the past and future briths of the native should be taken as trees,
plants and the like. If the lords of the 9th and the 5th houses occupy a Shirshodaya
and an Urdhvamukha sign or a moveable sign or navamsa, and be associated with
benefics, the past and future birth will be of an animal kind.

28. If the lord of the 9th or the 5th be in the sign of exaltation or own sign
the lord of the Lagna, it would mean that the native's previous or the future birth
(as the case may be) will be that of a human being.
If the lord of the 9th occupied a sign neutral to the lord of the Lagna, the
native in the past birth was born as an animal.
If the lord of the 5th be in a sign neutral to the lord of the Lagna. the native
in his future birth will be born as an animal.
If the lord of the 9th occupies the sign of debilitation of the lord of the Lagna
or in an inimical sign, the native was born as a bird in his previous birth.
If the lord of the 5th be in such a situation, the native will be born as a bird
in his next birth.
All these may also be declared with reference to the appearance of the
decanates occupied by the lord of the 9th or the 5th.

29. If the lords of the 9th and the 5th be in the same sign, the past birth was
in his own country and the future birth will also take place there.
If these two planets be of equal strength, the past and future birth would be
in the same caste.
The colour and quality will also be similar to these belonging to the lords of
the 9th and the 5th houses.
Prediction regarding all the rest should be similarly made by a reference to
what has been stated in the Samgnadhyaya.
Notes — What has been stated about past and future birth in Venus 21-29
are of no practical utility though they make interesting reading because it is
impossible to verify the correctness of such conclusions.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 15

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:35 am
by StarLore
Chapter 15

Assessment of houses

1. The houses occupied and aspected by benefic planets or their own lords,
or planets owning auspicious houses produce completely beneficiary results
provided that they are not associated with or aspected by malefics. The same will
be the result in the case of malefics if they happen to be lords of such houses.
These good effects will be ensured in the case of all the planets when they are in
the signs of debilitation, combust and in inimical signs.

2. It is the view of learned Astrologers that the strength of a house such as
the Lagna should be adequate and the house sufficiently beneficial if the 1st, 2nd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th from that house are occupied by auspicious planets or
the lord of the house is free from the occupation by and aspect of malefics. The
house concerned should be considered to deteriorate in its effects if the above
houses are not so occupied and aspected. The effects will be mixed if such
positions are influenced by occupation or aspect by both benefics and malefics.

3. If the lord of a house be (1) posited in the 8th house, (2) eclipsed by the
Sun's rays, (3) in his sign of debilitation or (4) in an inimical sign and be devoid of
association or aspect of benefics, the effects of that house are totally destroyed.
Some are of the view that the house in question will also suffer if its lord is in the
8th from the Lagna also.
If any benefic being in his sign of debilitation, is in inimical sign or combust
occupied any house, unaspected by any oenefic, he will destroy the good effects of
the house owned by him. If a malefic being in his sign of debilitaton, combust or in
his inimical sign unaspected by any benefic will harm the effects of that house. For
example see the horoscope —
Here Mars occupies the 5th in his sign of debilitation. Inspite of the aspect
of Jupiter on Mars on the 5th house the native lost two sons and himself suffered
from a serious disease Jalodara.
Jup. Ketu

4. Malefic occupying the 6th, 8th and 12th house with reference to the
Lagna or other house under examination cause the destruction of that house.
Notes—For example we have to assess the effects of the 7th house under
examination. They are not capable of producing good effects of that house.
X 7th
For example, we have the 7th house under consideration. Suppose Jupiter is
posited in the 6th or 8th or 12th from the 7th house. In such a position Jupiter will
not be capable of any strength to the 7th house as from any of these places he will
be unable to aspect the 7th house.

5. If the lord of the house under examination is in the 6th, 8th or 12th from
the Lagna, that house is destroyed. The same will be the results if that house is
occupied by the Lords of the 6th. 8th or 12th. The house concerned will, however,
flourish if it is aspected by a benefic.

6. A house suffers annihilation in the following circumstances :—
(1) If the house, its lord and karaka be bereft of strength.
(2) If the house, its lord and karaka are hemmed in between malefics or be
associated with or aspected by malefics and be devoid of any influence of benefics.
(3) If malefics occupy the 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses from that house.
There will be no doubt about the annihilation of the house if any of the two
or three conditions' mentioned above synchronise.
Notes — For example, in a male's nativity we have to examine the 7th
house. If the 7th house be without any strength, the lord of 7th be posited betwixt
malefics, and malefics occupy the 4th and 8th house from Venus, the first wife of
the native will definitely meet with her death.

7. If the lord of the 8th house, the lord of 22nd decanate and lords of 6th, 7th
and 8th from a house be without strength, they will cause harm to the house (its
effects) in their dasa, and antar dasa.
A house will flourish in the dasa of the following planets :—
(1) Malefics posited in the 3rd, 6th and 11th from that house.
(2) Benefits posited in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th from that house.
(3) Planets which are friendly to the lord of that hosue.
Provided that the planets mentioned above are not devoid of strength.
Notes — For example see the following horoscope — Here if we examine
the position of the Lagna we will find that Saturn is an enemy of the Sun (lord of
the Lagna). Therefore there will be physical distress in the dasa and antar dasa of
Saturn. Jupiter is a friend of the Sun. Therefore there will be physical felicity in the
dasa and antar dasa of Jupiter.
Jup Sun

8. The following planets in their dasa and antar dasa cause destruction of the
(1) The lord of the 3rd house from the Lagna
(2) The lord of the 3rd house from the Moon
(3) The planet occupying the 8th house.
(4) The planet which aspects the 8th house.
(5) Saturn
(6) The lord of the 22nd decanate
(7) The lord of the house occupied by Mandi,
(8) The lord of the sign and navamsa in which the above 7 planets are
(9) Rahu, if he be weak by occupying the 8th or 12th house or by being
associated with or aspected by madefies.
Notes — In this verse it has not been made clear which house will become
the victim of destruction but in the previous verse it has been stated that houses
occupied by malefics, those surrounded on both sides by malefics, get damaged.
The same principle should apply to this verse.

