Shubh Kartari Yoga

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Posts: 2272
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Shubh Kartari Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Shubh Kartari Yoga

A Shubh Kartari Yoga forms when naturally benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon occupy the 2nd house and 12th house from Ascendant at the time of birth. There shouldn’t be any malefic influence on Ascendant however. Native lives a very comfortable and peaceful life as a result of this Yoga. Your thoughts remain positive and you surround yourself with a sense of purity. Overall, native enjoys a stress-free life.
Posts: 2272
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: Shubh Kartari Yoga

Post by StarLore »

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