House IV - Mother & Own Home

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House IV - Mother & Own Home

Post by StarLore »

House IV - Mother & Own Home

4th House
Vedic Name: Bandhu Bhava
Lord of the House: Moon
Associated with: Cancer
Good for: Mercury and Venus.
Weak for: Mars and Saturn
The meaning of “Bandhu” in Sanskrit refers to “a friend”. Hence, this house is quite related to the domestic happiness of a person. Indeed, the 4th house is all about our connection and linkage with our primary source. The things that come under the influence of the 4th house are property, house, land, cattle, matters related to real estate, vehicles, and material possessions.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Indications of Bandhu Bhava. Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands
and buildings are to be consulted through Bandhu Bhava.

Effects of Bandhu Bhava

1. O excellent of the Brahmins, thus have been briefly told the effects of Sahaj Bhava. Now listen to the results, related to Bandhu Bhava.

2. Housing Comforts. One will have residential comforts in full degree, if Bandhu is occupied by its Lord, or by Lagn's Lord and be drishtied by a benefic.

3. Miscellaneous. Should Putr's Lord be in his own Bhava, or in own Navahs, or in exaltation, the native will be endowed with comforts, related to lands, conveyances, houses etc. and musical instruments.

4. Housing Comforts. If Karm's Lord joins Bandhu's Lord in an angle, or in a trine, the native will acquire beautiful mansions.

5. Relatives. Should Budh be in Lagn, while Bandhu's Lord, being a benefic, is drishtied by another benefic, the native will be honoured by his relatives.

6. Long-living Mother. If Bandhu Bhava is occupied by a benefic, while its Lord is in his exaltation Rasi, as the indicator of mother is endowed with strength, the native will have a long-living mother.

7. Happiness of Mother. The native's mother will be happy, if Bandhu's Lord is in an angle, while Sukr is also in an angle, as Budh is exalted.

8. Quadrupeds. Surya in Bandhu, Candr and Sani in Dharm and Mangal in Labh Bhava; this Yoga will confer cows and buffaloes on the native.

9. Dumbness. Should Bandhu Bhava be a Movable one, while its Lord and Mangal are together in Ari, or Randhr Bhava, the native will be dumb.

10-14. Conveyances. If Lagn's Lord is a benefic, while Bandhu's Lord is in fall, or in Labh Bhava and the significator (Sukr) is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will obtain conveyances in his 12 th year. Should Surya be in Bandhu Bhava, as Bandhu's Lord is exalted and be with Sukr, one will acquire conveyances in his 32 nd year. It will be in the 42 nd year, that one will be endowed with conveyances, if Bandhu's Lord joins Karm's Lord in his (4 th Lord's) exaltation Navahs. An exchange between Labh's and Bandhu's Lords will confer conveyances in the 12 th year. A benefic, related to Bandhu Bhava (and to its Lord), will bring with him auspicious effects (regarding conveyances), while a malefic will produce only malefic effects (in respect of conveyances). Should a benefic be in Bandhu, drishti Bandhu, or in yuti with the Lord of Bandhu, or a Drishti on the Lord of Bandhu Bhava, then the native will be happy with conveyances and be free from accidents and dangers. A malefic, replacing the said benefic, will cause losses, concerning vehicles and reduce one to severe accidents.

Bhrigu Sutras
Mother, one's home (native place), residence, domestic environments, grave, private affairs etc., secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines, buildings, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water, milk, rivers, lakes etc
Last edited by StarLore on Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: House IV - Mother & Own Home

Post by StarLore » ... houses.php

Fourth House
The 4th house rules a person's house and home, mother, one's roots, domestic affairs, acquiring of tangible assets and property like land, building, mines, farms and vehicles, happiness, learning, conditions at the end of life and the final resting place or the grave. The fourth house relates to one's home, residence, domestic environments and general condition of a person in the later part of his life. This house is also called the grave or womb thereby relating it to mother and all that it is concerned with hidden things such as private affairs and secrets. The fourth also shows one's landed or immovable property including those which one takes on lease or rent as well as those rented of leased out to other people. The fourth denotes whether one will have vehicles of one's own or enjoy others vehicles. All permanent possessions such as fields, farms, mines, real estate, gardens, buildings, dwellings, antiquities are influenced by this house. This house has a bearing on education and qualifications of a person. In this respect the fourth house may be taken to indicate school and college education.

This house refers to the fourth sign of zodiac, the Cancer or the Kark, or Karkat. The natural significator of the fourth house is the planet Moon. The parts of the body ruled by the fourth house are chest, breasts and lungs. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the fourth house signifies the weather, agriculture, mines, public buildings and the opposition party to the government. It governs all the matters signified by the natural resources, agriculture, petroleum, gas, mining, and housing ministry.
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Re: House IV - Mother & Own Home

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Re: House IV - Mother & Own Home

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Re: House IV - Mother & Own Home

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