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Ch. 60. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Sukr

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 60. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Sukr

1-2V2. Effects, like gain of wealth, cattle etc. through Brahmins, celebrations in connection
with the birth of a son, well-being, recognition from the king, acquisition of a kingdom, will
be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sukr in his own Dasha, if Sukr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in
Labh and, if Sukr is endowed with strength.

3-6. Construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations, happiness to wife and
children, companionship with a friend, giving grains etc. in charily, beneficence of the king,
gain of clothes, conveyances and ornaments, success in business, increase in the number of
cattle, gain of garments by performing journeys in the western direction etc. will be the
results, if Sukr is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or, if Sukr is in his exalted, or own

7-8. There will be acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm, beneficence of the king, well-being
in the family, increase in the number of wives, children and wealth etc., if Sukr is associated
with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic and is in a friendly Navahs, in Sahaj, Ari, or Labh.

9-10. Danger from thieves etc., antagonistic relations with government officials, destruction
of friends and kinsmen, distress to wife and children may be expected, if Sukr is associated
with, or receives a Drishti from a malefic in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

11. There will be fear of death, if Sukr is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. Remedial measures to
obtain relief from the above evil effects are Durga Path and giving a cow in charity.

12. There will be a period of agony, wrath of the king, quarrels with the coparceners etc. in
the Antar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Sukr, if Surya is in any Rasi, other than his
exaltation, or debilitation Rasi. (This verse does not appear to be correctly worded, because
Surya does produce good effects in a position, other than exaltation, or debilitation. The
position is correctly stated in the Chowkambh version of this verse)

13-15. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom and wealth, happiness from wife and children,
happiness from employer, meeting with friends, happiness from parents, marriage, name and
fame, betterment of fortune, birth of a son etc., will be experienced, if Surya is in his
exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, Trikon, in Dhan, or Labh, or in Kendr, Trikon, in the
2 nd , or 1 1 th from the Lord of he Dasha.

16-18. Distress, agony, distress to members of the family, harsh language, distress to father,
loss of kinsmen, wrath of the king, danger at home, many diseases, destruction of agricultural
production etc. will be the results, if Surya is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Surya is in his
debilitation, or in an enemy's Rasi.

19-20. There will be evil influence of the Grahas, if Surya is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord.
Worship of Surya is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects.

21-22. Effects, like gain of wealth, conveyances, clothes by the beneficence of the king,
happiness in the family, great opulence and glory, devotion to deities and Brahmins, will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Sukr, if Candr is in her exaltation, or in
her own Rasi, or is associated with the Lord of Dharm, benefics, or with Karm's Lord, or, if
Candr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or Labh.

23-23 1 / / 2. In the above circumstances there will also be association with musicians and men of
learning and receiving of decorations, gain of cows, buffaloes and other cattle, abnormal
profits in business, dining with brothers etc.

24-26 1 / / 2. Loss of wealth, fears, physical distress, agony, wrath of the king, journeys to foreign
lands, or pilgrimage, distress to wife and children and separation from kinsmen will be the
results, if Candr is in her debilitation Rasi, is combust, or is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if
Candr is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.

27-29. There will be sovereignly over a province, or village by the beneficence of the king,
clothes etc., construction of a reservoir, increase in wealth etc., if Candr is in a Kendr, or
Trikon, or in the 3 rd , or 1 1 th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be physical fitness at the
commencement of the Antar Dasha and physical distress in its last portion.

30-3 IV2. Effects, like acquisition of kingdom, property, clothes, ornaments, land and desired
objects, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Sukr, if Mangal is in a
Kendr, or Trikon, or in Labh, or, if Mangal is in his exaltation Rasi, or is in one of his own
Rasis, or is associated with the Lagn's, Dharm' s, or Karm's Lord.

32-34. There will be fever from cold, diseases (like fever) to parents, loss of position,
quarrels, antagonism with the king and government officials, extravagant expenditure etc., if
Mangal is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if Mangal is in the 6 l , 8 l , or 12 l from the Lord of the

35. Physical distress, losses in profession, loss of village, land etc. will be the results, if
Mangal is the Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord.

36-31V2. Effects, like great enjoyment, gain of wealth, visits of friends, successful journeys,
gain of cattle and land etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Sukr,
if Rahu is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or in Labh, or, if Rahu is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi,
or is associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

38-39. Enjoyments, destruction of enemy, enthusiasm and beneficence of the king will be the
results, if Rahu is in Sahaj, or Ari, or Karm, or Labh. Good effects will be experienced up to 5
months from the commencement of the Antar Dasha, but at the end of the Dasha there will be
danger from fevers and indigestion.

40-4 VA. In the above circumstances, except for obstacles in ventures and journeys and
worries, there will be all enjoyment, like those of a king. Journeys to foreign lands will bring
success and the person will return safely to his homeland. There will also be blessings from
Brahmins and auspicious results consequent to visits to holy places.

42-44. There will be inauspicious effects on oneself and one's parents and antagonism with
people, if Rahu be associated with a malefic in the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha.
Physical distress will be caused, if Rahu is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial measure to
obtain relief from the above evil effects is Mrityunjaya Japa.

45-48. Effects, like recovery of the lost kingdom, acquisition of desired grains, clothes and
property etc., reverence from one's friend and the king and gain of wealth, recognition from
the king, good reputation, gain of conveyances, association with an employer and with men of
learning, industriousness in the study of Shastras, birth of a son, satisfaction, visits of close
friends, happiness to parents and son etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the
Dasha of Sukr, if Guru is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or in a Kendr, or Trikon to Lagn,
or to the Lord of the Dasha.

49-50. There will be danger from the king and from thieves, distress to oneself and to
kinsmen, quarrels, mental agony, loss of position, going away to foreign lands and danger of
many kinds of diseases, if Guru is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha and be
associated with a malefic.

51. There will be physical distress, if Guru is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial measure
to obtain relief from the above evil effects is Mrityunjaya Japa.

52-54. Effects, like great enjoyments, visits of friends and kinsmen, recognition from the
king, birth of a daughter, visits to holy places and sacred shrines, conferment of authority by
the king, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Sukr, if Sani is in his
exaltation, in his own Rasi, in a Kendr, Trikon, or in his own Navahs.

55-57. There will be lethargy and more expenditure than income, if Sani is in his debilitation
Rasi. Many kinds of distresses and troubles at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, like
stress to parents, wife and children, going away to foreign lands, losses in profession,
destruction of cattle etc., will be the results, if Sani is in Randhr, or Labh, or Vyaya, or, if Sani
is in the 8 th , 1 1 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be physical distress, if Sani is
Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord.

58-59. The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are Havan with
sesame seeds (Til), Mrityunjaya Japa, Durga Saptashati Path (by oneself, or through a

60-62. Effects, like dawn of fortune, birth of a son, gain of wealth through judgement of court,
listening to stories from the Puranas, association with persons, competent in poetry etc., visits
of close friends, happiness from employer, availability of sweetish preparations etc., will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Sukr, if Budh is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or
in Labh (from Lagn, or from the Lord of the Dasha), or is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi.

63-65. If Budh is in the 6 th , 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of Dasha, or, if Budh is weak, or is
associated with a malefic, there will be agony, loss of cattle, residence in other people's
houses and losses in business. There will be some good effects at the commencement,
moderate in the middle portion and distress from fever etc. at the end of the Antar Dasha.

66. There will be physical distress, if Budh is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

67-68. Auspicious effects, like availability of sweetish preparations, abnormal gains in
profession and increase in cattle wealth, will be derived from the very commencement of the
Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Sukr, if Ketu is in his exaltation, or in his own Rasi, or is
related to a Yog Karak Grah, or, if Ketu is possessed of positional strength. (It is not laid
down anywhere, in which Bhava Ketu does get positional strength).

69-69 V2. In the above circumstances there will be definite victory in war at the end of the
Antar Dasha. Moderate results will be experienced in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha
and sometimes there will also be the feeling of distress.

70-72. There will be danger from snakes, thieves and wounds, loss of power of thinking,
headache, agony, quarrels without any cause, or reason, diabetes, excessive expenditure,
antagonism with wife and children, going away to foreign land, loss in ventures, if Ketu is in
the 8 th , or 12 th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Ketu is associated with a malefic.

73-74. There will be physical distress, if Ketu is Dhan's, or Yuvati's Lord. The remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above effects are Mrityunjaya Japa and giving a goat in
charity. Remedial measures for appeasing Sukr will also prove beneficial.
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Ch. 61. Effects of Pratyantar Dashas in Antar Dashas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 61. Effects of Pratyantar Dashas in Antar Dashas

1. By multiplying the years etc. of the Antar Dasha of the Grahas separately by the Dasha
years of each Grah and by dividing the product by the total span of the Vimshottari Dasha,
namely 120 years, we will arrive at the Pratyantar Dasha of each Grah.

