Kalpadruma Yoga

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Kalpadruma Yoga

Post by StarLore »

https://www.omastrology.com/indian-vedi ... drum-yoga/

Kalpadruma Yoga

Understanding Kalpadruma Yoga in Vedic Astrology
This is also called as parijata yoga.

When the dispsitor of the lord of the 1st house and dispositor of the Navmasa lord both are in exaltation either in 1st, 4th, 7th or in 10th house or in 1st, 5th or in 9th house then Kalpadrum yoga sets to get formed.

Dispostior means house lord of that planet house which is house lord of the other.

If suppose Jupiter is the dispositor planet of Saturn and Mars is the Navmasa dispositor planet of Moon and Jupiter is placed in Cancer in 1st house and Mars is placed in 7th house in exalted state in Capricorn then:-

- One will have positive outlook for life and will work with dedication and energy.
- One will be mentally stronger.
- One will be luckier.
- One can go in for partnership business.
- One married life will be good.

In this way placement of planets in different houses tends to give different kind of results.

Strength of Kalpadruma yoga
Strength of this yoga lies in the fact that if these planets receive malefic aspect then benefic results will be less visible.

Manifestation of Kalpadruma yoga
As far as fructification of results is concerned, that will be visible particularly when this planets dasa-antardasa comes. Minor effects can also be seen when this planets comes to its natal position in the horoscope.
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Re: Kalpadruma Yoga

Post by StarLore »

https://www.quora.com/What-is-kalpavrik ... strology-1

Kalpavriksha yoga, or also called the Kalpadruma yoga in several texts is a very interesting yoga. Not because of its results because of its constructs. It not only gives an insight into the use of divisional charts, especially navamsha; but it also hints at the proper use of divisions and their construct.

Kalpadruma, in its literal sense would translate to english as “the tree of plenty”. It is one of the rarest yogas in the classical texts and you would rarely find someone with the yoga in their horoscope. Just having the yoga is a mark of a strong horoscope despite afflictions.

Now, the way the yoga forms is that, there are four planet involved.

Lord of the lagna (rule of the sign in which ascendant falls)
Dispositor of Lagna Lord, i.e dispositor of #1 (rule of the sign in which the lagna lord sits)
Dispositor of #2 (ruler of the sign in which the planet as denoted by point no. 2 sits)
Navamsha dispositor of #3 (ruler of the sign in which the planet of no. 3 is placed in navamsha).
For example:

If one is born in Aries ascendant, the lagna lord becomes Mars.

If Mars is placed in Taurus, dispositor of Lagna Lord (#2) becomes Venus.

If Venus is placed in Aquarius, its dispositor (#3) becomes Saturn

If Saturn in placed in Leo in the Navamsha chart or D9 chart, its dispositor (#4) becomes Sun.

Next, any one of the three conditions should be true about them in the Natal chart (D1):

All four of them, (Planets denoted by no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 above) should be in mutual kendra or angles (1–4–7–10) signs from each other
All four of them should be in mutual trines (1–5–9) signs from each other
All four of them should be placed in either their exaltation signs or own signs.
For the above example we took with Mars, Venus, Saturn, Sun:

If Mars is in Taurus, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio, Sun is in Aquarius; the planets come out to be in mutual kendra from each other (all are in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th sign from each other)
If Mars is in Aries, Venus and Sun are in Leo, Saturn is in Sagittarius then they are in mutual trines
If Mars is in Aries (own house), Sun is in Aries (exalted), Venus is in Pisces (exalted), Saturn is in Aquarius( Own house), then rule number 3 satisfies
If any of the three conditions are present; the yoga exists.

The result of the yoga is written as such:

One will be a pious, strong, and merciful king endowed with all kinds of wealth, and fond of war.

What it means is that one will have a good character, good image, leadership level position, good fortune and a dominating or autocratic nature showing arrogance at times.
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