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Ch. 20. Effects of Dharm Bhava

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 20. Effects of Dharm Bhava

(1) Combinations for Fortunes. O Brahmin, now listen to the effects of Dharm Bhava. One
will be fortunate (or affluent), if Dharm' s Lord is in Dharm Bhava with strength.

(2) Should Guru be in Dharm Bhava, while Dharm' s Lord is in an angle and Lagn's Lord is
endowed with strength, one will be extremely fortunate.

3. Fortunate (Affluent) Father. If Dharm' s Lord is with strength, as Sukr is in Dharm, while
Guru is in an angle from Tanu Bhava, the native's father is fortunate.

4. Indigent Father. If Dharm's Lord is debilitated, while the 2 n and/or the 4 l from Dharm
Bhava is occupied by Mangal, the native's father is poor.

5. Long-living Father. Should Dharm's Lord be in deep exaltation, while Sukr is in an angle
from Tanu Bhava and Guru is in the 9 th from Navahs Lagn, the father of the native will enjoy
along span of life.

6. Royal Status for Father. If Dharm's Lord is an angle and receives a Drishti from Guru, the
native's father will be a king endowed with conveyances, or be equal to a king.

7. Wealthy and Famous Father. Should Dharm's Lord be in Karm Bhava, while Karm's Lord
receives a Drishti from a benefic the native's father will be very rich and famous.

8-9. Virtuous and Devoted to Father. Should Surya be in deep exaltation, as Dharm's Lord is
in Labh Bhava, the native will be virtuous, dear to the king and devoted to father. If Surya is
in a trine from Lagna, while Dharm's Lord is in Yuvati in yuti with, or receiving a Drishti
from Guru, the native will be devoted to his father.

10. Fortunes etc. Acquisition of fortunes, conveyances and fame will follow the 32 nd year of
age, if Dharm's Lord is in Dhan, while Dhan's Lord is in Dharm.

11. Inimical to Father. There will be mutual enmity between the father and the native, if
Lagn's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, but with the Lord of Ari. Further, the native's father will be
of contemptible disposition.

12. Begged Food. If Karm's Lord and Sahaj's Lord are bereft of strength, while Dharm's
Lord is in fall, or combust the native will go begging for his food.

13-25. Combinations for Father's Death. The father of the native would have passed away
prior to the native's birth, if Surya is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, as Randhr's Lord is in
Dharm Bhava, Vyaya's Lord is in Tanu Bhava and Ari's Lord is in Putr Bhava. Should Surya
be in Randhr Bhava, while Randhr's Lord is in Dharm, the native's father will pass away
within a year of his birth. If the Lord of Vyaya Bhava is in Dharm Bhava, while Dharm's
Lord is in its debilitation Navahs, the native's father will face his end during the 3 rd , or the
16 th year of the native. Death of father will occur in the 2 nd , or the 12 th year, if Lagn's Lord is
in Randhr Bhava, as Randhr's Lord is with Surya. Should Rahu be in the 8 th from Dharm, as
Surya is in the 9 th from Dharm, death of father will take place in the 16 th , or the 18 th year of
the native. If Sani is in the 9 th from Candr, as Surya is with Rahu, the native's father will die
in the 7 l , or the 19* year of the native. The native in his 44 l year will lose his father, if
Dharm's Lord is in Vyaya, as Vyaya's Lord is in Dharm. If Lagn's Lord is in Randhr Bhava,
as Candr is in Surya's Navahs, the native in his 35 th , or 41 st year will lose his father. One will
lose his father in the 50 th year, if Surya, being the Lord of Dharm, is conjunct Mangal and
Sani. If Surya is in the 7 th from Dharm Bhava, as Rahu is in the 7 th from Sahaj Bhava, the 6 th ,
or 25 th year of the native will be fatal for father. If Sani is in the 7 th from Randhr Bhava, as
Surya is in the 7 th from Sani, the ages of 21, 26, or 30 will be fatal for the father. If Dharm's
Lord is in its debilitation Rasi, while his dispositor is in Dharm Bhava, the native will lose his
father at the age of 26, or 30. Thus the Jyotishis may know the effects.

26. Fortunes. One will enjoy abundant fortunes, if Sukr is in deep exaltation and be in the
company of Dharm's Lord, as Sani is in Sahaj.

27-28. Fortunate Periods. Abundant fortunes be acquired after the 20 th year, if Dharm has
Guru in it, as its Lord is in an angle from Lagn. Should Budh be in his deep exaltation, as
Dharm' s Lord is in Dharm itself, abundant fortunes will be earned after the 36 th year.

29. Should Lagn's Lord be in Dharm, as Dharm' s Lord is in Lagn and Guru is in Yuvati, there
will be gains of wealth and conveyances.

30. Lack of Fortunes. If Rahu is in the 9 th from Dharm Bhava, as his dispositor is in Randhr
Bhava and Dharm' s Lord is in fall, the native be devoid of fortunes.

3 1 . Food by Begging. Should Sani be in Dharm Bhava along with Candr, as Lagn's Lord is in
fall, the native will acquire food by begging.

32. O Brahmin, these are the effects related to Dharm Bhava. I have explained briefly. These
may be estimated with the help of the state of the Lords of Lagn and Dharm Bhava and in
other manners as well.
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Ch. 21. Effects of Karm Bhava

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 21. Effects of Karm Bhava

1. 1 now explain the effects of Karm Bhava. Listen to these, o Maitreya, in the words of
Brahma, Garga and others.

2. Paternal Happiness. If Karm' s Lord is strong and in exaltation, or in its own Rasi/Navahs,
the native will derive extreme paternal happiness, will enjoy fame and will perform good

3. If Karm' s Lord is devoid of strength, the native will face obstructions in his work. If Rahu
is in an angle, or in a trine, he will perform religious sacrifices, like Jyotishtoma.

4. If Karm' s Lord is with a benefic, or be in an auspicious Bhava, one will always gain
through royal patronage and in business. In a contrary situation, only opposite results will
come to pass.

5. Should Karm and Labh Bhava be both occupied by malefics, the native will indulge only in
bad deeds and will defile his own men.

6. If the Lord of Karm Bhava is relegated to Randhr Bhava along with Rahu, the native will
hate others; be a great fool and will do bad deeds.

7. If Sani, Mangal and Karm's Lord are in Yuvati, as Yuvati's Lord is with a malefic, the
native will be fond of carnal pleasures and of filling his belly.

8-10 Should Karm's Lord be in exaltation and be in the company of Guru, as Dharm's Lord is
in Karm the native will be endowed with honour, wealth and valour. One will lead a happy
life, if Labh' s Lord is in Karm and Karm's Lord is in Lagn, or, if the Lord of Karm Bhava is
yuti with the Lord of Labh Bhava in an angle. Should Karm's Lord in strength be in Meen
along Guru, the native will doubtless obtain robes, ornaments and happiness.

1 1 . Should Rahu, Surya, Sani and Mangal be in Labh Bhava, the native will incur cessation of
his duties.

12. One will be learned and wealthy, if Guru is in Meen along with Sukr, while Lagn's Lord
is strong and Candr is in exaltation.

13. Should Karm's Lord be in Labh, while Labh's Lord is in Tanu Bhava and Sukr is in
Karm, the native will be endowed with precious stones.

14. If the Karm's Lord is exalted in an angle, or a trine and is yuti with Guru, or receives a
Drishti from Guru, one will be endowed with deeds.

15. Should Karm's Lord be in Lagn along with Lagn's Lord, as Candr is in an angle, or in a
trine, the native will be interested in good deeds.

16. If Sani is in Karm Bhava along with a debilitated Grah, while Karm Bhava in the Navahs
Kundali is occupied by a malefic, the native will be bereft of acts.

17. One will indulge in bad acts, if Karm's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, while Randhr's Lord is
in Karm Bhava with a malefic.

18. Obstructions to the native's acts will crop up, if Karm's Lord is in fall, as both Karm
Bhava and the 10 th from Karm Bhava have malefic occupations.

19-21 . Combinations for Fame. One will be endowed with fame, if Candr is in Karm Bhava,
while Karm's Lord is in a trine from Karm Bhava and Lagn's Lord is in Lagn's angle. Similar
effects will come to pass, if Labh's Lord is in Karm Bhava, while Karm's Lord is strong and
gives a Drishti to Guru. Fame will come to the native, if Karm's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, as
Lagn's Lord is in Karm Bhava and Candr is in Putr Bhava.

22. O excellent of the Brahmins, thus have been told about the effects of Karm Bhava in a
brief manner. Other related effects be guessed by you based on the relationship of the Lords
of Lagn and of Karm Bhava.
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Ch. 22. Effects of Labh Bhava

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 22. Effects of Labh Bhava

1. O excellent of the Brahmins, I now explain effects relating to Labh Bhava, the
auspiciousness of which Bhava will make one happy at all times.

