♄ Saturn in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Information about the Saturn in Houses
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♄ Saturn in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Post by StarLore »

♄ Saturn in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Bhrigu Sutras
Saturn in the Twelfth House
Sutras 49-53-If Saturn is in the twelfth house, the native will be sinful and will have affliction in some part of his body. If Saturn is associated with a malefic the native will have defective eye sight. If he is associated with a benefic the native will be happy, will have good eye sight and will go to heaven after death. If he is associated with a malefic the native will go to hell, will incur wasteful expenditure and will be poor.

Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory and need no comments. The 12th is an evil house and if Saturn is there as lord of an auspicious house, the good significations of that house will be adversely affected. However, very beneficial results will accrue if Saturn is in 12th as the lord of 12th, 6th or 8th house as explained in detail in our comments on the effects of Jupiter in the twelfth house in part II Chapter V.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will suffer degradation.Phaldeepika-The native will be shameless, poor, childless and stupid and some part of the body of the native will be deformed.Saravali-The native will be sinful, gossiper, hard hearted, mischievous and humiliated and will incur wasteful expenditure. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be shameless and will have small eyes. He will be happy in foreign travels. If Saturn is in 12th as lord of the ascendant, the native will destroy his enemies.

Note-All the above authorities are agreed that Saturn in the twelfth house does not give any beneficial results.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: ♄ Saturn in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Post by StarLore »

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