Srinatha Yoga

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Srinatha Yoga

Post by StarLore » ... nchi-yoga/

Srinatha Yoga
If Venus, the lord of the 9th and Mercury being in their sign of exaltation or their own house or in a friendly house, occupy kendra or trikona houses, the resulting yoga is called as Srinatha Yoga.

Srinatha means consort of Sri (Goddess Lakshmi) which is the name of Lord Vishnu, the preserver. Here, Mercury and Venus represent Vishnu and Lakshmi, the 9th house is luck and fortune.

According to Phaldeepika,

लक्ष्मीवान् सरसोक्तिचाटुनिपुणो नारायणाङ्काङ्कित:

तत्रामाङ्कितहृद्यपद्यमनिशं संकीर्तयन् सज्जनै: ।

तद्भक्तापचितो प्रसन्नवदन: सत्पुत्रदारान्वित:

सर्वेषां नयनप्रियोऽतिसुभग: श्रीनाथयोगोद्भव: ॥

The natives with Srinatha yoga will be wealthy, splendorous, and soft-spoken. His manner of speaking will be pleasant and witful. He will be a devotee of Lord Vishnu. He will be respected by others. He/she will be attractive, handsome/beautiful, and will be blessed with a virtuous wife/husband and noble children. Will have marks of Lord Narayana such as conch, chakra, etc. on his body.
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