2. Should Labh's Lord be in Labh itself, or be in an angle, or in a trine from Lagn, there will
be many gains. Similarly, if Labh's Lord is exalted, though in combustion there will be many

3. If Labh's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, while Dhan's Lord is in an angle along with Guru, the
gains will be great.

4. If Labh's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, while Labh Bhava is occupied by a benefic, the native
will gain 2000 Nishkas in his 36 l year.

5. If Labh's Lord is yuti with a benefic in an angle, or in a trine, the native will acquire 500
Nishkas in his 40 l year.

6. The native will own 6000 Nishkas, if Labh Bhava is occupied by Guru, while Dhan Bhava
and Dharm Bhava are, respectively, taken over by Candr and Sukr by position.

7. Should Guru, Budh and Candr be in the 1 1 th from Labh, the native will be endowed with
wealth, grains, fortunes, diamonds, ornaments etc.

8. One will gain 1000 Nishkas in his 33 rd year, if Labh's Lord is in Lagn and Lagn's Lord is
in Labh Bhava.

9. If Labh's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, as Dhan's Lord is in Labh Bhava, one will amass
abundant fortunes after marriage.

10. If Labh's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, as Sahaj's Lord is in Labh Bhava, one will gain wealth
through co-borns and will be endowed with excellent ornaments.

11. There will be no gains in spite of numerous efforts, if Labh's Lord is in fall, in
combustion, or be in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava with a malefic.
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Ch. 23. Effects of Vyaya Bhava

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 23. Effects of Vyaya Bhava

1-4. O Brahmin, now I tell you about the effects of Vyaya Bhava. There will be expenses on
good accounts, if Vyaya' s Lord is with a benefic, or in his own Bhava, or exalted, or, if a
benefic occupies Vyaya. One will own beautiful houses and beds and be endowed with
superior scented articles and pleasures, if Candr happens to be Vyaya' s Lord and be exalted,
or be in its own Rasi and/or Navahs, or in Labh/Dharm/Putr Bhava in Rasi/Navahs. The said
native will live with rich clothes and ornaments, be learned and Lordly.

5-6. And, if Vyaya' s Lord is in Ari, or Randhr Bhava, or be in enemy's Navahs, in
debilitation Navahs, or in Randhr Bhava in Navahs, one will be devoid of happiness from
wife, be troubled by expenses and deprived of general happiness. If he be in an angle, or trine,
the native will beget a spouse.

7. Just as these effects are derived from Tanu Bhava in regard to the native, similar deductions
be made about co-borns etc. from Sahaj and other Bhavas.

8. Grahas placed in the visible half of the zodiac will give explicit results, while the ones in
the invisible half will confer secret results.

9. If Rahu is in Vyaya along with Mangal, Sani and Surya, the native will go to hell. Similar
effect will occur, if Vyaya' s Lord is with Surya.

10. If there is a benefic in Vyaya, while its Lord is exalted, or is yuti with, or receives a
Drishti from a benefic, one will attain final emancipation.

11. One will wander from country to country, if Vyaya' s Lord and Vyaya Bhava are with
malefics and Vyaya' s Lord gives a Drishti to, or receives a Drishti from malefics.

12. One will move in his own country, if Vyaya' s Lord and Vyaya Bhava are with benefics
and Vyaya' s Lord gives a Drishti to, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

13. Earnings will be through sinful measures, if Vyaya is occupied by Sani, or Mangal etc.
and is not receiving a Drishti from a benefic.

14. If Lagn's Lord is in Vyaya, while Vyaya' s Lord is in Lagn with Sukr, expenses will be on
religious grounds.
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Ch. 24. Effects of the Bhava Lords

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 24. Effects of the Bhava Lords

1. Effects of Lagn's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 12). Should Lagn's Lord be in Lagn
itself, the native will be endowed with physical happiness and prowess. He will be intelligent,
fickle-minded, will have two wives and will unite with other females.

2. If the Lagn's Lord is in Dhan, he will be gainful, scholarly, happy, endowed with good
qualities, be religious, honourable and will have many wives.

3. If Lagn's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will equal a lion in valour, be endowed with all
kinds of wealth, be honourable, will have two wives, be intelligent and happy.

4. If Lagn's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be endowed with paternal and maternal
happiness, will have many brothers, be lustful, virtuous and charming.

5. If Lagn's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will have mediocre progenic happiness, will lose
his first child, be honourable, given to anger and be dear to king.

6. If Lagn's Lord is in Ari Bhava and related to a malefic the native will be devoid of physical
happiness and will be troubled by enemies, if there is no benefic Drishti.

7. If Lagn's Lord is a malefic and is placed in Yuvati Bhava, the natives wife will not live
(long). If the Grah in question is a benefic, one will wander aimlessly, face penury and be
dejected. He will alternatively become a king (if the said Grah is strong).

8. If Lagn's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be an accomplished scholar, be sickly,
thievish, be given to much anger, be a gambler and will join others' wives.

9. If Lagn's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be fortunate, dear to people, be a devotee
of Sri Vishnu, be skilful, eloquent in speech and be endowed with wife, sons and wealth.

10. If Lagn's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be endowed with paternal happiness,
royal honour, fame among men and will doubtlessly have self-earned wealth.

11. If Lagn's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will always be endowed with gains, good
qualities, fame and many wives.

(12) If Lagn's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava and is devoid of benefic Drishti and/or Yuti, the native
will be bereft of physical happiness, will spend unfruitfully and be given to much anger.

13. Effects of Dhan' s Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 24). If Dhan' s Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be endowed with sons and wealth, be inimical to his family, lustful,
hard-hearted and will do others' jobs.

14. If Dhan's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be wealthy, proud, will have two, or
more wives and be bereft of progeny.

15. If Dhan's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be valorous, wise, virtuous, lustful and
miserly; all these, when related to a benefic. If related to a malefic, the native will be a

16. If Dhan's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will acquire all kinds of wealth. If Dhan's
Lord is exalted and is yuti with Guru, one will be equal to a king.

17. If Dhan's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be wealthy. Not only the native, but also
his sons will be intent on earning wealth.

18. If Dhan's Lord is in Ari Bhava along with a benefic, the native will gain wealth through
his enemies; if Dhan's Lord is yuti with a malefic, there will be loss through enemies apart
from mutilation of shanks.

19. If Dhan's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be addicted to others' wives and he will
be a doctor. If a malefic is related to the said placement by yuti with Dhan's Lord, or by
Drishti, the native's wife will be of questionable character.

20. If Dhan's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be endowed with abundant land and
wealth. But he will have limited marital felicity and be bereft of happiness from his elder

21. If Dhan's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be wealthy, diligent, skilful, sick during
childhood and will later on be happy and will visit shrines, observing religious code etc.

22. If Dhan's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be libidinous, honourable and learned; he
will have many wives and much wealth, but he will be bereft of filial happiness.

23. If Dhan's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will have all kinds of wealth, be ever diligent,
honourable and famous.

24. If Dhan's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be adventurous, be devoid of wealth and
be interested in other's wealth, while his eldest child will not keep him happy.

25. Effects of Sahaj's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 36). If Sahaj's Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will have self-made wealth, be disposed to worship, be valorous and be
intelligent, although devoid of learning.

26. If Sahaj's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be corpulent, devoid of valour, will not
make much efforts, be not happy and will have an eye on others' wives and others' wealth.

27. If Sahaj's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be endowed with happiness through co-
born and will have wealth and sons, be cheerful and extremely happy.

28. If Sahaj's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be happy, wealthy and intelligent, but
will acquire a wicked spouse.

29. If Sahaj's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will have sons and be virtuous. If in the
process Sahaj's Lord be yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a malefic, the native will have a
formidable wife.

30. If Sahaj's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will be inimical to his co-born, be affluent, will
not be well disposed to his maternal uncle and be dear to his maternal aunt.

3 1 . If Sahaj 's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be interested in serving the king. He
will not be happy during boyhood, but the end of his life he will be happy.

32. If Sahaj's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be a thief, will derive his livelihood
serving others and will die at the gate of the royal palace.

33. If Sahaj's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will lack paternal bliss, will make fortunes
through wife and will enjoy progenic and other pleasures.

34. If Sahaj's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will have all lands of happiness and self-
made wealth and be interested in nurturing wicked females.

35. If Sahaj's Lord is in Labh Bhava, then native will always gain in trading, be intelligent,
although not literate, be adventurous and will serve others.

36. If Sahaj's Lord is in Vyaya, the native will spend on evil deeds, will have a wicked father
and will be fortunate through a female.

37. Effects of Bandhu's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 48). If Bandhu's Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be endowed with learning, virtues, ornaments, lands, conveyances and
maternal happiness.

38. If Bandhu's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will enjoy pleasures, all kinds of wealth,
family life and honour and be adventurous. He will be cunning in disposition.