9. Whichever house is occupied by the lord of the Lagna gains in prosperity
and well being i.e. it becomes very beneficient and produces very good effects.
The good effects of only such houses are enhanced if their lords are
associated with or aspected by the lord of the Lagna.
If the lord of any house is posited in dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th), the effects
will be reverse. If the planet in the dusthana be weak, the effects will be immensely
harmful. If he is strong the damage will be slight.

10. In spite of the lord of Lagna being malefic, he will improve the prospects
of the house occupied by him. In addition to being the lord of the Lagna, if a planet
happens to own a dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th), the effects of his ownership of Lagna
only will prevail and not that of the other house.
For example, Mars owning the Lagna occupy Leo (Aries being the Lagna)
or Pisces (Scorpio being the Lagna) identical with the 5th house and be aspected
by a benefic, the person concerned will get sons very soon.
For example see the horoscope. Here Mars as the lord of Lagna and the 8th
occupies the 5th house with Jupiter and Ketu. In spite of Ketu the native is blessed
with sons and daughters.

11. Should a planet own two houses, the effects of the house which is the
Moolatrikona will predominate while the effects of his own house will be half.
Notes — For example in a nativity of Leo Lagna Jupiter will be lord of the
5th and the 8th house. The 5th is an auspicious house and the 8th house is evil. As
Jupiter Moolatrikona (Sagittarius) falls in the 5th house, he will produce the effects
of the lord of the 5th predominantly and his effects as the lord of the 8th will be
In the dasa of such a planet the effects of both the ownerships will come to
pass (good and bad both). The effects of first sign counted from the Lagna will be
experienced first and the effects of the other sign will be derived later. This is one
view. The other view is that a planet posited in an odd sign will produce the effect
of that house first while the one that occupies an even sign will have its effect
experiened in the second half of the dasa.

12. The distinction of a house from the Lagna onwards during the dasa
period of planets which are very inimical (adhishatru) of the lord of that house or
which occupy houses where there are no benefic dots in their ashtakavargas.
Notes — Suppose, the maha dasa of Saturn is in operation and in the
Saturn's ashtakavarga there are no benefic dots in the 5th house. Thus in the dasa
and an tar dasda of Saturn, the 5th house will be damaged and produce evil effects.
The another view in this regard: Suppose the Lagna is Leo and in the Sun's
ashtakavarga there are no benefic dots in Pisces in their dasa and antar dasa will
cause physical distress (by damaging the Lagna). According to this view, if in the
ashtakavarga of the lord of the house under examination, the planet occupying the
sign which has no benefic dots, will harm the house concerned in his dasa and
antar dasa.

13. Even if a planet be posited in his sign of exaltation or a friendly sign or
be enjoying the six kinds of strength (shadabala), he proves in affliction if he is
situated in Bhava-Sandhi (junction of two houses). This must be taken into account
while predicting the effects of dasas and antar dasas of planets.

14. In the case of various houses, the planets occupy the exact degrees
(Bhava-Madhya) signified by any particular house, produce the full effects of that
house. The planets situated in Bhava-Sandhi produce no effects. In the case of
planets occupying intermediate positions, the effects must be ascertained by a
method of three processes.

15. Ascertainment about his ownself, father, influence, health, vitality and
fortune be made from the Sun. The Moon signifies the native's character of heart,
understanding, royal favour, mother and prosperity. From Mars one should
ascertain his own courage, disease, characteristic, qualities, younger brothers,
lands, enemies and paternal blood relations. Mercury is concerned with learning,
relatives in general, discrimination, maternal uncle, friends, and speech.

16. The native should ascertain about his genius, wealth, physical
development, sons and knowledge through Jupiter. One should seek the
jurisdiction of Venus to know about his wife, vehicles, ornaments, love affairs and
pleasures from spouse. Saturn will furnish information about native's span of life,
livelihood, the cause of death, his adversity and his servants. Rahu signifies
paternal grand-father and Ketu maternal grand-father.

17. The signification of the kanaka of the houses commencing from the
Lagna are (1) the Sun, (2) Jupiter, (3) Mars, (4) the Moon and Mercury, (5) Jupiter,
(6) Venus, (7) Saturn, (8) the Sun and Jupiter, (9) Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and
Saturn, (10) Jupiter and (11) Saturn.

18. If one is to assess the effects of a planet, he should carefully note in
which of the 12 houses beginning with the Lagna, he is posited and whether it is
his own sign, his sign of exaltation, his friend's sign or is an inimical sign.
According to Satyacharya, the benefics occupying a house promote its growth and
the malefics so posited cause the decay of the house. This is reversed in the case of
the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.

19. If malefics occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the Lagna, they
intensify the evil effects of those houses. Benefics in these houses cause the
destruction of these houses. In other words the evil effects arising out of these
houses are destroyed.
Notes — Although according to Shri Mantreshwara, the benefics destroy or
alleviate the evil effects of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses but being posited there
they themselves get afflicted and harm the houses they own arid do not produce
beneficial results in their dasas and antar dasas.

