♊︎ Gemini - The Twins

Information about 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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♊︎ Gemini - The Twins

Post by StarLore »

♊︎ Gemini - The Twins

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/gemi ... -signs.php
Horoscope Zodiac Sign of Gemini or Mithun all about Gemini astrology
Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Gemini or Mithun is the third sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by two children. The symbol of Gemini is indicated by two vertical and horizontal lines symbolize the duality. In heavens it starts from 60 degrees and extends up to 89 degrees. The Sun stays in Gemini from 15th June to 15th July as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 22nd May to 21st June as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.

Gemini is ruled by planet Mercury, it is mutable, airy, masculine sign, governs lungs, hands, and the third house of the horoscope. Its characteristics are flexibility, intellectuality, analytic thinking, various interest, communication, duality and youthfulness of mind. It symbolizes analysis of ways to achieve goals, self-analysis, and valuing of own abilities, sisters and brothers, learning, relationship with environment and short travels.

Gemini people enjoy work with variety. They like anything to do with a number of different environments or travel. Their minds are thirsty for intellectual satisfaction. They read extensively and communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This can make them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the golden opportunity which never appears. These individuals are perceptive, intuitive, and logical. They thrive on activity, new situations, and new people. Too many activities, however, may make them perpetually late to appointments. Gemini has the ability to see both sides of a question, which often leads them to fluctuate back and forth between the two opposing views. They use their mind rather than their heart. Logic and reason are their guidelines. They have great ability to use their hands and many times are ambidextrous. Misuse of their positive traits causes them to be undependable, fickle, indecisive, naggers, and big dreamers. Concentration can become difficult. Above all, the Gemini needs to learn to channel or control his energy and his mind. Instead of being a "jack-of-all-trades" and master of none, he can be the master of many.

Gemini like all other zodiac signs, contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are half of the Mrigashira Nakshatra, entire Ardra Nakshatra and two third of the Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Gemini House in Natal Chart indicates: This is where you will have vivification, curiosity, blossom time. This is where your conscious mind functions. The human and divine dual aspects of ourselves need harmonizing here. Many growth experiences are a result of our curiosity. Water the seed of “stillness” and allow peace within.

Gemini Facts
Duality: Masculine
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Mercury (god of speech)
Symbol: The Twins
Glyph: gemini indian horoscopes
Part of the Body: Arms & Shoulders
Exaltation sign of: None
Debilitation Sign of: None
Determent Sign of: Jupiter
Lucky for Gemini
Lucky Numbers: 5
Lucky Years: 23, 32, 41 & 50
Lucky Planets: Mercury & Venus
Lucky Gemstone (Vedic): Emerald
Lucky Gemstone (Western): Agate
Lucky Metal: Mercury
Lucky Color: Yellow, Black & White
Lucky Direction: South East
Lucky Perfume: Wormwood
Lucky God: Lord Ganesha

Traits for Gemini
Positive traits of Gemini: Adaptable, Witty, Versatile, Communicative, Intellectual, Lively, Eloquent & Youthful.

Negative traits of Gemini: Changeable, Indecision, Superficiality, Nervy, Superficial, Cunning & Inconsistent

Things Governed by Gemini
Flowers: Lilies-of-the-valley, Lavender, Maiden hair ferns, Orchids, Lilacs & Azaleas.

Trees: Nut-bearing trees, Hazel & Chestnut.

Herbs: Aniseed, Marjoram, Caraway & Balm.

Bird: Brightly colored birds, Mynah & Parrots.

Animals: Monkeys & Butterflies.

Countries: Armenia, Sardinia, USA, Morocco, Wales, Belgium & Tunisia.

Cities: London, Plymouth, Nuremberg, Tripoli, San-Francisco, Versailles & Melbourne.

Most Compatible: Libra & Aquarius

Average Compatible: Aries, Gemini, Leo & Sagittarius

Least Compatible: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces

Gemini Health
Gemini rules the hands, arms, shoulders and central nervous system in general. The lungs and respiratory system are also indicated by Gemini. Afflicted planets in Gemini may produce bronchitis, nervous disorders, pleurisy, hyperventilation, shallow breathing that should be deepened to get proper amounts of oxygen into the bloodstream and injuries to the arms and fingers.