39. If Bandhu's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be valorous, will have servants, be
liberal, virtuous and charitable and will possess self-earned wealth. He will be free from

40. If Bandhu's Lord is in Bandhu, the native will be a minister and will possess all kinds of
wealth. He will be skilful, virtuous, honourable, learned, happy and be well disposed to his

41. If Bandhu's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be happy and be liked by all. He will be
devoted to Sri Vishnu, be virtuous, honourable and will have self-earned wealth.

42. If Bandhu's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness, be
given to anger, be a thief and a conjurer, be independent in action and be indisposed.

43. If Bandhu's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be endowed with a high degree of
education, will sacrifice his patrimony and be akin to the dumb in an assembly.

44. If Bandhu's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be devoid of domestic and other
comforts, will not enjoy much parental happiness and be equal to a neuter.

45. If Bandhu's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be dear to one and all, be devoted to
God, be virtuous, honourable and endowed with every land of happiness.

46. If Bandhu's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will enjoy royal honours, be an alchemist,
be extremely pleased, will enjoy pleasures and will conquer his five senses.

47. If Bandhu's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will have fear of secret disease, he will be
liberal, virtuous, charitable and helpful to others.

48. If Bandhu's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava the native will be devoid of domestic and other
comforts, will have vices and be foolish and indolent.

49. Effects of Putr's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 60). If Putr's Lord is in Lagn, the
native will be scholarly, be endowed with progenic happiness, be a miser, be crooked and will
steal others' wealth.

50. If Putr's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will have many sons and wealth, be a pater
familias, be honourable, be attached to his spouse and be famous in the world.

51. If Putr's Lord is in Sahaj, the native will be attached to his co-born, be a tale bearer and a
miser and be always interested in his own work.

52. If Putr's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be happy, endowed with maternal
happiness, wealth and intelligence and be a king, or a minister, or a preceptor.

53. If Putr's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will have progeny, if related to a benefic; there
will be no issues, if malefic is related to Putr's Lord, placed in Putr Bhava. Putr's Lord in Putr
Bhava will, however, make one virtuous and dear to friends.

54. If Putr's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will obtain such sons, who will be equal to his
enemies, or will lose them, or will acquire an adopted, or purchased son.

55. If Putr's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be honourable, very religious, endowed
with progenic happiness and be helpful to others.

56. If Putr's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will not have much progenic happiness, be
troubled by cough and pulmonary disorders, be given to anger and be devoid of happiness.

57. If Putr's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be a prince, or equal to him, will author
treatises, be famous and will shine in his race.

58. If Putr's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will enjoy a Raj Yog and various pleasures
and be very famous.

59. If Putr's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will be learned, dear to people, be an author of
treatises, be very skilful and be endowed with many sons and wealth.

60. If Putr's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be bereft of happiness from his own sons,
will have an adopted, or purchased son.

61. Effects of Ari's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 72). If Ari's Lord is in Tanu Bhava,
the native will be sickly, famous, inimical to his own men, rich, honourable, adventurous and

62. If Ari's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be adventurous, famous among his people,
will live in alien countries, be happy, be a skilful speaker and be always interested in his own

63. If Ari's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be given to anger, be bereft of courage,
inimical to all of his co-born and will have disobedient servants.

64. If Ari's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be devoid maternal happiness, be
intelligent, be a tale bearer, be jealous, evil-minded and very rich.

65. If Ari's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will have fluctuating finances. He will incur
enmity with his sons and friends. He will be happy, selfish and kind.

66. If Ari's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will have enmity with the group of his kinsmen,
but be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre happiness in matters, like wealth.

67. If Ari's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be deprived of happiness through
wedlock. He will be famous, virtuous, honourable, adventurous and wealthy.

68. If Ari's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be sickly, inimical, will desire others'
wealth, be interested in others' wives and be impure.

69. If Ari's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will trade in wood and stones ('Pashan' also
means poison) and will have fluctuating professional fortunes.

70. If Ari's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be well known among his men, will not be
respectfully disposed to his father and will be happy in foreign countries. He will be a gifted

71. If Ari's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will gain wealth through his enemies, be
virtuous, adventurous and will be somewhat bereft of progenic happiness.

72. If Ari's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will always spend on vices, be hostile to
learned people and will torture living beings.

73. Effects of Yuvati's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 84). If Yuvati's Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will go to others' wives, be wicked, skilful, devoid of courage and afflicted
by windy diseases.

74. If Yuvati's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will have many wives, will gain wealth
through his wife and be procrastinating in nature.

75. If Yuvati's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will face loss of children and sometimes
with great difficulty there will exist a living son. There is also the possibility of birth of a

76. If Yuvati's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the wife of the native will not be under his control.
He will be fond of truth, intelligent and religious. He will suffer from dental diseases.

77. If Yuvati's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be honourable, endowed with all (i.e.
seven principal) virtues, always delighted and endowed with all kinds of wealth.

78. If Yuvati's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will beget a sickly wife and he will be inimical
to her. He will be given to anger and will be devoid of happiness.

79. If Yuvati's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be endowed with happiness through
wife, be courageous, skilful and intelligent, but only afflicted by windy diseases.

80. If Yuvati's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be deprived of marital happiness. His
wife will be troubled by diseases, be devoid of good disposition and will not obey the native.

81. If Yuvati's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will have union with many women, be
well disposed to his own wife and will have many undertakings.

82. If Yuvati's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will beget a disobedient wife, will be
religious and endowed with wealth, sons etc.

83. If Yuvati's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will gain wealth through his wife, be
endowed with less happiness from sons etc. and will have daughters.

84. If Yuvati's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will incur penury, be a miser and his
livelihood will be related to clothes. His wife will be a spendthrift.

85. Effects of Randhr' s Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 96). If Randhr' s Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be devoid of physical felicity and will suffer from wounds. He will be
hostile to gods and Brahmins.

86. If Randhr' s Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be devoid of bodily vigour, will enjoy a
little wealth and will not regain lost wealth.

87. If Randhr' s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be devoid of fraternal happiness, be
indolent and devoid of servants and strength.

88. If Randhr' s Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the child will be deprived of its mother. He will be
devoid of a house, lands and happiness and will doubtlessly betray his friends.

89. If Randhr' s Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be dull witted, will have limited number
of children, be long-lived and wealthy.

90. If Randhr' s Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will win over his enemies, be afflicted by
diseases and during childhood will incur danger through snakes and water.

91. If Randhr' s Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will have two wives. If Randhr's Lord is
yuti with a malefic in Yuvati Bhava, there will surely be downfall in his business.

92. If Randhr's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be long-lived. If the said Grah is
weak, being in Randhr Bhava, the longevity will be medium, while the native will be a thief,
be blameworthy and will blame others as well.

93. If Randhr's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will betray his religion, be a heterodox,
will beget a wicked wife and will steal others' wealth.

94. If Randhr's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be devoid of paternal bliss, be a
talebearer and be bereft of livelihood. If there is a Drishti in the process from a benefic, then
these evils will not mature.

95. If Randhr's Lord along with a malefic is in Labh Bhava, the native will be devoid of
wealth and will be miserable in boyhood, but happy later on. Should Randhr's Lord be yuti
with a benefic and be in Labh Bhava, the native will be long-lived.

96. If Randhr's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will spend on evil deeds and will incur a
short life. More so, if there be additionally a malefic in the said Bhava.

97. Effects of Dharm' s Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 103). If Dharm' s Lord is in
Lagn, the native will be fortunate, will be honoured by the king, be virtuous, charming,
learned and honoured by the public.

98. If Dharm' s Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be a scholar, be dear to all, wealthy,
sensuous and endowed with happiness from wife, sons etc.

99. If Dharm' s Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be endowed with fraternal bliss, be
wealthy, virtuous and charming.

100. If Dharm' s Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will enjoy houses, conveyances and
happiness, will have all kinds of wealth and be devoted to his mother.

101. If Dharm' s Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be endowed with sons and prosperity,
devoted to elders, bold, charitable and learned.

102. If Dharm's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will enjoy meagre prosperity, be devoid of
happiness from maternal relatives and be always troubled by enemies.

103. O Brahmin, If Dharm's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native beget happiness after
marriage, be virtuous and famous.

104. If Dharm's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will not be prosperous and will not enjoy
happiness from his elder brother.

105. If Dharm's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be endowed with abundant fortunes,
virtues and beauty and will enjoy much happiness from co-born.

106. If Dharm's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be a king, or equal to him, or be a
minister, or an Army chief, be virtuous and dear to all.

107. If Dharm's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will enjoy financial gains day by day, be
devoted to elders, virtuous and meritorious in acts.

108. If Dharm's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will incur loss of fortunes, will always
spend on auspicious acts and will become poor on account of entertaining guests.