20. In order to assess or judge the effects of a house in the case of nativity,
that house should be treated as the Lagna and the effects of 12 houses reckoned
from there such as, (first form, 2nd wealth) should be examined and declared.
Notes: According to the principle mentioned above if we have to consider
about the wife of the son, we will treat the 5th house as Lagna and the 7th house
from it, that is the 11th, will signify the wife of the son. Similarly we have to
examine about the wife's wealth, the 7th house should be treated as the Lagna and
the 2nd from the 7th, that is, 8th house will be the house of wealth for the wife on
the same basis about the younger brother's wife we will have to ascertain from the
9th house.

21. In the same manner should the effects of the father, the mother, the
brother, the maternal uncle, the son, the husband and the servant be determined by
treating the signs occupied by their respective Karakas. The meaning of this is that
if the effects of the father are to be determined, the sign occupied by the Sun
should be treated as the Lagna and the second from that sign all information of the
father's brother and the 3rd about mother's brother and so on. For effects of the
mother the sign occupied by the Moon, for the effects of the brother the sign
occupied by Mercury, for the effects of the son, the sign occupied by Jupiter, for
the effects of wife the sign occupied by Venus, for the effects of servant the sign
occupied by Saturn, have to be treated as the Lagna.

22 - 24 From the sign occupied by the Sun one ought to determine the
appearance of the father of the native. The father's financial position and renown
should be ascertained from the 2nd house from the sign occupied by the Sun. His
character, brothers etc., should be examined from the 3rd house from that occupied
by the Sun. The 4th house reckoned from the Sun will give information about
father's happiness and his mother. The intelligence and tranquility of the father has
to be determined from the 5th house, his differences, enemies and disease from the
6th house, his love and passion from the 7th house, his longevity and death from
the 8th house, his virtues, wealth, father's father from the 9th house, his
professional pursuits from the 10th house, his financial gains from the 11th house
and his losses and expenditure from the 12th house from the sign occupied by the
In the same manner, all matters relating to the mother and brother should be
determined from the signs respectively occupied by the Moon and Mars. From
Mercury and other planets the assessment of the 12th house from the signs
occupied by them should be similarly undertaken.

25. Thus all details about the father, mother, brother, son etc., of a house
should be determined by a reference to the Bhava concerned, its lord and its
Karaka. When any house, its lord and its Karaka are all strong, the prosperity of
that house is definite.

26. But the others say that the Sun in the 9th, the Moon in the 4th, Mars in
the third, Jupiter in the 5th, Venus in the 7th, and Saturn in the 8th will cause
distress to the houses concerned.

27. The lord of the Lagna produces effects pertaining to the house with
whose lord he is conjoined or the one occupied by him. If the house and its lord be
strong good results may be expected from the house. If they are weak the results
will be adverse.

28. Whatever houses contain longer number of benefic dots in the
Ashtakavarga of the lord of the Lagna and if the lords of the houses concerned
were strong and be conjoined with the lord of the Lagna, those house will produce
beneficial result. If however, the houses concerned contain lesser number of
benefic dotes and their lords be devoid of strength and be associated with the lord
of the Lagna, those houses will not produce any benefic results. An Assessment of
all the houses should be made in this manner.

29. If a planet owns two signs one of which falls In an asuspicious position
from the Lagna and the other in a dusth one (6th, 8th or 12th), and if he occupies
the auspicious sign himself he produces good results of the auspicious houses and
does not produce any adverse effects of the other signs falling in a dusthana.
Notes—For example—Virgo Is the Lagna. Saturn occupies the 5th house
Identical with the sign Capricorn. Although Saturn's other sign Aquarius falls in the
6th house (a dusthan), he will produce good results of the 5th house only and the
native will be blessed with children.

30. The following are the five recognised connections or relations between
two planets —
(1) When they occupy mutually each other's sign.
(2) When they are conjoined.
(3) When there is mutual aspect between them.
(4) When they are in Kendra position with respect to each other.
(5) When they are in Trikona position with reference to each other.
Thus ends the fifteenth chapter on "The Effects oJBhavas in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 16

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:38 am
by StarLore
Chapter 16

General Effects of the Twelve Houses

1. The body of the native is built corresponding to the lord of the Navamsa
Lagna or the strongest planet in nativity. His complexion will be according to the
lord of the house occupied by the Moon. His body and limbs will be in propotion
to the rising sign (Lagna) and other signs which are described as forming the head
and other portions of Kalapurusha.

2. If the lord of the Lagna occupies a kendra or trikona, be uneclipsed and in
his sign of exaltation or own sign and the Lagna be occupied by benefics, while the
lord of the 8th be in a house other than kendra, the native will be long lived,
wealthy, praiseworthy, equipped with virtues, honoured by the king, fortunate,
possesses beautiful limbs and strong body, fearless, religious minded and having a
happy family.

3. If the lord of Lagna be related to an auspicious planet, the native will
reside in a good village and amidst noble associations. If the lord of the Lagna be
associated with a planet vested with strength, the native will live under the
patronage of a renowned king.
When the lord of Lagna be posited in his sign of exaltation, the person will
become a king (but he should not be in 6th, 8th, or 12th).
If the lord of the Lagna be in a moveable sign, the native will contiune to
move from place to place.
If the lord of the lagna be in a fixed sign, the native will live permanently at
one place.
If the lord of the Lagna be in a dual sign, the native will live for some time
at one place while at other times he will move from place to place.

4. If at birth, the lord of Lagna be with brilliant rays, the native becomes
famous. If the lord of Lagna occupies an auspicious position, the native will be
happy and prosperous. If, however, the lord of Lagna be placed in a dusthana, be in
his sign of debilitation or in the sign of a malefic, the native will be miserable and
live in an undesirable place.
If the lord of Lagna be equipped with strentgth and be posited in an
auspicious house, the native will be happy, valiant, prosperous and will come to
power and prominence.
If the lord of the Lagna be devoid of strength, the native will be constantly
overcome by calamities, be unhappy and will lead a sickly life.