2. Surya-Surya (Pratyantar Dasha of Surya in the Antar Dasha of Surya). Argument with other
persons, loss of wealth, distress to wife, headache etc. The above are general effects. Such
inauspicious effects will not be produced, if Surya is in a Trikon etc., if Surya is the Lord of
an auspicious Bhava, or is in a auspicious Bhava and in a benefic Varg. All other Pratyanta
effects should be judged in this manner.

3. ...-Candr. Excitement, quarrels, loss of wealth, mental agony etc.

4. . . .-Mangal. Danger from the king and from weapons, imprisonment and distress from
enemies and fire.

5. . . .-Rahu. Disorder of phlegm, danger from weapons, loss of wealth, destruction of a
kingdom and mental agony.

6. . . .-Guru. Victory, increase in wealth, gains of gold, garments, conveyances etc.
(7) ...-Sani. Loss of wealth, distress to cattle, excitement, diseases etc.

8. . . .-Budh. Affectionate relations with kinsmen, availability of good food, gains of wealth,
religious-mindedness, reverence from the king.

9. . . .-Ketu. Danger to life, loss of wealth, danger from the king, trouble with enemies.

10. . . .-Sukr. Moderate effects, or some gains of wealth may be expected.

11. Candr-Candr. Acquisition of land, wealth and property, reverence from the king and
availability of sweetish preparations.

12. . . .-Mangal. Wisdom and discretion, reverence from the people, increase in wealth,
enjoyments to kinsmen, but there will be danger from an enemy.

13. ... -Rahu. Well-being, gain of wealth from the king and danger of death, if Rahu is yuti
with a malefic.

14. . . .-Guru. Enjoyments, increase in dignity and glory, gain of knowledge through the
preceptor, acquisition of a kingdom and acquisition of gems etc.

15. . . .-Sani. Bilious troubles, loss of wealth and name and fame.

16. . . .-Budh. Birth of a son, acquisition of a horse and other conveyances, success in
education, progress, gain of white garments and grains.

17. . . .-Ketu. Quarrels with Brahmins, fear of premature death, loss of happiness and distress

18. ...-Sukr. Gain of wealth, enjoyments, birth of a daughter, availability of sweet
preparations and cordial relations with all.

19. ...-Surya. Gain of happiness, grains and garments, victories everywhere.

20. Mangal -Mangal. Danger from enemies, quarrels and fear of premature death on account
of blood diseases.

21. . . .-Rahu. Destruction of wealth and kingdom (fall of government), unpalatable food and
quarrels with the enemy.

22. . . .-Guru. Loss of intelligence, distress, sorrows to children, fear of premature death,
negligence, quarrels and no fulfillment of any ambition.

23. ...-Sani. Destruction of the employer, distress, loss of wealth, danger from enemies,
anxiety, quarrels and sorrows.

24. ...-Budh. Loss of intelligence, loss of wealth, fevers and loss of grains, garments and

25. . . .-Ketu. Distress from diseases, lethargy, premature death, danger from the king and

26. . . .-Sukr. Distress from Chandal, sorrows, danger from the king and from weapons,
dysentery and vomiting.

27. . . .-Surya. Increase in landed property and wealth, satisfaction, visits of friends, happiness

28. . . .-Candr. Gains of white garments etc. from the southern direction, success in all

29. Rahu-Rahu. Imprisonment, disease, danger of injuries from weapons.

30. ...-Guru. Reverence everywhere, acquisition of conveyances, like elephants etc., gain of

31. ... -Sani. Rigorous imprisonment, loss of enjoyments, danger from enemies, affliction with

32. . . .-Budh. Gain in all ventures, abnormal gain through wife.

33. ...-Ketu. Loss of intelligence, danger from enemies, obstacles, loss of wealth, quarrels,

34. . . .-Sukr. Danger from a Yogini, danger from the king, loss of conveyances, availability of
unpalatable food, loss of a wife, sorrow in the family.

35. . . .-Surya. Danger from enemies, fevers, distress to children, fear of premature death,

36. ...-Candr. Excitement, quarrels, worries, loss of reputation, fear, distress to father.

37. . . .-Mangal. Septic boil in the anus (Bhagandhar), distress, due to a bite and pollution of
blood, loss of wealth, excitement.

38. Guru-Guru. Acquisition of gold, increase in wealth etc.

39. . . .-Sani. Increase in lands, conveyances and grains.

40. . . .-Budh. Success in the educational sphere, acquisition of clothes and gems, like pearls
etc., visits of friends.

41 . ... -Ketu. Danger from water and thieves.

42. ...-Sukr. Several kinds of learning, gain of gold, clothes, ornaments, well-being and

43. . . .-Surya. Gain from the king, friends and parents, reverence everywhere.

44. . . .-Candr. No distress, gain of wealth and conveyances, success in ventures.

45. . . .-Mangal. Danger from weapons, pain in anus, burning in the stomach, indigestion,
distress from enemies.

46. . . .-Rahu. Antagonism with menials (Chandaldhi) and loss of wealth and distress through

47. Sani-Sani. Physical distress, quarrels, danger from menials.

48. ...-Budh. Loss of intelligence, quarrels, dangers, anxiety about availability of food, loss of
wealth, danger from enemy.

49. . . .-Ketu. Imprisonment in the camp of the enemy, loss of luster, hunger, anxiety and

50. . . .-Sukr. Fulfillment of ambitions, well-being in the family, success in ventures and gains

51. ... -Surya. Conferment of authority by the king, quarrels in the family, fevers.

52. ...-Candr. Development of intelligence, inauguration of big a venture, loss of luster,
extravagant expenditure, association with many women.

53. . . .-Mangal. Loss of valour, distress to son, danger from fire and enemy, distress from bile
and wind.

54. . . .-Rahu. Loss of wealth, clothes, land, going away to foreign lands, fear of death.

55. . . .-Guru. Inability to prevent losses, caused by women, quarrels, excitement.

56. Budh-Budh. Gain of intelligence, education, wealth, clothes etc.

57. . . .-Ketu. Coarse food, stomach troubles, eye troubles, distress from bilious and blood

58. . . .-Sukr. Gains from a northern direction, loss of cattle, acquisition of authority from

59. ... -Surya. Loss of splendour and distress through diseases, distress in the heart.

60. . . .-Candr. Marriage, gain of wealth and property, birth of a daughter, enjoyments all-

61. . . .-Mangal. Religious-mindedness, increase in wealth, danger from fire and enemies, gain
of red clothes, injury from a weapon.

62. . . .-Rahu. Quarrels, danger from wife, or some other woman, danger from the king.

63. . . .-Guru. Acquisition of a kingdom, conferment of authority by the king, reverence from
the king, education, intelligence.

64. . . .-Sani. Bilious and windy troubles, injuries to the body, loss of wealth.

65. Ketu-Ketu. Sudden disaster, going away to foreign lands, loss of wealth.

66. . . .-Sukr. Loss of wealth through a non-Hindu king, eye troubles, headache, loss of cattle.

67. ...-Surya. Antagonism with friends, premature death, defeat, exchange of arguments.

68. ...-Candr. Loss of grains, physical distress, misunderstanding, dysentery.

69. . . .-Mangal. Injury from weapons, distress from fire, danger from menials and enemies.

70. . . .-Rahu. Danger from women and enemies, distress, caused by menials.

71. . . .-Guru. Loss of friends, wealth and garments, opprobrium in the house, troubles from

72. . . .-Sani. Death of cattle and friends, physical distress, very meagre gain of wealth.

73. ...-Budh. Loss of understanding, excitement, failure in education, dangers, failure in all

74. Sukr-Sukr. Gains of white clothes, conveyances, gems, like pearls etc., association with
beautiful damsel.

75. . . .-Surya. Rheumatic fever, headache, danger from the king and enemies and meagre gain
of wealth.

76. . . .-Candr. Birth of a daughter, gain of clothes etc. from the king, acquisition of authority.

77. . . .-Mangal. Blood and bile troubles, quarrels, many kinds of distresses.

78. . . .-Rahu. Quarrels with wife, danger, distress from the king and enemies.

79. ...-Guru. Acquisition of kingdom, wealth, garments, gems, ornaments and conveyance,
like elephants etc.

80. ...-Sani. Acquisition of donkey, camel, goat, iron, grains, sesame seeds, physical pains.

81. ...-Budh. Gains of wealth, knowledge, authority from the king, gain of money, distributed
by others.

