Shakata Yoga

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Shakata Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Shakata Yoga

Shakata yoga is one of the most inauspicious Yoga in the birth chart. This happens when the planet Moon and Jupiter places 6th, 8th and 12th house from each other. The Shakata yoga is said to be harmful Yoga in the birth chart.

However, it is not always harmful. The Dosha gets cancelled when the planet Jupiter is posited in the Kendras i.e 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house.

If the planet Moon is in Cancer and Jupiter is in Sagittarius, it will create Shakata yoga. However, it will affect not the native’s life.

Results of the Shakata yoga are as follows

You will face many ups and downs in life like wheel.
The existing wealth will get lost all on a sudden.
Confusion and inattention in everything
The native do not keep the track of expenses
The native becomes unpopular among friends.
Astrologers are of opinion that some loss everything but regain it again.
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