5. If the lord of the 2nd house be posited in the Lagna while the 2nd house
be occupied by benefics, the native will be equipped with the best of qualities,
wealth, with a handsome face and farsighted and will have a prosperous family.
If the lord of the 2nd be connectd with or related to the Sun, the native will
be wealthy and utilise his wealth for the good of the whole humanity.
If the lord of the 2nd be related to Saturn, the person concerned will be
bereft of learning or it will be of a very low order.

6. If the lord of the 2nd be connected with Jupiter, the native will be well
versed in the Vedas and the sacred scriptures. If Mercury be the Planet so
associated, the native will specialise in economics and allied subjects, with Venus
as the associate the native will be expert In amorous topics. When the lord of the
2nd is connected with Moon, the person concerned will be clever in some kinds of
arts. When connected with Mars, the native will be adapt in tasks involving cruelty
and he will be a back-biter. If the planet asociated with the lord of the 2nd be Rahu,
the native will be stammering. If he be Ketu, the person concerned will stammer
and speak falsehood.
If malefics occupy the 2nd house, the native will be a fool and without

7. If the lord of the 3rd and the lord of the Lagna be connected with each
other by mutual exchange of places, the native will be capable of performing
daring acts, patient, volorous and will be affectionate towards his brothers.

8. If the lord of the 3rd house be equipped with strength, be conjoined with a
benefic and the karaka of the 3rd house be also strong and posited in a benefic
house, the prosperity of brothers is assured. If, however, the lord of the 3rd and its
karaka be weak and be posited in a dusthana, the result will be destruction of

9. If the lord of the 3rd house and its karaka (Mars) be posited in odd signs
and be aspected by Jupiter the Sun and Mars and the 3rd house also falling in an
odd sign, the native will have as many brothers as revealed by the navamsa of both
the karaka and the lord of the 3rd house.

10. Hie mother of the native dies soon after his birth if in any nativity, the
lord of the 4th and the Moon be posited in dusthana unassociated with and
unaspected by any benefics, or be hemmed in between malefics and be associated
with or aspected by malefics. Should, however, the above two planets be strong, be
associated with or aspected by benefics and a benefic occupies the 4th house, the
mother's happiness is assured. Mother will also live happily with benefics be
posited in auspicious houses reckoned from the Moon.

11. The native will certainly perform the funeral rites of his mother if —
(1) The lord of the 4th be in the Lagna and the lord of Lagna be in the 4th.
(2) The Moon be aspected by the lord of either the lord of the Lagna or the
lord of the 4th house.
The native will be unable to perform the funeral rites of his mother if the
planetary dispositions be as under —
(i) If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 4th be in the 6th and the 8th
with reference to each other or be in each other's sign of depression or inimical
(ii) They may not be connected with each other in any way.

12. Just as the fourth house and its karate the Moon have been assessed for
Judging the effects of the fourth house, assessment should be made in the same
manner in respect of father, brother, sons etc., by taking into account the
circumstances of the house concerned, its karaka planets occupying the house, the
lord of the house, connection of the planets with the Lagna and the lord of the
Notes — If the Lagna and the lord of the Lagna be strong, there will be good
relations between the 5th house, lord of the 5th house and Jupiter, there will be
mutual affection between the native and his sons and the sons will be happy and
prosperous. If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 5th be mutual enemies and
be 6th and 8th to each other and be in each other's inimical sign or sign of
debilitation, the effects will be quite the opposite.

13. If the lord of the 4th or Venus be well placed in the Lagna or the 4th
house (and be uneclipsed in signs of their debilitation), the native enjoys the
honour of riding a palanquin, he becomes 4 lord or a king and acquires gold,
valuable ornaments, conch, silk, cow, items of luxuries, elephants, horses, etc.

14. If the lord of the 4th house be In dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th) or associated
with the Sun and Mars or the Sun and Mars be in the 4th house, the house in which
the native was born will be burnt. If the lord of 4th be in the 4th with Rahu and
Saturn, the house will be old and dilapidated. If there will be an inimical planet in
the 4th, native's belongings such as cow s, lands vehicles, etc., will be
misappropriated by others.

15. If the 5th house be in a benefic sign and in the navamsa of a benefic, the
native will be intelligent and open hearted. The same will be the result if the lord of
5th be posited in an auspicious house and has attained Vaisheishikamsa.

16. (1) Malefics in the 6th, (2) the lord of the Lagna in association With or
aspected by a strong lord of the 6th. (3) the lord of the Lagna posited in the 6th, (4)
the lord of the 6th posited in a kendra house and (5) the lord of the 6th in
conjunction with or aspected by malefics, will cause the native immense and
constant harrassment for which there will be no remedies.

17. If the lord of the Lagna be much stronger than the lord of the 6th, be in
the sign or navamsa of a benefic and be aspected by benefics, and a strong lord of
4th occupies a kendra or trikona, the native will be hale and healthy, will not suffer
from any disease and will be fortunate.

18. If the lord of the 6th be in the 6th in his sign of depression, in an inimical
sign and eclipsed by Sun's rays, and the lord of the Lagna be stronger than the lord
of the 6th with the Sun in the 9th, the native destroys his enemies.
Notes — There is another version of this verse according to which, it will
read as (...). If this version is adopted it will mean that instead of Sun being in the
9th, there would be benefic in the 6th.
We would also like to mention that the lord of the 6th in 6th can never be in
a sign of depression or an inimical sign. He will always in his own sign. He can,
however, be eclipsed by Sun's rays.