82. . . .-Ketu. Premature death, going away from homeland, gains of wealth at times.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Ch. 62. Effects of Sukshmantar Dashas in Pratyantar Dashas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 62. Effects of Sukshmantar Dashas in Pratyantar Dashas

1. The Sukshmantar Dasha is arrived at by multiplying the periods of Pratyantar Dasha
separately for each Grah by the Dasha years of that Grah and then by dividing the product by

2. Surya-Surya (Sukshm Dasha of Surya in Pratyantar Dasha of Surya). Going away from
homeland, danger of death, loss of position, losses all-round.

3. . . .-Candr. Devotion towards deities and Brahmins, interest in pious deeds, affectionate
relations with friends.

4. ...-Mangal. Indulgence in sinful deeds, distress from cruel enemies, bleeding.

5. . . .-Rahu. Danger from thieves, fire and poison, defeat in war, religious inclination.

6. . . .-Guru. Recognition by government, respected by government employees, becoming
favourite of the king.

I . ... -Sani. Causing trouble to respected persons and Brahmins by theft and by other bold
deeds, going away from ones own place, mental agony.

8. . . .-Budh. Gains of fancy garments, association with a beautiful damsel, sudden success in

9. . . .-Ketu. Achievement of glory through wife and employees, loss of wealth, comforts from

10. . . .-Sukr. Happiness from son, friends and wife, acquisition of many kinds of properties.

I I . Candr-Candr. Gain of ornaments and land, reverence, recognition from the king, anger,

12. . . .-Mangal. Distress, antagonism with the enemy, stomach troubles, death of father,
troubles, due to imbalance of wind and bile.

13. . . .-Rahu. Disharmony with friends and kinsmen, going away from homeland, loss of
wealth, imprisonment.

14. ... -Guru. Opulence and glory with royal symbols, birth of a son, gain of property,
enjoyments all-round.

15. . . .-Sani. Wrath of the king, loss of wealth in business dealings, danger from thieves and

16. . . .-Budh. Reverence from the king, gain of wealth, gain of conveyance from a foreign
land, increase in the number of children.

17. . . .-Ketu. Loss in the livelihood, earned by sale etc., grains, medicines, cattle etc., danger
from fire and the sun's rays (sun-stroke).

18. ...-Sukr. Marriage, gain of a kingdom, land, garments, ornaments, reputation etc.

19. ...-Surya. Troubles, losses in ventures, destruction of grains and cattle, physical distress.

20. Mangal-Mangal. Sorrows on account of loss of lands, epilepsy, imprisonment,

21. . . .-Rahu. Physical distress, danger from the people (due to unpopularity), loss of wife and
children, danger from fire.

22. . . .-Guru. Devotion towards deities, Mantra Siddhi, reverence from the people,

23. . . .-Sani. Release from imprisonment, happiness on account of wealth, gains of clothes and

24. . . .-Budh. Comforts of Chatr, Chamar etc. (receiving respect, as that of a king), breathing

25. ... -Ketu. Indulgence in undesirable deeds at the instance of others, one always remains

26. . . .-Sukr. Enjoyment with women of choice, gain of wealth, food etc.

27. . . .-Surya. Wrath of the king, distress through Brahmins, failure in ventures, odium in
public (Loka Nindha).

28. . . .-Candr. Piousness, gain of wealth, devotion towards deities and Brahmins, danger from

29. Rahu-Rahu. Tendering to create turbulence by people, lack of wisdom in performance of
duties, affliction of the mind.

30. . . .-Guru. Affliction with a chronic disease, poverty, but revered by the people and the

31. ... -Sani. Gain of wealth through unfair means, wicked, or mean nature, performing other
person's duties, undesirable association.

32. . . .-Budh. Increase in desires for sexual acts with women, eloquence, hunger, physical

33. ...-Ketu. Politeness, loss of reputation, imprisonment, cold heartedness, loss of public

34. . . .-Sukr. Freedom from imprisonment, gain of position and wealth.

35. . . .-Surya. Settling down in foreign lands, affliction with Gulma, even temperament,
comforts of conveyances.

36. . . .-Candr. Gain of gems (money), wealth, education, attachment to prayers, good behavior
and devotion towards deities.

37. . . .-Mangal. Fleeing after defeat, anger, imprisonment, indulgence in thefts and stealing.

38. Guru-Guru. Banishment of sorrows, increase in wealth, performing Havan, devotion to
Lord Shiva, gains of conveyance, marked with royal symbols.

39. ...-Sani. Obstacles in fasting, agony, foreign journeys, loss of wealth, antagonism with

40. . . .-Budh. Success in education, increase in intelligence, reverence from the people
(popularity), gains of wealth, all sorts of enjoyments and comforts at home.

41. ...-Ketu. Knowledge, glory, learning, study of Shastras, worship of Lord Shiva, Havan,
devotion toward preceptor.

42. . . .-Sukr. Recovery from diseases, enjoyments, gain of wealth, happiness from wife and

43. . . .-Surya. Troubles of wind and bile, stomach pains through imbalance of phlegm and

44. . . .-Candr. Glory with umbrella with royal symbols, celebrations on the birth of a son,
distress in eyes and stomach.

45. . . .-Mangal. Administration of poison by wife, imprisonment, danger from diseases, going
away to foreign lands, confusion and misunderstandings.

46. . . .-Rahu. Danger from thieves, snakes and scorpions, diseases and distress.

47. Sani-Sani. Loss of wealth, diseases, like rheumatism etc., destruction of the family, taking
meals separately from the family, full of sorrows.

48. . . .-Budh. Profits in business, progress in education, increase in wealth and lands.

49. . . .-Ketu. Turbulence by thieves, leprosy, loss of livelihood, physical pains.

50. . . .-Sukr. Opulence and glory, learning the use of weapons, birth of a son, coronation,
good health and fulfillment of all ambitions.

51. . . .-Surya. Wrath of the king, quarrels in the family, physical distress.

52. ...-Candr. Development of intelligence, inauguration of a big project, loss of luster,
extravagance, happiness from wife and children.

53. ...-Mangal. Loss of luster, excitement, burning in the stomach, misunderstanding, quarrels
and wind and bile disorders.

54. . . .-Rahu. Death of parents, agony, extravagance, failure in ventures.

55. . . .-Guru. Acquisition of gold coins, reverence from the public, increase in wealth and
grains, acquisition of Chatr with royal symbols.

56. Budh-Budh. Dawn of fortune, reverence from the king, increase in wealth and property
and affectionate relations with all.

57. . . .-Ketu. Danger from fire, agony, distress to wife, coarse food and immoral tendencies.

58. . . .-Sukr. Gain of conveyances, wealth, grains, produced in water, good repute and

59. . . .-Surya. Injuries, wrath of the king, confusion in the mind, diseases, loss of wealth,
ridicule in public.

60. . . .-Candr. Good fortune, stability of mind, reverence from the king, gains of property,
visits of friends and the preceptor.

61. . . .-Mangal. Danger from fire and poison, idiocy, poverty, confusion of mind, excitement.

62. . . .-Rahu. Danger from fire and snakes and the victory over an enemy (with difficulty),
opprobrium from goblins (evil, mischievous spirit).

63. . . .-Guru. Construction of a house, interest in charities, comforts and enjoyments, increase
in opulence, gain of wealth from the king.

64. . . .-Sani. Profits in business, progress in education and increase in wealth, marriage,
circumambience of comprehensiveness.

65. Ketu-Ketu. Happiness from wife and children, physical troubles, poverty, begging.

66. . . .-Sukr. Freedom from diseases, gains of wealth, devotion towards Brahmins and the
preceptor, union with members of the family.

67. . . .-Surya. Quarrels, loss of land, residence in foreign lands, disaster upon friends.

68. . . .-Candr. Promotion in service, victory in war, good reputation in public.

69. . . .-Mangal. Danger of falling down from a horse etc., distress from thieves and the
wicked, suffering from Gulma and headache.

70. . . .-Rahu. Destruction of wife, father etc., defamation, due to association with a wicked
woman, vomiting, blood pollution, bilious diseases.

71. . . .-Guru. Antagonism with the enemy, increase in property and opulence, distress, due to
losses in cattle, wealth and agricultural production.

72. . . .-Sani. Imaginary distress, little comfort, fasting, antagonism with wife, indulgence in

73. . . .-Budh. Union and separation from many kinds of people, distress to the enemy,
increase in wealth and property.

74. Sukr-Sukr. Destruction of enemies, enjoyments, construction of temples of Lord Shiva
etc. and reservoirs.

75. . . .-Surya. Agony in mind and heart, confusion of mind, wanderings, both losses and gains
at different times.

76. . . .-Candr. Sound health, increase in wealth, success in ventures through business dealings,
progress in education and increase of intelligence.

77. . . .-Mangal. Idiocy, danger from an enemy, going away from one's homeland, danger
from diseases.

78. . . .-Rahu. Danger from fire and snakes, destruction of kinsmen, resignation from position
(service etc.).

79. . . .-Guru. Success in ventures, increase in wealth and agricultural production, abnormal
profits from purchase and sale business.

