♂ Mars in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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♂ Mars in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Post by StarLore »

♂ Mars in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Bhrigu Sutras
Mars in the Twelfth House
Sutras 90-91-The native will suffer from want of finance. He will suffer from rheumatic and bilious diseases. If Mars is associated with a malefic the native will have false vanity.

Comments-The 12th house is a house of loss and Mars there will give only bad results as described above. He may give some good results if he is in his own sign. Being in the 12th he will also destory the good significations of the house he owns.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will suffer degradation.
Phaldeepika-The native will be a backbiter, cruel, without wife and mean. He will also suffer from eye troubles.
Saravali-The native will suffer from eye troubles, he will be sinful, mean, killer of his wife, backbiter and cruel, and will be liable to get imprisonment.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be irreligious and a liar. He will have fear from thieves.

Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Mars gives only bad results when he is in the 12th house
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Re: ♂ Mars in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Post by StarLore »

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Re: ♂ Mars in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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Re: ♂ Mars in House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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