Kushtaroga Yoga

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Kushtaroga Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Kushtaroga Yoga

The Lord of Lagna joins the fourth or twelfth house in conjunction with Mars and Mercury.

Kushtaroga Yoga indicates that the native suffers from leprosy. This unfortunate disease might occur due to unsanitary living conditions but also due to moral turpitude in your previous life. You might also experience a peculiarity in this disease. Leprosy in your body might not be detected even after rigorous medical checks. Further, you might notice that your symptoms subside during certain periods.


Kushtaroga Yoga

Jupiter occupies the sixth house in association with Saturn and the Moon.

Kushtaroga Yoga indicates that the native suffers from leprosy. This unfortunate disease might occur due to unsanitary living conditions but also due to moral turpitude in your previous life. You might also experience a peculiarity in this disease. Leprosy in your body might not be detected even after rigorous medical checks. Further, you might notice that your symptoms subside during certain periods.


Kshayaroga Yoga

Rahu is in the sixth house, Mandi is in a kendra from Lagna, and the Lord of Lagna is in the eighth house.

Kshayaroga Yoga indicates that the native suffers from tuberculosis. You might develop consumption due to your unhealthy lifestyle or due to the kind of environment you expose yourself to. It is important that you take utmost care of your body, especially if you contract this disease. Depending on your efforts, you will experience the severity of consumption. If things go out of control, it might even be fatal for you.

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