19. (1) The house, the lord of which is associated with the lord of the 6th. (2)
the house occupied by the lord of the 6th. and (3) the house, the lord of which is
posited in the 6th. these will always be inimical to the native.
Notes — For example if the lord of 6th is posited in the 5th, the lord of the
5th is in the 6th or the lords of the 5th and 6th be together in any house, his son
will be inimical towards the native.

20. If the 7th house be connected with benefics and the lord of the 7th be
well equipped with strength, the wife of the native will be devoted to her husband,
will be full of virtues and good qualities and will be blessed with sons (children).

21. If in any nativity the lord of the 8th house be posited in any house other
than a kendra and the lord of the 8th be weaker than the lord of the Lagna, the
native will be longlived and will be free from all kinds of anxieties, obstacles and

22. If the Sun or Mars be in the 9th and the lord of the 9th be in a dusthana
(6th, 8th or 12th) or be hemmed in between malefics, the father dies soon after the
native's birth.
Notes — If the death does not take place immediately, if will take place in
the dasa antar dasa of the Sun or Mars.

23. If the Sun in the case of day birth and Saturn in the event of a night birth,
be posited in an auspicious position and be connected with the benefics, and the
lord of the 9th be strong, the father of the native will be longlived.

24. If the Sun and the Moon be in trine with Saturn and Mars, the native at
birth will be abandoned by his parents but if the Sun and the Moon be graced by
the aspect of Jupiter, the native will be longlived and happy.

25. If Saturn being lord of the 9th, be in a moveable sign unaspected by
benefics and the Sun be in a dusthana, the native (the child born) is brought up by a
person other than his father.
26. If the 9th house being in a moveable sign is associated with or aspected
by Saturn and if the lord of the 12th house be strong, the child born is sure to be
adopted by another.

27. If the 10th house be conjoined with a benefic and the lord of 10th with
full strength be posited in a kendra or trikora identical with his own sign or his sign
of exaltation, or if the lord of the Lagna equipped with strength be posited in the
10th, the native will be fortunate like a king, will be longlived and widely
renowned and will perform virtuous actions.

28. If the 10th house is occupied by the Sun and Mars, the native will be a
very influential and mighty personage. If at the same time lord of the 10th be
posited in an auspicious position, the person concerned will be capable of
accomplishing great undertakings with much valour and heroism. If the 10th house
be occupied by benefics he will undertake commendable ventures for the good of
the people. But the native will indulge in nefarious activities if the 10th is occupied
by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.

29. Predict the acquisition or gain of articles connected with the (1) house
the lord of which is conjoined with the lord of the 11th, (2) the house in which the
lord of the 11th be posited and (3) the houses lords of which occupy the 11th.
Notes — For example the lord of the 11th is posited in the 5th, or the Jord of
the 5th occupies the 11th, or the lords of the 5th and the 11th are conjoined
together, with such disposition of the lords of the 5th and 11th, the prediction
should be that there will be gain or acquisition of learning and children and profit
in speculation because these are all signified by the 5th house.

30. Predict loss of the articles or significations connected with the (1) house
the lord of which occupies the 12th house and (2) the house in which the lord of
the 12th be posited.
Notes — For example the lord of the 4th occupies the 12th. This will cause
loss of vehicles and lands etc. If the 12th lord occupies the 5th, there may be loss
of children, or loss in speculation etc.
Fructification of the houses

31. The acquisition or success of a house should be declared in the following
situations :—
(1) When the lord of the Lagna passes in transit in trikona through the sign
or navamsa occupied by the lord of the house.
(2) When the lord of the Lagna passes through that house in transit.
(3) When the lord of the house transits in the sign which is trikona to the
sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna.
(4) When in course of transit the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the house
get conjoined or aspect each other.
(5) When the karaka of the house in course of his transit gets conjoined with
the lord of the Lagna or the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon.
Similar assessment should be made from the sign in which the Moon is
posited (Chandra lagna).

32. Note the position of the sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the
house under consideration. When Jupiter, in course of his transit, is in trikona to
that sign and navamsa, the derivation of the good effects of the house may be

33. When in the course of their transit the lord of the Lagna and the 6th
house get into conjunction, the native will overcome his enemies, if the lord of the
6th house is weaker than the lord of the lagna. If the lord of the 6th house is
stronger than the lord of the Lagna, quite opposite will be the results.

34. If there be natural or temporal enimity between the lord of the lagna and
the lord of a house or they be posited 6th and 8th to each other, enimity or jealousy
will arise to the native with the person signified by that house, whenever the lord
of the lagna and the house concerned get conjoined in the course of their transits.
But if there is natural and temporal friendship between the lord of the lagna and the
lord of the house in.question, there will be new friendships whenever the two lords
conjoin in the course of their transits.
Notes — See the following horoscope as our example in this horoscope the
lord of the Lagna is the Sun and the lord of the 6th is Saturn. Both are natural and
temporal enemies and or in the 6th and 8th positions with respect to each other.
Whenever the Sun and Saturn conjoin in course of their transits, the native will
suffer on account of rivalries and enemities. Also note that the Sun is the lord of
the lagna and Jupiter is the lord of the 5th. Both are natural and temporal friends.
Good effects of 5th house should be derived when the Sun and Jupiter conjoin in
course of their transits.