109. Effects of Karm's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 120). If Karm's Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be scholarly, famous, be a poet, will incur diseases in boyhood and be
happy later on. His wealth will increase day by day.

110 If Karm's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be wealthy, virtuous, honoured by the
king, charitable and will enjoy happiness from father and others.

111. If Karm's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will enjoy happiness from brothers and
servants, be valorous, virtuous, eloquent and truthful.

1 12. If Karm's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be happy, be always interested in his
mother's welfare, will Lord over conveyances, lands and houses, be virtuous and wealthy.

113. If Karm's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be endowed with all kinds of learning, he
will be always delighted and he will be wealthy and endowed with sons.

1 14. If Karm's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will be bereft of paternal bliss. Although he
may be skilful, he will be bereft of wealth and be troubled by enemies.

115. If Karm's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be endowed with happiness through
wife, be intelligent, virtuous, eloquent, truthful and religious.

116. If Karm's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be devoid of acts, long-lived and
intent on blaming others.

117. If Karm's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, one born of royal scion will become a king, whereas
an ordinary native will be equal to a king. This placement will confer wealth and progenic
happiness etc.

118. If Karm's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be skilful in all jobs, be valorous,
truthful and devoted to elders.

119. If Karm's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will be endowed with wealth, happiness and
sons. He will be virtuous, truthful and always delighted.

120. If Karm's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will spend through royal abodes, will have
fear from enemies and will be worried in spite of being skilful.

121. Effects of Labh's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 132). If Labh's Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be genuine in disposition, be rich, happy, even-sighted, be a poet, be
eloquent in speech and be always endowed with gains.

122. If Labh's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be endowed with all kinds of wealth and
all kinds of accomplishments, charitable, religious and always happy.

123. If Labh's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be skilful in all jobs, wealthy, endowed
with fraternal bliss and may sometimes incur gout pains.

12. If Labh's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will gain from maternal relatives, will
undertake visits to shrines and will possess happiness of house and lands.

125. If Labh's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be happy, educated and virtuous. He will
be religious and happy.

126. If Labh's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will be afflicted by diseases, be cruel, living in
foreign places and troubled by enemies.

127. If Labh's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will always gain through his wife's
relatives, be liberal, virtuous, sensuous and will remain at the command of his spouse.

128. If Labh's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will incur reversals in his undertakings and
will live long, while his wife will predecease him.

129. If Labh's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be fortunate, skilful, truthful, honoured
by the king and be affluent.

130. If Labh's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will be honoured by the king, be virtuous,
attached to his religion, intelligent, truthful and will subdue his senses.

131. If Labh's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will gain in all his undertakings, while his
learning and happiness will be on the increase day by day.

132. If Labh's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will always depend on good deeds, be
sensuous, will have many wives and will befriend barbarians.

133. Effects of Vyaya's Lord in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 144). If Vyaya's Lord is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be a spendthrift, be weak in constitution, will suffer from phlegmatic
disorders and be devoid of wealth and learning.

134. If Vyaya's Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will always spend on inauspicious deeds,
be religious, will speak sweetly and will be endowed with virtues and happiness.

135. If Vyaya's Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be devoid of fraternal bliss, will hate
others and will promote self-nourishment.

136. If Vyaya's Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness and
will day by day accrue losses with respect to lands, conveyances and houses.

137. If Vyaya's Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will be bereft of sons and learning. He will
spend, as well as visit shrines in order to beget a son.

138. If Vyaya's Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will incur enmity with his own men, be given
to anger, be sinful, miserable and will go to others' wives.

(139) If Vyaya's Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will incur expenditure on account of his
wife, will not enjoy conjugal bliss and will be bereft of learning and strength.

140. If Vyaya's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will always gain, will speak affably, will
enjoy a medium span of life and be endowed with all good qualities.

141. If Vyaya's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will dishonour his elders, be inimical
even to his friends and be always intent on achieving his own ends.

142. If Vyaya's Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will incur expenditure through royal
persons and will enjoy only moderate paternal bliss.

143. If Vyaya Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will incur losses, be brought up by others and
will sometimes gain through others.

144. If Vyaya's Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will only face heavy expenditure, will not
have physical felicity, be irritable and spiteful.

145-148. Miscellaneous. O Brahmin, those are the effects of Bhava Lords, which are to be
deduced, considering their strengths and weaknesses. In the case of a Grah, owning two
Bhavas, the results are to be deducted based on its two lordships. If contrary results are thus
indicated, the results will be nullified, while results of varied nature will come to pass. The
Grah will yield full, half, or a quarter of the effects according to its strength being full,
medium and negligible, respectively. Thus I have told you about the effects, due to Bhava
Lords in various Bhavas.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Ch. 25. Effects of Non-Luminous Grahas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 25. Effects of Non-Luminous Grahas

1. Thus I have explained the effects of the seven Grahas, viz. Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh,
Guru, Sukr, Sani, Rahu and Ketu. Now I tell you about the effects of non4uminous Grahas.

2. Effects of Dhum in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 13). If Dhum is in Lagn, the native will be
valiant, endowed with beautiful eyes, stupefied in disposition, unkind, wicked and highly

3. If Dhum is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be sickly, wealthy, devoid of a limb, will incur
humiliation at royal level, be dull witted and be a eunuch.

4. Dhum is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be intelligent, very bold, delighted, eloquent and be
endowed with men and wealth.

5. If Dhum is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be grieved on account of being given up by his
female, but will be learned in all Shastras.

6. If Dhum is in Putr Bhava, the native will have limited progeny, be devoid of wealth, be
great, will eat anything and be bereft of friends and Mantras.

7. If Dhum is in Ari Bhava, the native will be strong, will conquer his enemies, be very
brilliant, famous and free from diseases.

8. If Dhum is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be penniless, be ever sensuous, skilful in going
to others' females and be always devoid of brilliance.

9. If Dhum is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be bereft of courage, but be enthusiastic, be
truthful, disagreeable, hardhearted and selfish.

10. If Dhum is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be endowed sons and fortunes, be rich,
honourable, kind, religious and well disposed to his relatives.

11. If Dhum is in Karm Bhava, the native will be endowed with sons and fortunes, be
delighted, intelligent, happy and truthful.

12. If Dhum is in Labh Bhava, the native will be endowed with wealth, grains and gold, be
beautiful, will have knowledge of arts, be modest and be skilful in singing.

13. If Dhum is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be morally fallen, will indulge in sinful acts,
be interested in others' wives, addicted to vices, unkind and crafty.

14. Effects of Vyatipat in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 25). If Vyatipat (also known in short,
as Pat) is in Tanu Bhava, the native will be troubled by miseries, be cruel, will indulge in
destructive acts, be foolish and will be disposed to his relatives.

15. If Vyatipat is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be morally crooked, be bilious, will enjoy
pleasures, be unkind, but grateful, be wicked and sinful.

16. If Vyatipat is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be firm in disposition, be a warrior, be
liberal, very rich, dear to the king and be head of an Army.

17. If Vyatipat is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be endowed with relatives etc., but not
sons and fortunes.

18. If Vyatipat is in Putr Bhava, the native will be poor, be charming in appearance, will have
imbalances of phlegm, bile and wind, be hard-hearted and shameless.

19. If Vyatipat is in Ari Bhava, the native will destroy his enemies, be physically mighty,
skilful in use of all kinds of weapons and in arts and be peaceful in disposition.

20. If Vyatipat is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be bereft of wealth, wife and sons, will
subdue to females, be miserable, sensuous, shameless and friendly to others.

21. If Vyatipat is in Randhr Bhava, the native will have deformity of eyes, be ugly,
unfortunate, spiteful to Brahmins and be troubled by disorders of blood.

22. If Vyatipat is in Dharm Bhava, the native will have many kinds of business and many
friends; he will be very learned, well disposed to his wife and he will be eloquent.

23. If Vyatipat is in Karm Bhava, the native will be religious, peaceful, skilful in religious
acts, very learned and far-sighted.

24. If Vyatipat is in Labh Bhava, the native will be extremely opulent, be honourable, truthful,
firm in policy, endowed with many horses and be interested in singing.

25. If Vyatipat is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be given to anger, associated with many
activities, disabled, irreligious and hate his own relatives.

26. Effects of Paridhi (or Parivesh) in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 37). If Paridhi is in Tanu
Bhava, the native will be learned, truthful, peaceful, rich, endowed with sons, pure, charitable
and dear to elders.

27. If Paridhi is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be wealthy, charming, will enjoy pleasures, be
happy, very religious and be a Lord.

28. If Paridhi is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be fond of his wife, be very charming, pious,
well disposed to his men, be a servant and be respectful of his elders.

29. If Paridhi is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be wonder-struck, helpful to enemies as
well, kind, endowed with everything and be skilful in singing.

30. If Paridhi is in Putr Bhava, the native will be affluent, virtuous, splendourous,
affectionate, religious and dear to his wife.

