♃ Jupiter in House V - Child & Fortune

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♃ Jupiter in House V - Child & Fortune

Post by StarLore »

♃ Jupiter in House V - Child & Fortune

Bhrigu Sutras
Jupiter in the Fifth House
Sutras 24-31-If Jupiter is in the fifth house, the native will be highly intelligent, will have broad eyes, will be a good conversationalist, full of glory, will feed others, love family and in his 18th year become commander of the army by the favour of the king. He will also have a good number of children who will be prosperous. If the lord of the 5th is strong and at the same time in the house of a malefic or his enemy or he is in his sign of debilitation, there will be loss of children or the native will have only one issue. He will be rich but will suffer loss of wealth on account of penalties imposed by the king (Government). If Jupiter is associated with Rahu or Ketu, the native will suffer loss of his children on account of the wrath of Serpent God but this will not happen if Jupiter is aspected by a benefic.

Comments-Effects given in Sutras 25 and 26 are logical and relevant to the significations of Jupiter and the fifth house. It is said that in his 18th year, the native will obtain the position of a commander in the army by the favour of the king. This may be taken to mean that the native will be appointed to a respectable governmental post early in his life.

Sutras 26-29 are confusing. It is difficult to believe that the lord of the 5th will be strong and be at the same time in the house of malefic or in the house of his enemy or be in his sign of debilitation. There seems to be some error in printing of the original text. Shri N. N. Krishna Rao has also translated these Sutras according to the above text. His translation is as under:-

If dispositor happens to be strong, there will be loss of children; but will have minimum one son; and at the same time if it is situated in a malefic, enemy or debilitation sign, there will be expenses or account of king or govt. We interpret the above Sutras as follows: If the lord of the 5th is strong the native will be wealthy. If the lord of 5th is weak by being in a malefic or enemy's house or in his sign of debilitation, the native will suffer loss of children or will have only one son and will be put to loss of wealth on account of penalties imposed by Government. Bad effects will not be there if there is aspect of a benefic on Jupiter. If Jupiter is in his own sign Sagittarious the ascendant will be Leo and he will be lord of 5th in 5th (there will be very little evil effect of his being lord of 8th also). If Jupiter is in Pisces, the ascendant will be Scorpio and he will be in the 5th as lord of 2nd and 5th. If Jupiter is in Cancer (his sign of exaltation), the ascendant will be Pisces, and he will be in 5th as exalted lord of the ascendant and the 10th. These are very powerful and beneficial dispositions and will greatly improve the good effects of Jupiter in the fifth house.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be intelligent.
Phaldeepika-The native will be intelligent and a minister 120 of the king but will be unhappy on account of want of children.
Saravali-The native will be happy, will have a good number of children, will be learned, tolerant, and permanently wealthy.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be fond of luxuries. He will be a good orator and a writer with good imagination. He will sometimes acquire wealth through his children.

Note-Saravali agrees substantially with Bhrigu Sutras. Brihat Jatak makes no mention of the children which is the most important signification of Jupiter and the fifth house. Phaldeepika says that the native will suffer on account of the want of children. It seems to favour the 'Karko Bhava Nashyas' theory. We would commend to the reader the effects given by Bhrigu Sutras which have been supported by Saravali. We give below a horoscope which shows how Jupiter in the 5th has given the native four children in spite of malefic associations-
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Re: ♃ Jupiter in House V - Child & Fortune

Post by StarLore »

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