35. The success of the house under examination may be declared when the
lord of the lagna gets into conjunction with the lord of that house in course of their
transits provided that the lord of the house concerned is strong, otherwise the result
will be different.
Similar assessment should be made with reference to the sign in which the
Moon Is posited (Chandra lagna).
Thus ends the 16th Adhyaya on "the general effect of the 12 Bhavas" in the
work Phaladeeplka composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 17

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:39 am
by StarLore
Chapter 17

Exit from the world

1. When Saturn in course of his transit passes through the sign and navamsa
of the lord of 8th or the 12th with respect of any house, that house would be treated
as having been destroyed. The same will happen when Saturn transits houses that
are triangular to these two houses.
Saturn as the determinator of death

2. Find out the sign and navamsa occupied by (1) the lord of the 8th house,
(2) Gulika, (3) Saturn or (4) the lord of the 22nd decanate (counted from that of the
lagna). When in the course of his transit Saturn passes that sign or navamsa or its
trikona position, death may take place of the native.

3.-4. The death of the native may take place when Jupiter in course of transit
passes through the sign or navamsa occupied by any of the following three planets
or their triangular position
(1) The lord of the decanate that is rising
(2) The lord of the 8th house
(3) The lord of the 22nd decanate
(4) Find out the position of
(i) Dwadasamsa sign of the Sun,
(ii) The navamsa of the lord of the 8th house
(iii) The .navamsa of the lord of the Lagna.
Jupiter or the Sun, when in course of his transit, passes through any of these
signs or those triangular to them, the death of the native may take place.
Notes — In the above verses it has been indicated that the death may take
place when Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun transit certain positions. This does not
mean that death will definitely take place at the time specified as Saturn makes a
full round of the Zodiac in 30 years, Jupiter in 12 years and the Sun in one year.
The intention of indicating the eifects of these transits is that if the time of death
may have to be determined during the dasa of a maraka planet, these transits
should be taken into account.

5. The death of the native takes place when the Moon in course of his transit
passes the sign occupied by the lord of the 8th or the Sun or a sign triangular to
them. All that has been stated in the above verses should be examined with
reference to the Lagna as well as the sign occupied by the Moon (Chandra Lagna).

6. Subtract the longitude of Yamakantaka from the longitude of the lord of
the Lagna, subtract the longitude of Saturn from that of the Moon. The death of the
native will take place when Jupiter in the course of his transit passes through the
sign and its navamsa indicated by each of these differences or their trikona
Subtract the longitude of Mars from that of Rahu. When Jupiter in the course
of his transit passes through the navamsa or the sign thus indicate by the
difference, the death of the brother may take place.

7. Subtract the longitude of the Sun from that of the Yamakantaka, the
remainder may be marked as (A). When Jupiter in the course of his transit passes
through the sign and navamsa indicated by (A) and the trikona position from it, the
death of the native's father may take place.
Subtract the longitude of Mandi or Gulika from the longitude of the
Yamakantaka. Mark the difference as (A). When Jupiter in the course of his transit
passes the sign or navamsa indication or its trikona position, the death of the
native's father may take place.
Subtract the longitude of the Moon from that of the Sun and Mark it (B).
When Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the sign and or navamsa
indicated by (B) or the trikona position from them, the death of the native's mother
may take place.
Subtract the longitude of Mandi from the longitude of the Moon and mark it
(C). When Saturn in the course of his tranist passes through the sign or navamsa
indicated by (C) and the trikona position from them, the death of the native's
mother may take place.

8. Subtract the longitude of the lord of the nakshatra fifth from the Janma
nakshatra, the longitude of the Yamakantaka. When Jupiter passes through in
course of his transit, the sign or navamsa indicated by the difference or the trikona
position from them, the death of the native's son may take place.
Determination of Native's Death

9. Add the longitudes of the Lagna, the Sun and Mandi. Find out the location
of the lord of the sign indicated by the result. When Jupiter in the course of his
transit passes through the sign so occupied by such lord or the trikona position
from it, the death of the native may take place.

10. Subtract the longitude of Saturn from that of Mars. When Saturn in the
course of his transit passes through the sign or navamsa indicated by the difference
or the trikona position from them, the death of the native may take place.
Add the longitudes of the five upagrahas reckoned from Dhuma. When
Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the particular drekkana or the sign
indicated by the aggregate, the death of the native may take place.

11. Add the longitudes of the Lagna and Mandi. The rasi and its navamsa
indicated by the aggregate will give clue to the particular month and the portion
thereof in a year in which the death of the native may be expected to happen (i.e.
When the Sun arrives at this particular sign and the particular navamsa thereof, the
person will die).
Add the longitude of Mandi and the Moon. The Moon will be posited in the
sign indicated by the aggregate at the time of death.
Add the longitudes of the Lagna, Mandi and the Moon. The sign of the
Lagna at the time of death, will be indicated by the sum total of the above three

12. Find out the navamsa, the Dwadasmsa and drekkana indicated by the
longitude of Mandi. The death of the native takes places when —
(1) Jupiter in course of his transit passes through the above navamsa.
(2) Saturn in course of the transit passes through the above dwadasamsa.
(3) The Sun in course of his transit passes through the above drekkana and
the Trikona position from it, and the Lagna is the sign occupied by the lord of the
sign denoted by the aggregate of the longitudes of the Lagna (at birth), the Moon
and Mandi.

13. Multiply separately the longitudes of Mandi and Saturn by 9. Add both
the results. When Saturn in course of his transit arrives at the Sign or navamsa
indicated by the aggregate, the death of the native may take place.

14. Subtract the longitude of Yamakantaka from the Longitude of the Lagna.
The death of the native will definitely take place when Jupiter in course of his
transit arrives at the sign or navamsa indicated by the difference.

15. Add the longitudes of the lord of the 6th, 8th and 12th. The death of the
native takes place when Saturn in course of his transit passes through the sign or
navamsa indicated by the aggregate or in trikona position to them.