31. If Paridhi is in Ari Bhava, the native will be famous and wealthy, be endowed with sons
and pleasures, be helpful to all and will conquer his enemies.

32. If Paridhi is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will have limited number of children, be devoid
of happiness, be of mediocre intelligence, very hard-headed and will have a sickly wife.

33. If Paridhi is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be spiritually disposed, peaceful, strong-
bodied, firm in decision, religious and gentle.

34. If Paridhi is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be endowed with sons, be happy, brilliant,
very affluent, be devoid of excessive passion, be honourable and be happy with even a iota.

35. If Paridhi is in Karm Bhava, the native will be versed in arts, will enjoy pleasures, be
strong-bodied and be learned in all Shastras.

6. If Paridhi is in Labh Bhava, the native will enjoy pleasures through women, be virtuous,
intelligent, dear to his people and will suffer disorders of digestive fire.

37. If Paridhi is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will always be a spendthrift, be miserable, firm
and will dishonour elders.

38. Effects of Chap (Indr Dhanus, or Kodanda, up to Sloka 49). If Chap is in Tanu Bhava, the
native will be endowed with wealth, grains and gold, be grateful, agreeable and devoid of all

39. If Chap is in Dhan Bhava, the native will speak affably, be very rich, modest, learned,
charming and religious.

40. If Chap is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be a miser, be versed in many arts, will indulge
in thieving, be devoid of some limb and be unfriendly.

41. If Chap is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be happy, endowed with quadrupeds, wealth,
grains etc., be honoured by the king and be devoid of sickness.

42. If Chap is in Putr Bhava, the native will be splendourous, far-sighted, pious, affable and
will acquire prosperity in all his undertakings.

43. If Chap is in Ari Bhava, the native will destroy his enemies, be happy, affectionate, pure
and will achieve plentifulness in all his undertakings.

44. If Chap is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be wealthy, endowed with all virtues, learned
in Shastras, religious and agreeable.

45. If Chap is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be interested in others' [213] jobs, be cruel,
interested in others' wives and have a defective limb.

46. If Chap is in Dharm Bhava, the native will perform penance, will take to religious
observations, be highly learned and be famous among men.

47. If Chap is in Karm Bhava, the native will be endowed with many sons, abundant wealth,
cows, buffaloes etc. and will be famous among men.

48. If Chap is in Labh Bhava, the native will gain many treasures, will be free from diseases,
very fiery in disposition, affectionate to his wife and will have knowledge of Mantras and

49. If Chap is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be wicked, very honourable, evil in disposition,
shameless, will go to other's females and be ever poor.

50. Effects of Dhwaj (Sikhi, or UpaKetu) in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 61). If Dhwaj is in
Tanu Bhava, the native will be skilful in all branches of learning, be happy, efficient in
speech, agreeable and be very affectionate.

51. If Dhwaj is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be a good and affable speaker, be
splendourous, will write poetry, be scholarly, honourable, modest and endowed with

52. If Dhwaj is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be miserly, cruel acts, thin-bodied, poor and
will incur severe diseases.

53. If Dhwaj is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be charming, very virtuous, gentle, interested
in Vedic Knowledge and be always happy.

54. If Dhwaj is in Putr Bhava, the native will be happy, will enjoy pleasures, be versed in arts,
skilled in expedients, intelligent, eloquent and will respect elders.

55. If Dhwaj is in Ari Bhava, the native will be ominous for material relatives, will win over
his enemies, be endowed with many relatives, valiant, splendourous and skilful.

56. If Dhwaj is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be interested in gambling, be sensuous, will
enjoy pleasures and will befriend prostitutes.

57. If Dhwaj is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be interested in base acts, be sinful,
shameless, will blame others, will lack in marital happiness and will take other's side.

58. If Dhwaj is in Dharm Bhava, the native will wear badges, be delighted, helpfully disposed
to all and he will be skilled in religious deeds.

59. O Brahmin, if Dhwaj is in Karm Bhava, the native will be endowed with happiness and
fortunes, be fond of females, be charitable and will befriend Brahmins.

60. If Dhwaj is in Labh Bhava, the native will ever acquire gains, be very religious,
honourable, affluent, fortunate, valiant and skilled in sacrificial rites.

61. If Dhwaj is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be interested in sinful acts, be valiant,
untrustworthy, unkind, interested in others' females and be short-tempered.

62. Effects of Gulik in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka 73). If Gulik is in Tanu Bhava, the native
will be afflicted by diseases, be lustful, sinful, crafty, wicked and very miserable.

63. If Gulik is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be unsightly in appearance, miserable, mean,
given to vices, shameless and penniless.

64. If Gulik is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be charming in appearance, will head a village,
be fond of virtuous men and be honoured by the king.

65. If Gulik is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be sickly, devoid of happiness, sinful and
afflicted due to windy and billious excesses.

66. If Gulik is in Putr Bhava, the native will not be praise-worthy, be poor, short-lived,
spiteful, mean, be a eunuch, be subdued by his wife and be a heterodox.

67. If Gulik is in Ari Bhava, the native will be devoid of enemies, be strong-bodied,
splendourous, liked by his wife, enthusiastic, very friendly and helpful in disposition.

68. If Gulik is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will subdue to his spouse, be sinful, will go to
others' females, be emaciated, devoid of friendship and will live on his wife's wealth.

69. If Gulik is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be troubled by hunger, be miserable, cruel,
very much short-tempered, very unkind, poor and bereft of good qualities.

70. If Gulik is in Dharm Bhava, the native will undergo many ordeals, be emaciated, will
perform evil acts, be very unkind, sluggish and be a talebearer.

71. If Gulik is in Karm Bhava, the native will be endowed with sons, be happy, will enjoy
many things, be fond of worshipping gods and fire and will practice meditation and religion.

72. If Gulik is in Labh Bhava, the native will enjoy women of class, be a leader of men, be
helpful to his relatives, be short stature and be an emperor.

73. If Gulik is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will indulge in base deeds, be sinful, defective-
limbed, unfortunate, indolent and will join mean people.

74. Effects of Pranapad's Position with reference to Lagn and in Various Bhavas (up to Sloka
85). If Pranapad is in Tanu Bhava, the native will be weak, sickly, dumb, lunatic, dull witted,
defective-limbed, miserable and emaciated.

75. If Pranapad is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be endowed with abundant grains, abundant
wealth, abundant attendants, abundant children and be fortunate.

76. If Pranapad is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be injurious (or mischievous), proud, hard-
hearted, very dirty and be devoid of respect for elders.

77. If Pranapad is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be happy, friendly, attached to females
and elders, soft and truthful.

78. If Pranapad is in Putr Bhava, the native will be happy, will do good acts, be kind and very

79. If Pranapad is in Ari Bhava, the native will be subdued by his relatives and enemies, be
sharp, will have defective digestive fire, be wicked, sickly, affluent and short-lived.

80. If Pranapad is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be green-eyed, ever libidinous, fierce in
appearance, be not worth respect and be ill-disposed.

81. If Pranapad is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be afflicted by diseases, be troubled and
will incur misery on account of the king, relatives, servants and sons.

82. If Pranapad is in Dharm Bhava, the native will be endowed with sons, be very rich,
fortunate, charming, will serve others and be not wicked, but be skilful.

83. If Pranapad is in Karm Bhava, the native will be heroic, intelligent, skilful, be an expert in
carrying out royal orders and will worship gods.

84 If Pranapad is in Labh Bhava, the native will be famous, virtuous, learned, wealthy, fair-
complexioned and attached to mother.

85. If Pranapad is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be mean, wicked, defective-limbed, will
hate Brahmins and relatives and suffer from eye diseases, or be one-eyed.

86-87. O Brahmin, these are the effects for Dhum etc. Before declaring these results, the
effects of Surya and other Grahas should be wisely conceived by their positions, relations and
Drishtis apart from their strength, or weakness.
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Ch. 26. Evaluation of Drishtis of Grahas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 26. Evaluation of Drishtis of Grahas

I. O Glorious, it is said, that Drishtis (of Grahas) and their strengths are to be known in
deciding the effects. How many kinds are these? Please clarify doubts.

2-5. Drishtis of the Grahas. O Brahmin, I have earlier stated Drishtis, based on Rasis. The
other kind is between Grahas, which I detail below. 3 rd and 10 th , 5 th and 9 th , 4 th and 8 th and
lastly 7 th . On these places the Drishtis increase gradually in slabs of quarters, i.e Vi, Vi, 3 A and
full. The effects will also be proportionate. All Grahas give a Drishti to the 7 th fully. Sani,
Guru and Mangal have special Drishtis, respectively, on the 3 rd and the 10 th , the 5 th and the 9 th
and the 4 th and the 8 th . The ancient preceptors have explained these, which ordinary. By subtle
mathematical calculations these Drishtis will have to be clearly understood, as under.

