♄ Saturn in House XI - Gains & Elder Brother

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♄ Saturn in House XI - Gains & Elder Brother

Post by StarLore »

♄ Saturn in House XI - Gains & Elder Brother

Bhrigu Sutras
Saturn in the Eleventh House
Sutras 46-48-If Saturn is in the eleventh house, the native will be very wealthy but there will be obstacles in his way. He will also be owner of landed property and a favourite of Government. If Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation the native will be learned and enjoy Mahabhagya Yoga (causing prosperity of a very high order) and comforts of all kinds of conveyances.

Comments-All planets whether benefic or malefic prosper in the eleventh house unless they are lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses. Eleventh is an upachaya house and here malefics will fare better than benefics. It is on this account that very beneficial results have been attributed to Saturn in that house.

Very powerful Dhana yogas will result with Saturn in the eleventh in the following circumstances:

(1) When Aries is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the 10th and 11th,
(2) When Taurus is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the 9th and 10th,
(3) When Libra is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the 4th and 5th,
(4) When Sagittarius is the ascendant and Saturn is exalted in the 11th as lord of the 2nd,
(5) When Capricorn is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the ascendant and the 2nd and
(6) When Aquarius is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the ascendant.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be courageous, healthy, wealthy, longlived and will own immovable property. Saravali-Same as Phaldeepika.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be wealthy and courageous.

Note-All the above authorities are in agreement with Bhrigu Sutras that Saturn gives very auspicious results in the eleventh house.
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