Gemini Career & Profession
All occupation related to Mercury and the third house but not requiring too much detail. It governs all things and people having to do with transportation and communication. Salesman, Writer, Lecturer, Negotiator, Messengers, Reporters, Radio Announcers, Telephone Operators, Typists, Mail Carriers, Bus Drivers, Train Conductors, Authors, Interpreters, Accountants, Bookkeepers and Secretaries.

Gemini Decans
If a person is born between 15th to 24th June, the Sun remains in the 1st Decan of Gemini ruled by Mercury. This position implies a kind, humane, intellectual and expressive disposition. The fate is improved when restlessness and diffusiveness are overcome. The whole life will advance through educational and intellectual progress. The native is very curious and has a tremendous desire to learn.

If a person is born between 25th June to 4th July, the Sun remains in the 2nd Decan of Gemini ruled by Venus. It balances the whole sign providing the native with perception, foresight and real artistic ability. It also affords an opportunity to blend head and heart with reason and intuition.

If a person is born between 4th to 15th July, the Sun remains in the 3rd Decan of Gemini ruled by Saturn. People born in this Decan are successful in dealing with the public. With discipline and hard work they can do well in life. Fate is influenced by guardians or friends and often there is something connected with domestic affairs which affects the whole life for positive or negative.

Gemini in Friendship
Gemini is the social butterfly of the Zodiac and has lots of friends. One side of a Gemini will want to go hang-gliding and run around outside, while the other is keen on sitting cozily at home and playing a board game. Their friends need to be as diverse as they are in order to keep up, or they just need to know when to let Gemini go free. If you can match their pace and temperament, you and your friend will have a blast. Take along your Gemini friend and enjoy the new perspective they give to even the most ordinary situations. If you can match wits with this one, they will respect your intellect and work to develop this friendship. The Gemini can bond well with lots of different kinds of groups. If they get bored with one set of people, they always have a few more groups that will be more interesting, for awhile.

Gemini in Love
The Gemini is both fun and funny and love to laugh, play and romp. They are possessed of a very active mind, which can lead to a short attention span. The best way to keep the Gemini around, and aroused, is through mental stimulation. Gemini also values adventure and travel, so a certain footloose and fancy free-ness will help this romance bloom. The duality of the Gemini allows them to see both sides of an issue, so in times of stress, they are much likelier to be a lover than a fighter. A union with Gemini can be many things, but it is certainly never boring. The Gemini’s lover must be able to keep up in the fast-paced game of life, lest they get bored and move on. Variety of expression and certain openness are things which will stimulate the Gemini and keep them around.

Gemini as Child
Gemini children are lively and amusing in their talk. They quickly pick up ideas and are easy to teach if you can hold their attention. They have a tendency to skim the surface of knowledge and must be encouraged to study in depth. They become easily bored with projects and should learn to finish a project before starting another. They do not take kindly to discipline, especially when told to stop talking. Diplomacy is needed in teaching them to allow others a turn at speaking. There will be a wide variety of interests and changing moods. As the Gemini child grows, they may be uncomfortable with high emotional situations. The highest need here revolves around diversity and mental activity. Consistency may equal boredom for the Gemini child. These children need to move about and should be provided with all sorts of little transportation toys. They feel a great need to communicate thoughts, which tends to spur early communication skills.

Gemini as Parent
Gemini as Parents have such a broad interest in so many fields, and as such Gemini’s are a walking encyclopedia for their children. They encourage their children to read at an early age. Their love of conversing draws their children into many lively discussions which can be extremely stimulating to the child.