6-8. Evaluation of the Drishtis of the Grahas. Deduct the longitude of the Grah (or Bhava),
that receives a Drishti, from that of the Grah, which gives the Drishti. If the sum exceeds six
Rasis, deduct the sum again from 10 Rasis. Convert the latter sum into degrees and divide by
two. The resultant product is Drishti Kona (or aspectual angle). If the difference is in excess
of 5 Rasis, ignore the Rasis and multiply the degrees etc. by 2, which is the value of the
Drishti. If the difference is in excess of 4 Rasis, deduct it from 5 Rasis, and the resultant
degees etc. become the Drishti value. If the difference is in excess of 3 Rasis, deduct it from 4
Rasis and (increase 30 by) halve the product to get the Drishti value. If the difference is above
2 Rasis, ignore the Rasis and add 15 to the degrees etc. to get the Drishti value. If it is in
excess of one Rasi, ignore the Rasis and divide the degrees by 2 to get the Drishti value.

9-10. Special consideration for Sani's Drishtis. O Brahmin, if Sani is the Grah, that gives a
Drishti, find out the difference between him and the Grah, that receives the Drishti; if the sum
is above 1 Rasi, multiply the degrees etc. by 2 to get the Drishti value. If the sum is above
nine Rasis, the degrees to elapse be doubled to get the Drishti value. If the sum is above 2
Rasis, the degrees etc. be halved and deducted from 60. If the sum exceeds 8 Rasis, add to the
degrees etc. a figure of 30 to get the Drishti value. In other cases, the sums be processed, as
explained earlier.

II. Special consideration for Mangal's Drishtis. Deduct the longitude of Mangal from that of
the Grah, that receives the Drishti. If the sum is 3 Rasis & c, or 7 Rasis & c, the degrees etc.
be reduced from 60. If it is above 2 Rasis, the degrees etc. be increased by half of it and
superadd 15. If the sum is 6 Rasis, one Rup is the value.

12. Special consideration for Guru's Drishtis. Deduct the longitude of Guru from that of the
Grah, that receives the Drishti from Guru. If the resultant sum is 3 Rasis & c, or 7 Rasis & c,
halve the degrees etc. and increase it by 15. It the sum is 4 Rasis & c, or 8 Rasis & c, the
degrees etc. be subtracted from 60. This will be the Drishti value. The sum, being in
conformity with others than these, be treated, as stated earlier.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Ch. 27. Evaluation Of Strengths

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 27. Evaluation Of Strengths

Shad Bal consists of the following: Sthan Bal (positional), Dig Bal (directional), Kaal Bal
(Temporal), inclusive of Ayan Bal (equinoctial), Chesht Bal (motional), Naisargika Bal
(natural), Drik Bal (aspectual). These strengths are computed for the seven Grahas from Surya
to Sani. The nodes are not considered.

Sthan Bal comprises of the following considerations: Uchch Bal (exaltation), Sapt Vargaj Bal
(strength accruing out of positions in Rasi, Hora, Dreshkan, Saptahs, Navahs, Dvadashahs and
Trimshans), OjhayugmaRasians Bal (acquired by placement in odd, or even Rasi and in odd,
or even Navans), Kendradi Bal (due to placement in Kon, or Panaphara, or Apoklima Bhava),
Dreshkan Bal (due to placement in first, second, or third decanate of a Rasi).

Kaal Bal comprises of the following subdivisions: Nathonnata Bal (diurnal and nocturnal),
Paksh Bal (fortnight), Tribhag Bal (due to day/night being made in 3 parts), Varsh, Maas,
Dina and Hora Bal (Varsh - astrological year, Maas - month, Dina - weekday and Hora -
planetary hour), Ayan Bal (equinoctial), Yudhdh Bal (due to partaking in war between

I-IV2. Sthan Bal (up to Sloka 6). Firstly Uchch Bal. Now about the strengths by classes
positional, temporal etc. Deduct from the longitude of the Grah its (deep) debilitation point. If
the sum is less than 6 Rasis, consider it, as it is; if it exceeds 6 Rasis, deduct the same from 12
Rasis. The sum so got be converted into degrees etc. and divided by 3, which is the Grah's
Uchch Bal in Virupas.

2-4. Sapt Vargaj Bal. If a Grah is in its Mooltrikon Rasi, it gets 45 Virupas, in Svasth Rasi 30
Virupas, in Pramudit Rasi 20 Virupas, in Shant Rasi 15 Virupas, in Din Rasi 10 Virupas, in
Duhkhit Rasi 4 Virupas and in Khal Rasi 2 Virupas. Similarly these values occur for the other
6 divisional occupations, viz. Hora, Dreshkan, Saptahs, Navans, Dvadashahs and Trimshans.
When all these are added together the Grah's Sapt Vargaj Bal emerges.

4V4. OjhayugmaRasians Bal. Each of Sukr and Candr in even Rasis and others in odd Rasis
acquire a quarter of Rupa. These are applicable to such Navahsas also.

5. Kendradi Bal. A Grah in a Kon gets full strength, while one in Panaphara Bhava gets half
and the one in Apoklima Bhava gets a quarter, as Kendradi Bal.

6. Dreshkan Bal. Male, female and hermaphrodite Grahas, respectively, get a quarter Rupa
according to placements in the first, second and third decanates.

I-IV2. Dig Bal. Deduct Bandhu Bhava (Nadir) from the longitudes of Surya and Mangal,
Yuvati Bhava from that of Guru and Budh, Karm Bhava from that of Sukr and Candr and
lastly Lagn from that of Sani. If the sum is above 180 degrees, deduct the sum from 360. The
sum arrived in either way be divided by 3, which will be Dig Bal of the Grah.

8-9. Kaal Bal (up to Sloka 17). Firstly Nathonnata Bal. Find out the difference between
midnight and the apparent birth time, which is called Unnata. Deduct Unnata from 30 Ghatis
to obtain Nata. Double the Nata in Ghatis, which will indicate identical Nata Bal for Candr,
Mangal and Sani. Deduct the Nata from 60 to know the Unnata Bal of Surya, Guru and Sukr.
Budh, irrespective of day and night, gets full Nathonnata Bal.

10-11. Paksh Bal. Deduct from Candr's longitude that of Surya. If the sum exceeds 6 Rasis,
deduct the same from 12. The product so obtained be converted into degrees etc. and divided
by 3, which will indicate the Paksh Bal of each of the benefic Grahas. The Paksh Bal of
benefic should be deducted from 60, which will go to each malefic, as Paksh Bal.

12. Tribagh Bal. One Rupa is obtained by Budh in the first 1/3 part of day time, by Surya in
the second 1/3 part of the day and by Sani in the last 1/3 part of the day. Similarly Candr,

Sukr and Mangal get full Bal in the first, second and last 1/3 parts of the night. Guru gets this
Bal at all times.

13. Varsh-Maas-Dina-Hora Bal. 15, 30, 45 and 60 Virupas are in order given to Varsh Lord,
Maas Lord, Dina Lord and Hora Lord. Naisargika Bal has already been explained.

The Varsh Lord is the Lord of the day, on which the astrological year of birth starts. To
calculate this we first need the number of days, past from the beginning of Creation, the
Ahargan. According to late Rev. Ebenezer Burgess, who translated Surya Siddhanta in
English, as on January 1, 1860, the number of days, past from the beginning of Creation are
714,404,108,573. Divide the number of days, past from the day of Creation till the day of
birth, by 60. Reject remainder and multiply the quotient by 3. Increase the post-multiplied
product by 1 and divide by 7. The remainder will indicate the week day, on which the
astrological year, giving birth to the native, opened. Remainder 1 indicates Sunday, 2 Monday
and so on.

Maas Lord. Divide the same Ahargan by 30 and the quotient indicates months, passed from
Creation to birth. The completed months be multiplied by 2 and increased by 1. The latter
sum should be divided by 7 and the remainder indicates, on which day the birth month began.
Continuing with the same case, we divide 65295 by 30. Quotient is 2176. This sum multiplied
by 2 and increased by 1 denotes 4353. Dividing 4353 by 7, we get a remainder of 6, denoting
Friday. That is, the month of birth began on Friday and the Maas Bal goes to Sukr, the Lord
of Friday.

Dina Lord. Though the week day of birth can be known from ephemeris, or perpetual
calendars, we better adopt the method prescribed, which will confirm, if the Ahargan
followed is correct. The number of days, as arrived above, indicating Ahargan, be divided by
7 and the remainder will indicate the week day of birth.

Hora Bal. Hora means planetary hour. Each day from sunrise to sunrise is divided into 24
equal parts of one hour. These Horas are ruled by the 7 Grahas from Surya to Sani. The first
Hora of the day is ruled by the Lord of the week day. The 2 nd one is ruled by the Lord of the
6 th week day, counted from the first ruler. The 3 rd Hora is ruled by the Lord of the 6 th week
day, counted from the 2 nd Hora Lord. Similarly it proceeds in the same manner, till the first
Hora of the next day is taken over by the Lord of that day himself. Whichever Grah rules the
birth Hora, gets the Hora Bal. Horas are to be calculated for mean local time and not standard
time of births.

