♃ Jupiter in House III - Younger Brother & Courage

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♃ Jupiter in House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Post by StarLore »

♃ Jupiter in House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Bhrigu Sutras
Jupiter in the Third House Sutras 13-18-If Jupiter is in third house, the native will be very miser and there will be a good number of brothers. The native will be very clever and determined. He will forsake his relations and will have travels in his 38th year. If the lord of the 3rd is strong the brothers will be longlived. If the lord of the 3rd is associated with a malefic there will be loss of brothers and the native will be impatient by nature, an idiot and poor.

Comments-The effects given above are quite logical and relevant to the significations of the 3rd house. Jupiter as a natural benefic gives good results unless he is afflicted. Jupiter from the 3rd aspects the seventh, ninth and eleventh houses, thus giving a happy married life to the native and also financial gains.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be stingy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be sinful, will have a malicious nature, and will be miser and humiliated, but his brother will achieve a high position.
Saravali-The native will be humiliated in public, miser, youngest amongst his brothers, dominated by his wife and sinful.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will get happiness from his brothers but he will be ungrateful and will not be friend of any body. Although'he will be fortunate he will not be able to earn as much wealth as he aspires to get.

Note-Almost all are agreed that the native will be miser with Jupiter in the third. We are, however, unable to agree to other evil effects attributed to Jupiter in the 3rd by Phaldeepika and Saravali. These can be realised when Jupiter is afflicted.
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