80. ...-Sani. Distress from an enemy, sorrows, destruction of cattle, loss of persons, belonging
to the Gotra of the native and elders (preceptors).

81. . . .-Budh. Increase in wealth with the assistance of kinsmen, gain of wealth through
business, happiness from wife and children.

82. . . .-Ketu. Danger from fire, distress from diseases, distress in mouth, eyes and forehead,
loss of accumulated wealth, mental agony.
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Ch. 63. Effects of Prana Dashas in Sukshma Dashas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 63. Effects of Prana Dashas in Sukshma Dashas

1 . If we multiply the Sukshma Dasha spans by the Dasha years of each Grah and divide the
product by 120, we will get the Prana Dasha.

(2) Surya-Surya. Interest in unnatural sexual intercourse, danger from thieves, fire and the
king, physical distress.

3. ...-Candr. Enjoyments, availability of good food, development of intelligence, opulence
and glory, like that of a king, by the beneficence of generous people.

4. . . .-Mangal. Antagonism with the king with the connivance of others, dangers and great

5. . . .-Rahu. Hunger, danger from poison, loss of wealth, as a result of punishment by the

6. . . .-Guru. Success in many educational spheres, gain of wealth, success in ventures, as a
result of the exchange of visits with the king and Brahmins.

7. ...-Sani. Imprisonment, death, excitement, obstacles and losses in ventures.

8. . . .-Budh. Feeding from the kings kitchen, acquisition of Chatr and Chamar with royal
symbols, attainment of the position of a high dignitary in government.

9. . . .-Ketu. Loss of wealth, due to quarrels with the preceptor (elders), wife and kinsmen.

10. . . .-Sukr. Recognition, or reverence from the king, increase in wealth, happiness from wife
and children, enjoyments from eating and drinking.

11. Candr-Candr. Happiness from wife and children, gain of wealth and clothes, Yog Sidhi.

12. ...-Mangal. Consumption, leprosy, destruction of kinsmen, bleeding, creation of
turbulence by friends and goblins.

13. . . .-Rahu. Danger from snakes, creation of turbulance by evil spirits, weakness of eyesight,
confusion of mind.

14. ...-Guru. Growth of religious-mindedness, forgiveness, devotion towards deities and
Brahmins, good fortune, meeting with near and dear ones.

15. . . .-Sani. Unexpected and sudden physical distress, creation of troubles by enemies,
weakness of eyesight, gain of wealth.

16. ... -Budh. Gift of Chamar and Chatr by the king, acquisition of a kingdom, even-
mindedness in people.

17. . . .-Ketu. Danger from weapons, from fire, from an enemy and from poison, stomach
troubles, separation from wife and children.

18. . . .-Sukr. Acquisition of friends and wife, gain of wealth from foreign lands, all kinds of

19. . . .-Surya. Brutality, increase in anger, fear of death, agony, going away from the
homeland, dangers.

20. Mangal -Mangal. Quarrels with the enemy, imprisonment, bilious and blood pollution

21. . . .-Rahu. Separation from wife and children, distress, as a result of oppression by
kinsmen, fear of death, poison.

22. . . .-Guru. Devotion towards deities, gain of wealth, competence in Mantra rituals.

23. . . .-Sani. Danger from fire, death, loss of wealth, loss of position, but good relations with

24. ...-Budh. Gains of splendid garments, ornaments, marriage.

25. . . .-Ketu. Fear of falling down from a high place, eye troubles, danger from snakes, loss of

26. . . .-Sukr. Gain of wealth, reverence amongst people, enjoyment of many kinds of luxuries.

27. ...-Surya. Fevers, lunacy, loss of wealth, wrath of the king, poverty.

28. . . .-Candr. Comforts of good food and garments, distress from heat and cold.

29. Rahu-Rahu. Loss of taste in eating, danger from poison, loss of wealth through rashness.

30. ...-Guru. Physical well-being, fearlessness, gain of conveyance and quarrels with menials.

31. ... -Sani. Danger from fire, diseases, loss of wealth through menials, imprisonment.

32. . . .-Budh. Devotion towards the preceptor and increase of wealth through his beneficence,
good qualities and well cultured.

33. . . .-Ketu. Antagonism with wife and children, going away from home, loss of wealth
through rashness.

34. ...-Sukr. Acquisition of Chatr, Chamar, conveyances etc., success in all ventures, worship
of Lord Shiva, construction of a house.

35. . . .-Surya. Affliction with piles, wrath of the king, loss of cattle.

36. . . .-Candr. Development of mental powers and intelligence, popularity, visits of
preceptors, danger of committing sins.

37. . . .-Mangal. Dangers from menials and fire, loss of position, disaster, filthiness and

38. Guru-Guru. Happiness, increase in wealth, performance of Havan, worship of Lord Shiva,
acquisition of Chatr and conveyances.

39. . . .-Sani. Failure in fasting, unhappiness, going away to foreign lands, loss of wealth,
antagonism with kinsmen.

40. . . .-Budh. Progress in education, increase in intelligence, happiness to wife and children,
popularity, gain of wealth.

41. ...-Ketu. Opulence and glory, learnedness, gain of knowledge of Shastras, worship of
Lord Shiva, performance of Havan, devotion towards preceptor.

42. . . .-Sukr. Freedom from diseases, enjoyments, increase in wealth, happiness from wife and

43. . . .-Surya. Disorders of wind, bile and phlegm, pains, due to disorders of juices in the

44. ... -Candr. Acquisition of Chatr with royal symbol, opulence and glory, increase in
children, eye and stomach troubles.

45. . . .-Mangal. Danger of administration of poison by wife, imprisonment, foreign journeys,
confusion of mind.

46. . . .-Rahu. Distress from diseases, troubles from thieves, danger from snakes, scorpions etc.

47. Sani-Sani: Loss of luster, due to fevers, leprosy, stomach troubles, danger of death from

48. . . .-Budh. Gain of wealth and grains, profits in business, reverence, devotion towards
deities and Brahmins.

49. . . .-Ketu. Death4ike distress, creation of turbulence by evil spirits, insult from a woman,
other than one's wife.

50. . . .-Sukr. Enjoyments through wealth, son and beneficence of the king, performance of
Havanas, marriage etc.

51. ... -Surya. Troubles in the eyes and forehead, danger from snakes and enemies, loss of
wealth, distress.

52. . . .-Candr. Sound health, birth of a son, relief, thriving strength, devotion towards deities
and Brahmins.

53 . ... -Mangal. Affliction with Gulma, danger from enemy, danger of death during hunting,
danger from snakes, from fire and from poison.

54. . . .-Rahu. Going away from the homeland, danger from the king, bewitchment, taking of
poison, troubles from wind and bile.

55. . . .-Guru. Attainment of the position of a Commander in the Army, gain of land,
association with ascetics, reverence from the king.

56. Budh-Budh. Increase in enjoyments, wealth and religious-mindedness, even-mindedness
in all living beings.

57. . . .-Ketu. Danger from thieves, from fire and from poison, death-like suffering.

58. . . .-Sukr. Supremacy over others, increase in wealth, reputation and religious-mindedness,
devotion to Lord Shiva, happiness from son.

59. . . .-Surya. Agony, fevers, lunacy, affectionate relations with wife and kinsmen, receipt of
stolen property.

60. . . .-Candr. Happiness from wife, birth of a daughter, gain of wealth and enjoyments all-

61. . . .-Mangal. Tendency to indulge in nefarious activities, pain in eyes, teeth and stomach,
piles, danger from death.

62. . . .-Rahu. Gain of clothes, ornaments and wealth, separation from one's own people,
antagonism with Brahmins, delirium.

63. . . .-Guru. Sublimately, progress in education, increase in wealth and good qualities, profits
in business.

64. . . .-Sani. Danger of death from thieves, poverty, beggary.

65. Ketu-Ketu. Danger of fall from a conveyance, quarrels with the enemy, committing a
murder inadvertently.

66. ...-Sukr. Gain of land and conveyance, happiness, destruction of enemy, increase in cattle

67. . . .-Surya. Danger from fire and enemy, loss of wealth, mental agony, death-like suffering.

68. . . .-Candr. Devotion towards deities and Brahmin, journeys to distant places, gain of
wealth and happiness, eye and ear troubles.

69. . . .-Mangal. Bilious troubles, enlargement of veins, delirium, antagonism with kinsmen.

70. . . .-Rahu. Antagonism with son and wife, going away from home, loss in ventures, due to

71. . . .-Guru. Injuries from weapons, wounds, heart disease, separation from wife and

72. . . .-Sani. Confusion of mind, tendencies towards nefarious deeds, imprisonment on
account of addictions (in drugs etc.), distress.