14. Naisargika Bal. Divide one Rupa by 7 and multiply the resultant product by 1 to 7
separately, which will indicate the Naisargika Bal, due to Sani, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Sukr,
Candr and Surya, respectively.

15-17. Ayan Bal. 45, 33 and 12 are the Khandas for calculating Ayan Bal. Add Ayanahs to
the Grah and find out the Bhuja (distance from the nearest equinox). Add the figure,
corresponding to the Rasi (of the Bhuja) to the Bhuja. The degrees etc. of the Bhuja should be
multiplied by the figure, corresponding to the highest of the left out Khandas and divided by
30. Add the resultant product to the sum, obtained earlier. Convert this to Rasi, degrees,
minutes and seconds. If Candr and Sani are in Tula, or ahead, add to this 3 Rasis and, if in
Mesh to Kanya, reduce from this 3 Rasis. Similarly it is reverse for Surya, Mangal, Sukr and

Guru. For Budh 3 Rasis are always additive. The resultant sum in Rasi, degrees and minutes
be divided by 3 to get the Ayan Bal in Rupas.

Notes. Ayan Bal can be found out on the following simple formula: Ayan Bal = 60*(23°27' +
Kranti)/(46°54') = (23°27'± Kranti)* 1.2793.

The following points have to be remembered in respect of Krantis. When Candr, or Sani have
southern Kranti, or, when Surya, Mangal, Guru, or Sukr have northern Kranti, take plus. In a
contrary situation in respect of these 6 Grahas, take minus. As far as Budh is concerned, it is
always plus. Krantis (or declinations) can be ascertained from a standard modern ephemeris.

Surya' s Ayan Bal is again multiplied by 2 whereas for others the product arrived in Virupas is
considered, as it is.

18. Motional Strength for Surya and Candr. Surya' s Chesht Bal will correspond to his Ayan
Bal. Candr's Paksh Bal will itself be her Chesht Bal.

19. Drik Bal. Reduce one fourth of the Drishti Pinda, if a Grah receives malefic Drishtis and
add a fourth, if it receives a Drishti from a benefic. Super add the entire Drishti of Budh and
Guru to get the net strength of a Grah.

20. War Between Grahas. Should there be a war between the starry Grahas, the difference
between the Shad Balas of the two should be added to the victor's Shad Bal and deducted
from the Shad Bal of the vanquished.

21-23. Motions of Grahas (Mangal to Sani). Eight kinds of motions are attributed to Grahas.
These are Vakr (retrogression), Anuvakr (entering the previous Rasi in retrograde motion),
Vikal (devoid of motion), Mand (somewhat slower motion than usual), Mandatar (slower than
the previous), Sama (somewhat increasing in motion), Char (faster than Sama) and Atichar
(entering next Rasi in accelerated motion). The strengths, allotted due to such 8 motions are
60, 30, 15, 30, 15, 7.5, 45 and 30.

24-25. Motional Strength for Mangal etc. Add together the mean and true longitudes of a
Grah and divide the one by two. Reduce this sum from the Seeghroch (or apogee) of the Grah.
The resultant product will indicate the Chesht Kendra (or Seeghr Kendra) of the Grah from 12
Rasis. The Rasi, degrees and minutes so arrived should be converted into degrees, minutes
etc. and divided by 3, which will denote the motional strength of the Grah. Thus there are six
sources of strength, called Sthan Bal, Dig Bal, Kaal Bal, Drik Bal, Chesht Bal and Naisargika

26-29. Bhava Balas. Thus I explained about the strengths of the Grahas. Deduct Yuvati Bhava
from the Bhava, if the Bhava happens to be in Kanya, Mithun, Tula, Kumbh, or the first half
ofDhanu. If Mesh, Vrishabh, Simh, or first half of Makar, or the second half of Dhanu
happen to be the Bhava, deduct Bandhu Bhava from it. Should the Bhava be in Kark, or in
Vrischik, deduct from it Lagn. Deduct Karm Bhava from the Bhava, happening to fall in
Makar second half, or Meen. Convert the product so obtained into degrees etc. and divide by
3 to get Bhava Bal. If the balance in the process of deducting Nadir, Meridian, Lagn, or
Yuvati exceeds 6 Rasis, deduct it again from 12 Rasis, before converting into degrees and
dividing by 3. The product after division should be increased by one fourth, if the Bhava in
question receives a benefic Drishti. If the Bhava receives a malefic Drishti, one fourth should
be reduced. If Gum, or Budh give a Drishti to a Bhava, add that Grah's Drik Bal also. And
then superadd the strength, acquired by the Lord of that Bhava. This will be the net Bhava

30-31. Special Rules. The Bhavas, occupied by Guru and Budh will each get an addition of 1
Rupa, while each of the Bhavas, occupied by Sani, Mangal and Surya, suffer 1 Rupa
reduction. 15 Virupas will have to be added to the Bhavas, falling in Seershodaya Rasis, if
birth happens to be in day time, to the Bhavas, falling in Dual Rasis, if birth happens to be in
twilight and to the Bhavas, falling in Prishtodaya Rasis, if birth be in night time.

32-33. Shad Bal Requirements. 390, 360, 300, 420, 390, 330 and 300 Virupas are the Shad
Bal Pindas, needed for Surya etc. to be considered strong. If the strength exceeds the above-
mentioned values, the Grah is deemed to be very strong. If a Grah has the required Shad Bal,
it will prove favourable to the native by virtue of its strength. However, Sani's extreme
strength will give long life as well as miseries.

34-36. Guru, Budh and Surya are strong, if each of their Sthan Bal, Dig Bal, Kaal Bal, Chesht
Bal and Ayan Bal are, respectively, 165, 35, 50, 1 12 and 30 Virupas. The same required for
Candr and Sukr are 133, 50, 30, 100 and 40. For Mangal and Sani these are 96, 30, 40, 67 and 20.

37-38. Bhava Effects. O Brahmin, thus the various sources of strengths be gathered together
and effects declared. Whatever Yogas, or effects have been stated with respect to a Bhava,
will come to pass through the strongest Grah.

39-40. Eligibility of Issue Fruitful Predictions. O Maitreya, the words of one, who has
achieved skill in mathematics, one, who has put in industrious efforts in the branch of
grammar, one, who has knowledge of justice, one, who is intelligent, one, who has knowledge
of geography, space and time, one, who has conquered his senses, one, who is skilfully logical
(in estimation) and one, who is favourable to Jyotish, will doubtless be truthful.
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Ch. 28. Isht and Kasht Balas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 28. Isht and Kasht Balas

1. Now I narrate the benefic and malefic tendencies of the Grahas, based on which the Dasha
effects can be decided.

2. Exaltation Rays. Deduct the Grah's debilitation point from its actual position. If the sum
exceeds 6 Rasis, deduct from 12 Rasis. The said sum should then be increased by 1 Rasi. The
degrees etc. be multiplied by 2, which, when considered along with Rasis, will indicate the
Uchch Rasmi of the Grah.

3-4. Chesht Rasmi. Chesht Rasmis are to be calculated from Chesht Kendr similar to Uchch
Rasmi computations. The Chesht Kendras of Grahas from Mangal to Sani have already been
explained. Add 3 Rasis to Sayan Surya (i.e. with Ayanahs), which will be the Chesht Kendr
for Surya. The sidereal longitude of Surya should be deducted from Candr to get Candr' s
Chesht Kendr. If the Chesht Kendr (for any Grah) is in excess of 6 Rasis, deduct it from 12
Rasis. Add 1 Rasi and multiply the degrees etc. by 2, which will indicate the Chesht Rasmi of
the Grah.

5. Benefic and Malefic Rays. Add the Uchch Rasmis and Chesht Rasmis together and divide
by two. The result will be auspicious rays (Subh Rasmis). Deduct from 8 the Subh Rasmis to
obtain inauspicious rays (Asubh Rasmis).

6. Isht and Kasht Tendencies. Reduce 1 from each of Chesht Rasmi and Uchch Rasmi. Then
multiply the products by 10 and add together. Half of the sum will represent the Isht Phala
(benefic tendency) of the Grah. Reduce Isht Phala from 60 to obtain the Grah's Kasht Phala
(malefic tendency).

7-9. Isht and Kasht and Sapt Varg Phal. 60, 45, 30, 22, 15, 8, 4, 2 and are the Subhankas
(Subha Griha Pankthis, benefic points), due to a Grah's placement, respectively, in exaltation,
Mooltrikon, own, great friend's, friend's, neutral, enemy's, great enemy's and debilitation
Rasi. If Subhanka is deducted from 60, Asubhanka (Asubh Pankthi, inauspicious points) will
emerge. O Brahmin, in other Vargas these are halved.