Modality: Mutable
Element: Air
Ruler: Mercury
Season: Spring
Charge: Positive
3rd Sign of Zodiac

Metal: Mercury
Stone: Agate
Color: Yellow Anatomy: Hands and arms; lungs.
Polarity: Yang
Key Phrase: “I think”

Keywords: talkative, mental, adaptable, flexible, changeable, responsive, sociable, superficial, versatile, inquisitive, witty

Parashara Hora Shastra
Mithun described. The Rasi Mithun rises with its head and represents a male and a female, holding a mace and lute. It lives in the West and is an airy Rasi. It is a biped Rasi as well and is strong in nights. It lives in villages and is windy in temperament. It has an even body with a green (grass like) hue. Its ruler is Budh.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Gemini - The Twins

Post by StarLore »


Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac. It is the sign of the twins. It runs from June 15th to July 16th of any year. It is a mutable Air sign. It is symbolized by speed and communications. It governs the shoulders, arms, hands and lungs.

The planetary Ruler form Gemini is Mercury. The colour for Gemini is green.

People born in this part of the year, have the characteristics of Gemini-the Twins-and may be considered more or less dual in character and in their mentality.

Their brains are subtle, versatile and brilliant. Of all the Signs of the Zodiac, they are the most difficult to understand. They are mentally quick and rapid in thought and in matters where a subtle mentality is required they can out-distance all rivals.

They are charming in society and if taken in their mood of the moment, they are the most delightful people possible to meet, but one must not expect to have any deep hold over them or expect them to keep to their promises of plans, unless it suits their purpose to do so. In their heart they believe they are constant and faithful, and so they may be at the moment, but each moment to them has a separate existence.

They quickly grasp are project presented, and can pick things to pieces, or reduce all to nothing by their wit, sarcasm of criticism. If they exercise their will-power to stick to one thing, they make most brilliant successes of whatever they undertake.

One class under this combination in June succeed best as far as making money is concerned, in speculative matters, on the Stock exchange, as company promoters, or exploiting inventions or new ideas in business. They also do well in diplomatic negotiations interviewing people, travelling through countries and make themselves charming to strangers.

Their personality is so fascinating that people leave their presence thinking what a delightful interview they have had, and they generally become idolized by those under them. In matters of affection they are the greatest puzzle of all. They can love passionately and yet be unfaithful at the same time. They often keep two homes, and usually by their wonderful tact escape being found out.

They make hosts of friends and are kind-hearted and generous to the person who fills their thoughts at the moment, but "out of sight, out of mind," explains their fits of "forgetfulness" as nothing else can. They are highly-strung and restless. If they are rich and can travel, they are always on the move. They love speed and rapid movement. They are good patrons of express trains, fast motorcars, airplanes and any invention that can eliminate distance and time.

They often have great "ups and downs" but nothing makes much impression on them. If they are depressed one moment, they may be equally gay the next. They change their outlook on life many times during their career, but if they once change in their feelings or affections for a person, it is as if that person for them had ceased to exist. They often equally easily give up some position of responsibility just because it fails to hold their interest.

The combined planetary influence and the position of the Sun in the intellectual and dualistic Sign of Gemini, also called the House of Mercury (positive), exerts a strong Mercurial influence upon the whole nature, giving them much intellectual mental powers, but at the same time a disposition which is involved, enigmatical and very difficult to understand.

Such persons are largely governed by an insatiable craving for variety, and go to any length to break through a spell of monotony and routine. The intellect usually is brilliant and shows good reasoning ability, but the mental activity is so intense that, as a rule, it must seek expression in several directions at the same time.

Persons born in this part of the year seldom, however, derive much satisfaction from work accomplished, for their nature has always the tendency to subject it to severe criticism afterwards. Such persons often attain a prominent position in the centre of some progressive movement, but they generally follow two professions, one to suit the public and the other to suit themselves.

They are ingenious, inventive and energetic, but they should cultivate persistency and tenacity of purpose. If such persons cultivate concentration of their mental powers, they can always achieve success.
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Re: Gemini - The Twins

Post by StarLore »

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Re: Gemini - The Twins

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Re: Gemini - The Twins

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Re: Gemini - The Twins

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Re: ♊︎ Gemini - The Twins

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