73. ...-Budh. Enjoyments of bed, perfumery, ornaments and sandal, good food and
availability of all kinds of comforts.

74. Sukr-Sukr. Learning, devotion to deities, satisfaction, gain of wealth, increase in the
number of children.

75. . . .-Surya. Good reputation in public, loss of happiness in respect of children, heat

76. . . .-Candr. Devotion towards deities, competence, relief by the application of Mantras,
increase in wealth and fortune.

77. . . .-Mangal. Fevers, wounds, ringworms, itches, devotion towards deities and Brahmins.

78. . . .-Rahu. Distress from an enemy, eye and stomach troubles, antagonism with friends.

79. . . .-Guru. Good longevity, sound health, happiness from wealth, wife and children,
acquisition of Chatr and conveyances.

80. . . .-Sani. Danger from the king, loss of happiness, critical disease, controversy with

81. . . .-Budh. Satisfaction, reverence from the king, gains of land and wealth from many
directions, increase in enthusiasm.

82. . . .-Ketu. Loss of life, wealth and reputation, only some money is left for charities and
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Ch. 64. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Kala Chakr

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 64. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Kala Chakr

1. Maharishi Parashar said. Now I am going to describe to you the effects of Antar Dashas in
the Kala Chakr Dasha, as related by Lord Shiva to the Goddess Parvati.

2. Dasha of Mesh Ahs. There will be wounds and fever in the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the
Dasha of Mesh Ahs. In the same Dasha and Antar Dasha of the Rasis, owned by Budh, Sukr,
Candr and Guru, all kinds of happiness will be enjoyed. Danger from an enemy will be
experienced in the Antar Dasha of Surya.

3-5. Dasha of Vrishabh Ahs. Effects, like quarrels and diseases, will be experienced in Antar
Dasha of Sani. There will be gains of education and physical felicity in the Antar Dasha of
Guru, going away from home, death, or distress from fevers in the Antar Dasha of Mangal
and gains of garments, happy association with women in the Antar Dashas of the Rasis,
owned by Sukr and Budh. Danger from the king and violent animals may be expected in the
Antar Dasha of Rasi, owned by Surya.

6-10. Dasha of Mithun Ahs. The effects in the Antar Dashas of the Rasis concerned will be, as
follows. Sukr - gain of wealth and garments. Mangal - death of parents, danger, fever, wounds
and travels to distant places. Guru - increase in intelligence, success in education, opulence
and glory, popularity and affection towards others. Sani - foreign journeys, diseases, fear of
death, loss of wealth and kinsmen. Budh - success in education, gains of garments etc.,
happiness from wife and children and reverence from all quarters.

11-16. Dasha of Kark Ahs. The effects in the various Antar Dashas of the Rasis concerned
will be, as follows. Candr - happiness from wife and children, gain of wealth and reverence
from the public. Surya - danger from enemies, animals and the royal family, mental agony
and fear of diseases. Budh and Sukr - happiness from wife, children and friends, increase in
wealth, popularity and name and fame. Mangal - danger from poison, weapons and diseases,
like fever. Guru - gains of wealth, physical felicity, honours from the king. Sani - rheumatism,
danger from snakes and scorpions and distress of all kinds.

17-21. Dasha of Simh Ahs. . . . Mangal - diseases of the mouth, bilious fever and danger from
weapon. Budh and Sukr - gain of clothes, happiness from wife and children. Candr - danger
from fall from some height, meagre gains of wealth, foreign journeys. Surya - danger from
enemies, fevers, loss of wisdom, fear of death. Guru - gains of wealth and grains, beneficence
of the king and Brahmins, progress in education.

22-26. Dasha of Kanya Ahs. . . . Sani - many kinds of troubles, travels to distant places, fevers,
distress from hunger. Guru - gains of wealth through the beneficence of the king, arrival of
friends and kinsmen and success in education. Mangal - bilious fever, travels to distant places,
danger from fire and from weapons. Budh, Sukr and Candr - gains of wealth through sons and
employees, many enjoyments. Surya - travel to distant lands, danger from diseases, quarrels
with kinsmen, danger of assaults by weapons.

27-3 1 . Dasha of Tula Ahs. . . . Sukr - wisdom, comforts, happiness from wife and children and
from wealth, garments etc. Mangal - distress to father, enmity with friends, danger from
disease of forehead, fevers, poison, weapons etc. Guru - gain of wealth, acquisition of a
kingdom, performance of religious rites, honours from the king and happiness all-round. Sani
- travels to distant places, critical diseases, loss in the agricultural sphere, danger from
enemies. Budh - birth of a son, gain of wealth, happiness from one's wife, joy, dawn of

32-33. Dasha of Vrischik Ahs. The following effects will be experienced in the Antar Dashas
of the Rasis concerned. Candr, Budh and Sukr - gain of wealth and grains in different ways,
freedom from diseases, enjoyments of many kinds. Surya - danger from enemies, loss of
wealth, distress to father, danger from wild and violent animals. Mangal - troubles from wind
and bile, wounds, danger from fire and from weapons. Guru - gains of wealth, grains,, and
gems, devotion towards deities and Brahmins, beneficence of the king. Sani - loss of wealth,
separation from kinsmen, mental anxiety, danger from enemies, diseases.

34-40. Dasha of Dhanu Ahs. The following effects will be derived in the various Antar
Dashas of the Rasis, owned by. . . Mangal - heart burn, fevers, cold, diseases of the mouth,
many kinds of troubles. Sukr, Budh and Candr - increase in wealth and property and fortune,
progress in education, destruction of enemies, happiness from the king. Surya - loss of wife
and wealth, quarrels, danger from the king, travels to distant lands. Guru - charily, self-
mortifications, honours from the king, increase in religious-mindedness, happiness from wife,
gain of wealth.

41-44. Dasha of Makar Ahs. The following effects will be experienced in the various Antar
Dashas of the Rasis, owned by. . . Sani - wrath of Brahmins, deities and the king, loss of
kinsmen, abandonment of the homeland. Sukr, Budh, Candr and Guru - devotion towards
deities, self-mortification, honours from the government. Mangal - disease of the forehead,
assaults on hands and feet, danger from dysentery, blood pollution and bilious troubles. Sani -
loss of father and kinsmen, fevers, danger from the king and the enemies.

45-49. Dasha of Kumbh Ahs. . . . Sukr - many kinds of educational attainments, gains of
property, happiness from wife and children, sound health and increase in wealth. Mangal -
fevers, danger from fire and from enemies, distress from enemies and mental agony. Sani -
danger of troubles from wind, bile and phlegm, quarrels, foreign journey, danger of suffering
from tuberculosis. Guru - freedom from ill health, happiness, honours from the king and joy.
Budh - happiness from wife, children and wealth, joy, increase in good fortune.

50-55. Dasha of Meen Ahs. . . . Candr - increase in wisdom and educational attainments,
happiness from wife, freedom from disease, association with friends, joy and happiness.
Surya - quarrels with kinsmen, danger from thieves, mental agony, loss of position. Budh and
Sukr - victory in war, birth of a son, gains of land and cattle, increase in wealth. Mangal -
bilious troubles, dissension with members of the family, danger from enemies. Guru - gain of
wealth and grains, happiness from wife, honours from the king, name and fame. Sani - loss of
wealth, mental agony, abandonment of the homeland on account of associations with

56-58. Maharishi Parashar said to Maitreya. O Brahmin! The effects of Antar Dashas in the
Kala Chakr, which have been described above, are based on Savya Chakr. The effects of
Antar Dashas in the Dashas of the Rasis in the Apsavya Chakr have to be assessed, after
taking into account the benefic and malefic natures of the Lords of the Rasis. People have to
enjoy the good, or suffer the bad results, according to their good, or bad actions in the
previous births. Everybody suffers, or enjoys accordingly. The peculiarity in this respect is,
that inauspicious results have been ascribed to malefics. But, if during the Antar Dasha the
Grah concerned is a friend of the Lord of the Dasha, the results of the Antar Dasha will be
favourable. If the Grah concerned is a benefic, but an enemy of the Lord of the Dasha, his
Antar Dasha effects will not prove favourable. This is how the Antar Dasha effects have to be
analyzed and conclusions arrived at.
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Ch. 65. Effects of Dashas of Rasis in the Ansas of the Various Rasis

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 65. Effects of Dashas of Rasis in the Ansas of the Various Rasis

1-3. The following will be the effects in the Dashas of Rasis in Mesh Ahs. Mesh - distress
from diseases, caused by blood pollution, Vrishabh - increase in grain production, Mithun -
dawn of knowledge (Gyanodaya), Kark - increase in wealth, Simh - danger from enemies,
Kanya - happiness from wife, Tula - ministership, Vrischik - danger of death, Dhanu - gains
of wealth.