10. A Grah is considered auspicious in the first five of the said places. In the sixth place it is
neutral, i.e. neither good nor bad. And in the other three places it is inauspicious.

1 1-12. Nature of Effects, due to Dig Bal etc. The directional strength of a Grah is itself
representative of the effects, due to the direction; and Kaal Bal itself is indicative of effects,
due to the day. Whatever quantum of Dig Bal etc. are obtained by a Grah, will be the extent of
auspicious effects, acquirable on account of that strength. Deducting those figures from 60,
the extent of inauspiciousness is known. If auspiciousness is more in the case of a Grah's
strength, the Dasha and Bhavas, related to that Grah will be auspicious. These are converse, if
inauspiciousness is predominant.

13-14. Sapt Varg Phal and Isht and Kasht (Continued). The various strengths (i.e. the other 6
Vargas) be multiplied by the respective Grah's Shad Bal Pinda, which will indicate the
auspiciousness of the Varg concerned. Auspicious, or inauspicious aspect will be by
multiplying the Subh, or Asubh Pankthi. Similarly auspicious, or inauspicious effects will be
known by multiplying the auspicious, or inauspicious strength by the respective Pankthi.

1 5-20. Effects of a Bhava. The strength of a Bhava and its Lord have already been explained.
The actual effects will be a combination of Bhava strength and its Lord's strength. If there is a
benefic in the Bhava add the same to the auspicious effects and deduct from inauspicious
effects, which will denote the inauspicious effects. If a malefic is in the Bhava, reverse the
process, i.e. add inauspicious effects and deduct auspicious effects. Similarly Drishtis and
Balas. If a Grah is exalted, or with such a dignity, add auspicious effects and reduce
inauspicious effects. For debilitation etc. it is converse. In Ashtak Varg add Bindus
(auspicious points) and deduct Karanas (inauspicious points). If a Bhava extends to two Rasis,
the rectification will be done, as per both the Lords. In that case, whichever Rasi has more
Bindus, that Rasi will yield more favourable results, concerning that Bhava. If both the Rasis
have more auspicious Bindus, take the average. Thus the auspicious and inauspicious effects
of a Bhava be understood.
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Ch. 29. Bhava Padas

Post by StarLore »

Ch. 29. Bhava Padas

1-3. Method of Bhava Calculation. O Brahmin, I shall now tell you about the Padas (Arudhas)
for Bhavas and Grahas as well, as laid down by the earlier Maharishis. The Pad of Lagn will
correspond to the Rasi, arrived at by counting so many Rasis from Lagn's Lord, as he is away
from Tanu Bhava. Similarly Padas for other Bhavas be known through their Lords. The word
"Pad" exclusively denotes the Pad for Lagn.

Names of the 12 Arudhas are Lagn Pad - Arudh of Tanu Bhava, Dhan of Dhan, Vikram
(Bhratru) of Sahaj, Matru (Sukh) of Bandhu, Mantra (Putr) of Putr, Rog (Satin) of Ari, Dar
(Kalatr) of Yuvati, Maran of Randhr, Pitru of Dharm Bhava, Karm of Karm, Labh of Labh,
Vyaya of Vyaya.

4-5. Special Exceptions. The same Bhava, or the 7 th from it does not become its Pad. When
the Pad falls in the same Bhava, the 10 th therefrom be treated, as its Pad. Similarly, when the
7 th becomes the Pad of a Bhava, the 4 th from the original Bhava in question be treated, as its
Pad. If the ruler of a Bhava be in the 4 th from the Bhava, then the very Bhava occupied be
noted, as the Pad.

6-7. Padas for Grahas. Note the position of a Grah and see how many Rasis away is its own
Rasi with reference to its position. Count so many Rasis from the said own Rasi and the
resultant Rasi will become the Arudh of the Grah. If a Grah owns two Rasis, or, if a Rasi is
owned by two Grahas; consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly.

8-11. Pad and Finance (up to Sloka 1 5). O Brahmin, I now tell you of some effects of Grahas,
based on Pad. If the 1 1 th from Lagn Pad is occupied, or receives a Drishti from a Grah the
native will be happy and rich; wealth will come through various means, if a benefic is related,
as above. A malefic will confer wealth through questionable means. If there be both a benefic
and a malefic, it will be through both means. If the Grah in question be in exaltation, or in
own Rasi etc., there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness.

12. O excellent of the Brahmins, if the 12 th from Lagn Pad does not receive a Drishti, as the
1 1 th from Lagn Pad receives a Drishti from a Grah, then the gains will be uninterrupted.

13-15. O Brahmin, the quantum of gains will correspond to the number of Grahas in, or
giving a Drishti to the 1 1 th from Lagn Pad. If there is Argala for the said 1 1 th , there will be
more gains, while a benefic Argala will bring still more gains. If the said benefic, causing
Argala is in his exaltation Rasi, the gains will be still higher. If the said 1 1 th receives a Drishti
from a benefic from Lagn, the 9 th etc., gains will increase in the ascending order. In all these
cases, the 12 th from Pad should simultaneously be free from malefic association. A benefic,
placed in Lagn, giving a Drishti to the 1 1 th from Arudh Lagn will be still beneficial. If the
Drishti is from the 9 X from Lagn, it will confer much more gains.

16-17. Pad and Financial Losses (up to Sloka 21). If the 12 th from Lagn Pad receives a Drishti
from, or is yuti with both benefics and malefics, there will be abundant earnings, but plenty of
expenses. The benefic will cause through fair means, malefic through unfair means and mixed
Grahas through both fair and unfair means.

18. If the 12 th from Lagn Pad is conjunct Surya, Sukr and Rahu, there will be loss of wealth
through the king. Candr, giving a Drishti to (the said trio in the said Bhava), will specifically
cause more such losses.

19. If Budh is in the 12 th from Lagn Pad and is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic,
similarly there will be expenses through paternal relatives. A malefic so related to the said
Budh will cause loss of wealth through disputes.

20. O Brahmin, if Guru is in the 12* from Lagn Pad, receiving a Drishti from others, the
expenses will be through taxes and on the person himself.

21. O Brahmin, if Sani is in the 12 th from Lagn Pad along with Mangal and receives a Drishti
from others, the expenses will be through one's co-born.

22. Gainful Sources. Whatever sources of expenses are indicated above with reference to the
12 th from Lagn Pad, gains through similar sources will occur, if Labh Bhava so features with
reference to Lagn Pad.

23. The 7 th Bhava from Pad (up to Sloka 27). If Rahu, or Ketu is placed in the 7 th from Lagn
Pad, the native will be troubled by disorders of the stomach, or by fire.

24. Should there be Ketu in the 7 th from Lagn Pad, receiving a Drishti from, or being yuti with
another malefic, the native will be adventurous, will have (prematurely) grey hair and a big
male organ.

25. Should one, two, or all three of Guru, Sukr and Candr be in the 7 th from Lagn Pad, the
native will be very wealthy.

26. Whether a benefic, or a malefic, if be exalted in the 7 th from Lagn Pad, the native will be
affluent and be famous.

27. O Brahmin, these Yogas, as narrated by me with reference to the 7 th from Lagn Pad,
should also be considered from the 2 nd of Lagn Pad.

28. Anyone of Budh, Guru and Sukr being exalted in the 2 nd from Lagn Pad and being with
strength will make the subject rich.

29. The Yogas so far stated by me with reference to Lagn Pad be similarly evaluated from
Karakahs as well.

30-37. General. If Budh is in the 2 n from Arudh Lagn, the native will Lord over the whole
country. Sukr in the 2 nd from Lagn Pad will make one a poet, or a speaker. If the Dar Pad falls
in an angle, or in a trine, counted from Lagn Pad, or, if Lagn Pad and Dar Pad both have
strong Grahas, the native will be rich and be famous in his country. If the Dar Pad falls in the
6 th / 8 th /12 th from Lagn Pad, then the native will be poor. If Lagn Pad and the 7 th therefrom, or
an angle, a trine, an Upachaya therefrom is occupied by a strong Grah, there will be happiness
between the husband and wife. If Lagn Pad and Dar Pad are mutually in Kendras, or Konas,
there will be amity between the couple. If these be in mutually 6 th /8 th /12 th , doubtlessly mutual
enmity will crop up. O Brahmin, similarly mutual relationship, or gain, or loss through son
etc. be known, based on Lagn Pad and the relative Bhava Pad. If Lagn Pad and Dar Pad are
mutually angular, or 3 rd and 1 1 th , or in Konas, the native will be a king, ruling the earth.
Similar deductions be made with reference to mutual positions of Lagn Pad and Dhan Pad.
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