16. Find out the Drekkana of the Lagna and where the lord of that Drekkana
is posited. There will be danger to the life of the native when Jupiter in course of
his trainsit passes through this position or its trikona.
When Saturn transits the house owned by the lord of the Drekkana of the 8th
house or its Trikona, the death of the native may take place.

17. Find the weakness of the following sets of planets—
(1) The lord of the 8th house from the Lagna and the lord of the 8th house
from the Moon.
(2) The lords of the 22nd decanate from the Lagna and the Moon.
(3) The Moon and Mandi.
When Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the navamsa of the
weakest amongst them or his trikona, the death of the native may take place.

18. See the navamsa in which the lord of the Lagna is posited. Mark it as
(A). Similarly mark the sign of the lord of 8th house as (B). When Saturn in the
course of his transit passes through the sign as far away from (B) as is (A) from
Aries, the death of the native may take place. This is the view of the learned
Astrologers who are also versed in many Shastras.

19. Death may also take place when the Moon in the course of her transit
passes through the house occupied by the lord of 22nd decanate counted from that
of the Moon at the time of birth or its trikona position or through the Lagna sign,
the 8th house or the 12th house.

20. The death of the native may take place when
(1) The Sun in the course of his transit passes through the sign occupied by
the lord of the 8th house.
(2) The Moon in the course of her transit passes through thesign occupied by
the Sun or through the nakshatra occupied by the lord of the 8th house.
21. If it is a case of night birth find out in which sign Gulika is posited. The
death of the native takes place when Saturn in the course of his transit passes
through the trikona position of that sign. In the case of day birth the death of the
native may take place when Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the
sign 7th to that occupied by Gulika.

22. Add the longitudes of Jupiter and Rahu. The native will face danger of
death when Jupiter in the course of his transit passes through the sign denoted by
the sum of the two longitudes or its trikona position.

23. The death of the native takes place when Saturn in the course of his
transit passes through the house occupied by the lord of the decanate of the 8th
The death of the native may also take place when Saturn in the course of his
transit passes through the navamsa sign occupied by the lord of the 8th house
reckoned from the Lagna.

24. There is likelihood of the death of the native when Saturn in the course
of his transit passes through the sign and navamsa occupied by him at birth or its
The same may happen when Saturn in the course of his transit passes
through the sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of sign in which the Moon is
posited or its trines.
Death of the native may also take place when Saturn in the course of his
transit passes through the sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the 6th from the
Lagna and its trines.

25. In the case of a night birth death of the native may happen when Saturn
in the course of his transit passes through the sign or navamsa occupied by the
Moon or the Mandi.
In the case of a day birth, the death may take place when Saturn in the
course of his transit passes through the sign occupied by the Sun or through the
5th, 7th, or 9th from the position occupied by the Sun.

26, Find out how far Mandi is removed from the lord of the 8th house. When
Saturn in the course of his transit arrives at the sign so far removed from Mandi,
death may take place: So say the revered preceptors.

27. The death will definitely take place when the Sun in the course of his
transit passes through the 6th, 7th or 12th house reckoned from Venus: this is the
verdict of the preceptors.

28. The death may take place when Saturn, Jupiter Sun and the Moon in
course of their transits pass through (1) the house occupied by the lord of the 8th,
(2) the house occupied by the lord of the 12th, (3) the house occupied by the lord
of the 6th, (4) the house occupied by the 8th house decanate i.e. the 22nd decanate
and (5) the house occupied by Mandi.
The same may happen when these in the course of their transits pass through
the navamsas of the five planets state above or their trikona positions.
Thus ends the seventeenth chapter on "Exit from the World" in
Phaladeepika" composed by Mantreswara.

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 18

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:42 am
by StarLore
Chapter 18

Aspects of conjunction of two planets

1. If at the birth of a person the Sun be in conjunction with the Moon, he will
be skilled in machine and stone work. If the Sun be in conjunction with Mars, he
will be sinful. If the Sun be associated with Mercury, the native will be talented,
intelligent, renowned and happy. If the Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter the
person concerned will be cruel and will intent on helping others. If the Sun and
Venus be together at birth, the native will earn through dancing, singing, by acting
in theatre or Cinema or by the use of weapons. If the Sun be in conjunction with
Saturn; the native will be skillful in the working of metals or in various sorts of

2. If the Moon be in conjunction with Mars, the person will be a dealer in
hammer, ploughs and similar rough instruments, and earthen pots. He will be
disobedient to his mother. If the Moon be associated with Mercury, the person
concerned will be soft spoken, will be clever in interpretation (or clever in
financial matters). He will be fortunate and famous. When the Moon be in
conjunction with Jupiter, the person concerned will be victorious over enemies and
fickle minded. He will be head of his family and very wealthy. If the Moon and
Venus be together, the person concerned will specialise in weaving, tailoring and
dying of clothes. If the Moon be in conjunction with Saturn, the person born will
be the son of a woman (widow) who remarried.

3. If at birth Mars and Mercury be associated with each other, the person
concerned, will be a dealer in herbs, plants, books, oil and drugs. He will be clever
in boxing. If Mars and Jupiter be together he will be administrator of a city or
town, or a king or a rich Brahmin. If Mars be with Venus, the person born will be
owner of court, a wrestler, one who has affairs with other people's wives, gambler,
and clever. When Mars and Saturn be together the native will be unhappy,
condemned by all and does not stick to his word.