4-5 1 /2. . . . Vrishabh Ahs. Makar - tendency to indulge in sinful actions, Kumbh - profits in
business, Meen - success in all ventures, Vrischik - danger from fire, Tula - honours from the
king, Kanya - danger from enemies, Kark - distress to wife, Simh - eye troubles, Mithun -
danger from poison.

6-8. . . . Mithun Ahs. Vrishabh - gains of wealth, Mesh - fever, Meen - affectionate relations
with maternal uncle, Kumbh - increase in enemies, Makar - danger from thieves, Dhanu -
progress in education, Mesh - assaults from enemies, Vrishabh - quarrels, Mithun - happiness.

9-1 OV2. . . . Kark Ahs. Kark - enjoyments, Simh - danger from the king, Kanya - happiness
from kinsmen, Tula - good reputation, Vrischik - distress from father, Dhanu - gain of
knowledge and wealth, Makar - disgrace in public, Kumbh - loss in business, Meen - travels
to distant lands.

11-13. ... in Simh Ahs. Vrischik - quarrels, distress, Tula - gain of wealth, happiness, Kanya -
increase in wealth and grains, Kark - danger from animals, Simh - both happiness and
sorrows, Mithun - increase in enemies, Vrishabh - gain of property, happiness, Mesh -
distress, Meen - long journey.

14-1 5 V2. ... Kanya Ahs. Kumbh - gain of wealth, Makar - increase in wealth, Dhanu -
happiness from brothers, Mesh - happiness from mother, Vrishabh - happiness from sons,
Mithun - danger from enemies, Kark - affectionate relation with wife, Simh - increase in ill
health, Kanya - birth of a son.

16-18. . . . Tula Ahs. Tula - gain of wealth, Vrischik - happiness from brothers, Dhanu -
happiness from brothers and uncles, Makar - distress to mother, Kumbh - profits in business,
Meen - gain of property, happiness, Vrischik - distress to wife, Tula - danger from water,
Kanya - increase in property and happiness.

19-20Vi . . . Vrischik Ans. Kark - loss of wealth, Simh - danger from government, Mithun -
gain of lands, Vrishabh - increase in wealth, Mesh - distress on account of blood pollution,
Meen - happiness, Kumbh - profits in business, Makar - loss of wealth, Dhanu - gain of
property, happiness.

21-23. ... Dhanu Ans. Mesh - gain of wealth, Vrishabh - gain of lands, Mithun - success in all
ventures, Kark - gain of property, happiness, Simh - all comforts, Kanya - quarrels, Tula -
profits in business, Vrischik - danger from diseases, Dhanu - happiness to sons.

24-25/4. . . . Makar Ans. Makar - birth of a son, Kumbh - increase in wealth, Meen - well-
being, Vrischik - danger from animals, Tula - gain of wealth, Kanya - danger from enemies,
Kark - gain of wealth, Simh - danger from enemies, Mithun - danger from poison.

26-28. . . . Kumbh Ans. Vrishabh - increase in wealth, Mesh - eye troubles, Meen - travels to
distant lands, Kumbh - increase in wealth, Makar - success in all ventures, Dhanu - increase in
knowledge and learning, Mesh - loss of happiness, Vrishabh - danger of death, Mithun - gains
of property, happiness.

29-3 1 . . . . Meen Ans. Kark - increase in wealth, Simh - assistance from the king, Kanya -
increase in wealth and grains, Tula - profits in business, Vrischik - distress from fever, Dhanu
- increase in knowledge and wealth, Makar - antagonism with wife, Kumbh - danger from
water, Meen - all kinds of enjoyments.

32. There is no doubt, that observance of remedial measures in the form of prescribed
Maharishi Yagyas destroys the evil effects of the inauspicious Dashas and yield happiness.
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Ch. 66. AshtakaVarg

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 66. AshtakaVarg

1-4. Maitreya said: "O Venerable Sage! You have described many kinds of effects, relating to
the Grahas and Bhavas, after incorporating the views of many sages and Acharyas, but it is
not possible to say with certainty, if a particular effect is quite correct, after considering the
contradictions in the effects by the movements of the various Grahas. As because of sinful
deeds, committed by people in Kaliyuga, their minds have become blunt, be kind enough to
describe a method, which would enable even the shallow minded persons to ascertain their
happiness and sorrows and determine their longevity on the basis of the positions of the
Grahas in transit."

5-6. The sage replied: "O Brahmin! You have put a very intelligent question. I will now
describe the Shastra for the benefit of all, the Shastra, in which there will be no contradictions
in judging the effects of happiness and sorrows and for determination of the longevity. You
now listen to me carefully.

7-11. If the 12 Bhavas, including Lagn, are occupied by, or aspected by benefic Grahas, they
yield auspicious results, according to their characteristics, but this happens, where the Grahas
concerned are in their exaltation Rasi, own Rasi, or posited in a benefic Bhava. There will be
no good effects, if such Grahas are in depression, or posited in an inauspicious Bhava.
Similarly the Bhavas, associated with, or aspected by malefics in depression, or posited in
malefic Bhavas, yield adverse results, according to their characteristics. If such Grahas be in
their exaltation Rasi, the effects will not be adverse. This is how the general effects have been
described by the Daivajnas. I have only repeated those effects. The main purposes of this
Jyotish Shastra are to determine the longevity and joys and sorrows of the people, but because
the movements of the Grahas are so subtle, even sages, like Vashista and Brihaspati, have not
been able to be quite definite in this respect. Then how can a common man, particularly in
Kaliyuga, do so.

12. There are two divisions, or parts of the Jyotish Shastra, namely general and particular. I
have already dealt with the general part. I now come to the other part, which deals with this
subject in particular.

13-15. As the effects of the twelve Bhavas are judged from Lagn and Candr, effects of the
twelve Bhavas and the various Grahas are judged in the same manner. Therefore the
inauspicious places from the seven Grahas, named, as Karan, beginning from Surya and Lagn
(total 8), should be marked by dots (Bindus) and auspicious places, named, as Sthan, by small
vertical lines (Rekhas) and on the basis of their assessment should the judgment of the
horoscope and predictions be made."

Notes. The above arrangement is known, as AshtakaVarg. The meaning of AshtakaVarg is
literally the group of eight things. In other words it is the combination of the good and bad
positions of a Grah with reference to the seven Grahas and Lagn. So it is the combination of
the benefic and malefic marks (the Rekhas and the Bindus) in a planet's chart with reference
to the position of the eight Grahas (here Lagn is to be treated, as a Grah).

16. Five Grahas in 1 st , 2 nd , 8 th , 3 rd and the 12 th Bhavas from Surya are Karanprad (dot
significators). Similarly four Grahas in the 7 th and 4 th , three Grahas in the 6 th and 9 th , six
Grahas in the 5 th , 2 Grahas in the 10 th and one Grah in the 1 1 th are dot significators.

17-19. Thus Lagn, Candr, Guru, Sukr and Budh in the 1 st , 2 nd and 8 th from Surya; Surya,
Mangal, Sani, Candr and Guru in the 12 th ; Budh, Candr, Sukr, Guru in the 4 th ; Lagn, Candr,
Sukr in the 9 th ; Surya, Sani and Mangal in the 6 th ; Lagn, Budh, Guru and Candr in the 7 th ;
Sukr in the 1 1 th ; Surya, Sani, Sukr, Guru and Mangal in the 3 rd ; Guru and Sukr in the 10 th ;
Surya, Sani, Candr, Lagn Mangal and Sukr in the 5 th are Karanprad, or dot indicators.

20-22. In Candr' s AshtakaVarg 6 Grahas in the 9 th and the 2 nd , 5 Grahas in the 4 th , 8 th and the
1 st , one Grah in the 10 th and the 3 rd , 4 Grahas in the 5 th , 3 Grahas in the 6 th and the 7 th and 1 st ,
eight in the 12 th are Karanprad. Thus Lagn, Surya, Mangal, Sani and Sukr, these five in the
1 st ; Lagn, Budh, Surya, Candr, Sani and Sukr, these 6 in the 2 nd ; Guru in the 3 rd ; Surya, Sani,
Candr, Lagn and Mangal, these 5 in the 4 th ; Sukr, Budh, Guru, these 3 in the 6 th ; Mangal,
Lagn and Sani, these 3 in the 7 th ; Mangal, Lagn, Sani, Sukr and Candr, these five in the 8 th ;
Lagn, Surya, Mangal, Sani, Budh and Guru, these 6 in the 9 th ; Sani only in the 10 th ; none in
the 1 1 th ; all the eight in the 12 th from their own places are Karanprad. These Grahas in the
other Bhavas are Rekhaprad (line significators).

