Shrapit Dosh

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Shrapit Dosh

Post by StarLore »

Shrapit Dosh

Shrapit Dosh is the birth chart is another killer. This nefarious Yoga of Saturn and Rahu can confine your life.

You might have a very good family background; you will not have success and achievement in life. It restricts the life to a great extent.

The shrapit dosh do happen when the planet Saturn and Rahu conjoins together in any house in the birth chart.

Some of the results due to Shrapit Yoga given here.

Problem in pursuing education
Uncontrollable financial crisis
Frequent health issues of the kids at home
Miscarriage and childlessness
Marital discord between husband and wife
Sluggishness, slowness and loss of business
Domestic unhappiness
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