4. When Mercury be in conjunction with Jupiter at birth, the person
concerned will be an actor, fond of singing and well versed in dancing. When
Mercury be associated with Venus, the native will be eloquent in speech, owner of
lands and will become head of assembly. If Mercury be conjoined with Saturn, the
person will be an expert cheat, and addicted to licentious pleasures.
If Jupiter be in conjunction with Venus the person born will be learned, will
possess wealth and wife and will be equipped with noble qualities. If Jupiter be
associated with Saturn at birth, the person concerned will be a barber, a potter or a

5. If Venus and Saturn be together, the native will be short sighted. Such a
person earns wealth and becomes prosperous through a young woman. He will be
well versed in painting and writing.
If more than two planets get Into conjunction in a house, the effects should
be declared by taking into account the effects described for the various pairs of
planets constituting the Yoga.
Effects of aspects on the Moon

6. If the Moon be in Aries the effects of aspect on her by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will respectively make the native (1) poor, (2) a
king, (3) learned, (4) equal to a king, and (6) a thief.
If the Moon be in Taurus and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1) a servant, (2)
poor, (3) a thief, (4) one reverred by all, (5) a King and (6) wealthy.

7. If the Moon be in Gemini and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, he will respectively become (1) poor, (2) dealer in iron
instruments, (3) a king, (4) learned, (5) courageous and (6) a weaver.
If the Moon be in Cancer and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the effects will be to make him (1) a victim of eye
troubles, (2) a warrior, (3) learned, (4) intelligent, (5) a king (6) one who earns his
livelihood by dealing in articles made of iron.

8. When the Moon be in Leo and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1) a king, (2) one
well versed in astrology, (3) wealthy, (4) a king and (5) a barber.
When the Moon be in Virgo and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will respectively become (1) a king, (2)
clever, (3) a king, (4) a commander, (5) a land owner.

9. When the Moon be in Libra and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the result will respectively make the native (1) a wicked
person, (2) a rouge, (3) a king, (4) a gold smith, (5) a business man and (6) a back
If the Moon be in Scorpio and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1) poor, (2) a king,
(3) father or mother of twins, (4) a cloth dealer, (5) one with deformed limbs.
10. If at birth the Moon be in Sagittarius and be aspected by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1)
arrogant and proud, (2) a cheat, (3) administrator over many persons, (4) a king, or
chief of a group of persons, (5) a supporter of many persons, and (6) stupid.
If at birth the Moon be in Capricorn and be aspected by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person will respectively become (1)
poverty stricken, (2) a king, (3) a king, (4) a king, (5) a learned or wise person and
(6) wealthy.

11. If at birth the Moon be in Aquarius and be aspected by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will become (1) one reverred
by people, (2) witty, (3) a land owner, (4) a king, (5) one popular amongst
prostitutes, (6) king of kings.
If at birth the Moon be in Pisces and aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will respectively become (1) a wicked
person, (2) sinful, (3) intelligent, (4) a king, (5) a learned person, and (6) one intent
on finding fault with others.
Effects of the Moon Various Navamsas and of the aspect of the different
planets on her in that position.

12. When at birth me Moon be in the navamsa of Mars and be aspected by
the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively
become (1) a watchman, (2) one fond of killing, (3) one skilled in fighting, (4) a
king, (5) wealthy and (6) quarrelsome.
When at birth the Moon be in the navamsa of Venus and be aspected by the
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person concerned will
respectivery become (1) stupid, (2) one addicted to other people's wives (3) a
talented poet, (4) a talented composer of poems, (5) one engaged in collecting
articles of comforts and luxury, (6) one having illicit connections with women.

13. If at birth the Moon be occupying the navamsa of Mercury and be
aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person
concerned will respectivery become (1) an actor, (2) a thief, (3) a poet (4) a
minister, (5) one versed in singing and (6) skilled in arts.
If the Moon at birth he posited in his own navamsa and be aspected by the
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person concerned will
respectivery become (1) short statured, (2) greedy (3) one who practises penance,
(4) one who occupies a high position (5) one who works as a subordinate to a
woman, (6) one who keeps himself engaged in his work.

14. If at birth the Moon occupies the navamsa of the Sun and be aspected by
the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person will respectivery
become (1) angry, (2) a favourite of the king, (3) owner of a treasure (wealthy), (4)
a holder of a high position, (5) childless, (6) violent and cruel.
If at birth, the Moon occupies the navamsa of Jupiter and be aspected by the
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn the person will respectively become
(1) renowned for his strength and power. (2) commander, (3) witty, (4) minister (5)
free from lust, (6) possessing habits and, nature of old and aged persdns (another
interpretion of the words (...) has been made as Virtuously disposed.

15. When the Moon occupies the navamsa of Saturn and be aspected by the
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will respectively
become (1) possessor of limited progeny, (2) unhappy, (3) arrogant, (4) involved in
his own work, (5) favourite of a wicked woman and (6) angry.
In the same manner should be predicted the effects resulting from the Sun in
the several navamsas being aspected by the Moon and other planets.

16. What has been declared in verses 12-15 as effects of navamsa due to the
Moon being posited in the navamsas of the Sun and other planets, should be
understood to be the effects derived from the navamsa division. The effects that
have been mentioned as resulting from the Moon in the several signs being
aspected by the different planets should be applicable in the case of Dwadasamsa

17. The good effects declared above will be full or medium or little
according as the Moon occupies a Vargottama position, his own navamsa or the
navamsa of another planet. In the case of bad effects it will be the reverse. Again, if
the lord of navamsa occupied by the Moon be strong, the effects described for the
Moon in several signs and aspected by the several planets will be multiplied and
only their effects due to the Moon occupying the particular navamsa subject to the
particular planetary aspect will come to pass.
Thus ends the eighteenth chapter on "Conjunction of two Planets" in
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.