23-27. In the AshtakaVarg of Mangal 6 Grahas in the 12 th , 4 th and 7 th , 5 Grahas in the 5 th , 6
Grahas in the 2 nd , 7 Grahas in the 9 th , 5 Grahas in the 1 st and 8 th , 4 Grahas in the 3 rd , 3 Grahas
in the 10 th and 2 Grahas in the 6 th are Karanprad. In the 1 1 th no Grah is Karanprad. In other
words all the Grahas in the 1 1 th from their own places are Rekhaprad. Thus Surya, Candr,
Budh, Guru and Sukr, these five in the 1 st ; Lagn, Surya, Candr, Budh, Guru and Sani, these 6
in the 2 nd ; Sukr, Mangal, Guru and Sani, these 4 in the 3 rd ; Surya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Sukr
and Lagn, these 6 in the 4 th ; Candr, Mangal, Guru, Sukr and Lagn, these 5 in the 5 th ; Mangal
and Sani, these 2 in the 6 th ; Budh, Candr, Surya, Sukr, Guru and Lagn, these 6 in the 7 th ;
Budh, Candr, Surya, Lagn and Guru, these five in the 8 th ; Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh, Guru,
Sukr and Lagn, these 7 in the 9 th ; Sukr, Candr and Budh, these 3 in the 10 th ; none in the 1 1 th ;
Surya, Sani, Budh, Candr, Lagn and Mangal, these 6 in the 12 th from their own places are

28-30. In the AshtakaVarg of Budh 3 Grahas in the 1 st , 2 nd , 4 th , 10 th , 6 th and 9 th , 2 Grahas in
the 8 th , 6 Grahas in the 3 rd and the 7 th , none in the 1 1 th , 5 Grahas in the 5 th and 12 th are
Karanprad. Thus Surya, Candr and Guru, these 3 in the 1 st ; Guru, Surya and Budh, these 3 in
the 2 n ; Lagn, Surya, Mangal, Sani, Candr and Guru, these 6 in the 3 r ; Budh, Surya and Guru,
these 3 in the 4 th ; Guru, Mangal, Candr, Sani and Lagn, these 5 in the 5 th ; Sukr, Sani and
Mangal, these 3 in the 6 th ; Budh, Candr, Lagn, Surya, Sukr and Guru, these 6 in the 7 th ; Budh
and Surya, these 2 in the 8 th ; Guru, Candr and Lagn, these 3 in the 9 th ; Surya, Guru and Sukr,
these 3 in the 10 th ; none in the 1 1 th ; Lagn, Candr, Mangal, Sani and Sukr these 5 in the 12 th
from their own places are Karanprad.

3 1-34. In the AshtakaVarg of Guru one Grah in the 2 nd and 1 1 th , 2 Grahas in the 10 th , 7
Grahas in the 12 th , 4 Grahas in the 6 th , 5 Grahas in the 8 th and 3 rd , 3 Grahas in the remaining
Bhavas are Karanprad. Thus Sukr, Candr and Sani, these 3 in the 1 st ; Sani in the 2 nd and 1 1 th ;
Lagn, Mangal, Candr, Budh and Sukr, these 5 in the 3 rd ; Surya, Guru and Mangal, these 3 in
the 5 th ; Sukr, Sani and Candr, these 3 in the 4 th ; Budh, Sukr and Sani, these 3 in the 7 th ; Guru,
Mangal, Surya and Candr, these 4 in the 6 th ; all except Sani, these 7 in the 12 th ; Candr and
Sani, these 2 in the 10 th ; Sani, Mangal and Guru, these 3 in the 9 th ; Lagn, Sani, Sukr, Candr
and Budh, these 5 in the 8 th from their own places are Karanprad.

35-38. In the AshtakaVarg of Sukr 2 Grahas in the 5 th , 8 th and 3 rd , 5 Grahas in the 1 st , 2 nd , 12 th ,
10 th , 8 Grahas in the 7 th , 6 Grahas in the 6 th , one in the 9 th , 3 in the 4 th , none in the 1 1 th are
Karanpradas. Thus Surya, Mangal, Budh, Guru and Sani, these 5 in the 1 st and the 2 nd ; all the
8 Grahas in the 7 th ; Guru and Surya, these 2 in the 3 rd ; Surya and Mangal, these 2 in the 5 th ;
Surya in 9 th ; Surya, Budh and Guru, these 3 in the 4 th ; Mangal and Budh, these 2 in the 8 th ;
Sukr, Surya, Candr, Sani, Lagn and Guru, these 6 in the 6 th ; none in the 1 1 th ; Lagn, Sani,
Budh, Sukr and Guru, these 5 in the 12 th ; Lagn, Mangal, Budh, Candr, Surya, these 5 in the
10 th from their own places are Karanpradas.

39-42. In the AshtakaVarg of Sani 7 Grahas in the 2 nd , 7 th , 9 th , 6 Grahas in the 8 th , Lagn and
4 th , 4 Grahas in the 10 th , 3 rd and 12 th , one Grah in the 6 th , 5 Grahas in the 5 th , none in the 1 1 th
are Karanpradas. Thus Candr, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Sukr and Sani, these 6 in the 4 th and the
1 st ; Candr, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Sukr, Sani and Lagn, these 7 in the 2 nd and the 7 th ; Surya,
Candr, Mangal, Guru, Sukr, Sani and Lagn, these 7 in the 9 th ; Candr, Guru, Sukr and Sani,
these 4 in the 10 th ; Guru, Surya, Budh and Sukr, these 4 in the 3 rd ; Surya in the 6 th ; Lagn,
Candr, Sani, Surya, these 4 in the 12 th ; Sukr, Surya, Candr, Budh and Lagn, these 5 in the 5 th ;
Candr, Mangal, Guru, Sukr, Sani and Lagn, these 6 in the 8 th ; none in the 1 1 th from their own
places are Karanpradas. The remaining places are Rekhapradas and are auspicious.

43-45. The sage said. Now I will describe the auspicious Bhavas for the benefit of the
Acharyas. In the AshtakaVarg of Surya: Sani, Mangal and Surya in the 2 nd , 8 th and 1 st ; Guru
and Budh in the 5 th ; Budh, Candr and Lagn in the 3 rd ; Lagn, Surya, Sani and Mangal in the
4 th ; Lagn, Surya, Sani, Mangal, Budh and Candr in the 10 th ; Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh,
Guru, Sani and Lagn in the 1 1 th ; Lagn, Sukr and Budh in the 12 th ; Lagn, Sukr, Budh, Guru
and Candr in the 6 th ; Surya, Mangal, Sani and Sukr in the 7 th ; Surya, Mangal, Sani, Budh and
Guru in the 9 th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

46-48. In the AshtakaVarg of Candr: Budh, Candr and Guru in the I s ; Guru and Mangal in
the 2 nd ; Budh, Surya, Candr, Mangal, Sani, Sukr and Lagn in the 3 rd ; Guru, Sukr and Budh in
the 4 th ; Mangal, Budh, Sukr and Sani in the 5 th ; Surya, Candr, Mangal, Sani and Lagn in the
6 th ; Surya, Candr, Guru, Budh and Sukr in the 7 th ; Surya, Budh and Guru in the 8 th ; Sukr and
Candr in the 9 th ; Surya, Budh, Guru, Sukr, Candr, Lagn and Mangal in the 10 th and all the 8
Grahas in the 1 1 th from their own places are Rekhapradas. No Grah is Rekhaprad in the 12 th .

49-50. In the AshtakaVarg of Mangal: Lagn, Sani and Mangal in the 1 st ; Mangal in the 2 nd ;
Lagn, Budh, Candr and Surya in the 3 rd ; Sani and Mangal in the 4 th ; Budh and Surya in the
5 th ; Budh, Candr, Guru, Surya, Lagn and Sukr in the 6 th ; Sani and Mangal in the 7 th ; Sani,
Mangal and Sukr in the 8 th ; Sani in the 9 th ; Mangal, Surya, Guru, Sani and Lagn in 10 th ; all in
the 1 1 th and Guru and Sukr in the 12 th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

51-52. In the AshtakaVarg of Budh: Lagn, Sani, Mangal, Sukr and Budh in the 1 st ; Lagn,
Mangal, Candr, Sukr and Sani in the 2 n ; Sukr and Budh in the 3 rd ; Lagn, Candr, Sani, Sukr
and Mangal in the 4 th ; Budh, Sani and Sukr in the 5 th ; Guru, Budh, Surya, Candr and Lagn in
the 6 th ; Mangal and Sani in the 7 th ; Mangal, Sani, Lagn, Candr, Sukr and Guru in the 8 th ; Sani,
Mangal, Surya, Budh and Sukr in the 9 th ; Lagn, Sani, Mangal, Budh and Candr in the 10 th ; all
in the 1 1 th and Guru, Budh and Surya in the 12 th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

