♀ Venus in House VIII - Life Age & Death

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♀ Venus in House VIII - Life Age & Death

Post by StarLore »

♀ Venus in House VIII - Life Age & Death

Bhrigu Sutras
Venus in the Eighth House
Sutras 45-48-The native will be happy. His mother will suffer from a throat trouble in his fourth year. He will have less than medium span of life and will be sickly. He will have a devoted wife but he will be discontented. If Venus is in the house of a benefic, (or associated with a benefic) the native will enjoy full span of life. If Venus is associated with (or aspected by) a malefic, the native will be short lived.

Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory and need no comments. There is, however, a contradiction-the native will be happy and discontented. Both these cannot go together. As the 8th house is an evil house, the disposition of Venus there will adversely affect the significations of the good house Venus owns.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be base.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, long-lived and owner of lands. Saravali-The native will be long lived and equipped with all kinds of comforts, very wealthy, like a king and happy.
Chamatkar Chintamani-He will enjoy comforts of all kinds of conveyances like horses, elephants etc. He will be long-lived but he will be harsh in speech. He will always remain in debt.

Note-Phaldeepika and Saravali have spoken very highly of the disposition of Venus in the 8th house. We are inclined to agree with their views. 8th house is house of longevity and Venus as a benefic should improve its-signification. Venus is a great benefic (only 2nd to Jupiter) and will aspect the second house (Dhana bhciva) and will therefore make the dative wealthy. As regard longevity we feel that the views of these authorities should prevail over those of Bhrigu Sutras. Even Chamatkar Chintamani is of the view that Venus in the 8th will make the native long lived.
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Re: ♀ Venus in House VIII - Life Age & Death

Post by StarLore »

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