53-55. In the AshtakaVarg of Guru: Lagn, Mangal, Surya and Budh in the 1 st and 4 th ; Guru,
Lagn, Mangal, Surya, Budh, Candr and Sukr in the 2 nd ; Sani, Guru and Surya in the 3 rd ; Sukr,
Candr, Lagn, Budh and Sani in the 5 th ; Sukr, Lagn, Budh and Sani in the 6 th ; Lagn, Mangal,
Guru, Surya and Candr in the 7 th ; Guru, Surya and Mangal in the 8 th ; Sukr, Surya, Lagn,
Candr and Budh in the 9 th ; Guru, Budh, Mangal, Surya, Sukr and Lagn in the 10 th ; all except
Sani in the 1 1 th and Sani in the 12 th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

56-58. In the AshtakaVarg of Sukr: Lagn, Sukr and Candr in the 1 st ; Lagn, Sukr and Candr in
the 2 nd ; Lagn, Sukr, Candr, Budh, Sani and Mangal in the 3 rd ; Lagn, Sukr, Candr, Sani and
Mangal in the 4 th ; Lagn, Budh, Candr, Guru, Sani and Sukr in the 5 th ; Budh and Mangal in the
6 th ; none in the 7 th ; Sukr, Surya, Candr, Guru, Lagn and Sani in the 8 th ; all except Surya in the
9 th ; Sukr, Guru and Sani in the 10 th ; all in the 1 1 th ; Mangal, Candr and Surya in the 12 th from
their own places are Rekhapradas.

59-60. In the AshtakaVarg of Sani: Surya and Lagn in the 1 st ; Surya in the 2 nd ; Lagn, Candr,
Mangal and Sani in the 3 rd ; Lagn and Surya in the 4 th ; Guru, Sani and Mangal in the 5 th ; all
except Surya in the 6 th ; Surya in the 7 th ; Surya and Budh in the 8 th ; Budh in the 9 th ; Surya,
Mangal, Lagn and Budh in the 10 th ; all in the 1 1 th ; Mangal, Budh, Guru and Sukr in the 12 th
from their own places are Rekhapradas.

61-64. In the AshtakaVarg of Lagn 3 Grahas in the 1 st and 4 th , 2 Grahas in the 3 rd , 5 Grahas in
the 2 nd , 6 Grahas in the 5 th , 8 th , 9 th and 12 th , one Grah in the 10 th , 1 1 th and 6 th and all except
Guru in the 7 th are Karanpradas. Thus Lagn, Surya and Candr in the 1 st ; Lagn, Mangal, Candr,
Surya and Sani in the 2 nd ; Guru and Budh in the 3 rd ; Lagn, Candr, Mangal, Budh, Sani and
Surya in the 5 th ; Lagn, Candr and Mangal in the 4 th ; Sukr in the 6 th ; all except Guru in the 7 th ;
Lagn, Surya, Candr, Mangal, Guru and Sani in the 8 th ; Lagn, Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh and
Sani in the 9 th ; Sukr in the 10 th and 1 1 th ; Lagn, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Sukr and Sani in the 12 th
from their own places are Karanpradas.

65-68. In the AshtakaVarg of Lagn: Sani, Budh, Sukr, Gum and Mangal in the I s ; Budh,
Guru and Sukr in the 2 nd ; Lagn, Surya, Candr, Mangal, Sukr and Sani in 3 rd ; Surya, Budh,
Guru, Sukr and Sani in the 4 th ; Guru and Sukr in the 5 th ; all except Sukr in the 6 th ; Guru in the
7 th ; Budh and Sukr in the 8 th ; Guru and Sukr in the 9 th ; all except Sukr in the 10 th ; all except
Sukr in the 1 1 th and Surya and Candr in the 12 th from their own places are Rekhapradas.

69. In the charts of AshtakaVarg Karan is signified by a Bindu, or dot (0) and Sthan by a
Rekhapradas, or line (1). Karan is inauspicious, while Sthan is auspicious.

70-72. To identify the auspicious and inauspicious Bhavas in the AshtakaVarg a chart should
be prepared with 14 horizontal lines and ten vertical lines. The form of the chart so prepared
will consist of 1 17 apartments. In this chart in the first line incorporates the names of the
seven Grahas and Lagn. In the first column write the numbers of all the 12 Bhavas. After this
mark dots under the Grah and against the Karanprad Bhavas. By doing so the Karanprad
Bhavas of all the 8 Grahas, including Lagn, will become known clearly and whenever the
AshtakaVarg Grah will pass in transit the dot-marked Bhavas, he will yield unfavourable
results. In his transit to other Bhavas he would give favourable effects. The following table
shows the dots in the AshtakaVarg of Surya.
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Ch. 67. Trikon Shodhana in the AshtakaVarg

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 67. Trikon Shodhana in the AshtakaVarg

1-2. The sage said. O Brahmin! After preparing the AshtakaVarg of all the Grahas, including
Lagn, Trikon Shodhana has to be done for each Rasi. A Trikon is made of three Rasis
equidistant from each other. Thus Mesh, Simh and Dhanu, Vrishabh, Kanya and Makar,
Mithun, Tul and Kumbh, Kark, Vrischik and Meen form the Trikonas of the Rasis.

3-5. The Trikon Shodhana (rectification) should be done by writing the Rekhas in the
Ashtaka Vargas of Surya etc. under the Rasis Mesh etc. Amongst the Trikon Rasis the Rasi,
which has lesser number of Rekhas, should be allotted Rekhas, arrived at by deducting its
number of Rekhas from the greater number of Rekhas of the three Trikon Rasis. No Trikon
Shodhana is necessary, if any of the Trikon Rasis has no Rekha. Shodhana should be done, if
all the three of them have equal number of Rekhas, that is a zero should be written against all
of them. Thereafter Ekadhipatya Shodhana should be done in the same manner, described
later. (For Shodhana of the AshtakaVarg of a Grah the first thing to be done is to see, in which
Rasi the Grah is posited. Beginning from that Rasi, the names of the 12 Rasis should be
written and then the names of the Grahas, posited in them, should be mentioned against them.
Thereafter the Rekhas, gained by that Rasi, should be written below them and the number,
achieved after Shodhana, below it)
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Ch. 68. Ekadhipatya Shodhana in the AshtakaVarg

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 68. Ekadhipatya Shodhana in the AshtakaVarg

1-5. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is done after writing the numbers for Rasis, arrived at by Trikon
Shodhana. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is done, if both the two Rasis, owned by a Grah, have
gained a number after Trikon Shodhana. Ekadhipatya Shodhana is not to be done, if one Rasi
has got a number and the other is bereft of any number. The following are the rules for
Ekadhipatya Shodhana. If both the Rasis are without a Grah and the Trikon Shodhana
numbers are different, both should be given the smaller number. If both the Rasis are with
Grahas, no Shodhana is to be done. If amongst the two Rasis one is with a Grah and a smaller
Trikon rectified number and the other is without Grah with a bigger number, deduct the
smaller number from the bigger number and the number of the Rasi with Grah should be kept
unchanged. If the Rasi with the Grah has a bigger number than that of the Rasi without Grah,
the Shodhana should be done of the number of the Rasi without Grah and the number of the
Rasi with Grah should be kept unchanged. If both the Rasis are without Grahas and possess
the same numbers, Shodhana of both the numbers should be done and the rectified numbers
should be reduced to zero. If one Rasi is with Grah and the other is without any Grah, the
number of the latter should be reduced to zero. Surya and Candr own one Rasi only, their
numbers should be kept unchanged.

6. After doing Ekadhipatya Shodhana, Pinda Sadhana should be taken in hand.
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Ch. 69. Pinda Sadhana in the AshtakaVarg

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 69. Pinda Sadhana in the AshtakaVarg

1-4. The Sage said. O Brahmin! After completing the Trikon and Ekadhipatya Shodhana in
the AshtakaVargas of all the Grahas, the rectified number should be multiplied by the
measure of the Rasi. If there be any Grah in any Rasi, the rectified number should be
multiplied by the measure of the Grah also. Then, after multiplying the rectified number of
each Rasi, the products should be added up. The total so arrived at will be Pinda of that Grah.
The multiples of Rasis are 10 for Vrishabh and Simh, 8 for Mithun and Vrischik, 7 for Mesh
and Tul, 6 for Makar and Kanya. The multipliers of the remaining Rasis are the same, as their
numbers. (Rasiman Chakr. Mesh 7, Vris 10, Mith 8, Kark 4, Simh 10, Kany 6, Tula 7, Vrsk 8,
Dhan 9, Maka 5, Kumb 11, Mina 12) The multipliers of Grahas are 10 for Guru, 3 for
Mangal, 7 for Sukr, 6 for Budh, Surya, Candr and Sani. (Grahman Chakr. Surya 5, Candr 5,
Mangal 8, Budh 5, Guru 10, Sukr 7, Sani 5)
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